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The Trouble With Ray's Entertainment Center Wednesday, August 27, 2003 • read strip Viewing 20 comments:

OK word

Ray brings good fortune not only to himself but to his whole community. First maggots, now this.

Ray has a wheel on his remote? He doesnt channel surf, he channel cruises!

It's not that unusual. Some Sony remotes have then in lieu of FF/Rewind buttons. My family had about 3 Mitsubishi remotes back in the day that had these little circles for your finger to turn a disc at the bottom with. I can't remember what it did, but I think it was, in fact, for channel cruising.

I have one for my old VCR. Not only does the wheel work for moving frame-by-frame, but the spring-loaded collar of the wheel can also be twisted to make it move faster. This is in addition to proper fast forward and rewind buttons.

Wheel remotes are awesome. I wonder if Ray is going to make a rap song called "Trapped in the Dumbwaiter".

For some reason I'd wager that Teodor is the one saying "kill the flashlight"

I can't believe I recognized your icon. I've never even played that game. I've barely even heard of it. But, instantly, I was like, "Toejam and Earl."

Also: I agree that it is probably Teodor, but until I read your comment, I 100% assumed it was Lyle. I have no idea why. My brain is kind of freaking me out today.

I thought it was Lyle too!






Ugh. And thus I was made to be the bitch of both Assetbar and BBcode, simultaneously.

I am the chick that sucks.

probably because roast beef said he was with lyle

Oh man Roast Beef can't do even the simplest of things right.

I love how the alt text totally put my first worry at ease. It's like Onstad is some sort of comic psychic!

I want to enjoy this strip, but that maggot waterfall is going to stay with me a bit longer.

Without a doubt my favorite strip

almost had a dang old heart attack...

Beef is not nearly this technologically inept.

But then, he's the guy who sucks, plus he's got depression.

this seems more like a Ray thing to do

it is borne out of ray's flamboyant and ridiculous buying tendencies coupled with RB's nervousness under pressure I think.

if I had a nickel for every time I had to make almost this exact phone call...