+0 -0
Gay commandos, communism's worst nightmare
Gay commandos, communism's worst nightmare
+0 -0
I wonder just what Ramses was doing on that flight in the first place?
I wonder just what Ramses was doing on that flight in the first place?
+20 -0
Fillin' a seat!
Fillin' a seat!
+0 -0
A comment left by pogo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Thorfinn, ntopp, Marcus_Brody, mattfish, MightyMac)
A comment left by pogo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Thorfinn, ntopp, Marcus_Brody, mattfish, MightyMac)
+1 -1
Remember, people. Subtle and timely.
Remember, people. Subtle and timely.
+0 -0
Any opportunity to kick commie ass, I guess.
Any opportunity to kick commie ass, I guess.
+0 -0
[]Go O.S.I.!![/url] Whoooo!!!!
[]Go O.S.I.!![/url] Whoooo!!!!
+1 -0
I'm not even sure what I did wrong there.
I'm not even sure what I did wrong there.
+0 -1
I think the ending ] in the URL gave it cancer
I think the ending ] in the URL gave it cancer
+6 -2
This week, on Venturewood: Brock and Ramses go under deep cover in Cuba to ferret out a Castro-sponsored Guild base...with sexy results. Meanwhile, Teodor and the Monarch go on a road trip to Coachella and mayhem ensues when Dr. Girlfriend finds out that baby-sitting a five year-old otter isn't as easy as it sounds.
I dunno. On paper, a Veebs/Achewood crossover would be awesome, but it's inevitable that much would be lost in translation. Y'know how buffet restaurants always seemed great in theory when you were younger? Pizza, lasagna and chinese food all at once? But invariably you were disappointed: each of the elements were a pale imitation of what they tasted like at real restaurants, and the combination of all of the hollow simulacra on your plate at the same time seemed like a cruel joke.
This week, on Venturewood: Brock and Ramses go under deep cover in Cuba to ferret out a Castro-sponsored Guild base...with sexy results. Meanwhile, Teodor and the Monarch go on a road trip to Coachella and mayhem ensues when Dr. Girlfriend finds out that baby-sitting a five year-old otter isn't as easy as it sounds.
I dunno. On paper, a Veebs/Achewood crossover would be awesome, but it's inevitable that much would be lost in translation. Y'know how buffet restaurants always seemed great in theory when you were younger? Pizza, lasagna and chinese food all at once? But invariably you were disappointed: each of the elements were a pale imitation of what they tasted like at real restaurants, and the combination of all of the hollow simulacra on your plate at the same time seemed like a cruel joke.
+1 -0
Chinese food on spaghetti is one of my greatest mistakes. It favours neither.
Chinese food on spaghetti is one of my greatest mistakes. It favours neither.
+1 -0
A chubby to balance the lame, but really, Veebs?!? Is that what my fellow Venture Brothers fans are calling the show? Please, resist this trend.
A chubby to balance the lame, but really, Veebs?!? Is that what my fellow Venture Brothers fans are calling the show? Please, resist this trend.
+5 -0
Will do what I can.
"Veebs? Honestly, where do you pick that stuff up? I never see you read!"
Will do what I can.
"Veebs? Honestly, where do you pick that stuff up? I never see you read!"
+0 -0
You think it's a cry for help?
You think it's a cry for help?
+0 -0
It's like he channels dead crazy people!
It's like he channels dead crazy people!
+1 -0
"Veebs" sounds more like new slang for a horrible, oozing STD.
I got the Veebs. It's like someone kicked me in the junk, and then it never stopped!
"Veebs" sounds more like new slang for a horrible, oozing STD.
I got the Veebs. It's like someone kicked me in the junk, and then it never stopped!
+0 -0
A cameo of Achewood characters might be entertaining, but they shouldn't speak. I hate it when my favorite comic characters start speaking.
Brock busting in somewhere to kick some henchman ass, but all the henchman ass has already been busted. As a B&W cat in a boater leaves the scene, he turns and nods at Brock. Brock takes a drag on his cigarette and says "Thanks Ramses".
A cameo of Achewood characters might be entertaining, but they shouldn't speak. I hate it when my favorite comic characters start speaking.
Brock busting in somewhere to kick some henchman ass, but all the henchman ass has already been busted. As a B&W cat in a boater leaves the scene, he turns and nods at Brock. Brock takes a drag on his cigarette and says "Thanks Ramses".
+0 -0
Surely we would call that hat a porkpie, not a boater. Who wears a boater? Not a badass, that's who.
Surely we would call that hat a porkpie, not a boater. Who wears a boater? Not a badass, that's who.
+0 -0
And who wears a porkpie? A jackass, that's who.
(I would provide a link to the strip, but I am lazy and do not know how to do that.)
And who wears a porkpie? A jackass, that's who.
(I would provide a link to the strip, but I am lazy and do not know how to do that.)
+0 -0
boaters lead to shirt garters, canes, and general vaudeville dumbassery.
boaters lead to shirt garters, canes, and general vaudeville dumbassery.
+9 -0
The idea is, he gets so panicked about the forgotten picnic basket that he tears off a commie's entire middle.
The idea is, he gets so panicked about the forgotten picnic basket that he tears off a commie's entire middle.
+5 -0
He was flying into Cuba to kick some commie ass, duh!
Since that's illegal, he had to hitch a ride on a gay party flight. Senator McCarthy always looked the other way, he probably was just happy to have one planeload's worth of gay people out of the country.
He was flying into Cuba to kick some commie ass, duh!
Since that's illegal, he had to hitch a ride on a gay party flight. Senator McCarthy always looked the other way, he probably was just happy to have one planeload's worth of gay people out of the country.
+2 -0
I doubt this was in the McCarthy era was since I don't see Pat holding it together while sleeping with someone his father could have forseeably slept with, much less his grandfather. Also I don't think Picnic Panic 2 came about until the early 80's at the soonest. No I could almost see this as solo deal by Ramses, since after the cold war the guv'mint lost some interest in Commie Beating and one almost had to travel to Cuba if one wanted some Commies to beat on without leaving the hemisphere.
I doubt this was in the McCarthy era was since I don't see Pat holding it together while sleeping with someone his father could have forseeably slept with, much less his grandfather. Also I don't think Picnic Panic 2 came about until the early 80's at the soonest. No I could almost see this as solo deal by Ramses, since after the cold war the guv'mint lost some interest in Commie Beating and one almost had to travel to Cuba if one wanted some Commies to beat on without leaving the hemisphere.
+0 -1
Aside from some Che-shirt wearing emo kid, or the occasional protest-march organizer, and what's the fun in beating on that?
Aside from some Che-shirt wearing emo kid, or the occasional protest-march organizer, and what's the fun in beating on that?
+0 -0
Obviously you've never partaken.
Obviously you've never partaken.
+7 -1
No, this was much more recent than that. The commie story's just a cover. Ramses and Pink Ops were actually on a secret mission to disrupt an
cell which had just holed up in Havana.
This reminds me: it's a good thing Rod was wearing his glasses in the car, given his track record with being startled by people named Smuckles.
No, this was much more recent than that. The commie story's just a cover. Ramses and Pink Ops were actually on a secret mission to disrupt an

cell which had just holed up in Havana.
This reminds me: it's a good thing Rod was wearing his glasses in the car, given his track record with being startled by people named Smuckles.
+0 -0
Teodor (sorry, Troy Harlem) was going to be in Picnic Panic 1, so it's way after the 80s.
Teodor (sorry, Troy Harlem) was going to be in Picnic Panic 1, so it's way after the 80s.
+0 -0
Comment left by untitled ignored.
Comment left by untitled ignored.
+1 -0
The commie scare was huge, took up all kinds of people, it wasnt just mentalists like McCarthy and Reagan, there were left-wingers, ethnic minority advocates and religious groups. of course most of them ended up being used as poster boys to give the movement credibility
The commie scare was huge, took up all kinds of people, it wasnt just mentalists like McCarthy and Reagan, there were left-wingers, ethnic minority advocates and religious groups. of course most of them ended up being used as poster boys to give the movement credibility
+0 -0
Senator McCarthy was a closet homosexual himself if some scholars are to be believed. though to be honest the man's private life doesn't impact on the collosal idiocy of his professional life.
Senator McCarthy was a closet homosexual himself if some scholars are to be believed. though to be honest the man's private life doesn't impact on the collosal idiocy of his professional life.
+1 -0
Yeah, I've heard that theory, but there's really no evidence to back it up in the least. Joe McCarthy was simply a HUGE cock to strangers.
Yeah, I've heard that theory, but there's really no evidence to back it up in the least. Joe McCarthy was simply a HUGE cock to strangers.
+0 -0
Maybe they're confusing McCarthy with his chief counsel, Roy Cohn?
Maybe they're confusing McCarthy with his chief counsel, Roy Cohn?
+0 -1
But no one should do that, ever!
But no one should do that, ever!
+0 -0
There are also people who say Abe Lincoln was gay.
Basically, if you look hard enough, you can find accusations of closet homosexuality against any historical figure or celebrity.
There are also people who say Abe Lincoln was gay.
Basically, if you look hard enough, you can find accusations of closet homosexuality against any historical figure or celebrity.
+0 -0
You can even make one yourself, kids! Ask your local librarian!
Basically, if you look hard enough, you can find accusations of closet homosexuality against any historical figure or celebrity.
You can even make one yourself, kids! Ask your local librarian!
+2 -0
hee hee you said look hard enough
hee hee you said look hard enough
+0 -0
Tekende if you look hard enough, you can find a sweeping generalization to dismiss any carefully researched theory.
Tekende if you look hard enough, you can find a sweeping generalization to dismiss any carefully researched theory.
+2 -0
Even Liberace?
Even Liberace?

