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Shirley Temple Monday, February 22, 2010 • read strip Viewing 425 comments:

A comment left by jaypage was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by UncleRifle, SnotGrumble, daidai, randyleepublic, koodge, MyrrDisparo, invidious, dizneedave, flazisismuss, falseprophet, grayestnova, scion, LaVieNoir, Jetbunny, Private_Public, TheLoneliestMonkey, farqussus, Scorpio_nadir, woodenteeth, MortisInvictus, QingofChina, litfanbreastman, caduceo, LordPretzel, obeymydog, fattypneumonia, newspaperdrone, hoarday4, jocelynthepink, desert_donkey, bixschmix, CVagts, jorbert, smilebuddha, hausea, clintisiceman, goopotato, lordparadise, berdidaine, greyfield, Panserbjorne, Footbullet, ouroboros, nickb285, ISeeDeadPixels, kestral)

Why doesn't Assetbar have a feature where you can pay $2 to get an available lame? Because right now, I would pay $2 to mark Jaypage's comment as lame. I would take two $1 bills and say "Here, Jaypage, you are lame, and this money has been tasked to prove it."

A comment left by snotgrumble was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ZombieZero, Private_Public, litfanbreastman, cailetshadow)

A comment left by gormster was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by daidai, plummet, flazisismuss, KeenanPepper, Jetbunny, santadog, Private_Public, litfanbreastman, LordPretzel, desert_donkey, deus, lazarusloafer, exits2freeways)

The Downright Pathetic Store called.

They're out of you .

The Dancing Hitler Store called.

They do, to my surprise, still have stock

The Polar bear....boutique ...called...

they said....im very VERY unoriginal.

double chubby



Have been for some time, apparently.

Well if that ain't a bucket of ice in my urinal! :(

Hey guys.... I think we're ALL winners.


Supper of future champions.

heck of misguided

aren't we all?

Someone doesn't agree :,(

some clever person is judiciously laming us

have a chuppy 4 free

By the way...are you a girl?!

Just that i want to know who im talking to...

The telephone store ironically couldn't call me

I wish my town had the stores you fuckers have.



dont apologize. fame or infamy are natural consequences of seeking attention.


Your ability to imagine hurt to another is ... well ... sick!

better 'n not having one at all I spose

I want to chubby this so badly, but you had to go and cap everybody. 'Tis so gauche, it cannot be excused by n00bness to the internet or the language.

we are not his well-meaning mentor figures
this is what well-meaning mentors do to "help out" young creative types

unless this is in all caps for a reason

double chubby chubby bubby... double chubby-- does no one else smell rotten eggs? *death*

Just calling for a chat then?

No, honestly, that worked. It won't work at all as soon as snotgrumble changes his avatar, but for now he's okay.

gormster's Cheezbuger comment must forever remain at a perfect balance of chubbies and lames. It is the only comment I have ever seen that instilled in me both the urge to chubby and the urge to lame it, both undeniable.

not me.

come now, they'd charge way over two dollars for that.

And people would pay it. I should contact Ray about developing a business model...

he slept with the business model

She got sexually transmitted diabetes.

You mean she got the DIABEETUS?

Ah...the old B2B

"Ray? Ray, I'm a business model."

Oh yeah, I called McKinsey...I better get up...

God, it's not at all what I wanted...

You...you brought your associate...is he ... does he mix income streams?

( snif )

According to Gartner, 5 year old otterpreneurs are nearing the peak of the hype cycle.

chubby for otterpreneurs

they then develop ostteropreneurosis nervosa and die of worrying about bone deficiency

I can't tell you how happy this callback makes me.


I have it on good record that the two of them are solid as a rock.

Solid as Iraq? Best build your McMansions elsewhere, Pop-pop.

I would lame Jesus if he firstied.

let he who is without sin frist the first pots.

Fuck that people without sin havent lived a life where they attained the wit to make first posts worthwhile.

Have you?

Well i aint a poster boy for a Catholic mass....Scratch that I AM a poster boy of Catholic mass.

Are you saying that you are fat deus? That is what I am getting.

