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Sanryobuki RemoteMed Trio Friday, September 8, 2006 • read strip Viewing 71 comments:

Bravo. I laughed. Out loud. Bravo

The hospital "gowns" are great, just a sheet of paper hanging in front.

A comment left by retardo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by pityparty, straw, Norsef, sirhan_duran, zcross00, karljw, biomusicologist, entropyends, stanshall, daidai, riotdejaneiro, Thorfinn, Hipjiverobot, bobdeedoo, redion, BionicVapourBoy, schadenfreude87, flyterminator, Robot_Satan, siolre, snatch22, zaratustra, whoper, BionicSheep, FirePowa8, thunderbat, bug, Courtland, barfighting, Babachewy, mike24, Tagrineth, NDCaesar, fancypants, Bungdeetle, 762, howl, Sargasm, DougTheHead, atticusonline, heartofoak, mustconcentrate, Lumus, mira, luckypyjamas, Axhoola, lk, shinsengumi14, ketamind, Kensai, RogueCheddar, orrrderup, mugi, Hyetal, choosebro, dzieger, FinnS, cailetshadow, dj_insomniac, TheGreatestCape, Epicurus, Doc_Rostov, AidenS123, yingkaixing, dropkickpikachu, Arcibi, DerSquirrel, Mastronaut, slalvation, Rakadin, j_a_s_e, projectiles, Archon_Divinus, icecube, Pigs)

A comment left by ford was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by wittyname, salvagebar, agentstinky, Audhumla)

A comment left by ford was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by dayvancowboy, kenthegod, salvagebar, agentstinky, GunsOfRay)

It's really a shame, because I read your comment, and thought "oh, that's kind of funny". Then I read the name of the poster, and remembered you were serious.

i love the three sets of legs, and how lyle's are spread further apart. ha.

Oh my God, I just noticed that. Nice!!

It's because Lyle is a stuffed tiger, while Cornelius and Teodor are stuffed bears. Lyle's legs and hips work differently that theirs do. He can splay his legs like a cat, while Teodor and Cornelius have to lift straight up.

Actually, that's a hell of a lot of detail to put into a cartoon strip.

A comment left by scorpio_nadir was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by apocowarg, daidai, Lumus, ConnorMc, spicyponyhead)


Lyle is a stuffed tiger

Please observe photo evidence on the above page.

Somewhere there's a strip describing the two of them as American curls, and their haunts in the gutters or sewers of achewood.
Discrepancy in the matrix.

Nope, sorry.

A comment left by scorpio_nadir was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by apocowarg, daidai, logic)

man, I hate pulling rank? But I know more about achewood than you.

I got the books, the zines, the premium service, the semi-respectable "reading since '04" tag, the incredible ability to annoy most of my friends.

Nobody ever thought Lyle was an American Curl. Even if there's something I'm missing, nobody ever thought Lyle was a house cat, despite an "discrepancy."

I...I was so sure. I testified. I sent a man to prison for 14 years! Why didn't you stop me?!? WHY!?

A comment left by zem was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by onegoodmonkey, farqussus, TwoTonTurkey)


That's my favorite part.

Mine too. He could probably just charge Ray the full cost for his place in the procedure and it wouldn't be a thing, but it's the principle .


Lyle is holding a bottle of whiskey, about to get a colonoscopy.

"I'm gettin' up there in years." *swig*

Health concious.

conscious. gah. my apologies.

Way to bring back the gonzo cart. Future generations will spell 'pimp' L-Y-L-E


A comment left by catachresis was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by fancypants, jeffreyquah, makeitathing)

Errr, I think it's because he just ran to the hospital to tell Ray about the fake Magreaux dog. That is all.

That's probably it, mostly -- but I think if I were suddenly informed that I would be having a colonoscopy in five minutes, I'd get a little agitated, too.

I'd get married.

this is true nothing is worse than your prostate all red and mad at you. all won't let you sit or piss at more than a trickle. it is an ugly situation. avoid it!

Heh. Rubbing one out hurts like red and mad, too.

A colonoscopy and a prostate exam are two entirely different procedures, meant to accomplish two entirely different things...both to the same end though.

same end hur hur...

This strip is one of my favourites, if it were not for Doctor Andretti's relatively calm face in the last panel. I mean, "The Japanese" and the urgency in which he commands the colonoscopy to be performed has always come across to be nervous, even though it is Andretti. Meh, just my opinion, the strip was SO good I actually considered getting a video colonoscopy, with a bottle of whisky.

... Rod Huggins..?

If only you knew, Doc.

A comment left by leon_sumbitches was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ocarinak, dboothe, petro, aHatOfPig, dropkickpikachu, Darthemed)

It doesn't show up in Acheworld, but the strip originally linked to this blog entry.

Thank you.

It appears as if the Sanyrobuki company have expanded their range from experimental artificial liver to video colonoscopy machines. Has tomorrow made a phone call to today?

Tomorrow has made a videoconference call to today. And it wants to talk to your bunghole.

but only if there are two others, mind you.

I don't like the idea of Lyle 'getting up there in years'. It makes his life of self-destruction and disregard far more depressing....

especially seeing he's only seven.

What is your basis for this declaration?

I'm sure I had one at the time.

The japanese have a word for lyle's 'acting' that simply doesn't carry the same meaning in translation.

Y'mean like: "Hi my name is David and I'll be your actor tonight at Chez Pricey"? Except it's the 3-in-the-morning "special"?

The alt text is "Read about Lyle's acting career in his blog, click here" the link's supposed to go here.

I would love a feature that would link blog posts to the archive strips around when they appeared. That would be neat-o.

Actually, now there is ! She's called Xiaomimi .

She's a trooper.

Legs in the air and colonoscopy situation aside... I think it's cool to see T/Lyle/Mr. Bear drawn in what amounts to a bird's-eye view.

Is this the first time we've seen any of the Achewood cast from "above"? I pose this question the those of you who are more meticulous than I am.

This Friday, leave every room in style. Say "I got business to attend to.


As much as I loved this comic, it seems like the story just leaves us hanging. We never find out precisely how Ray dealt with Bensington pulling the stunt. Did he just forget, or did Onstad just forget?

Honestly, which is more likely?

He got back at him by getting BB into a situation where he turned into a Riverdancer. The chain of events looks like a piece of spaghetti, so one can see how that wasn't immediately clear.

The japanese butt doctor suspects that lyle is into anal play.

Chubbied for "Japanese butt doctor."

Didn't know Manflesh had a Nipponese cousin.

I only just realized that Cornelius is naked behind that ridiculous gown. And that's far, far more Mr. Bear than I'm comfortable with.

But Deusoma, the Japanese...

i just ate way too many spaghetti noodles and sausage.

it's not like i need to know if you care

Lyle is a gay porn star.

Teodor looks so ridiculous when he runs

this is one of them Ties It All Together strips...not one a them Every Panel Is A Laugh Riot On Its Lonesome strips, more just that when the fourth triplain hits, there is a surge of cumulative, deep, character-driven gut-busting that makes me proud to have read every fugging strip up to this'n...the technician speaks with the happy of a million legionnaires...oh fuck I have just spent the whole morning shitting and vomiting and should be forgiven my skronky grain...

Let's see how badly this thing butchers this work of art

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