+2 -0
Yes. I was doing some investigative journalism which is what I do here at NPR all the time and my research has led me to find that some people have accused him of being gay .
Now you got to keep this on the DL because I can't let people find out who my "Deep Throat" is.
I also can't let people find out who has been giving me information on background under an alias.
Yes. I was doing some investigative journalism which is what I do here at NPR all the time and my research has led me to find that some people have accused him of being gay .
Now you got to keep this on the DL because I can't let people find out who my "Deep Throat" is.
I also can't let people find out who has been giving me information on background under an alias.
+0 -0
Giggle Giggle Hee
Giggle Giggle Giggle Hee
Hee Giggle Giggle
A deep throat haiku, by Hedonismbot
Giggle Giggle Hee
Giggle Giggle Giggle Hee
Hee Giggle Giggle
A deep throat haiku, by Hedonismbot
+1 -0
I thought it would be more like
Gaggle Gaggle Slurp
Gaggle Gaggle Gaggle Slurp
Mmm Gaggle Gaggle
Response to a deap throat haiku by hedonismbot, by falseprophet
I thought it would be more like
Gaggle Gaggle Slurp
Gaggle Gaggle Gaggle Slurp
Mmm Gaggle Gaggle
Response to a deap throat haiku by hedonismbot, by falseprophet
+0 -0
While composing a bundle of heroic couplets involving lots of slurp, drool, poke, groan and mmmm, I put in a few gag and 'holdonletmecatchmybreath', then ended with a big puking sequence. I decided this would be rated strongly con by almost everyone, so I chose to hold on to the art til I start my premium content feed.
While composing a bundle of heroic couplets involving lots of slurp, drool, poke, groan and mmmm, I put in a few gag and 'holdonletmecatchmybreath', then ended with a big puking sequence. I decided this would be rated strongly con by almost everyone, so I chose to hold on to the art til I start my premium content feed.
+0 -0
I would totally subscribe. Especially if by "Premium content feed," you mean "Trail of jellybeans leading to your basement."
I would totally subscribe. Especially if by "Premium content feed," you mean "Trail of jellybeans leading to your basement."
+0 -0
Actually, I think by "the art" he means "[his] penis" and by "my premium content feed" he means "to cum on your face."
I chose to hold on to the art til I start my premium content feed.
Actually, I think by "the art" he means "[his] penis" and by "my premium content feed" he means "to cum on your face."
+0 -0
Who are to you say that my face-spatter isn't art? Who would claim this. I have dozens of images to send the person who disagrees that this is amazing stuff. I can go from Pollack to Rembrandt with this thing. Shit, I'm almost done perfecting my spraypaint, graffiti style.
Who are to you say that my face-spatter isn't art? Who would claim this. I have dozens of images to send the person who disagrees that this is amazing stuff. I can go from Pollack to Rembrandt with this thing. Shit, I'm almost done perfecting my spraypaint, graffiti style.
+0 -0
I do offer this service. There are no less than 20% Very Cherry beans, and exactly 0% liquorice. There is even a tasty apple pie at the end of the trail. In my basement. Behind the smiling cadaver with the broken hipbones.
I do offer this service. There are no less than 20% Very Cherry beans, and exactly 0% liquorice. There is even a tasty apple pie at the end of the trail. In my basement. Behind the smiling cadaver with the broken hipbones.
+0 -0
Well, you might say Liberace was gay, but if you look hard enough you can find accusations of closet homosexuality against any celebrity.
In all seriousness, on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being 'what' and 10 being 'who do you think you're kidding', McCarthy and Lincoln are both around a 4 and J. Edgar Hoover and Cohn were 10s.
Liberace sued someone for libel in the 50s for claiming he was gay - and won . The man had brass balls. (And a silicone dick, but let's not get into that today.)
Well, you might say Liberace was gay, but if you look hard enough you can find accusations of closet homosexuality against any celebrity.
In all seriousness, on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being 'what' and 10 being 'who do you think you're kidding', McCarthy and Lincoln are both around a 4 and J. Edgar Hoover and Cohn were 10s.
Liberace sued someone for libel in the 50s for claiming he was gay - and won . The man had brass balls. (And a silicone dick, but let's not get into that today.)
+0 -0
however that doesnt negate the fact that there is a school of thought, with relatively credible sources that hold mccarthy to be a closet homosexual, however what i'm saying is it doesnt really matter whether he was gay or not, he was still a humungous arse.
still its the interent so it doesnt matter what your sources are, no-one gives a damn, any pretence of academic correctness is just a monumental pretension.
however that doesnt negate the fact that there is a school of thought, with relatively credible sources that hold mccarthy to be a closet homosexual, however what i'm saying is it doesnt really matter whether he was gay or not, he was still a humungous arse.
still its the interent so it doesnt matter what your sources are, no-one gives a damn, any pretence of academic correctness is just a monumental pretension.
+0 -0
Wasn't Liberace gay, though? I mean, isn't that a known fact now?
Wasn't Liberace gay, though? I mean, isn't that a known fact now?
+0 -0
I think enough time has passed for me to step in and make sure it is clear everyone got the joke.
Perhaps I was too subtle or didn't word it correctly but basically when you first posted the following:
Everything I said in reply to this comment was an intent to lightly make fun of it. Why? Because the statement lacks substance. It sounded like what you meant to say was: "If you look hard enough you can find evidence of closet homosexuality against any historical figure or celebrity." Which I take it to mean that a researcher with an agenda will seek whatever little factoids he can find and interpret them -- willfully or no -- towards the ends of aiding his or her own agenda. The fact that you said "accusations" when you first made that statement brings a level of humor to it that only the most pedantic of liberal arts students (myself) could find amusing enough to riff on.
Again, I do not know for sure if I am the first to bring this to your attention or not. If I have, and you find that re-reading the thread in this context is helpful, I look forward to discussing the matter with you in a similar forum in the future.
-=- falseprophet -=-
I think enough time has passed for me to step in and make sure it is clear everyone got the joke.
Perhaps I was too subtle or didn't word it correctly but basically when you first posted the following:
Basically, if you look hard enough, you can find accusations of closet homosexuality against any historical figure or celebrity.
Everything I said in reply to this comment was an intent to lightly make fun of it. Why? Because the statement lacks substance. It sounded like what you meant to say was: "If you look hard enough you can find evidence of closet homosexuality against any historical figure or celebrity." Which I take it to mean that a researcher with an agenda will seek whatever little factoids he can find and interpret them -- willfully or no -- towards the ends of aiding his or her own agenda. The fact that you said "accusations" when you first made that statement brings a level of humor to it that only the most pedantic of liberal arts students (myself) could find amusing enough to riff on.
Again, I do not know for sure if I am the first to bring this to your attention or not. If I have, and you find that re-reading the thread in this context is helpful, I look forward to discussing the matter with you in a similar forum in the future.
-=- falseprophet -=-
+0 -0
It may surprise you to learn that the right wing only really got a bug up its ass about homosexuality in the 80s.
As a matter of fact, it wasn't until around then that in general communism stopped being an inveterate enemy of homosexuality either. (Bourgeois perversion and all that.)
It may surprise you to learn that the right wing only really got a bug up its ass about homosexuality in the 80s.
As a matter of fact, it wasn't until around then that in general communism stopped being an inveterate enemy of homosexuality either. (Bourgeois perversion and all that.)
+0 -0
Evidently the guv'mint couldn't be troubled to charter Ramses a plane, and he was forced to hitch a ride on the only flight going from the US to Havana.
Evidently the guv'mint couldn't be troubled to charter Ramses a plane, and he was forced to hitch a ride on the only flight going from the US to Havana.
+0 -0
I need to refresh more. And yes, I am glad there is some agreement here.
I need to refresh more. And yes, I am glad there is some agreement here.
+0 -0
What was Ramses doing on an illegal gay party flight? Whatever it was it WAS KEEPING THE FREE WORLD SAFE YOUR UNGRATEFULE ASSES!
What was Ramses doing on an illegal gay party flight? Whatever it was it WAS KEEPING THE FREE WORLD SAFE YOUR UNGRATEFULE ASSES!
+1 -0
Guys, I think he just wanted some cigars.
Guys, I think he just wanted some cigars.
+0 -0
Gay commandos are one thing.
Ramses Luther Smuckles is a whole different force to be feared.
Gay commandos are one thing.
Ramses Luther Smuckles is a whole different force to be feared.
+0 -0
I guess Mike Hoare showed that posing as a Rugby team wasn't cutting it as cover, so Ramses had to take some extreme measures.
I guess Mike Hoare showed that posing as a Rugby team wasn't cutting it as cover, so Ramses had to take some extreme measures.
+0 -0
Are those surfboards or missiles?
Are those surfboards or missiles?
+3 -0
Both, we can only hope!
Both, we can only hope!
+1 -0
You there! How have you viewed 1455 strips? Is there a secret handshake to view the mysterious "hidden" strip? I must know!
You there! How have you viewed 1455 strips? Is there a secret handshake to view the mysterious "hidden" strip? I must know!
+20 -0
Gotta be a breast man, I would suppose.
Gotta be a breast man, I would suppose.
+0 -0
Pssst. Entropy9
Pssst. Entropy9
+1 -0
Hey, I'm looking to have my horse repaired...
Hey, I'm looking to have my horse repaired...
+1 -0
What did delzhand just say? Asssetbar put a black bar after psst. I suspect a conspiracy of breastmen.
What did delzhand just say? Asssetbar put a black bar after psst. I suspect a conspiracy of breastmen.
+0 -0
Delzhand was trying to get out the breast man password for this week, but if you are not a breast man then your brain will not comprehend it. You have outed yourself, tommythebrat.
Delzhand was trying to get out the breast man password for this week, but if you are not a breast man then your brain will not comprehend it. You have outed yourself, tommythebrat.
+1 -0
+5 -0
See, when you say hunter2 I just see *******
See, when you say hunter2 I just see *******
+1 -0
Is the horses name... Hot Beans?
Is the horses name... Hot Beans?
+0 -0
No! ...I mean yes!
No! ...I mean yes!
+4 -0
I was hoping the horse's name was Bad Horse.
I was hoping the horse's name was Bad Horse.
+0 -1
The horse has no name.
The horse has no name.
+1 -0
They called him Wildfire.
They called him Wildfire.
+0 -0
that was a wicked killing frost that year.
that was a wicked killing frost that year.
+0 -0
Rode a horse like that once. Right across the desert.
Rode a horse like that once. Right across the desert.
+1 -0
The Thoroughbred of Sin?
The Thoroughbred of Sin?
+2 -0
Of course not! I mean... Gandhi?
Of course not! I mean... Gandhi?
+0 -0
The horses name was...
I don't know what his name was
So we just called him Fred
The horses name was...
I don't know what his name was
So we just called him Fred
+0 -0
Nice to see another Rodney Carrington fan.
Nice to see another Rodney Carrington fan.
+0 -0
Actually, I'm an avowed generalist when it comes to female beauty.
Apparently it was this strip which boosted my count, but I can't promise it will work for others, and I warn you: The secret will disappoint you.
Actually, I'm an avowed generalist when it comes to female beauty.
Apparently it was this strip which boosted my count, but I can't promise it will work for others, and I warn you: The secret will disappoint you.
+0 -0
that second link takes me to a page that is 'Invalid'. I guess there are perks to being an avowed generalist...
that second link takes me to a page that is 'Invalid'. I guess there are perks to being an avowed generalist...
+0 -0
I wish. I get the same page! It's just Assetbar's computer-glitchy way of calling me a freak.
I wish. I get the same page! It's just Assetbar's computer-glitchy way of calling me a freak.
+0 -0
Chubbied out, friend. Some v-chubs coming at you. Look out! Watch your six! *pyew pyew* *skreeeeeee-explode!*
Chubbied out, friend. Some v-chubs coming at you. Look out! Watch your six! *pyew pyew* *skreeeeeee-explode!*
+3 -0
Fuck! This is gonna be like trying to get 112% in Symphony of the Night !
Fuck! This is gonna be like trying to get 112% in Symphony of the Night !
+3 -0
Which doesn't seem that strenuous when compared to the 1000% in Portrait of Ruin.
Castlevania: Where the conventional laws of mathematics are warped by Dracula's dark magic.
Which doesn't seem that strenuous when compared to the 1000% in Portrait of Ruin.
Castlevania: Where the conventional laws of mathematics are warped by Dracula's dark magic.
+0 -0
1, 2, 3, HA HA HA.
...Sesame Street?
1, 2, 3, HA HA HA.
...Sesame Street?
+1 -0
Every time chris throws in the tenmen, I swear there's another mystery feature revealed.
... They seem like I really cool band, I really wanna hear them live now.
Every time chris throws in the tenmen, I swear there's another mystery feature revealed.
... They seem like I really cool band, I really wanna hear them live now.
+0 -0
i almost tried to describe how i think they should sound and just realized that they would sound eleventeen times cooler than that so i gave up and they used their Solid Snake sneaking skills to go on to play inaudible notes for a comic.
i almost tried to describe how i think they should sound and just realized that they would sound eleventeen times cooler than that so i gave up and they used their Solid Snake sneaking skills to go on to play inaudible notes for a comic.
+1 -0
I always imagined them sounding like a cross between Boredoms and Dinosaur Jr. I really don't know why.
I always imagined them sounding like a cross between Boredoms and Dinosaur Jr. I really don't know why.
+0 -0
i just assumed we were all supposed to imagine them sounding like a cross between all of our favorite bands.
i just assumed we were all supposed to imagine them sounding like a cross between all of our favorite bands.
+1 -0
I think of them as that little Oompa band inside somebody's head from Kid's in the Hall.
I think of them as that little Oompa band inside somebody's head from Kid's in the Hall.
+0 -0
Once upon a time there were two Tenmen tracks at Radio Achewood . I emailed Chris to ask if he'd repost them because folks were so eager to hear.
He never replied, but within a day this message appeared on the Radio page: "Some of the tracks down? Then they are probably gone forever. You should have downloaded them when you had the chance."
I, uh, I'm sorry guys. I ruined everything.
Once upon a time there were two Tenmen tracks at Radio Achewood . I emailed Chris to ask if he'd repost them because folks were so eager to hear.
He never replied, but within a day this message appeared on the Radio page: "Some of the tracks down? Then they are probably gone forever. You should have downloaded them when you had the chance."
I, uh, I'm sorry guys. I ruined everything.
+0 -0
I imagine most Tenmen concerts there is a betting pool on to see which member collapses of heat stroke from their latex suit.
I imagine most Tenmen concerts there is a betting pool on to see which member collapses of heat stroke from their latex suit.
+0 -0
Inside Darill's head.
Inside Darill's head.
+0 -0
That would be too ridiculous, since in my case it'd be some sort of indie black metal with an EBM beat.
Their costumes strongly remind me of [url=]The Locust[/i], but I imagine they sound much more radio-friendly. I'm guessing it's some kind of new wave or mod type of sound.
That would be too ridiculous, since in my case it'd be some sort of indie black metal with an EBM beat.
Their costumes strongly remind me of [url=]The Locust[/i], but I imagine they sound much more radio-friendly. I'm guessing it's some kind of new wave or mod type of sound.
+0 -0
Oh man, that like never happens to me ever.
Oh man, that like never happens to me ever.
+0 -0
Don't worry, I hear it happens to a lot of guys.
Don't worry, I hear it happens to a lot of guys.
+1 -0
The Locust has some lovely 10 second songs, things about highway speeds and deer teeth.
The Locust has some lovely 10 second songs, things about highway speeds and deer teeth.
+0 -0
The Locust is basically an awesome band.
The Locust is basically an awesome band.
+1 -0
for relaxing times...
for relaxing times...
+0 -0
I always imagined they had a sound similar to Spacemen 3
I always imagined they had a sound similar to Spacemen 3
+0 -0
There's no flight like a sixteen hour illegal gay party flight!
There's no flight like a sixteen hour illegal gay party flight!
+0 -0
I would assume cavity searches to be a lot more common.
I would assume cavity searches to be a lot more common.
+0 -0
Honey, they're mandatory.
Honey, they're mandatory.
+0 -0
It's called carry on luggage
It's called carry on luggage
+0 -0
Bags take up too much room on those flights.
Bags take up too much room on those flights.
+0 -0
I'll store it in your overhead bin!
I'll store it in your overhead bin!
+0 -0
I'll put your tray table in its upright and locked position!
I'll put your tray table in its upright and locked position!
+1 -0
Your nearest exit may be behind you...
Your nearest exit may be behind you...
+1 -0
You can use my seat cushion as a flotation device any old time.
You can use my seat cushion as a flotation device any old time.
+1 -0
You can hijack my cockpit!
You can hijack my cockpit!
+1 -0
Hell yeah I'll secure my oxygen mask before helping you with yours!
Hell yeah I'll secure my oxygen mask before helping you with yours!
+0 -0
+0 -0
Hickory Farms is such an amateurish prop for a gay porn flick. People don't want to be thinking of that traditional, down-home country flavour when they're being all deviant.
Hickory Farms is such an amateurish prop for a gay porn flick. People don't want to be thinking of that traditional, down-home country flavour when they're being all deviant.
+0 -0
There's not too much deviance in cardigans and corduroy. The weirdest you can get is wearing the cardigan as pants instead of how it's supposed to go which was a hilarious joke I meant to put it on that way!
There's not too much deviance in cardigans and corduroy. The weirdest you can get is wearing the cardigan as pants instead of how it's supposed to go which was a hilarious joke I meant to put it on that way!
+1 -0
There is a certain frisson from the vrrrriip vrrrriip of corduroy legs stalking majestically down a long echo laden hallway.
There is a certain frisson from the vrrrriip vrrrriip of corduroy legs stalking majestically down a long echo laden hallway.
+1 -0
Hickory Farms would also make a sweet porn name. I think.
Hickory Farms would also make a sweet porn name. I think.
+8 -0
"Well, my dog's name was Hickory, and I grew up on Farms Blvd..."
"Well, my dog's name was Hickory, and I grew up on Farms Blvd..."
+0 -0
"Would you like to sample my limited edition smoked sausage gift package?"
Yeah that would be a pretty great name.
"Would you like to sample my limited edition smoked sausage gift package?"
Yeah that would be a pretty great name.
+0 -1
See, I thought he was using "Hickory Farms" as a synonym for "amateur."
"There's no point in spending money on their first album, it's so Hickory Farms."
See, I thought he was using "Hickory Farms" as a synonym for "amateur."
"There's no point in spending money on their first album, it's so Hickory Farms."
+0 -0
As an amateur, he could only think of/afford Hickory Farms. Now, as an established professional, his picnic baskets are catered by ... oh, fuck it, I don't even know the name of any high-end, frou-frou purveyors of fine foods.
As an amateur, he could only think of/afford Hickory Farms. Now, as an established professional, his picnic baskets are catered by ... oh, fuck it, I don't even know the name of any high-end, frou-frou purveyors of fine foods.
+1 -0
What every gay porn set needs.

What every gay porn set needs.
+1 -0
That gives me nightmares.
That gives me nightmares.
+0 -0
What are those mixed in with the olives?
What are those mixed in with the olives?
+0 -0
cherry tomatoes?
cherry tomatoes?
+1 -1
Actually, grape-shaped tomatoes are now direguer.
Actually, grape-shaped tomatoes are now direguer.
+7 -0
de ... de rigueur ? Is that you? Oh my god what have they done to you
de ... de rigueur ? Is that you? Oh my god what have they done to you
+0 -0
Pogo! Come on now! Do you speak french? When you said Merci Bien, did you know what you were saying? Come now, good fellow.
Pogo! Come on now! Do you speak french? When you said Merci Bien, did you know what you were saying? Come now, good fellow.
+0 -0
I've had a crash course (Berlitz CD) recalled some of my college French, and spent 8 days in Montreal, so I'm adding it to my repertoire. My fiancee is fluent.
I've had a crash course (Berlitz CD) recalled some of my college French, and spent 8 days in Montreal, so I'm adding it to my repertoire. My fiancee is fluent.
+0 -0
Je ne comprende pas.
Je ne comprende pas.
+0 -0
Ah, Gerard Depardieu!
Ah, Gerard Depardieu!
+0 -0
Bernard et la?
Bernard et la?
+0 -0
I fail. Je suis desolee, mais la sourre est sur la table.
I fail. Je suis desolee, mais la sourre est sur la table.
+0 -0
+0 -0
Avec buerre. J'en sais pas. *smokes a cigarette*
*wears my dog-har-covered beret*
It is impossible to remove dog hair from a beret. If I am wrong, please tell me how.
~thanks, me.
Avec buerre. J'en sais pas. *smokes a cigarette*
*wears my dog-har-covered beret*
It is impossible to remove dog hair from a beret. If I am wrong, please tell me how.
~thanks, me.
+0 -0
Those adhesive rolly things!
Those adhesive rolly things!
+0 -0
I must now compose a poem/song/ballad to express my gratitude. *starts working*
I must now compose a poem/song/ballad to express my gratitude. *starts working*
+0 -0
You're so concerned about the beret, but have no problems with your sticky, sticky keyboard?
You're so concerned about the beret, but have no problems with your sticky, sticky keyboard?
+0 -0
Yes, loneal is right (though they are called lint rollers). I use them all the time on my hat.
Yes, loneal is right (though they are called lint rollers). I use them all the time on my hat.
+0 -0
Vacuum cleaner?
Vacuum cleaner?
+0 -0
+0 -0
+0 -0
Demon egg sacs.
Demon egg sacs.
+0 -0
Oh my god that looks so good
Oh my god that looks so good
+0 -0
Oh, yeah. That's going in the commie-ass-beating bank.
Oh, yeah. That's going in the commie-ass-beating bank.
+0 -0
Oh God it's so juicy
Oh God it's so juicy
+0 -0
That ham on the bottom is looking pretty nasty.
That ham on the bottom is looking pretty nasty.
+0 -0
now you've done it...
now you've done it...
+0 -0
Ham is always better as a power top ...
Ham is always better as a power top ...
+0 -0
Is that roast beef...iridescent?
Is that roast beef...iridescent?
+4 -0
Pink Ops...what, wait a minute?! shhhh! Gay Mafia!...The Mauve Hand...
Pink Ops...what, wait a minute?! shhhh! Gay Mafia!...The Mauve Hand...
+0 -0
Theres NOTHING Ramses doesn't know SOMETHING about.
Theres NOTHING Ramses doesn't know SOMETHING about.
+0 -0
Ramses would rather hang out with Rod Huggins than talk to his own son. Hella disappointments.
Ramses would rather hang out with Rod Huggins than talk to his own son. Hella disappointments.
+0 -0
or...does having Rod Huggins at this wedding begin to make up for Ray's floppy armed walk?
or...does having Rod Huggins at this wedding begin to make up for Ray's floppy armed walk?
+0 -0
That boy is just a lot of tricky commotion.
That boy is just a lot of tricky commotion.
+3 -0
I don't know about you, but I don't know about gay pornography. Anymore, that is. When I was a child, it was a simple enough affair. A fellow, another fellow, a Hillshire Farms basket, some tangy sauce. We loved that sauce. Now-adays? Largely nonsense. I can't believe gay pornography these days. If I had a hundred...
I don't know about you, but I don't know about gay pornography. Anymore, that is. When I was a child, it was a simple enough affair. A fellow, another fellow, a Hillshire Farms basket, some tangy sauce. We loved that sauce. Now-adays? Largely nonsense. I can't believe gay pornography these days. If I had a hundred...
+0 -0
The Tenmen played the bad guys army in Daft Punk/Teji Matsumoto's "Aerodynamic" .
The Tenmen played the bad guys army in Daft Punk/Teji Matsumoto's "Aerodynamic" .
+0 -0
i need to know where i can see a larger version of your avicon. it will become my desktop picture posthaste.
i need to know where i can see a larger version of your avicon. it will become my desktop picture posthaste.
+0 -0
It is the Scarygoround Ghost Band shirt. I believe it is discontinued.
It is the Scarygoround Ghost Band shirt. I believe it is discontinued.
+0 -0
The dude is correct.
Ring, ring, ring... BANANARCHY!
I don't have a copy of that particular JPEG though. My apologies.
The dude is correct.

