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Nice Pete To the Rescue Wednesday, July 7, 2004 • read strip Viewing 33 comments:

After what he did on his book tour, I shudder to think what joining Nice Pete's mailing list would entail.

Nolan (from the internet) is probably the number 1 subscriber.

But he thinks it should have been a bigger finger and that Pete should have filmed the re constructive surgery and the long and painful recovery. He watches it whilst eating.

why so little love for this strip?

shutup shutup

it's a wonderful thing for a person to say.

it is because we know that as soon as Pat realises its Ray he starts ranting about what Ray left in his trash can the last time he was over or something like that.

A comment left by hellofyellin was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by nighttoad, riotdejaneiro, jeffreyquah, gbeaton)

In a dripping pseudo-British accent.

Nothing beats a salami sandwich, cooked up real good like

I'd love a poster of panel 4, by itself.

I love that Ray needs to tell Pat to shut up twice after only saying hello.

I think after a while it just becomes automatic.

last panrl makes it an easy 5

nice pete is so creepy, but that's what makes him awesome

dang panel not panrl

this is a good one. i like this one.

Damn, siccing Nice Pete on your nephew? That is cold, Ray. I expected better of you.

Little nephew uses the French "Poseur" instead of the more mainstream "Poser"!

A poser is a difficult question. A poseur is an impostor. Look them up.


Come on Pete, you could have used speakerphone.

I've seen a guy cut off a finger on the internet, it's probably not the kind of mailing list you want to be on.

Nice Pete has disappointed his Yakuza boss.

Today's Blogs

Do I want to go camping?

-Roast Beef-
playing with video drivers

Jamie Oliver

I like cream soda

-Mr. Bear-
A Kitchen of One's Own.

late for work again


Dinner on Tuesday - sorry for the late posting everyone

everytime i see a shadow I still have a problem with it...

I wish so much that I didn't know exactly what Lyle is talking about, here.

I guess Molly was given a new hymen when she was resurrected.

That's pretty grim, seeing as she was about eight when she died.

I have a feeling that the phrase "shutup shutup" is something most people utter immediately after saying hello to Pat when phoning him.

When Little Nephew became gothic, he also became high english or something as well, all "poseur" and such.
All goths are brits I guess pass it on and stuff.

Is Ray humming the tune to "Get Dancing" by Disco Tex and the Sex-O-Lettes in panel 4? God, I hope so.

In my mind, Nice Pete has perfect diction.

I accidentally named myself after this strip. I didn't even remember it when I registered. Subconscious, go!

what could possibly go wrong in a strip titled "Nice Pete To the Rescue"