Holy shit i didnt even consider that.

The joke is that he is fat.

Im a fat catholic god.

i would lame jesus in the face on a sunday

You can't do anything lame to Jesus!

But you haven't heard my theories!

Not the church! That's where Jesus lives!

$2 is a lame amount of money.

just ask Lane Meyer.

for a lame little guy

Or $2 for a six-pack o'lames.

You know, back in my salad days, a princely sum of $2 American would buy the Special at Chief's Fire House Tavern : a can of Jacob Best "pilsner" and a shot of well whiskey.

It was an angry combination which was cold, bitter, and eventually tasted better coming back up than going down.

Which is what I thought of Jaypage's comment.

When I was a lad, Taft held back the Spaniards as best he could, and sodee pop only cost a penny!

man, all Taft wanted was to be Chief Justice. It wasn't his fault he was no good at holding back Spaniards.

When you really think about it, I mean even for one second, who is actually any good at holding back Spaniards?


Ok yeah definitely.


Holding back does not imply GOOD AT holding back.

The Spanish Inquisition

I didn't expect that...

Cardinal Fang! Fetch... THE COMFY CHAIR!


The... Comfy Chair?!

Sigh Assetbar.

I should have expected that .

Nobody expects . . .


Nobody accepts the Spanish Inquisition...as a moral means of dealing with cultural diversity.

It's okay, we can replicate the glory of Terry Gilliam's face in...EMOTICON FORM.



Oh that totally works >B)

Note how I didn't fall for that one!

few people do

los pireneos

Generalisimo Francisco Franco

the catholic church

Hey, anyone remember them asbestos sticks we used to chew on down at the penny arcade? They had all flavors, even mercury? And then we'd stick our heads in the fission reactor, just to see our ears glow? Then we'd go home and our parents would give us mesothelioma for dessert? Them was the days!

OH MY GOD i swear we just finished the debate over penny arcade`s merits as a webcomic and you have to bring it up again . SERIOUSLY MOVE ON!


Then you, sir, are a fool

Just paypal it to me, I'll take care of it.

only $10k up front

heh still feelin' the throwback

investing is a shitty idea these days.

Once upon a time someone asked "what is the assiest thing"

I responded "first posts"....and i was lamed...The End no morals.

You'll never make it in the Wealth business if you aren't connected with Tim the Gray Alien.

That's him in panels 11 & 12.

Looks like Philippe's playa shades cold dissolving in the Shirley Temple.

later models are less grenadine-soluble. the scrolling rainbows might not appeal to all tastes, but there's no denying the advantages.

I love the alt text. Ice in the urinal is an under-appreciated luxury.

I don't get it. Whenever I piss into a urinal full of ice I am torn between the desire to drill as deep and broad a hole in the ice pile as possible, and a concern for the carbon footprint of such an act. I also have a desire to touch the ice to see if it is really ice and not a new type of clear urinal cake.

I approve of ice in urinals only so long as it be crushed. More than once I have been caught off guard by concave ice cubes that caught my stream and redirected back at me.

There should be dry ice in urinals. That would be so sublime.

Pissing men all passing out and dying without a sound when the choke-damp gets too thick in the confined space of the men's room...

Dudes beers big block of dry ice = Science !

It's not as catastrophic as I thought it would be.

Side note - some of Youtube's "suggested video" links from here are really questionable...

(sigh) Dudes plus beers plus ...

" Carbon dioxide is a natural part of the world around us, ergo, we don't view it with the same level of apprehension with which we regard manmade compounds.

Yet carbon dioxide is also a deadly gas. Countless miners laboring underground have forfeited their lives to "choke damp," the term for the oxidizing of carbon trapped within coal. When this process takes place in an enclosed space (such as the depths of a mine), the resulting carbon dioxide cannot dissipate and forms an invisible deadly cloud. Accounts given by people who witnessed choke damp in action described deaths that came so quickly the victims had no chance to escape. One person, recounting the fate of eight men and one woman who walked into an area where the gas had accumulated, said they "fell down dead, as if they had been shot." Another narrative of a different death said the stricken miner was "without access to cry but once 'God's mercy.'"