Ring, ring, ring... BANANARCHY!
I don't have a copy of that particular JPEG though. My apologies.
+4 -0
It's a gif, boy, can't you... SEE?
It's a gif, boy, can't you... SEE?
+0 -0
oh my gosh that is one of the funniest things i've seen in a very, very long time. (like, since Powerthirst funny.)
oh my gosh that is one of the funniest things i've seen in a very, very long time. (like, since Powerthirst funny.)
+0 -0

+0 -0
Nothing Nice to Say was probably the best thing Mitch Clem ever did. And I'm not saying that as a pretense to being a fan of his previous greater orientation towards music, seeing as the only punk I'm really interested in is Post-.
It's just... funnier.
Nothing Nice to Say was probably the best thing Mitch Clem ever did. And I'm not saying that as a pretense to being a fan of his previous greater orientation towards music, seeing as the only punk I'm really interested in is Post-.
It's just... funnier.
+0 -0
It was damn good, but I think San Antonio Rock City (I think that was the name?) was often funnier. That's just me though.
My Stupid Life is pretty good too.
It was damn good, but I think San Antonio Rock City (I think that was the name?) was often funnier. That's just me though.
My Stupid Life is pretty good too.
+0 -0
I think one of 'em also played a nihilist in "The Big Lebowski."
I think one of 'em also played a nihilist in "The Big Lebowski."
+0 -0
They released an album in the late '70s--look in my LPs.
They released an album in the late '70s--look in my LPs.
+0 -0
Hah. i_love_kate will never see a day without these references.
Hah. i_love_kate will never see a day without these references.
+1 -0
"The reference is down there somewhere, let me take another look."
"The reference is down there somewhere, let me take another look."
+0 -0
Wait flea? Peter Stormare? or the other guy.
Hello. Mein dizbatcher says zere iss somezing wrong mit deine kable.
Wait flea? Peter Stormare? or the other guy.
Hello. Mein dizbatcher says zere iss somezing wrong mit deine kable.
+0 -0
Daaaaamnit. Will I never get to punch myself in the cock? I mean, obviously I could do it for some other reason, but it just wouldn't feel the same.
Well, it would probably. Nauseating.
Daaaaamnit. Will I never get to punch myself in the cock? I mean, obviously I could do it for some other reason, but it just wouldn't feel the same.
Well, it would probably. Nauseating.
+7 -0
Hee hee. When I arrived the strip was rated a 4.7. I wa sall "Oh, cool, I'm probably early enough to influence the score!" So I hit the five button, and the overall score sinks to 4.6.
This is the extent to which my views are respected, here. Assetbar itself checks what my opinions are, and decides that it's probably wisest to go the other way.
Hee hee. When I arrived the strip was rated a 4.7. I wa sall "Oh, cool, I'm probably early enough to influence the score!" So I hit the five button, and the overall score sinks to 4.6.
This is the extent to which my views are respected, here. Assetbar itself checks what my opinions are, and decides that it's probably wisest to go the other way.
+0 -0
Same thing happened to me. 4.3 to a 4.1.
The rage filled me, and I took that down to a 4. But it was a wrong thing, so I recanted.
Same thing happened to me. 4.3 to a 4.1.
The rage filled me, and I took that down to a 4. But it was a wrong thing, so I recanted.
+0 -0
I've always imagined that the Tenmen sound like a bubblegum-pop Gang of Four.
I've always imagined that the Tenmen sound like a bubblegum-pop Gang of Four.
+0 -0
But there's only three of them.
But there's only three of them.
+2 -0
Just like in Gang of Four.
Just like in Gang of Four.
+0 -0
Gang of Four's now a Gang of Two. The original Allen/Burnham rhythm section (without which they recorded the execrable "Hard" album) took off a month or two ago.
Gang of Four's now a Gang of Two. The original Allen/Burnham rhythm section (without which they recorded the execrable "Hard" album) took off a month or two ago.
+0 -0
I read 'excretable "Hard" album,' which didn't sound none too friendly.
I read 'excretable "Hard" album,' which didn't sound none too friendly.
+0 -0
I usually imagine them to sound something like a cross between Man... Or Astro-Man? and Devo.
I usually imagine them to sound something like a cross between Man... Or Astro-Man? and Devo.
+1 -1
I see the Tenmen sounding like Nine Inch Nails meets Frank Zappa.
I see the Tenmen sounding like Nine Inch Nails meets Frank Zappa.
+1 -1
I see Nine Inch Nails mixed with Johnny Cash, Nick Cave, and the theme from Bonanza!
All heavy focus on simple driving bass rhythms, home-made electronic dirty percussion pulling out sparse beats, alcoholism, the events surrounding the poisoning of the town creek water, and possibly how Jimmy went crazy after arguably being abducted by aliens and all his friends left him and did not even visit him in hospital.
That or an industrial, country-style-melancholy version of Sublime. Either way, the aforementioned first two elements are necessary in my book.
I see Nine Inch Nails mixed with Johnny Cash, Nick Cave, and the theme from Bonanza!
All heavy focus on simple driving bass rhythms, home-made electronic dirty percussion pulling out sparse beats, alcoholism, the events surrounding the poisoning of the town creek water, and possibly how Jimmy went crazy after arguably being abducted by aliens and all his friends left him and did not even visit him in hospital.
That or an industrial, country-style-melancholy version of Sublime. Either way, the aforementioned first two elements are necessary in my book.
+1 -0
definitely some surf guitar going on there. Dude plays a Rickenbacker.
definitely some surf guitar going on there. Dude plays a Rickenbacker.
+1 -0
When I first read the Tenmen strips was when I started listening to No Age. Since then I've always pictured them as a mash up of No Age, Devo, and Pixies.
When I first read the Tenmen strips was when I started listening to No Age. Since then I've always pictured them as a mash up of No Age, Devo, and Pixies.
+1 -0
Plus, you know, massive woodie.
Wait. Oh that's not right.
Plus, you know, massive woodie.
Wait. Oh that's not right.
+1 -0
There used to be a Tenmen mp3 or two in the achewood radio section. has the page . The downloads don't work though.
I still do have Sidewalk Song saved. It's... pretty intense. I don't know what bubblegum pop is but I wouldn't label it that way.
There used to be a Tenmen mp3 or two in the achewood radio section. has the page . The downloads don't work though.
I still do have Sidewalk Song saved. It's... pretty intense. I don't know what bubblegum pop is but I wouldn't label it that way.
+0 -0
You gotta make that track available to the rest of us. You gotta
You gotta make that track available to the rest of us. You gotta
+2 -0
After reading the comments on this page, I went out and hacked the internets so hard that they gave up and gave me both tenmen mp3s. I shall set them to video and put them on youtube.
After reading the comments on this page, I went out and hacked the internets so hard that they gave up and gave me both tenmen mp3s. I shall set them to video and put them on youtube.
+0 -0
Sweet. You rule.
I'm standing by my "art-rock" prediction... I'm now adding Surf Rock tendencies considering the combo of Old-School Car and Old-School Surfboards.
Sweet. You rule.
I'm standing by my "art-rock" prediction... I'm now adding Surf Rock tendencies considering the combo of Old-School Car and Old-School Surfboards.
+0 -0
man can you linkinate these to the rest of us?
i'm dial-up so downloading these tracks is the most that i can do.
man can you linkinate these to the rest of us?
i'm dial-up so downloading these tracks is the most that i can do.
+0 -0
Dial-up? Do those people really still exist?
Dial-up? Do those people really still exist?
+5 -0

