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Return of Showbiz Wednesday, November 9, 2005 • read strip Viewing 90 comments:

this idea paid for my condo

I used a somewhat less savory idea to buy my van.

try what I did. only $10k up front.

I keep waaiting to get far enough away from the strip to use this line and people will chubby me for the 'great reference' or 'lol'. But you always crop up.

Oh well. Some day, I will be famous on Assetbar. Some day...

Saint made a comment, it was so chubbied that I wished I had made it instead of him. I have to get control of this.

(o )carlyle( o)

You don't understand, dusty. Assetbar. Chubbies. Lames. Ten inch cat dicks and when they are and are not considered classy to show them. Achewood. This is my life.

I think it is my calling to be a one-trick pony.

Then keep on keepin' on, man. You're doing a Great Job.

I get it.

Do you? [I]Do you?

Do you?

Suckin' dick?

No but seriously, why do they walk bow-legged?

I want to know too, but I'm definitely not paying $8 to find out.

because they ride horses, people.

A comment left by akarroa was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by riotdejaneiro, snowman, Vondicus, whirledpeas69, jezebel, sid, usversusthem, audry, tessebatt)

...I mean, god DAMN son.

Oh god I can't stop looking at the pikachu-ditto icon

Damn you. I have the same problem now.

Man what kind of horses have you been riding?

rape horses

why would you even think of that

Rectum!?! Damn near killed him!

Because cowboys eat with their hats on.

Nice. Although I would have paid the $8 for it.

The shocking truth!

A comment left by soticoto was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, riotdejaneiro, BPMead, chivalress, atticusonline, ConnorMc, TheSoulBear, mrblank91, Doc_Rostov)

A comment left by soticoto was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, brynito, ifergott, riotdejaneiro, BPMead, chivalress, atticusonline, ConnorMc, TheSoulBear, mrblank91, Doc_Rostov)

Horses do not wear hats.

Thanks for playing, please try again.



That's a very dapper horse.

I'll go one further and call that horse swank.



BB Coddle and Vile?

You've been here too long to have no idea how bbcode works, pal.

The Lorikeet on his hat is whispering "The guy with the camera over there said your mother was a mule".

Totally looks like he's squinting accusingly.

Hmm... I got the impression that he was looking at us as if to say "Yeah, I know I'm the shit".

The Lorikeet is whispering "Today is the day the Godfather wants you to return a favor. You must come in 3rd in the 5th at Belmont today."

I stand corrected.


However, a good cowgirl keeps her calves together...

But a bad cowgirl doesn't.

In response to myself: I read your comment too quickly, and I missed the "good" part. Without that, my comment would have been witty. Instead, I'm just an asshole. Whoops.

Actually no, that's basically a logical thing to say.

Also, there are no good cowgirls.

Also, all cowgirls are sluts.

Our first inklings that Chris Onstad straight up HATES Hunt's ketchup. He thinks guys like Showbiz and Bensington Butters (hicks) eat this kind of ketchup.

I mean, he's RIGHT, he just shouldn't say it out loud.

He should hate Hunts. The ketchup universe begins and ends with H E I N Z. Not that I feel strongly about the subject...

I believe for that comment you deserve 57 chubbies.

Man, try living in a town with a Heinz factory in it.

Every August just smells like vinegar. Grosssss.

I live in a town with an ex-Heinz factory in it.
Now they are luxury lofts.

Good things come to those who wait.

Ok the fact that this is one year later and he has exactly 57 chubbies freaks me the fuck out.

Who added the 58th? Shame on you.

Philippe is not amused.

But... but he looks amused .?

Damn you!




This is the ketchup chain of class:



Red Gold

Somewhere at the bottom is that 'Fancy Ketchup' crap you get on the cheap plastic tables set up outside the rib restaurant that's uncomfortably close to the dumpsters.

i would not eat at such a terrible restaurant, ever.

you could not make me.

Oh man, I forgot about that! Nice call.

alt text: That is the mother of all unmotivated duffel drops

That is Jaime the Science friend's moustache.

Maybe they are amigos!

He best be careful.

joo wonner why? Jaime wonner too!

As I was cleaning my apartment today, I came across a cardboard divider from a case of wine and flipped it around a bit while thinking of this strip.

Anyone in the Bay Area want to go as Showbiz for Halloween? Give me a call.

if they did, why would they need your help?

Well, in case they wanted the divider. For their costume.

Yeah, those things are straight-up hard to come by.

The raised eyebrow in the last panel really sold this one for me.

Somebody actually made this. https://youtube.com/watch?v=rw-Op5sSxSg

Well, it's just a divider thing you would find in a box of bottled drinks.

The "I started this joke and I will finish it for money" business is a venture that promises millions. Just look at Vlad.

Vlad charges less, though, and in this manner will outsell his competition.

ha ha ha ha - "yo amo jesus cristo" LOL

To me, Showbiz is dancing and bobbing as he changes the sign.

check his bad eyebrow, dude!

haha--showbiz is all *flit* taDA!

Man, everyone knows a guy like Showbiz - just mix and match in new hair and country of origin and dumb nickname.

Bumped up to a 5 for the strength of the alt

Flit flit twip flit!
The intensity on his face in the last panel.
Showbiz is a true artist. I would give him my money.

never thought of showbiz as a genius. now i do.

I've been working in a wine shop for over a year now; not ONCE did this idea occur to me.

I know what I'm doing tommorow.

wine shop hi-five! I don't any more but I did for a long time, and made like maybe a million billion of those damn dividers. and never did anything funny with them. : (

I love how indignantly Showbiz flips the sign over in the last panel.

Showbiz, for all his faults, has a good idea.

It is interesting how Showbiz has similar engineering chops to Roast Beef, just pointed in the sort of direction that he'd see a wine divider and make it into a four-sided sign for panhandling.