Miners not only walked into deadly accumulations of choke damp; they were also sometimes lowered into them by being let down into mine shafts on ropes. If they hit pockets of carbon dioxide during their descents, they would fall from those ropes dead.

While keeping caged canaries or rats in a mine would signal the presence of "white damp" (carbon monoxide) before it became lethal to humans, animal warning systems were of little use against "fire damp" (methane) and "choke damp" (carbon dioxide), the former because its danger only came to fruition if it came into contact with open flame (such as a candle or lamp), and the latter because it killed so quickly as to make such warnings useless.


It's the perfect crime! The tempting block evaporates, leaving no evidence after they do themselves in. Curiosity killed the cat.

So a bucket of dry ice in the bedroom would have done my ex in, eh? Man, is she lucky I didn't know that back then!

it almost worked on CSI, once.

Sounds like...a cold case.



I could be wrong maybe the hack has been fixed but
I don't think the hack is going to be fixed unless someone forces the issue.

I haven't looked at the exploit in question, but I'm guessing it works something like this:

all you might have to do is send onstad an e-mail with embedded images that call the exploit... as soon as onstad opens the e-mail, his e-mail client will load the 'images...'

in so doing you could cause onstad to fuck shit up on assetbar. but you wouldn't want to do anything malicious... just rename strips to something like "kill president obama!"

I think that would get their attention.

Or you could, you know, just undo whatever you did.

um... yeah.... you must work in management...

Talk about a... bad air day.



There should be electrified wire mesh in urinals...wait, no, I changed my mind.

I chubbied this.

Why would you even do that?

sadist or masochist. (that person is)

He said he changed his mind!

chubbied for acknowledgements of alternative matter-phase shifts.

It was truly the top drawer of bathroom humor.

The upper deck of bathroom humor, even

Imagine a picture of Snagglepuss here, but I think the image tags are still OFF.

do you use urinal often?

You implication that just because I Indian I like watch toilet activity very racist and bad.

Goodness me. Your attempt at sub-continental english phraseology is very very not so good. Perhaps you are not as you used to appear. Are you the pioneer of the stolen indian maid avatar movement and is plummet one of your followers?

It's Japan Man's phraseology.



You suck, mister.

I do believe the English would say thegoblins is taking the piss.

I can never understand why some urinals have hot and cold taps

Some people use the "fresh" water flowing down the back of the urinal to rinse their hands and/or junk. True story. Not sure who started it but I've seen it a few times. Seems like a bad idea to me.

The more you know

what? You mean they put their junk in the drinking fountain part of the urinal? That's disgusting!

but seriously, I can see Muslims doing this especially if they are from a part of the world where germphobia isn't as strong as it is here in the U.S. Ablutions are performed before the salah or prayer, preparing the body, mind, and soul to
commune with God... Part of the ablution is the washing of the hands, maybe feet too, I dunno, I'm no expert. So for example, if one was about to go pray, but one had just peed, one would want to wash one's hands, and I assume junk also.

Also I could see some homeless Americans, of which there are more than a few these days, taking to this practice if no sink were available.

what? if you have access to a urinal, you have access to a sink. i have never seen a room that contains only a urinal. it would get lonely.

well.. ahh.. maybe there is a poop in the sink!

So you're the one...

smallblackdog for the trifecta

For those who like to take their piss hot or cold.

You're taking the mickey

those injuns always steal bodily fluids.

that was a typo, supergenius. also, i have no idea what your ethnicity is, therefore i could not accurately lampoon it.

Plummet stole her face. Have you not been paying attention ?

i have been paying attention. i just didnt assume that that was a picture of her actual face. people on the internet lie, dogg.

people on the internet lie... eh... probably no more or less than they lie IRL. people on the internet are certainly more paranoid about people lying.

I would put my new face up, but people around these parts like ripping off your face.

it puts the lotion on its skin, or it gets the hose again!

plummet, you have put us in a difficult situation. You steal a face, and won't give it up, and we despise you. Now you are making with the Silence of the Lambs reference in reply to the woman whose face you stole. It is too perfect. One wishes to chubby you and retire from AssetBar because no other comment can ever be as poetic. At the same time it would be nice to be able to ban you from this place and pretend we could forget this creepiness ever occurred.