+0 -0
God damn, how long does it take you to load assetbar? I can't even imagine you looking at the handface weekend strips without it crashing.
God damn, how long does it take you to load assetbar? I can't even imagine you looking at the handface weekend strips without it crashing.
+0 -0
I shudder to think of what computer buttfucking happens when happenstance determines that his mouse rolls over an icon when the page isn't ready.
I shudder to think of what computer buttfucking happens when happenstance determines that his mouse rolls over an icon when the page isn't ready.
+0 -0
shudder to this whenst i tell you it takes about 25 seconds for the thing to readjust itself after i make the mistake to do that. but...the page is never ready. IT IS NEVER READY.
shudder to this whenst i tell you it takes about 25 seconds for the thing to readjust itself after i make the mistake to do that. but...the page is never ready. IT IS NEVER READY.
+0 -0
How long did it take you to upload that picture? My God, have you ever even BEGUN to pleasure a woman with a connection speed like that?
How long did it take you to upload that picture? My God, have you ever even BEGUN to pleasure a woman with a connection speed like that?
+0 -0
Hell, he hasn't even been able to download porn to help him *think* about pleasuring a woman with a download speed like that!
Hell, he hasn't even been able to download porn to help him *think* about pleasuring a woman with a download speed like that!
+0 -0
achewood slashfic by cpnglxynchos:
As she trailed a moistened finger along her gaping...*****
achewood slashfic by cpnglxynchos:
As she trailed a moistened finger along her gaping...*****
+0 -0
rp cybering is much lost on this connection.
i mean, what?!
rp cybering is much lost on this connection.
i mean, what?!
+0 -0
If you can't get your wizard hat and robes on fast enough, the 'girl' will just wander over and bone that furry over there
If you can't get your wizard hat and robes on fast enough, the 'girl' will just wander over and bone that furry over there
+0 -0
now can you see why every picture from me is a gift from God and the Good Connection Faeries i totally don't pray to?
now can you see why every picture from me is a gift from God and the Good Connection Faeries i totally don't pray to?
+0 -0
Not in real life. Only on the internet.
Not in real life. Only on the internet.
+0 -0
Do it for the children, Zedpower. Do it for the children.
Do it for the children, Zedpower. Do it for the children.
+0 -0
Well, I already put it up on rapidshare . I don't want to register for some site I've never heard of, that is a hassle.
But if some people happen to have Issues about it then I might use this tindeck later I guess.
Well, I already put it up on rapidshare . I don't want to register for some site I've never heard of, that is a hassle.
But if some people happen to have Issues about it then I might use this tindeck later I guess.
+0 -0
Worked for me. Cool sounds.
Worked for me. Cool sounds.
+0 -0
Nah, Reverend Horton Heat with style
Nah, Reverend Horton Heat with style
+0 -0
Neither commies nor marathon gay sex threaten a badass like Ramses.
Neither commies nor marathon gay sex threaten a badass like Ramses.
+0 -0
I love how Ramses is perfectly fine with Rod and gay films, but he didn't want any damn robot teaching in a school. He's got his priorities lined up.
I love how Ramses is perfectly fine with Rod and gay films, but he didn't want any damn robot teaching in a school. He's got his priorities lined up.
+1 -0
Look, we aren't trustworthy. We actually are trying to corrupt your children morally.
Look, we aren't trustworthy. We actually are trying to corrupt your children morally.
+0 -0
But Ramses still respects that you are a robot.
But Ramses still respects that you are a robot.
+0 -0
To a man of my years, it really does all look like a lot of tricky commotion.
To a man of my years, it really does all look like a lot of tricky commotion.
+0 -0
"Monsieur Ramses, what kind of a picnic basket does Rod Huggins have?"
"Oh, it's just like any other man's picnic basket, only more so."
"Monsieur Ramses, what kind of a picnic basket does Rod Huggins have?"
"Oh, it's just like any other man's picnic basket, only more so."
+0 -0
"nasty old '75" exactly. The mid-70s were not kind to the Mustang.
"nasty old '75" exactly. The mid-70s were not kind to the Mustang.
+0 -0
Rather, Ford was not kind to the world with the Mustang in the mid-70s. Or ever since.
Rather, Ford was not kind to the world with the Mustang in the mid-70s. Or ever since.
+0 -0
Man, this dude does not like Mustangs. Some kid with $1500 in junkyard parts and a primered fox-body dust off your Audi or something?
Man, this dude does not like Mustangs. Some kid with $1500 in junkyard parts and a primered fox-body dust off your Audi or something?
+0 -0
i like mustangs up til about 72.
i like mustangs up til about 72.
+0 -0
Yeah... Slappin some funny panels on a Pinto chassis and calling it a Mustang never sat right with me. Granted, the 64 1/2 was just a rebodied Falcon...
Yeah... Slappin some funny panels on a Pinto chassis and calling it a Mustang never sat right with me. Granted, the 64 1/2 was just a rebodied Falcon...
+3 -2
So far, this arc has disappointed. There were a few really highlight strips that rocked, and's mediocre, which means it is still god damn incredible compared to anything else (including my own mother) but not to it's own self.
Lame o'clock.
So far, this arc has disappointed. There were a few really highlight strips that rocked, and's mediocre, which means it is still god damn incredible compared to anything else (including my own mother) but not to it's own self.
Lame o'clock.
+0 -0
A comment left by randombeing was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by falseprophet, snitchy, techiebabe)
A comment left by randombeing was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by falseprophet, snitchy, techiebabe)
+0 -0
Honestly, it just hasn't made me chuckle.
Honestly, it just hasn't made me chuckle.
+0 -0
A comment left by invidious was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by illgamesh, Doc_Rostov, NumberKillinger)
A comment left by invidious was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by illgamesh, Doc_Rostov, NumberKillinger)
+0 -0
But admit it, some of the strips have made you squirt-milk-out-your-nose laugh, or disturb-other-cubicle laugh, right? Not so lately. Too much sentiment and story line. We need the otter-getting-punched-in-the-tummy-for-his-birthday kind of laughs again.
But admit it, some of the strips have made you squirt-milk-out-your-nose laugh, or disturb-other-cubicle laugh, right? Not so lately. Too much sentiment and story line. We need the otter-getting-punched-in-the-tummy-for-his-birthday kind of laughs again.
+1 -2
Pogo, thank you. And invidious, thank you for subtly (read: blatantly) insulting my intelligence twice. And then pretending that the only reason you can't lame me is because you've already used up all your lames. I appreciate that.
See now, I do relate to Beef. And Molly for that matter. I don't mind character development at the expense of jokes...sometimes. But just really feels like Sir Onstad is reaching.He's really, really trying to instill into these strips the kind of over-the-top exuberance and odd, sometimes surreal visual and literary styles he's used in the past. And the sad truth of the matter is that the man is failing himself. At this point, Achewood has almost become a parody of itself, and that is depressing. I'll still read it, and I'll still love it, but I want a return to...the humour?
Pogo, thank you. And invidious, thank you for subtly (read: blatantly) insulting my intelligence twice. And then pretending that the only reason you can't lame me is because you've already used up all your lames. I appreciate that.
See now, I do relate to Beef. And Molly for that matter. I don't mind character development at the expense of jokes...sometimes. But just really feels like Sir Onstad is reaching.He's really, really trying to instill into these strips the kind of over-the-top exuberance and odd, sometimes surreal visual and literary styles he's used in the past. And the sad truth of the matter is that the man is failing himself. At this point, Achewood has almost become a parody of itself, and that is depressing. I'll still read it, and I'll still love it, but I want a return to...the humour?
+7 -0
See, I do not understand this argument. If the wedding strips had not been funny, I would understand but disagree with you. But if we take a whirlwind tour through the past couple weeks we have:
- Beef's description of how he thinks the marriage is going to end (Is It A Shame)
- Let's get married to a LADY!
- Lie Bot's imitation of Vlad's outfit (havink such dickness)
- Different-season Welsh sons performing physical antics for additional diversion
- These pants are a prison.
- etc, etc, etc
The strip with Beef's bachelor party would not at all have been out of place in 2005.
You may not personally find many of these things funny, but it's not as if they're a radical departure from classic Achewood-style humor. The wedding arc ain't no GOF arc, but it's hitting the jokes with about the same frequency as Achewood arcs ever do, not at all abandoning them for character development.
And don't even get me started on the "fan service" allegations. As far as I can tell, they basically amount to, "When Achewood is enjoyed by others but not by me, it's fan service, and Onstad should cater to my preferences, which would somehow not count as fan service."
See, I do not understand this argument. If the wedding strips had not been funny, I would understand but disagree with you. But if we take a whirlwind tour through the past couple weeks we have:
- Beef's description of how he thinks the marriage is going to end (Is It A Shame)
- Let's get married to a LADY!
- Lie Bot's imitation of Vlad's outfit (havink such dickness)
- Different-season Welsh sons performing physical antics for additional diversion
- These pants are a prison.
- etc, etc, etc
The strip with Beef's bachelor party would not at all have been out of place in 2005.
You may not personally find many of these things funny, but it's not as if they're a radical departure from classic Achewood-style humor. The wedding arc ain't no GOF arc, but it's hitting the jokes with about the same frequency as Achewood arcs ever do, not at all abandoning them for character development.
And don't even get me started on the "fan service" allegations. As far as I can tell, they basically amount to, "When Achewood is enjoyed by others but not by me, it's fan service, and Onstad should cater to my preferences, which would somehow not count as fan service."
+0 -0
I've been couching everything I say in preparation these very statements! Like I said, they are funny enough, but none are truly hysterical. More pedestrian. They just do not seem quite as inspired as they have been in the past. Actually, I'd like to make an addendum to my original statement: The reception strips have not been great. The wedding in and of itself has been a basic time of Achewood. I realize I am criticizing, like, three strips. service? Did I...okay then. Thank goodness. I was worried I had said fan service. I was worried that was me. I had a hand ready to crush my pubic bone if it was, because if I had said that I would NOT BE WORTHY OF A PUBIC BONE.
I've been couching everything I say in preparation these very statements! Like I said, they are funny enough, but none are truly hysterical. More pedestrian. They just do not seem quite as inspired as they have been in the past. Actually, I'd like to make an addendum to my original statement: The reception strips have not been great. The wedding in and of itself has been a basic time of Achewood. I realize I am criticizing, like, three strips. service? Did I...okay then. Thank goodness. I was worried I had said fan service. I was worried that was me. I had a hand ready to crush my pubic bone if it was, because if I had said that I would NOT BE WORTHY OF A PUBIC BONE.
+2 -0
No, no, worry not, you didn't say fan service at all. And though I do not agree with you, you are not being a dick about your opinion.
What I'm trying to say is: If I ever get pregnant, I will still hire you to punch the fetus out of me, rather than go to some quack with a degree in medicine.
No, no, worry not, you didn't say fan service at all. And though I do not agree with you, you are not being a dick about your opinion.
What I'm trying to say is: If I ever get pregnant, I will still hire you to punch the fetus out of me, rather than go to some quack with a degree in medicine.
+0 -1
Whatever it is, foetus has expressed some part of it. Achewood is in a sardonic rut lately. Characters like Ramses can be worthwhile, or they can be gross stereotypes. Certainly these characters have crossed the line into tasteless stereotype more than once. What is really sick however is how consistently many assetbar posters cross the line, all enthralled as they are by the exaggerated features of these characters, gushing on about these characters like so many drunken frat kids or rednecks about the exaggerated virtues of getting drunk and/or exaggerated sexist stereotypes about the female gender. Woo hoo let's all go to a WWF "professional westling" exhibition and cheer the Ramses character. Ya know, frankly, Onstad is completely loosing my interest there.
Whatever it is, foetus has expressed some part of it. Achewood is in a sardonic rut lately. Characters like Ramses can be worthwhile, or they can be gross stereotypes. Certainly these characters have crossed the line into tasteless stereotype more than once. What is really sick however is how consistently many assetbar posters cross the line, all enthralled as they are by the exaggerated features of these characters, gushing on about these characters like so many drunken frat kids or rednecks about the exaggerated virtues of getting drunk and/or exaggerated sexist stereotypes about the female gender. Woo hoo let's all go to a WWF "professional westling" exhibition and cheer the Ramses character. Ya know, frankly, Onstad is completely loosing my interest there.
+0 -0
Another thing I don't understand: Coming to a place where you know for sure there are a lot of people who like something, and telling them that liking that "is really sick." You're entitled to the opinion that our sense of humor and maybe also all our values are inferior to yours, but I don't know how you expect us to listen to that opinion.
Also, what exaggerated sexist stereotypes are you seeing? Because I would really love it if someone on Assetbar would take over the role of Constantly Offended by Transgressions Against Feminism. It would take a lot of lames off my hands.
Another thing I don't understand: Coming to a place where you know for sure there are a lot of people who like something, and telling them that liking that "is really sick." You're entitled to the opinion that our sense of humor and maybe also all our values are inferior to yours, but I don't know how you expect us to listen to that opinion.
Also, what exaggerated sexist stereotypes are you seeing? Because I would really love it if someone on Assetbar would take over the role of Constantly Offended by Transgressions Against Feminism. It would take a lot of lames off my hands.
+0 -0
Personally, I don't see where you get off being accused of being an offended radical feminist. You put up with way too much sexual harassment for that. Shape up, or give up your right to be labeled as a stereotype.
Personally, I don't see where you get off being accused of being an offended radical feminist. You put up with way too much sexual harassment for that. Shape up, or give up your right to be labeled as a stereotype.
+0 -0
Don't be bringin your Egghead Feminism all up ins... lady has to pick her fights out here in the real world.
Don't be bringin your Egghead Feminism all up ins... lady has to pick her fights out here in the real world.
+0 -2
>>what exaggerated sexist stereotypes are you seeing?
I said "like so many drunken frat kids or rednecks [gushing] about [...] exaggerated sexist stereotypes"
Key word being "like."
octafish � neu 1 day ago
Ramses once crippled a man for saying "Play it again Sam" He punctuated the correct line with punches to the spine.
You. punch Played. punch It. punch For. punch Her. punch You. punch Can. punch Play. punch It. punch For. punch Me! punch
reply :: Comment rated 4 Chubbies and 0 Lames
yeah, that is really sick,
irondave � neu 9 hours ago
I bet you don't even know any rednecks.
You're entitled to the opinion that our sense of humor and maybe also all our values are inferior to yours, but I don't know how you expect us to listen to that opinion.
that would be a typical redneck reaction, all right -- thinking that I've just called your entire way of life sick and inferior and Not listening. Because really, that is your entire way of life - your entire culture centers around slapstick humor and/or the fervent belief that your culture and belief system is completely alright and unassailable on any level.
>>what exaggerated sexist stereotypes are you seeing?
I said "like so many drunken frat kids or rednecks [gushing] about [...] exaggerated sexist stereotypes"
Key word being "like."
octafish � neu 1 day ago
Ramses once crippled a man for saying "Play it again Sam" He punctuated the correct line with punches to the spine.
You. punch Played. punch It. punch For. punch Her. punch You. punch Can. punch Play. punch It. punch For. punch Me! punch
reply :: Comment rated 4 Chubbies and 0 Lames
yeah, that is really sick,
irondave � neu 9 hours ago
I bet you don't even know any rednecks.
You're entitled to the opinion that our sense of humor and maybe also all our values are inferior to yours, but I don't know how you expect us to listen to that opinion.
that would be a typical redneck reaction, all right -- thinking that I've just called your entire way of life sick and inferior and Not listening. Because really, that is your entire way of life - your entire culture centers around slapstick humor and/or the fervent belief that your culture and belief system is completely alright and unassailable on any level.
+1 -0
So the lady from northern California studying at Stanford is living a redneck way of life? You have deduced this from comments here on the webcomic message board?
I guess "redneck" is just a term you apply to people you choose to look down on.
So the lady from northern California studying at Stanford is living a redneck way of life? You have deduced this from comments here on the webcomic message board?
I guess "redneck" is just a term you apply to people you choose to look down on.
+0 -0
I know this is totally unrelated to anything, but Bush sucks, Glenn Beck sucks, Ann Coulter sucks Glenn Beck, and Ashcroft likes anal play with a rolled-up copy of the USA PATRIOT Act. I have a Monster energy drink and I am sorta tired of galskap being all self-rightous and even if "she" is not being self-rightous *I don't know, I might be 'projecting or whatever, I don't know if that is a Frued thing or a Jung thing but I digress* "she" is being annoying and I think that ----I'm hungry. What? Oh, yeah, I think that "she" is --- I had a point, I KNOW I did, gosh darn it. Just, stop being a cute little kitten that says....things. Yes. "Things." Oh, I don't know what your culture is *I am NOT a redneck*, but I am just curious, I am want some assailableness up ins yo' hood. I'ma get all serious in yo face once my thought process becomes more coherent.
I know this is totally unrelated to anything, but Bush sucks, Glenn Beck sucks, Ann Coulter sucks Glenn Beck, and Ashcroft likes anal play with a rolled-up copy of the USA PATRIOT Act. I have a Monster energy drink and I am sorta tired of galskap being all self-rightous and even if "she" is not being self-rightous *I don't know, I might be 'projecting or whatever, I don't know if that is a Frued thing or a Jung thing but I digress* "she" is being annoying and I think that ----I'm hungry. What? Oh, yeah, I think that "she" is --- I had a point, I KNOW I did, gosh darn it. Just, stop being a cute little kitten that says....things. Yes. "Things." Oh, I don't know what your culture is *I am NOT a redneck*, but I am just curious, I am want some assailableness up ins yo' hood. I'ma get all serious in yo face once my thought process becomes more coherent.
+0 -0
Why must I always get involved?
Why must I always get involved?
+0 -0
Let me try this again.
"that would be a typical redneck reaction, all right -- thinking that I've just called your entire way of life sick and inferior and Not listening. Because really, that is your entire way of life - your entire culture centers around slapstick humor and/or the fervent belief that your culture and belief system is completely alright and unassailable on any level."
1) I'll slapstick YOUR humor.
2) Most times, if you have an opinion, and you're a complete dick about it, like, "haha, they think they're right, but I know I am, and anything they say to the contrary is an affront upon me, them getting all defensive cuz they know I'm right and they're just mad....".....people will get just the smallest bit ticked off....
3) I'm always horrible at these sortsa things.
4) You are a cute kitten
5) You are self-rightous
6) *headdesk*
7)Just...... annoying.
8)I.....I'm going to shut up now.
Let me try this again.
"that would be a typical redneck reaction, all right -- thinking that I've just called your entire way of life sick and inferior and Not listening. Because really, that is your entire way of life - your entire culture centers around slapstick humor and/or the fervent belief that your culture and belief system is completely alright and unassailable on any level."
1) I'll slapstick YOUR humor.
2) Most times, if you have an opinion, and you're a complete dick about it, like, "haha, they think they're right, but I know I am, and anything they say to the contrary is an affront upon me, them getting all defensive cuz they know I'm right and they're just mad....".....people will get just the smallest bit ticked off....
3) I'm always horrible at these sortsa things.
4) You are a cute kitten
5) You are self-rightous
6) *headdesk*
7)Just...... annoying.
8)I.....I'm going to shut up now.
+0 -0
I am sorry I misspelled your name, Freud.
I am sorry I misspelled your name, Freud.
+0 -0
I'm not a drunken fratboy, but I do play one on TV, sometimes to get thechubbies chuckles you gotta pander. I actually dislike the whole Ramses "Legend" but I dislike people saying "Play it again Sam" more. What is wrong with slapstick anyway, I bet you don't hate Buster Keaton, Jaques Tati, or The Marx Brothers "mirror scene" do you?
P.S. is a classic farce slapstick? Man I loved those farce episodes of frasier, they could have been written by Joe Orton.
I'm not a drunken fratboy, but I do play one on TV, sometimes to get the
P.S. is a classic farce slapstick? Man I loved those farce episodes of frasier, they could have been written by Joe Orton.
+0 -0
I love Buster and his hat.
I love Buster and his hat.
+0 -0
Hi it's me, octafish, again. I would like to formally apologise to the memory of Jacques Tati for the missing C. Thank you.
Hi it's me, octafish, again. I would like to formally apologise to the memory of Jacques Tati for the missing C. Thank you.
+0 -0
How many people would have noticed?
I did not. *droop*
How many people would have noticed?
I did not. *droop*
+0 -0
Love Duck Soup ... love it!
Love Duck Soup ... love it!
+0 -0
Ooh sorry, you're right. I misread your original statement. It was a bit of a run-on sentence, so perhaps my mistake was understandable, but I'm at fault. As for your blatant and probably intentional misreading of my statement, I ain't even gonna touch it. That's right, ladies, gents: Loneal is going to be the mature one this time and keep her paws off an int0r wabs fight. Pay attention because this may be the first and last time this will ever happen.
Ooh sorry, you're right. I misread your original statement. It was a bit of a run-on sentence, so perhaps my mistake was understandable, but I'm at fault. As for your blatant and probably intentional misreading of my statement, I ain't even gonna touch it. That's right, ladies, gents: Loneal is going to be the mature one this time and keep her paws off an int0r wabs fight. Pay attention because this may be the first and last time this will ever happen.
+0 -0
Oh say it ain't so loneal, say it ain't so.
Oh say it ain't so loneal, say it ain't so.
+0 -0
I usually only participate in arguments where opposing views are being logically laid out. There are no viewpoints here except for "you're stupid," "no YOU'RE stupid."
But never fear, octafish! I'm sure tomorrow something will say something heteronormative and I will leap upon them with caustic fangs bared! I like those kinds of fights muchisimo.
I usually only participate in arguments where opposing views are being logically laid out. There are no viewpoints here except for "you're stupid," "no YOU'RE stupid."
But never fear, octafish! I'm sure tomorrow something will say something heteronormative and I will leap upon them with caustic fangs bared! I like those kinds of fights muchisimo.
+0 -0
You are just saying that because you are stupid
You are just saying that because you are stupid
+0 -0
I bet you don't even know any rednecks.
I bet you don't even know any rednecks.
+7 -0
Okay look, I know I'm slightly older than the average Assetbar denizen, and closer to "artificial hip" than "hip," but... I dunno. Take the actual wedding strip from 7/15 ("The Math"), particularly rows four and five. Amidst glimpses from the wedding we literally see Beef's life flash before his eyes: hanging with Ray, horrible childhood, dad's getting killed, etc. Then he sees Molly, and has a memory of her, and... smiles. And it made me think of my wedding, of the bright, clear Spring day on a hill in southern California, of the wildflowers and pine trees, of all the people I knew sitting there in attendence, of the nerves I had at the altar, of watching my wife come down the stairs to the meadow on the side of the hill, of that simultaneous mental flash of "wow she's beautiful/holy shit this is happening/this makes up for a lot of the shit I had to go through to get here," and the comic was an instant 5. No, it wasn't funny. But I got more out of it than most of the laughs I've had from Achewood.
Any knucklehead can crack wise about alcohol and genitalia and bodily functions. Achewood is awesome to me because Onstad is brilliant at reflecting (often with quite a cock-eyed viewpoint) the amazingness and absurdity of every day life (along with jokes about alcohol, genitalia, and bodily functions). To me, the dash of lunacy Onstad applies to the everyday ordinaries are far, far funnier than many of the one-liners and punchlines.
And yes, any direction Onstad decides to take this comic is fine by me. This isn't some rookie quarterback we're talking about: I feel he has earned the benefit of the doubt.
I've been couching everything I say in preparation these very statements! Like I said, they are funny enough, but none are truly hysterical. More pedestrian. They just do not seem quite as inspired as they have been in the past. Actually, I'd like to make an addendum to my original statement: The reception strips have not been great. The wedding in and of itself has been a basic time of Achewood. I realize I am criticizing, like, three strips.
Okay look, I know I'm slightly older than the average Assetbar denizen, and closer to "artificial hip" than "hip," but... I dunno. Take the actual wedding strip from 7/15 ("The Math"), particularly rows four and five. Amidst glimpses from the wedding we literally see Beef's life flash before his eyes: hanging with Ray, horrible childhood, dad's getting killed, etc. Then he sees Molly, and has a memory of her, and... smiles. And it made me think of my wedding, of the bright, clear Spring day on a hill in southern California, of the wildflowers and pine trees, of all the people I knew sitting there in attendence, of the nerves I had at the altar, of watching my wife come down the stairs to the meadow on the side of the hill, of that simultaneous mental flash of "wow she's beautiful/holy shit this is happening/this makes up for a lot of the shit I had to go through to get here," and the comic was an instant 5. No, it wasn't funny. But I got more out of it than most of the laughs I've had from Achewood.
Any knucklehead can crack wise about alcohol and genitalia and bodily functions. Achewood is awesome to me because Onstad is brilliant at reflecting (often with quite a cock-eyed viewpoint) the amazingness and absurdity of every day life (along with jokes about alcohol, genitalia, and bodily functions). To me, the dash of lunacy Onstad applies to the everyday ordinaries are far, far funnier than many of the one-liners and punchlines.
And yes, any direction Onstad decides to take this comic is fine by me. This isn't some rookie quarterback we're talking about: I feel he has earned the benefit of the doubt.
+0 -0
I think it's spelled YHWH.
I think it's spelled YHWH.
+0 -0
... But um, hey, who am I to spell it for you Mr. Dude...uh...aheheh
Oh yeah by the way, vchub.
... But um, hey, who am I to spell it for you Mr. Dude...uh...aheheh
Oh yeah by the way, vchub.
+0 -0
Here, invidious, take a chubby. Sorry, you seemed like an asshole before. No, sorry, I in no way made myself clear there, but what I was goin' for is that much of the wedding itself, especially that montage strip you've mentioned, were quite good, even great. But the reception was (and continued to be) fairly poor. Explanation time.
And I am very glad to see that Assetbar has not lame-jerked me into oblivion. See, guys? Presenting opinions in a kindly way and not typing in all caps does help! Fucking children.
I am 16. Damn. Can't say that.
Here, invidious, take a chubby. Sorry, you seemed like an asshole before. No, sorry, I in no way made myself clear there, but what I was goin' for is that much of the wedding itself, especially that montage strip you've mentioned, were quite good, even great. But the reception was (and continued to be) fairly poor. Explanation time.
And I am very glad to see that Assetbar has not lame-jerked me into oblivion. See, guys? Presenting opinions in a kindly way and not typing in all caps does help! Fucking children.
I am 16. Damn. Can't say that.
+0 -0
Void America's feelings on this comment are:
The wedding arc ain't no GOF arc, but it's hitting the jokes with about the same frequency as Achewood arcs ever do, not at all abandoning them for character development.
Void America's feelings on this comment are:

+0 -2 really thought all those examples were laugh-out-loud funny? Compare any of those to "until you are SO nude," "I wouldn't let a damn MOLECULE of my dick touch you," "he rape my face, he rape my hand," or even "science fair project about scoring with gross fellows" which was the last strip I fived. The examples you give are like what I said - the characters just talking in their usual way and people cheering in recognition like they do when a popular sitcom character enters the room. Chuckle-worthy at best, and not even. As for fan service, I wouldn't use that particular phrase, but I can see what people mean. Frankly, I think the whole thing Beef getting engaged and married ruined the original dynamic of the comic.
I just think it's kind of a ridiculous coincidence that no matter what direction Onstad takes Achewood in, even if it's a drastically different one from previous trends, the majority of readers seem to magically be in agreement that it is a good direction, kind of how every new strip seems to be 'the best strip ever'. Are you guys ever honest with yourselves? I mean, about everything? really thought all those examples were laugh-out-loud funny? Compare any of those to "until you are SO nude," "I wouldn't let a damn MOLECULE of my dick touch you," "he rape my face, he rape my hand," or even "science fair project about scoring with gross fellows" which was the last strip I fived. The examples you give are like what I said - the characters just talking in their usual way and people cheering in recognition like they do when a popular sitcom character enters the room. Chuckle-worthy at best, and not even. As for fan service, I wouldn't use that particular phrase, but I can see what people mean. Frankly, I think the whole thing Beef getting engaged and married ruined the original dynamic of the comic.
I just think it's kind of a ridiculous coincidence that no matter what direction Onstad takes Achewood in, even if it's a drastically different one from previous trends, the majority of readers seem to magically be in agreement that it is a good direction, kind of how every new strip seems to be 'the best strip ever'. Are you guys ever honest with yourselves? I mean, about everything?
+3 -0
Man, Elbox, I ain't got the time or finger stamina for an essay here, but I have to say. If you think the "original dynamic" of the comic was reliant on the suffering and loneliness of Roast Beef, or indeed the situation of any single character, I don't think you're reading it the way it should be read. Achewood isn't a good comic because it features a cat who is too sad to bite through toast. It's a great comic because of Onstand's amazing skill in writing and characterisation.
Moreover, I have to kind of read your post as saying that you'd rather that Beef had never got married, as it's too large a deviation from the classic Achewood of your youth. And yeah, sure, other webcomics can survive with the same characters in the same situations for years on end, and still churn out hilarious and original punchlines every week. But no way that'd work for Achewood. Achewood is too deep a piece of work, and Onstead is too good a writer. They couldn't function without character development and changes in situation, and not only to give him new means through which to express his genius, but also because change is a necessary facet of life, and despite being about a bunch of talking cats and some alive stuffed animals, Achewood is, in its characters and dialogue, inherently lifelike.
Man, Elbox, I ain't got the time or finger stamina for an essay here, but I have to say. If you think the "original dynamic" of the comic was reliant on the suffering and loneliness of Roast Beef, or indeed the situation of any single character, I don't think you're reading it the way it should be read. Achewood isn't a good comic because it features a cat who is too sad to bite through toast. It's a great comic because of Onstand's amazing skill in writing and characterisation.
Moreover, I have to kind of read your post as saying that you'd rather that Beef had never got married, as it's too large a deviation from the classic Achewood of your youth. And yeah, sure, other webcomics can survive with the same characters in the same situations for years on end, and still churn out hilarious and original punchlines every week. But no way that'd work for Achewood. Achewood is too deep a piece of work, and Onstead is too good a writer. They couldn't function without character development and changes in situation, and not only to give him new means through which to express his genius, but also because change is a necessary facet of life, and despite being about a bunch of talking cats and some alive stuffed animals, Achewood is, in its characters and dialogue, inherently lifelike.
+0 -0
Okay, that was kind of an essay.
Okay, that was kind of an essay.
+0 -0
I_Love_Kate has the finger stamina to go all night
I_Love_Kate has the finger stamina to go all night
+0 -0
+0 -0
Don't worry, nobody was going to.
Don't worry, nobody was going to.
+0 -0
Someone's an optimist.
Someone's an optimist.
+0 -0
Well, I'm pretty sure Ka- OH COME THE FUCK ON!
Well, I'm pretty sure Ka- OH COME THE FUCK ON!
+0 -0
Personally, I felt a pang of trouble when Beef proposed, feeling that the options from there were him getting married, and taking Beef's character developement into an area that might not be the most comfortable, or the marriage somehow imploding on itself, setting a horribly numbing status quo, or perhaps worse still, having the engagement be in static developement indefinately. I am thinking at the moment that this is the braver of the three, and am willing to see where it goes from there.
The strips are not awful, I still find myself curious and anticipating, they do not yet feel phoned in, but that is just my opinion.
Personally, I felt a pang of trouble when Beef proposed, feeling that the options from there were him getting married, and taking Beef's character developement into an area that might not be the most comfortable, or the marriage somehow imploding on itself, setting a horribly numbing status quo, or perhaps worse still, having the engagement be in static developement indefinately. I am thinking at the moment that this is the braver of the three, and am willing to see where it goes from there.
The strips are not awful, I still find myself curious and anticipating, they do not yet feel phoned in, but that is just my opinion.
+1 -0
I find the things I listed significantly funnier than the "scoring with gross fellows" joke. In fact, I find them funnier than The Mountain and the Motorcycle, which is the third highest-rated strip ever. I guess it is time for me to start telling everyone who liked that strip they have an incorrect sense of humor.
I find the things I listed significantly funnier than the "scoring with gross fellows" joke. In fact, I find them funnier than The Mountain and the Motorcycle, which is the third highest-rated strip ever. I guess it is time for me to start telling everyone who liked that strip they have an incorrect sense of humor.
+0 -0
Don't forget to criticize their taste in music, while you're at it.
Don't forget to criticize their taste in music, while you're at it.
+0 -1
+4 -0
If you created an account just to post this shit, then post it, like this:
If you created an account just to post this shit, then post it, like this:

+1 -0
Damn pogo, when did the apprentice become the master?
So much for pathos.
Damn pogo, when did the apprentice become the master?
So much for pathos.
+0 -0
I actually wasn't sure a GIF would work, but hey, I gave it a try.
I actually wasn't sure a GIF would work, but hey, I gave it a try.
+0 -0
When I first saw this, I had just scrolled down enough to see the tips of the skis, and Phillipe's head. I thought that some beast with Giant Mandibles of Death was eating the little otter. I was greatly relieved once I saw the whole picture.
When I first saw this, I had just scrolled down enough to see the tips of the skis, and Phillipe's head. I thought that some beast with Giant Mandibles of Death was eating the little otter. I was greatly relieved once I saw the whole picture.
+1 -2
+0 -0
omsad backwards is "dasmo."
omsad backwards is "dasmo."
+0 -0
This is a vital clue.
*writes in notepad*
This is a vital clue.
*writes in notepad*
+0 -0
That was very well put together loneal. I'm referring to the thing that got all chubby-green up there. You have pleased me, and may have a meal this evening.
I'm with you on the fact that this isn't really less funny than historical strips. I think the mounding of characters into a small space is best appreciated by longtime fans, but that's hardly fan service. The current stuff is a mash of funny and weird, as all of Achewood has been. It's not his best, not his worst, just trying something different. I'm always most impressed with Achewood when Eisenstad tries new things.
That was very well put together loneal. I'm referring to the thing that got all chubby-green up there. You have pleased me, and may have a meal this evening.
I'm with you on the fact that this isn't really less funny than historical strips. I think the mounding of characters into a small space is best appreciated by longtime fans, but that's hardly fan service. The current stuff is a mash of funny and weird, as all of Achewood has been. It's not his best, not his worst, just trying something different. I'm always most impressed with Achewood when Eisenstad tries new things.
+0 -0
A comment left by achilleselbow was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by invidious, woodenteeth, foetus_punch)
A comment left by achilleselbow was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by invidious, woodenteeth, foetus_punch)
+0 -0
Well then send me your condolences immediately, because I am totally emotionally invested in these characters, and I don't find them one-dimensional at all. I don't want flowers, but a box of chocolates might be nice.
Well then send me your condolences immediately, because I am totally emotionally invested in these characters, and I don't find them one-dimensional at all. I don't want flowers, but a box of chocolates might be nice.
+0 -0
How about chocolate in your hair?
How about chocolate in your hair?
+0 -0
How about a hair in a box of chocolates?
How about a hair in a box of chocolates?
+0 -0
I dropped a palmful of her hair into some fondue once. It was delicious with some jelly beans and a nice Chianti.
I dropped a palmful of her hair into some fondue once. It was delicious with some jelly beans and a nice Chianti.
+0 -0
Man I hate it when people don't like the things I like
Man I hate it when people don't like the things I like
+0 -0
I know, man, totally. Makes me wanna go write a book and start a genocide or herbicide or somethin'. Some sorta 'cide.
I know, man, totally. Makes me wanna go write a book and start a genocide or herbicide or somethin'. Some sorta 'cide.
+1 -0
honestly, i'm still rather undecided.
honestly, i'm still rather undecided.
+0 -0
Hey achilleselbow? We are sort of on the same side here. But screw you. To begin with, the straight-forward natures of these characters allows us to invest ourselves moreso than in some complex, ever-changing, deep human. For example, the characters of Dostyevsky (namedrop) or Kafka (namedrop). And beyond that, the fact that you believe that no webcomic could ever top the works of the great authors of the past, then you are simply being a bit foolish. Those authors were great for their times, and they reflected their times admirably. Onstad is great for his time, and he reflects his time admirably in all ways, including through his chosen medium. To tell you the truth...I would have to say I feel sorry for you. Oh wait, that's condescending.
Hey achilleselbow? We are sort of on the same side here. But screw you. To begin with, the straight-forward natures of these characters allows us to invest ourselves moreso than in some complex, ever-changing, deep human. For example, the characters of Dostyevsky (namedrop) or Kafka (namedrop). And beyond that, the fact that you believe that no webcomic could ever top the works of the great authors of the past, then you are simply being a bit foolish. Those authors were great for their times, and they reflected their times admirably. Onstad is great for his time, and he reflects his time admirably in all ways, including through his chosen medium. To tell you the truth...I would have to say I feel sorry for you. Oh wait, that's condescending.
+4 -0
Yea I mean, there's not much in it in the way of laughs. Everyone's fiving it just because it's a big event that they've been waiting for. I really don't get the whole thing of being attached to the characters just for their sake. I mean I've admired Onstad's writing and his use of language as much as anyone, but I've never forgotten that the original point of Achewood was that the characters and their quirks were there to be funny . At this point, however, people seem to go wild just because a character makes an appearance and acts in his trademark way, just the way the studio audience hoots and hollers whenever Kramer walks in before he's even said or done anything.
Maybe it's just me, but I thought Beef was a lot funnier when he was so ridiculously depressed that he wanted to fly to the moon and stay there or couldn't walk into a store than when he's freaking out about the food at his wedding. I guess Achewood's transformation from absurdist humor to a focus on characters and continuity has been happening since almost the very beginning with The Party, but I thought it reached a happy medium somewhere around the Beef Makeover and Cartilage Head arcs. At this point, I wonder how many people's primary motivation for reading is to find out what's going to happen to the characters in the next strip, and we all know what that's like.
Yea I mean, there's not much in it in the way of laughs. Everyone's fiving it just because it's a big event that they've been waiting for. I really don't get the whole thing of being attached to the characters just for their sake. I mean I've admired Onstad's writing and his use of language as much as anyone, but I've never forgotten that the original point of Achewood was that the characters and their quirks were there to be funny . At this point, however, people seem to go wild just because a character makes an appearance and acts in his trademark way, just the way the studio audience hoots and hollers whenever Kramer walks in before he's even said or done anything.
Maybe it's just me, but I thought Beef was a lot funnier when he was so ridiculously depressed that he wanted to fly to the moon and stay there or couldn't walk into a store than when he's freaking out about the food at his wedding. I guess Achewood's transformation from absurdist humor to a focus on characters and continuity has been happening since almost the very beginning with The Party, but I thought it reached a happy medium somewhere around the Beef Makeover and Cartilage Head arcs. At this point, I wonder how many people's primary motivation for reading is to find out what's going to happen to the characters in the next strip, and we all know what that's like.
+0 -0
Pretty much what I was thinking. It's not that this arc hasn't been entertaining, it's just not as fun or interesting for those of us who aren't all that attached to the characters.
I can't relate to Roast Beef at all, so seeing him succeed isn't doing the same thing for me as it does for people who see a bit of themselves in the dude. I don't want to take the attachment or comradarie away from anybody else, but I'd really like to see in the next arc, something a bit more...joke-centered, not so character driven. Like the Lyle vomits on a football strip, which, probably will be about what happens when the wedding is all finished.
Both are fine, but the pendulum needs to swing back a bit, I feel.
Pretty much what I was thinking. It's not that this arc hasn't been entertaining, it's just not as fun or interesting for those of us who aren't all that attached to the characters.
I can't relate to Roast Beef at all, so seeing him succeed isn't doing the same thing for me as it does for people who see a bit of themselves in the dude. I don't want to take the attachment or comradarie away from anybody else, but I'd really like to see in the next arc, something a bit more...joke-centered, not so character driven. Like the Lyle vomits on a football strip, which, probably will be about what happens when the wedding is all finished.
Both are fine, but the pendulum needs to swing back a bit, I feel.
+0 -0
Looking back at this arc, my favorite parts have been the strips involving Ramses or Molly's family. While the main characters were stepping through rituals as old as time itself--Molly and Beef getting married, Ray pining for his father's acceptance, Teodor aspiring to create but falling short--we got to see some amusing expansion of the Ramses character, plus some comedic relief from the undead Welsh clan. That's the best of both worlds, I suppose: let the supporting characters deliver the comedy while the protagonists fulfill their various destinies.
Looking back at this arc, my favorite parts have been the strips involving Ramses or Molly's family. While the main characters were stepping through rituals as old as time itself--Molly and Beef getting married, Ray pining for his father's acceptance, Teodor aspiring to create but falling short--we got to see some amusing expansion of the Ramses character, plus some comedic relief from the undead Welsh clan. That's the best of both worlds, I suppose: let the supporting characters deliver the comedy while the protagonists fulfill their various destinies.
+0 -1
I'm sure I'm going to get reamed with lames, but frankly I'm getting sick of these Ramses strips. Seeing him being put in all these incredibly pedestrian fucking situations is kind of killing the legend.
I'm sure I'm going to get reamed with lames, but frankly I'm getting sick of these Ramses strips. Seeing him being put in all these incredibly pedestrian fucking situations is kind of killing the legend.
+0 -0
I mean sorry, but when did the guy turn from a shadowy ultra-badass figure into someone that knocks on the window of a car to wake up/hassle a guy just because he once saw him on TV? My grandmother does stuff like that, albeit probably not with gay porn involved
I mean sorry, but when did the guy turn from a shadowy ultra-badass figure into someone that knocks on the window of a car to wake up/hassle a guy just because he once saw him on TV? My grandmother does stuff like that, albeit probably not with gay porn involved
+0 -0
When the TV in question is mounted in an airplane flying illegally to Cuba so you can maul communists with your bare hands, your badass credentials are secure.
When the TV in question is mounted in an airplane flying illegally to Cuba so you can maul communists with your bare hands, your badass credentials are secure.
+2 -0
He is going well out of his way to babble about bits and pieces of his life to total strangers using flimsy pretenses, just so that we get to see him in further comic strips. For an apparent 'master of leavery' he is doing a really excellent job of hanging around like a bad smell, and also ruining whatever mystique he might have had before.
He is going well out of his way to babble about bits and pieces of his life to total strangers using flimsy pretenses, just so that we get to see him in further comic strips. For an apparent 'master of leavery' he is doing a really excellent job of hanging around like a bad smell, and also ruining whatever mystique he might have had before.
+0 -0
Ramses in the comic strip every day is like the Queen waking you up - too special .
Ramses in the comic strip every day is like the Queen waking you up - too special .
+1 -0
It's like cocaine for breakfast. Because you know that when he does leave, you'll all be shaking and biting your nails something fierce, hanging on for his next brief arrival in the Beef and Molly Funeral arc.
It's like cocaine for breakfast. Because you know that when he does leave, you'll all be shaking and biting your nails something fierce, hanging on for his next brief arrival in the Beef and Molly Funeral arc.
+2 -0
Hmmmm cocaine for breakfast, I know song about that...
Early one mornin' while makin' the rounds
I took a shot of cocaine and I shot my woman down
I went right home and I went to bed
I stuck that lovin' 44 beneath my head
Got up next mornin' and I grabbed that gun
Took a shot of cocaine and away I run
Made a good run but I run too slow
They overtook me down in Juarez Mexico
Late in the hot joints takin' the pills
In walked the sheriff from Jericho Hill
He said Willy Lee your name is not Jack Brown
You're the dirty hack that shot your woman down
Said yes oh yes my name is Willy Lee
If you've got the warrant just read it to me
Shot her down because she made me sore
I thought I was her daddy but she had five more
When I was arrested I was dressed in black
They put me on a train and they took me back
Had no friend for to go my bail
They slapped my dried up carcass in that country jail
Early next mornin' bout a half past nine
I spied the sheriff coming down the line
Ah and he coughed as he cleared his throat
He said come on you dirty hack into that district court
Into the courtroom my trial began
Where I was handled by twelve honest men
Just before the jury started out
I saw the little judge commence to look about
In about five minutes in walked the man
Holding the verdict in his right hand
The verdict read in the first degree
I hollered Lordy Lordy have a mercy on me
The judge he smiled as he picked up his pen
99 years in the Folsom pen
99 years underneath that ground
I can't forget the day I shot that bad bitch down
Come on you've gotta listen unto me
Lay off that whiskey and let that cocaine be
Hmmmm cocaine for breakfast, I know song about that...
Early one mornin' while makin' the rounds
I took a shot of cocaine and I shot my woman down
I went right home and I went to bed
I stuck that lovin' 44 beneath my head
Got up next mornin' and I grabbed that gun
Took a shot of cocaine and away I run
Made a good run but I run too slow
They overtook me down in Juarez Mexico
Late in the hot joints takin' the pills
In walked the sheriff from Jericho Hill
He said Willy Lee your name is not Jack Brown
You're the dirty hack that shot your woman down
Said yes oh yes my name is Willy Lee
If you've got the warrant just read it to me
Shot her down because she made me sore
I thought I was her daddy but she had five more
When I was arrested I was dressed in black
They put me on a train and they took me back
Had no friend for to go my bail
They slapped my dried up carcass in that country jail
Early next mornin' bout a half past nine
I spied the sheriff coming down the line
Ah and he coughed as he cleared his throat
He said come on you dirty hack into that district court
Into the courtroom my trial began
Where I was handled by twelve honest men
Just before the jury started out
I saw the little judge commence to look about
In about five minutes in walked the man
Holding the verdict in his right hand
The verdict read in the first degree
I hollered Lordy Lordy have a mercy on me
The judge he smiled as he picked up his pen
99 years in the Folsom pen
99 years underneath that ground
I can't forget the day I shot that bad bitch down
Come on you've gotta listen unto me
Lay off that whiskey and let that cocaine be
+0 -0
That was really good. Here's another:
That was really good. Here's another:
Well I%u2019m ridin%u2019 down Fifth Street, I%u2019m comin%u2019 down Main
I tried to bum a nickel for to buy cocaine
Cocaine%u2019s gonna kill my honey dead
Now won%u2019t you tell it to me
Tell it to me
Drink the corn liquor let the cocaine be
Cocaine%u2019s gonna kill my honey dead
I sniff cocaine before I die
I%u2019d be sniffin%u2019 cocaine if it took my life
Cocaine%u2019s gonna kill my honey dead
Now I sniff cocaine, I sniff it in the wind
The doc he says it%u2019ll kill me but he can%u2019t say when
Cocaine%u2019s gonna kill my honey dead
All them rounders that think they%u2019re tough
But they feed their women on the beer and the snuff
Cocaine%u2019s gonna kill my honey dead
I tried to bum a nickel for to buy cocaine
Cocaine%u2019s gonna kill my honey dead
Now won%u2019t you tell it to me
Tell it to me
Drink the corn liquor let the cocaine be
Cocaine%u2019s gonna kill my honey dead
I sniff cocaine before I die
I%u2019d be sniffin%u2019 cocaine if it took my life
Cocaine%u2019s gonna kill my honey dead
Now I sniff cocaine, I sniff it in the wind
The doc he says it%u2019ll kill me but he can%u2019t say when
Cocaine%u2019s gonna kill my honey dead
All them rounders that think they%u2019re tough
But they feed their women on the beer and the snuff
Cocaine%u2019s gonna kill my honey dead
+0 -0
I think the percent signs and shit from cut-and-paste make it more jumpy, don't you?
I think the percent signs and shit from cut-and-paste make it more jumpy, don't you?
+0 -0
I could picture Todd being phreaked and trying to pronounce the %u2019s instead of just punctuating
I could picture Todd being phreaked and trying to pronounce the %u2019s instead of just punctuating
+3 -0
Maybe that's the point. Maybe Onstad is trying to do some deconstruction here, you know? Yeah, he's a legend, yeah, everyone thinks he's a badass, but maybe he actually isn't.
Seeing him being put in all these incredibly pedestrian fucking situations is kind of killing the legend.
Maybe that's the point. Maybe Onstad is trying to do some deconstruction here, you know? Yeah, he's a legend, yeah, everyone thinks he's a badass, but maybe he actually isn't.
+0 -0
I'm totally with you Okie-brother. I got the sense that Ramses was always more about the distant-father archetype, and not the invincible badass. Most of the unstoppable asskicker image has come from people on this board. I got the sense that much of his awesome in the comic was filtered through Ray's need for a hero-figure, which naturally fell to his missing father. My take on the current 'normalcy' of Ramses is to show that he really is just some guy who fights well, and spreads his seed throughout the land, and really is a normal guy. The myth of the king of assbeaters really never was in the comic for me.
I'm totally with you Okie-brother. I got the sense that Ramses was always more about the distant-father archetype, and not the invincible badass. Most of the unstoppable asskicker image has come from people on this board. I got the sense that much of his awesome in the comic was filtered through Ray's need for a hero-figure, which naturally fell to his missing father. My take on the current 'normalcy' of Ramses is to show that he really is just some guy who fights well, and spreads his seed throughout the land, and really is a normal guy. The myth of the king of assbeaters really never was in the comic for me.
+0 -0
I take your point, but what about him blowing the top off of the beer bottle in the last strip? Seemed to me that Onstad felt the need to re-affirm Ramses' badass credentials just then. And surely the easiest way to make him more mundane is to have a bloo-bloo weepy scene with Ray. I get the feeling that it's meant to be like the end of the GOF, with the badass heading off into the sunset.
I take your point, but what about him blowing the top off of the beer bottle in the last strip? Seemed to me that Onstad felt the need to re-affirm Ramses' badass credentials just then. And surely the easiest way to make him more mundane is to have a bloo-bloo weepy scene with Ray. I get the feeling that it's meant to be like the end of the GOF, with the badass heading off into the sunset.
+4 -0
Why did Onstad put him blowing the bottle cap off when he did? He did it to show Ray seeing it. It inflates the 'amazing dad' image in Ray's mind. When Ray wasn't looking, he talked about doing Yoga, having a bad back, farting a lot and not being able to ask some women out. Pretty standard older guy stuff (right Pogo?). He was even kinda pushy with Pat (who was being a dick, but the wise thing is to just ignore him). I don't think the bottle-based coolness was for us, I think it was to keep Ray going.
Why did Onstad put him blowing the bottle cap off when he did? He did it to show Ray seeing it. It inflates the 'amazing dad' image in Ray's mind. When Ray wasn't looking, he talked about doing Yoga, having a bad back, farting a lot and not being able to ask some women out. Pretty standard older guy stuff (right Pogo?). He was even kinda pushy with Pat (who was being a dick, but the wise thing is to just ignore him). I don't think the bottle-based coolness was for us, I think it was to keep Ray going.
+0 -0
Okay. Then why the hell is this anecdote about seeing a dude in gay porn film having to be flavoured with "Commie ass kicking"? Whose benefit is that for?
Okay. Then why the hell is this anecdote about seeing a dude in gay porn film having to be flavoured with "Commie ass kicking"? Whose benefit is that for?
+0 -0
That was for me.
That was for me.
+0 -0
Or, hell, the police blotter article with him in it? I guess you could be right - I'd prefer it if you were - but it looks more to me like Chris is floundering to keep him 'raw' while at the same time totally breaking down everything we know about him by making him a central character.
Either way, I still see dozens of people singing about how bad the guy is despite him clearly acting like an attention starved old codger all through this arc, so I guess we'll need stronger stuff to break through all this steel-willed suspension of disbelief.
Or, hell, the police blotter article with him in it? I guess you could be right - I'd prefer it if you were - but it looks more to me like Chris is floundering to keep him 'raw' while at the same time totally breaking down everything we know about him by making him a central character.
Either way, I still see dozens of people singing about how bad the guy is despite him clearly acting like an attention starved old codger all through this arc, so I guess we'll need stronger stuff to break through all this steel-willed suspension of disbelief.
+0 -0
Probably so Rod doesn't get on his knees and start rappin mush. So much commotion.
Probably so Rod doesn't get on his knees and start rappin mush. So much commotion.
+0 -0
Thank you, tekende; I'm glad I read down a little further before posting that redundantly.
Personally, I'm all for killing the legend, if softly, if it stops people from always saying shit like "...because HE KICKS MENS' ASSES AND HE VOTES!" or coming up with new excuses for why every fucking thing Ramses does is badass; it's so tired. The guy could have pink ribbons tied to his pubes and someone on here would spin it into a raison d'etre for the male gender.
Thank you, tekende; I'm glad I read down a little further before posting that redundantly.
Personally, I'm all for killing the legend, if softly, if it stops people from always saying shit like "...because HE KICKS MENS' ASSES AND HE VOTES!" or coming up with new excuses for why every fucking thing Ramses does is badass; it's so tired. The guy could have pink ribbons tied to his pubes and someone on here would spin it into a raison d'etre for the male gender.
+0 -0
It's validating to see other people feel the same way. Achewood still has some absurd elements about it, but it has become more character driven (and not interesting characters either, but Roast Beef, the cat that sucks). The new premium content thing reflects that as well. I was happier when the character blogs, or Ray's mailbox (really bummed this isn't around any more) were the character development and the strips were just ridiculous and off the wall. The Dr. John Woharbus strip was the last one that felt like old-style achewood to me, and it's a travesty that the wedding strip is rated higher than the motorcycle strip or Ray getting stoned.
It's validating to see other people feel the same way. Achewood still has some absurd elements about it, but it has become more character driven (and not interesting characters either, but Roast Beef, the cat that sucks). The new premium content thing reflects that as well. I was happier when the character blogs, or Ray's mailbox (really bummed this isn't around any more) were the character development and the strips were just ridiculous and off the wall. The Dr. John Woharbus strip was the last one that felt like old-style achewood to me, and it's a travesty that the wedding strip is rated higher than the motorcycle strip or Ray getting stoned.
+1 -0
weird stuff
weird stuff man
I thought Achewood was a little esoteric back then. man. Now there are strips with cultural references that I don't get the entire strip. like today's strip for instance. man. weird.
weird stuff
weird stuff man
I thought Achewood was a little esoteric back then. man. Now there are strips with cultural references that I don't get the entire strip. like today's strip for instance. man. weird.
+0 -0
If there is a cultural reference, I missed it too. I think it's just sort of not that funny. Funny, just not that funny today. Or maybe I don't get it?
If there is a cultural reference, I missed it too. I think it's just sort of not that funny. Funny, just not that funny today. Or maybe I don't get it?
+0 -0
Ramses quotes Rick from Casablanca.
Ramses quotes Rick from Casablanca.
+0 -0
Ohh, well yeah, I guess I knew that. Of all the gin joints in town...I still don't really get it. Ho hum, hum ho!
Ohh, well yeah, I guess I knew that. Of all the gin joints in town...I still don't really get it. Ho hum, hum ho!
+0 -0
A comment left by snuffleup was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by thehempfandango, Aki, Panserbjorne)
A comment left by snuffleup was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by thehempfandango, Aki, Panserbjorne)
+4 -0
Ramses once crippled a man for saying "Play it again Sam" He punctuated the correct line with punches to the spine.
You. punch Played. punch It. punch For. punch Her. punch You. punch Can. punch Play. punch It. punch For. punch Me! punch
Ramses once crippled a man for saying "Play it again Sam" He punctuated the correct line with punches to the spine.
You. punch Played. punch It. punch For. punch Her. punch You. punch Can. punch Play. punch It. punch For. punch Me! punch
+1 -0
Ramses is ~:Pro:~ Humphrey Bogart.
Ramses is ~:Pro:~ Humphrey Bogart.
+0 -0
As am I.
As am I.
+1 -0
hurray, turntable kee!
hurray, turntable kee!
+0 -0
chub for kitty-->kee. I say it that way all the time.
chub for kitty-->kee. I say it that way all the time.
+0 -0
i like saying it that way on severe occasion. it's just too ridiculously cute.
i like saying it that way on severe occasion. it's just too ridiculously cute.
+0 -0
really? nobody's done this yet? ok....
really? nobody's done this yet? ok....
+0 -0
Where's the checklist:
[x] Ham (I have never understood this one)
[x] Clit/moist
[x] Axe
Hmm, that leaves "News from the north," "NO/YES," and a new troll attack. Let's get busy, you worthless Netphreaks!
Where's the checklist:
[x] Ham (I have never understood this one)
[x] Clit/moist
[x] Axe
Hmm, that leaves "News from the north," "NO/YES," and a new troll attack. Let's get busy, you worthless Netphreaks!
+0 -0
I'm sure one of those ten page litanies up there has a word that could be used to approximate the name of an Athenian runner, but frankly I just don't have any desire to read a thousand-word essay on "some people like this comic and some people like it less".
I'm sure one of those ten page litanies up there has a word that could be used to approximate the name of an Athenian runner, but frankly I just don't have any desire to read a thousand-word essay on "some people like this comic and some people like it less".
+2 -0
Litanies. What news of the North?
Litanies. What news of the North?
+0 -0
+0 -0
irondave is the new lawbot?
irondave is the new lawbot?
+0 -0
+1 -0