Oh jeez, who actually cares this much?

I mean, unless thegoblins really minds, then I can't see why you're actually getting huffy over it. Is it just me?

it's a weird sort of performance art that pushes buttons some people didn't even know they had. it's weird enough for one person to borrow another person's face, then you mix in the sexual undertones and you have potential for it to be even weirder.

I don't really mind, I just affect anger when it is funny to do so.

That's what I figured it was.

why does it have to be something boring?

why the fuck not punk

if that's nice I'd hate to see mean

He's feeling parched at the moment.

someone slipped him some H3O

Sorry ratacattt! I was pretty thirsty a while ago but I'm all better!

I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way.

One of my favorite lines from cartoon land.

Sorry I just have to comment on your amazing status: But! Vans you get one shtaaaahted...zere is little chance of stoppinget...short of bloodshed...

ya'll some classicist cinema nerds up ins, ya'll is...

plus ca change, plus ca change

nice-on-water, if you think I care that much, then I seem to have left the emphasis in the wrong place. I was just trying to say how well it all came together with the lotion-on-its-skin quote.

Ahh. I was thinking "it's either well-crafted subtle-ass sarcasm or an overly-provocative one." Thanks for clarification.

speaking of creepiness, I actually am related to Ed Gein, one of the dudes who who served as inspiration for Jame Gumb.

You have now reprised the creepiest comment on Assetbar, evar. I suspect you are pleased with yourself.

cool. Well I wasn't pleased with myself because I didn't consider it creepy. You see for me it's just a normal every day natural fact, being related to a serial killer. Gives a whole new meaning to the term 'blood relation' ha ha ha ha.

But since you say it's creepy, then okay, yeah, now I'm pleased with myself. I mean, you're saying that it's more than creepy, that it's the numba wan ichi-ban creepiest eva! That's pretty frickin' awesome.

okay i'll bite. who's your serial killer family member?

Game Show Idea! Game Show Idea!

Dude can't help his relatives. Way to be a dick about ancestry.

that makes sense. also, ed gein was infamous on his own.

Oh, greenkoolayd, I was just making jokes. Friends again?

dogg, you keep taking my sargasms and faux-righteous indignation seriously. i have to start posting wink-y text smilies or else im going to get a reputation around here.

I'm just constitutionally insecure. I assume that everywhere I go I cause sorrow and suffering. A very special boy had to tell me yesterday that I am not a fire, a knife hurled at his head, or a lynch mob.

Sounds like a good start, so what does he think you are?


I feel like that's not exactly a ringing endorsement.

i bet you'd be convinced if he called you 'cunt'.

He does.

Yeah, too vague and based on his opinion. Smart, funny, warm, generous, having a big heart -- that's what I tell my wife she is.

Generous, indeed.

Like your mom?

Oh the thegoblins. You are to the pun what hamscout is to photobuggery, and gladi8orx is to creatively spelled invective.

Incredible chubbies.

It wouldn't be sublime, it would be a word for a thing that turns directly from a solid directly into a terrible pun.

Apparently, this happens directly :(


Wait a minute. You mean there's actually ice in urinals?

Gather 'round, my children, and I shall tell ye a tale...

The ice was here, the ice was there,
The ice was all around :
It cracked and growled, and roared and howled,
Like noises in a swound !

I also have a desire to touch the ice to see if it is really ice and not a new type of clear urinal cake.

Phillipe! False ice!!

Gently tease people by making them think you put ice in the urinal.

If you touch the ice, a scientologist appears and tries to recruit you. That's how it always worked for me

well duh contact with the ice infects you with mad body thetans he's just trying to help

I think someone who actually touched the urinal ice would be a certain sort of person. A person who put curiosity above personal health. Perhaps a mongoloid, perhaps a genius like Newton or that chap who shoved a catheter into his own heart to prove some sort of point.

is strange urine generally quite infectious? i avoid contact with it, but if there was a roll of quarters in a public urinal, id go after it. hand-washing isnt such a big chore.