+0 -0
Wow. I didn't realize my ballsack could retract that quick.
Wow. I didn't realize my ballsack could retract that quick.
+0 -0
+0 -0
Lol, yes, mein F�hrer.
Lol, yes, mein F�hrer.
+0 -0
"Mein F�hrer! I can walk!"
"Mein F�hrer! I can walk!"
+0 -0
"Gentlemen. You can%u2019t fight in here. This is the War Room!"
"Gentlemen. You can%u2019t fight in here. This is the War Room!"
+0 -0
Oh poop.
*walks away from computer muttering*
Oh poop.
*walks away from computer muttering*
+0 -0
See, THIS is the new Lawbot. YES/NO does not a Lawbot make. Two letter pedantry does.
See, THIS is the new Lawbot. YES/NO does not a Lawbot make. Two letter pedantry does.
+0 -0
Ah. My mistake.
Whatever happened to lawbot, anyhow?
Did he have to go into the Witness Protection Program?
Ah. My mistake.
Whatever happened to lawbot, anyhow?
Did he have to go into the Witness Protection Program?
+0 -0
I'm guessing he finally got laid and wandered off into the greater world
I'm guessing he finally got laid and wandered off into the greater world
+1 -0
Hmm. Ramses knocks on a window to wake up Rod just like Molly's dad knocked on a window to wake up T�odor. Symmetry is a Thing, isn't it?
Hmm. Ramses knocks on a window to wake up Rod just like Molly's dad knocked on a window to wake up T�odor. Symmetry is a Thing, isn't it?
+0 -0
Except Ramses does not subsequently destroy Rod's entire sense of self.
Except Ramses does not subsequently destroy Rod's entire sense of self.
+1 -0
It was lupus last night, deusoma.
It was lupus last night, deusoma.
+1 -0
"Exeunt" is plural. The strip's title should be "Exit Ramses," or maybe "Exeunt Ramses, Rod, and the Tenmen."
"Exeunt" is plural. The strip's title should be "Exit Ramses," or maybe "Exeunt Ramses, Rod, and the Tenmen."
+5 -0
You really think the word "Exit" is big enough for Ramses Luther Smuckles?
I mean it is just understood that when Ramses leaves he is going to take a bunch of gay Communist witches with him.
Quit rappin all that mush, boy.
You really think the word "Exit" is big enough for Ramses Luther Smuckles?
I mean it is just understood that when Ramses leaves he is going to take a bunch of gay Communist witches with him.
Quit rappin all that mush, boy.
+0 -0
I don't know whether that last statement was Ramses talk or just falseprophet talk.
I don't know whether that last statement was Ramses talk or just falseprophet talk.
+0 -0
woodenteeth do I have to hush him?
woodenteeth do I have to hush him?
+0 -0
You gotta beat him until he can't crawl, see, or cry. Those are the rules, and all eyes are on you.
You gotta beat him until he can't crawl, see, or cry. Those are the rules, and all eyes are on you.
+0 -0
Hush daidai.
Hush daidai.
+0 -0
The proper pronoun for Ramses in the Classic languages is plural, like the Bahamut.
The proper pronoun for Ramses in the Classic languages is plural, like the Bahamut.
+0 -0
Damn, you beat me to it.
Damn, you beat me to it.
+0 -0
You assume he's done exiting with the first exit. Perhaps he will be exiting again and again.
You assume he's done exiting with the first exit. Perhaps he will be exiting again and again.
+0 -0 that really something a master of Leavery would do..? think about it. that really something a master of Leavery would do..? think about it.
+1 -0
Does this mean even their CAR is a rickenbacker? If I am not mistaken that is a woody limo . The type of transportation the beach boys could only DREAM of.
Does this mean even their CAR is a rickenbacker? If I am not mistaken that is a woody limo . The type of transportation the beach boys could only DREAM of.
+0 -0
oh my GOD that would be the most awesome way to move around EVER!
oh my GOD that would be the most awesome way to move around EVER!
+3 -0
Even better, it appears to be a s-t-r-e-t-c-h woody* limo. Those are some really long long boards on top, or they may be AIM-120s. Either way, big style points.
* heh heh heh
Even better, it appears to be a s-t-r-e-t-c-h woody* limo. Those are some really long long boards on top, or they may be AIM-120s. Either way, big style points.
* heh heh heh
+0 -0
You get my first chubby today. Enjoy it, savor it.. the others won't be nearly as enthusiastic.
You get my first chubby today. Enjoy it, savor it.. the others won't be nearly as enthusiastic.
+0 -0
wow, thanks!
wow, thanks!
+0 -0
The car is normally the size of a Packard,
but before a clutch gig they gets to strokin' it...
The car is normally the size of a Packard,
but before a clutch gig they gets to strokin' it...
+0 -0
Strokin' to the east
Strokin' to the west
Strokin' to the highway that I love the best
Strokin' to the east
Strokin' to the west
Strokin' to the highway that I love the best
+0 -0
Perchance, might you be Strokin', good sir?
Perchance, might you be Strokin', good sir?
+1 -0
I do not stroke at thee, sir
But I do stroke, sir
I do not stroke at thee, sir
But I do stroke, sir
+0 -0
Tekende, tekende, tekende, tekende, ooh shit Tekende.
Tekende, tekende, tekende, tekende, ooh shit Tekende.
+0 -0
Man, if I had a nickel for every time I've heard that...
...well, I wouldn't be able to quit my day job, that's for sure.
Man, if I had a nickel for every time I've heard that...
...well, I wouldn't be able to quit my day job, that's for sure.
+0 -0
I was going to say the same thing, but found your comment when I was scanning to make sure it hadn't been said; well done, sir.
I was going to say the same thing, but found your comment when I was scanning to make sure it hadn't been said; well done, sir.
+2 -0
+0 -0
+1 -0
No, it makes plenty of sense. What you don't see in the background is a whole group of the near-mythical Canadian Ramse departing from the reception.
No, it makes plenty of sense. What you don't see in the background is a whole group of the near-mythical Canadian Ramse departing from the reception.
+0 -0
A comment left by desert_donkey was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Squares, thehempfandango, loneal, Aki, techiebabe, midgetron, lazarusloafer)
A comment left by desert_donkey was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Squares, thehempfandango, loneal, Aki, techiebabe, midgetron, lazarusloafer)
+0 -0
What? This is porn humour, not gay humour!
What? This is porn humour, not gay humour!
+1 -0
I'm trying to figure out how you gave this strip a "Lame"...
I'm trying to figure out how you gave this strip a "Lame"...
+0 -0
perhaps that is one of the perks of being an Eyeball Man.
perhaps that is one of the perks of being an Eyeball Man.
+0 -0
It must be tough being an Eyeball Man, though. Women always complaining, "Stop looking me in the eyes, you perv!" Plus the unimaginable feeling of shame when your wife comes home early and catches you sniffing her spare contact lenses. I do not envy Eyeball Men.
It must be tough being an Eyeball Man, though. Women always complaining, "Stop looking me in the eyes, you perv!" Plus the unimaginable feeling of shame when your wife comes home early and catches you sniffing her spare contact lenses. I do not envy Eyeball Men.
+0 -0
And that was Desert Donkey with his continuing one-man crusade to put a halt to the gay/feminist/liberal agenda by posting on webcomic forums.
And that was Desert Donkey with his continuing one-man crusade to put a halt to the gay/feminist/liberal agenda by posting on webcomic forums.
+0 -1
Yesterday he posted something that I didn't lame!
Yesterday he posted something that I didn't lame!
+0 -0
What, did you run out?
What, did you run out?
+0 -1
i think you [all] are putting too much effort into the internet.
lighten up a bit. go outside. go play with nature. hug a tree. there's big exciting world out there filled with adventure.. jacking off to webcomics is pretty ... weak. ;)
sry, ::hugs:: lols.
i think you [all] are putting too much effort into the internet.
lighten up a bit. go outside. go play with nature. hug a tree. there's big exciting world out there filled with adventure.. jacking off to webcomics is pretty ... weak. ;)
sry, ::hugs:: lols.
+0 -0
Oh la LA~
Oh la LA la LA LA LA~
Los Angeles 4 eva
Oh la LA~
Oh la LA la LA LA LA~
Los Angeles 4 eva
+0 -0
It is raining outside where I am. Looks like I will have to stay in and not be amused by homophobia.
It is raining outside where I am. Looks like I will have to stay in and not be amused by homophobia.
+0 -0
Ignore him. By now, it should be evident that he is a troll of some kind.
Ignore him. By now, it should be evident that he is a troll of some kind.
+0 -0
Ignore who? All I hear is the w i n d
Ignore who? All I hear is the w i n d
+0 -0
Good call. Done and done, novelty eyeglasses.
Good call. Done and done, novelty eyeglasses.
+0 -0
Has anybody here actually ever hugged a tree? I have. The result, invariably, is that you will get ants on you.
Has anybody here actually ever hugged a tree? I have. The result, invariably, is that you will get ants on you.
+0 -0
And an evil cicada will fly into your ear and eat your brains. It made me cry.
And an evil cicada will fly into your ear and eat your brains. It made me cry.
+1 -0
Cicadas? You talk about survival, man, those are some freaky bugs. They come out of the ground every seven years, and they live underground the rest of the time, and the only time they come out of the ground is to crawl out of their skins and grow some wings so they can fuck, and then they die, but before they die they manage to lay some more eggs.
We've got a better life haven't we? We make them look sick.
You bore me...
Cicadas? You talk about survival, man, those are some freaky bugs. They come out of the ground every seven years, and they live underground the rest of the time, and the only time they come out of the ground is to crawl out of their skins and grow some wings so they can fuck, and then they die, but before they die they manage to lay some more eggs.
We've got a better life haven't we? We make them look sick.
You bore me...
+0 -0
Cicadas, what news from the North?
There you go Prof, took care of one for you. Hope it saved you time.
Cicadas, what news from the North?
There you go Prof, took care of one for you. Hope it saved you time.
+0 -0
I have a bad habit of pronouncing cicada like Secada (John). Why? Because I...I...I can't resist.
I have a bad habit of pronouncing cicada like Secada (John). Why? Because I...I...I can't resist.
+0 -0
It's not doing anything for me, HB
It's not doing anything for me, HB
+0 -0
You're ok in small doses.
Your mom is ok in small doses.
Take your pick. We'll call it Desert_donkey's delight.
You're ok in small doses.
Your mom is ok in small doses.
Take your pick. We'll call it Desert_donkey's delight.
+0 -0
So there's either a real, well-stocked picnic basket in this Huggins movie, and Ramses likes the image of picnic food (or baskets?), or else this is code for something else, a large sausage? Was Huggins using a large sausage in his tricky commotion? Is Ramses a switch hitter?
So there's either a real, well-stocked picnic basket in this Huggins movie, and Ramses likes the image of picnic food (or baskets?), or else this is code for something else, a large sausage? Was Huggins using a large sausage in his tricky commotion? Is Ramses a switch hitter?
+0 -1
Guys I don't want to be an ass about this, but the latin isn't correct.
Ramses is the only one exiting, so the ending is -t, not -nt.
It's "Exit Ramses"
Or possibly "Exivit Ramses".
Guys I don't want to be an ass about this, but the latin isn't correct.
Ramses is the only one exiting, so the ending is -t, not -nt.
It's "Exit Ramses"
Or possibly "Exivit Ramses".
+0 -0
teabag_mel � pro 2 hours ago
"Exeunt" is plural. The strip's title should be "Exit Ramses," or maybe "Exeunt Ramses, Rod, and the Tenmen."
teabag_mel � pro 2 hours ago
"Exeunt" is plural. The strip's title should be "Exit Ramses," or maybe "Exeunt Ramses, Rod, and the Tenmen."
+0 -0
There's no way it's "Exeunt Ramses, Rod, Et Tenmen"
It could be "Exeunt Ramses et Rod, intrant Tenmen".
Maybe it should be.
There's no way it's "Exeunt Ramses, Rod, Et Tenmen"
It could be "Exeunt Ramses et Rod, intrant Tenmen".
Maybe it should be.
+9 -1
+0 -0
Freshmen year I took Latin, and my text book's sample stories involved an angry farmer beating a slave-girl with a stick for not working hard enough. Then, the farmer's family went on vacation and almost got murdered in a bar. Or something. I still remember the word 'ancilla' meant 'slave girl'.
I quit latin promptly the next semester.
Freshmen year I took Latin, and my text book's sample stories involved an angry farmer beating a slave-girl with a stick for not working hard enough. Then, the farmer's family went on vacation and almost got murdered in a bar. Or something. I still remember the word 'ancilla' meant 'slave girl'.
I quit latin promptly the next semester.
+0 -0
more broadly, a female servant. "servus/a" is for slave. this is me, being a dick about terms.
more broadly, a female servant. "servus/a" is for slave. this is me, being a dick about terms.
+0 -0
is it wrong that i completely want to read this story? maybe .
maybe .
is it wrong that i completely want to read this story? maybe .
maybe .
+0 -0
I also want to read this story. It is the dubious moral message. Intriguing .
Tell us a story daidai.
I also want to read this story. It is the dubious moral message. Intriguing .
Tell us a story daidai.
+0 -0
EVERYONE'S being a dick about terms . Damn.
EVERYONE'S being a dick about terms . Damn.
+0 -0
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabris, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabris, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam.
+3 -0
+3 -0
He's from Barcelona.
He's from Barcelona.
+23 -0

+0 -1
Cum catapultae proscriptae erunt tum soli proscripti catapultas habebunt
Cum catapultae proscriptae erunt tum soli proscripti catapultas habebunt
+4 -2
+0 -2
No more quoting "Ching Chong Wing Wong" plz.
No more quoting "Ching Chong Wing Wong" plz.
+0 -0
"No more quothing 'ching chong wing wong' plth"
"No more quothing 'ching chong wing wong' plth"
+0 -0
+1 -0
semper ubi sub ubi
semper ubi sub ubi
+0 -0
now THAT is a sentence i can get behind. or...or under?
now THAT is a sentence i can get behind. or...or under?
+0 -0
ah flip. a v-chub for you. this is the first time this has happened in a looong time. heh.
ah flip. a v-chub for you. this is the first time this has happened in a looong time. heh.
+0 -0
are you giving yourself a v chub ??
are you giving yourself a v chub ??
+0 -0
that would be silly !
that would be silly !
+0 -1
Ramses is so much man he has to be pluraled.
Ramses is so much man he has to be pluraled.
+0 -0
Exeunt is a stage direction which designates two or more character leaving the scene. Am I missing something (e.g., Ramses is so badass he is referred to in the plural) or will this be silently fixed in a few hours?
Exeunt is a stage direction which designates two or more character leaving the scene. Am I missing something (e.g., Ramses is so badass he is referred to in the plural) or will this be silently fixed in a few hours?
+0 -0
Okay I just read the above comments. I can't lame myself so just delete this admins.
Okay I just read the above comments. I can't lame myself so just delete this admins.
+0 -0
We have admins?
Crap. I feel so naked.
We have admins?
Crap. I feel so naked.
+0 -0
We don't have admins. I-I think.
We don't have admins. I-I think.
+0 -0
nope. just n00bs who don't know any better yet.
nope. just n00bs who don't know any better yet.
+0 -0
i forgot. that guy is so not a noob.
i forgot. that guy is so not a noob.
+0 -0
That's exactly what the admins want you to think.
That's exactly what the admins want you to think.
+0 -0
Hey, just noticed! Congratulations on being fourteen. It seems you are now old enough for Pogo to flirt with you
Hey, just noticed! Congratulations on being fourteen. It seems you are now old enough for Pogo to flirt with you
+0 -0
+0 -0
Only in Tennessee.
Only in Tennessee.
+0 -0
Wow, really?
Wow, really?
+0 -0
We do like our moonshine and our underage wimmen!
We do like our moonshine and our underage wimmen!
+0 -0
Anyway, thanks but uh maybe you shouldn't have brought it to people's attention.
Anyway, thanks but uh maybe you shouldn't have brought it to people's attention.
+0 -0
I think panel four of this strip makes the movie poster for Barry Lyndon obsolete. I mean daaaaaamn .
(plus it has sound effects)
I think panel four of this strip makes the movie poster for Barry Lyndon obsolete. I mean daaaaaamn .
(plus it has sound effects)
+0 -0
So now we've gotten to see Chucklebot, Blister and the Tenmen. Is it too much to hope for an Ultra Peanut appearance?
So now we've gotten to see Chucklebot, Blister and the Tenmen. Is it too much to hope for an Ultra Peanut appearance?
+1 -0
Now, you tell me he's not gay.

Now, you tell me he's not gay.
+0 -0
A comment left by snuffleup was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by falseprophet, mortshire, loneal, HolyQ, Boyd)
A comment left by snuffleup was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by falseprophet, mortshire, loneal, HolyQ, Boyd)
+0 -0
Is anyone else on the board going to Comic-Con? I'm not usually that guy who wants to meet up with internet people, but I would like to buy Achewood fans a scotch.
Is anyone else on the board going to Comic-Con? I'm not usually that guy who wants to meet up with internet people, but I would like to buy Achewood fans a scotch.
+0 -0
Do they serve scotch to people dressed like 5 year old otters?
Do they serve scotch to people dressed like 5 year old otters?
+0 -0
Are you at that special aaaaaage?
Are you at that special aaaaaage?
+0 -0
What car sound does the "HISSSSSSSSSSSSSS" represent? I'm pretty sure I've seen that before and I didn't understand it then either.
What car sound does the "HISSSSSSSSSSSSSS" represent? I'm pretty sure I've seen that before and I didn't understand it then either.
+0 -0
Some cars go "hisssss" with an overlay of "tic tic tic" when they turn off. I believe Beef's Galaxie does the same thing. I have driven in several cars myself that do this.
Some cars go "hisssss" with an overlay of "tic tic tic" when they turn off. I believe Beef's Galaxie does the same thing. I have driven in several cars myself that do this.
+1 -0
It is the sound of the brakes on large vehicles such as big rigs and apparently stretch woodies.
It is the sound of the brakes on large vehicles such as big rigs and apparently stretch woodies.
+0 -0
The radiator is just letting off a bit of steam. That is because a highly tuned engine actually runs at a higher temperature than a standard factory engine. Standard they keep it below boiling, but a "hot" engine often will run at plus 100 degrees Celsius with pressure stopping the coolant from creating water vapor. The resultant pressure cooker will often leak a little pressure through the radiator cap.
The radiator is just letting off a bit of steam. That is because a highly tuned engine actually runs at a higher temperature than a standard factory engine. Standard they keep it below boiling, but a "hot" engine often will run at plus 100 degrees Celsius with pressure stopping the coolant from creating water vapor. The resultant pressure cooker will often leak a little pressure through the radiator cap.
+0 -0
The Tenman snare drummer is lacking his snare
The Tenman snare drummer is lacking his snare
+0 -0
Comment left by untitled ignored.
Comment left by untitled ignored.
+0 -0
Something has gone terribly wrong here. Quick someone call an ambulance!
Something has gone terribly wrong here. Quick someone call an ambulance!
+0 -0
Comment left by untitled ignored.
Comment left by untitled ignored.
+0 -0
Comment left by untitled ignored.
Comment left by untitled ignored.
+0 -0
Comment left by untitled ignored.
Comment left by untitled ignored.
+0 -0
Comment left by untitled ignored.
Comment left by untitled ignored.
+0 -0
Comment left by untitled ignored.
Comment left by untitled ignored.
+0 -0
Comment left by untitled ignored.
Comment left by untitled ignored.
+0 -0
Comment left by untitled ignored.
Comment left by untitled ignored.
+0 -0
Also untitled's "Strips Viewed" suddenly jumped from 1 to 126 in about 15 minutes, like they had used some kind of script for viewing the archive. Hmmmmmmmmm.
Also untitled's "Strips Viewed" suddenly jumped from 1 to 126 in about 15 minutes, like they had used some kind of script for viewing the archive. Hmmmmmmmmm.
+0 -0
oh, cracker jacks
oh, cracker jacks
+0 -1
Oh Lordy.
Even if it's not our favorite friend, I'm ignoring untitled until someone lets me know that absurd avicon has been leashed and collared.
Oh Lordy.
Even if it's not our favorite friend, I'm ignoring untitled until someone lets me know that absurd avicon has been leashed and collared.
+0 -0
It looks like they've fixed the problem demonstrated in my avicon, I'd changed it back already, now people will be all wondering why you thought I was a gorilla.
It looks like they've fixed the problem demonstrated in my avicon, I'd changed it back already, now people will be all wondering why you thought I was a gorilla.
+0 -0
On my screen, it still says you are a gorilla, but now in the tiniest of fonts.
On my screen, it still says you are a gorilla, but now in the tiniest of fonts.
+0 -0
Comment left by untitled ignored.
Comment left by untitled ignored.
+0 -0
A comment left by gladi8orrex was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by falseprophet, DarkerNorm, techiebabe, tellumo)
A comment left by gladi8orrex was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by falseprophet, DarkerNorm, techiebabe, tellumo)
+2 -0
I...I want to believe you.
I...I want to believe you.
+2 -0
+0 -0
I liked the bit where you broke the glad pattern speech to say 'hoping it would miraculousely work'.
I liked the bit where you broke the glad pattern speech to say 'hoping it would miraculousely work'.
+0 -0
Huckleberry Finn? Is that you?
Huckleberry Finn? Is that you?

+0 -0
What a terrible, terrible illustration.
What a terrible, terrible illustration.
+0 -0
gladi8orrex, have you read Finnegans Wake? I only read about 40 pages, and it messed me up for a month. I.....I'm here if you need a hug, buddy.
gladi8orrex, have you read Finnegans Wake? I only read about 40 pages, and it messed me up for a month. I.....I'm here if you need a hug, buddy.
+4 -0
Ok, I am prepare. I am ready to experience your worl.
Gladdi is so serious in this one, NO LOLING MATTER.
Ok, I am prepare. I am ready to experience your worl.
Gladdi is so serious in this one, NO LOLING MATTER.
+0 -0
One nit when I was sleppin a grackler cam.
One nit when I was sleppin a grackler cam.
+0 -0
Late last night and the night before,
Tommyknockers, Tommyknockers, knocking at the door?
Late last night and the night before,
Tommyknockers, Tommyknockers, knocking at the door?
+0 -0
Ramses just keeps getting more and more interesting.
Also I couldn't stop laughing when I saw the Ten Men skritching past. I can't imagine their movements without applying some kind of weird sound effect; they're too bizarre to be silent like this.
They're kind of like that group of evil alley cats in that movie Gay Puree in that they travel in a collective and are mostly indistinguishable from each other besides their instruments.
Ramses just keeps getting more and more interesting.
Also I couldn't stop laughing when I saw the Ten Men skritching past. I can't imagine their movements without applying some kind of weird sound effect; they're too bizarre to be silent like this.
They're kind of like that group of evil alley cats in that movie Gay Puree in that they travel in a collective and are mostly indistinguishable from each other besides their instruments.
+0 -0
Skritching is precisely the correct term to describe the movement of the Tenmen.
Skritching is precisely the correct term to describe the movement of the Tenmen.
+0 -0
It's also a good term for female furry masturbation
It's also a good term for female furry masturbation
+0 -0
Who gave those guys licence to start making up their own words is what I want to know.
Who gave those guys licence to start making up their own words is what I want to know.
+0 -0
Poetic license is not applied for, it is claimed, yeah, demanded, as a birthright.
Poetic license is not applied for, it is claimed, yeah, demanded, as a birthright.
+0 -0
They're called "sniglets". Embrace them.
They're called "sniglets". Embrace them.
+1 -0
Fun fact: Homosexuality is considered "Not Cool" by the Cuban government.
(Disclaimer: fact is not at all fun, in fact its pretty depressing)
Fun fact: Homosexuality is considered "Not Cool" by the Cuban government.
(Disclaimer: fact is not at all fun, in fact its pretty depressing)
+0 -0
Comment left by untitled ignored.
Comment left by untitled ignored.
+1 -0
Okay look what the fuck is up with these giant avatars? They're making me go into a mania.
Okay look what the fuck is up with these giant avatars? They're making me go into a mania.
+0 -0
A... sexy mania?
A... sexy mania?
+0 -0
The mania is...rather moist.
The mania is...rather moist.
+1 -0
What the hell, people?
Is there something wrong with me that I don't understand what's going on?
How can we tell that it's the Tenmen turning up? It makes perfect sense to me that it's the Tenmen, but I don't see a definitive clue that tells me it's them. Have I gotten too old and unhip to recognize this? Is it possible that we two, you and I, have outlived our usefulness? Would that constitute "a joke"?
And what is with all these avatars? What is that about? Is it some kind of secret code from an agent, like one who was sent to spy on a Cuban talent show? All saying "Situation compromised, send RLS to get me out, baby baby make me loco, baby baby make me mambo?"
What the hell, people?
Is there something wrong with me that I don't understand what's going on?
How can we tell that it's the Tenmen turning up? It makes perfect sense to me that it's the Tenmen, but I don't see a definitive clue that tells me it's them. Have I gotten too old and unhip to recognize this? Is it possible that we two, you and I, have outlived our usefulness? Would that constitute "a joke"?
And what is with all these avatars? What is that about? Is it some kind of secret code from an agent, like one who was sent to spy on a Cuban talent show? All saying "Situation compromised, send RLS to get me out, baby baby make me loco, baby baby make me mambo?"
+0 -0
Okay. I went back and doublechecked. This time I saw the Tenmen skritchin' past. Somehow I missed that first time out, possibly 'cos of the power of the Rameses/Rod dynamic or possibly 'cos I was a bit puzzled on PBR's after a long afternoon filming (Hell Kittens from Rottweiler Productions, soon to be coming to a very minor theatre near you, look it up).
Does not explain the weird avatars though.
Okay. I went back and doublechecked. This time I saw the Tenmen skritchin' past. Somehow I missed that first time out, possibly 'cos of the power of the Rameses/Rod dynamic or possibly 'cos I was a bit puzzled on PBR's after a long afternoon filming (Hell Kittens from Rottweiler Productions, soon to be coming to a very minor theatre near you, look it up).
Does not explain the weird avatars though.
+0 -0
Plus: is it me (in my stupor, as alluded to previously) or is Rameses rockin' hell of DA?
Plus: is it me (in my stupor, as alluded to previously) or is Rameses rockin' hell of DA?
+1 -0
... Dumbledore's Army ...?
... Dumbledore's Army ...?
+0 -0
+0 -0
Dumb Ass?
Dumb Ass?
+0 -0
Come on, you guys, elscoob is obviously talking about district attorneys.
Come on, you guys, elscoob is obviously talking about district attorneys.
+0 -0
ahem.... Duck's Ass .
ahem.... Duck's Ass .
+0 -0
Man that is one carpetmunchin' haircut

Man that is one carpetmunchin' haircut
+0 -0

+0 -0
Just fucking click on this .
Just fucking click on this .
+0 -0
When I think Duck's Ass I thinkfurry the Fonz. Anyone remember when Fonzie had a run in with a cop who didn't like his greaser ways and the rest of the cast did their hair in the duck tail as a sign of support?
The Fonz called to mention that he wants his prime time-friendly faux dago sexuality back.
When I think Duck's Ass I think

The Fonz called to mention that he wants his prime time-friendly faux dago sexuality back.
+1 -0

+0 -0
My mind somehow went to a pair of horribly mismatched boobs.
My mind somehow went to a pair of horribly mismatched boobs.
+0 -0
Discordant areolas?
Discordant areolas?
+0 -0
A and a D. When I see letters before M, I immediately think cup size. I have a condition
A and a D. When I see letters before M, I immediately think cup size. I have a condition
+0 -0
I love ham
I love ham
+0 -0
Ham is the new Clits, afterall.
Kindly go fuck yourself.
Ham is the new Clits, afterall.
Kindly go fuck yourself.
+0 -0
dear lord, spare me from those hammy, hammy clits
dear lord, spare me from those hammy, hammy clits
+0 -0
+0 -0
the shade is about right, at least
the shade is about right, at least
+0 -0
Reminds me of something [url=]Dan Savage[url] said once. (Scroll to the bottom)
Reminds me of something [url=]Dan Savage[url] said once. (Scroll to the bottom)
+0 -0
+0 -0
The magic of Ramses is that he can, if he chooses, make anyone feel cool.
The magic of Ramses is that he can, if he chooses, make anyone feel cool.
+0 -0
What happened to the Tenmen mp3s that were on Radio Achewood?
What happened to the Tenmen mp3s that were on Radio Achewood?
+0 -0
Ok there was a huge discussion earlier ba-derpa-de-durp-de-durp on my part
Ok there was a huge discussion earlier ba-derpa-de-durp-de-durp on my part
+0 -0
+0 -0
+0 -0
+0 -0
+0 -0
+0 -0
*e liquor
*e liquor
+0 -0
Is that liquor that you can download from the web?
Is that liquor that you can download from the web?
+0 -0
No, it is the special budget liquor for students and teachers, sold at a cheaper price than i liquor. It's Apple Scrumpy.
No, it is the special budget liquor for students and teachers, sold at a cheaper price than i liquor. It's Apple Scrumpy.
+1 -0
Apple Scrumpy? Sounds like an STD.
"Honey, let's fuck! "
"I'm sorry, honey, we can't. I've got Apple Scrumpy.
"What the hell were you doing fucking an apple?! "
"I'm sorry, Honey, I can explain! "
*door slams*
And that is how my last girlfriend broke up with me. True story.
Apple Scrumpy? Sounds like an STD.
"Honey, let's fuck! "
"I'm sorry, honey, we can't. I've got Apple Scrumpy.
"What the hell were you doing fucking an apple?! "
"I'm sorry, Honey, I can explain! "
*door slams*
And that is how my last girlfriend broke up with me. True story.
+0 -0
And now my precious bodily fluids have been ruined forever.
And now my precious bodily fluids have been ruined forever.
+0 -0
mmmm, forbidden fruit
mmmm, forbidden fruit
+0 -0 opposed to a legal gay party flight. opposed to a legal gay party flight.
+0 -0
...way less Amal Nitrate.
...way less Amal Nitrate.
+0 -0
I don't know what you're referencing, but the lead-on buttsex joke is just too obvious, even for me.
I don't know what you're referencing, but the lead-on buttsex joke is just too obvious, even for me.
+0 -0
Amyl makes it less dirty.
Amyl makes it less dirty.
+1 -0
It's strange that people are thinking that Onstad is losing his touch here. I love that he is developing Ramses characters in such an odd (and often deliberately pedestrian) fashion. It may not be moving quickly but it's a great way to undermine the archetypes that almost all the characters are based on (including Ramses). These are subtle turns and subtle times for the development of what Achewood is...
and quite frankly "I'll make love to your face" is the perfect example that when you ain't lookin' Onstad will drop back into the characteristic writing that a lot of you seem so hungry for.
It's strange that people are thinking that Onstad is losing his touch here. I love that he is developing Ramses characters in such an odd (and often deliberately pedestrian) fashion. It may not be moving quickly but it's a great way to undermine the archetypes that almost all the characters are based on (including Ramses). These are subtle turns and subtle times for the development of what Achewood is...
and quite frankly "I'll make love to your face" is the perfect example that when you ain't lookin' Onstad will drop back into the characteristic writing that a lot of you seem so hungry for.
+0 -0
His use of subtlety in this fashion is....bah I'm too tired. Well said.
His use of subtlety in this fashion is....bah I'm too tired. Well said.
+0 -0
I like that undermining, too! Who was expecting Ramses to find mid-melee comfort in the remembrance of gay porn? Nobody except a little friend I like to call Nobody .
I like that undermining, too! Who was expecting Ramses to find mid-melee comfort in the remembrance of gay porn? Nobody except a little friend I like to call Nobody .
+0 -0
That's funny, my name is Nobody.
That's funny, my name is Nobody.

+0 -0
Quoting Casablanca makes you awesome
Quoting Casablanca makes you awesome
The Tenmen don't walk. The Tenmen sneak.
You can almost hear the Scooby Doo sound effects as they skitter past Ramses and Rod.
yes, basically.
basically, yes.
A comment left by tibcoolbreeze was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by dullard, mania3, Darthemed)
Oh absolutely. You never know, you never know.
The proper term is "tour machine."
Longboards strapped to a stretch woodie.
Hehehe. Woodie.
Hehehe. I just chubbied yer woodie-- stretched woodie.
stretch longboards, even. The Tenmen can drop a pebble behind themselves and surf in on the ripple.
Forget the tour-bus, that Mustang gets more action:
Did we just learn that Ramses is a bit... curious?
That would be too easy. It seems apparant that Ramses found watching gay porn to be the new watching straight porn before it became a thing.
Good God, like it was just a basic day!
It was Superman! He was having a really bad day!
Man, that didn't work for Ray and Ray doesn't have a long history of unstable relationships and overcompensatory violence.
What does it take? Does he gotta get cruised by Larry Craig? What? Jesus.
I think Ramses was on a covert operation to kick some commie butt. The method of transport happened to be "illegal gay party" flight to Havana. When a man need to be covert, it don't matter the method. Also, he says marathon ass beating, which is definitely different then marathon ass pounding.
Just keep telling yourself that, punchman.
I think we learned that despite being an old-fashioned machismo machine who just showed an uptight homo his place a mere 2 strips ago, he ain't no homophobe.
If it turns out that Ramses ever had sex with another man it would just be for the sake of winning.
The Tenmen have many enemies. Some of them happen to be underwater.
v-chub for icon/comment synergy.
I'm in your children!
no tenmen show would be complete without a fireworks display! local fire and police departments will be less than pleased...
The tenmen also always wear their instruments.
What, you think Chris Onstad works on contingency?
No. Money down.
A Simpsons reference. And a more obscure one at that. Have a chubby.
The band crept in on little cat feet
They pussyfooted, even.
(no pussyfooting)
Best thing about this album is the cover. Plus they look like they are waiting for a very large picnic basket
Your avatar is preposterous.
Duly noted, Royal Fizbin Spock.
By the way, how come they fixed the avatar resizing display in less than a day but this VERY ANNNOYING FF3 popup bug has been around for weeks?
speaking of ff3 bugs, anyone else suffer from giant black boxes appearing when scrolling down?
a bit like this?
Yes, if you roll over an avarcon, like me down there at the bottom of the screen, the black box goes away.
I see it on FF2 as well (grey boxy shapes - not always rectangular - like masking)
If I remember correctly, the way to get rid of them on FF2 was to right click an image.
Way I beat it on FF2 is just to mouse over the right-side scroll bar near the bottom. Clears it up nicely for me.
How about this problem?
I hover over icons and I get about 50 of them, and they don't go away. I haven't always had this problem, but it's been around since before FF3.
Chubby for the subtle insertion of SpinyNorman in a boater and monocle.
Young lady, I see what you did there with Stephen Fry and/or Spiny Norman. I say, Good Show!
yeah I have a similar problem to that black box problem but I am using an old netscape. when you look at the html source for assetbar pages, there is a bit much of crap in there, considering that it is a basic html page.
If you have not moved to using Assetbarista (google it) I would suggest it. It largely solves this problem.
(to be a gangster)
real gangstas don't flex nuts
'cos real gangstas know they got 'em.
Was this an epic missing of the joke or just a substandard-but-decent response?
Like a fog.
I personally thought they were still playing, just really un-enthusiastically.