I have it on good authority that urine is in fact sterile...

Yeah, I've actually heard that as well. That doesn't sound too far fetched if you think that its basically ammonia and brine. Perhaps I should have said "puts curiosity over social strictures".

But there are uninary tract infections, mostly a dame thing. So that piss would have a few bactoids in it, seems to me.

true... although... bactoids could just as well be introduced via sexual urethral play which is more often a dame thing than a dude thing.

Huh? Do you refer, sir, to any -- shall we say -- "massaging" of the female parts down there, ahem, or applying oral (cough) attention ... Sandman retreats in total embarrassment

"U spot", apparently.

exactly. it's sUblime...

well there's that too, however I'm actually referring to the practice of um... well... stimulating the urethra with foreign objects. Apparently it's a thing... Let's see... how can I put this as indelicately as possible... okay you know some tire shops will, just for fun, keep on the counter a big plastic jar of the assorted foreign objects they've found in tires... Okay, well, vis-a-vis foreign objects and bladders... I wonder if there's a gynecologist out there who keeps a similar jar of.. you know... pens and Q-tips and such? Yeah, apparently it's not uncommon for when uh.. young ladies reach that age where hormones etc etc and then they're kinda embarrassed about it so they may not say anything until it results in an infection... "mom I think I need to go to the doctor because I lost a pen..." ya know... most kids would feel kinda uncomfortable blurting that out. so anyway. yeah. that's um, my contribution to the page this time around.

Yeow! Sticking a chopstick up the urethra does not sound sexual to me!

google it (Sticking a chopstick up the urethra) and you'll see that there's a whole world out there that disagrees

The urine's not a problem of its own, but it's a warm nutritious fluid that bacteria thrives in. It comes out sterile, then becomes tainted.

Plus I'm sure most if not all urinals have been crapped in. You don't want to taste that.

So, this urinal crapping you mention, this is something you've experienced?

I see... so that's why urinal pucks are flavored the way they are...

They're for Extreme Winter Olympic Games

I guess this is the part where I should mention that I once, in my relative youth, scooped human feces (smallish, pellet form - probably that of a preteen) out of a urinal as part of my then job. Sometime before that, for a different job and from a different urinal, I scooped out spinach vomit.

And people wonder how I can be so content with the boring desk job into which I've fallen. These are people who've never scooped such things out of such places.

unpleasant jobs, to be sure. i have worked at a septic company(yes, it was a shitty job, you jackass.)and can relate.

are you sure that wasn't your brains you were scooping out of the urinal? I mean, come on... you blame the person who brings to your attention a problem with a web site for the problem which the person has brought to your attention, and expect the person to 'undo' the problem. I mean, come on... if you can't be troubled to have the slightest awareness of uh... reality... would it be too much to ask for you to shut the hell up?

After all we been through, you're gonna come like that? Cold, holmes. Cold.

The Hermes after-parties are in Milan and Beijing. They take place three hours apart. If you can be photographed at both of them you will be observed by the world to have access to unknown transportation technologies. Was it Airwolf that flew you to Beijing? The general public, reading a magazine, can only speculate. In the case of Ray, and his protege, it will indeed be Airwolf that takes them there. Other moguls make the journey in decommissioned SR-71s or are fired along underground tunnels by rockets.



one word response.


oh man I got my roommate so good with that potato

My grandma's not gonna know what hit her when I couple the potato antlers with my Faux Rudolph Tomato Nose*.


Thanks Philippe!

god dammit Ray Phillippe is only five.

Fear not, it's just a Shirley Temple. (You can trust the comic title)

Caitlin and Bree? is that a Clerks reference?

You guys...

There is a cosmic imbalance of oral sex.

As you were.

youre preaching to the choir, babe.

I have a theory that something like 75% of the world's oral sex is being given by about 45% of the world's population to the other 55%. The bottom quartile of oral sex giving is occupied by a very small minority of people. I understand that my terms make absolutely no mathematical sense...but karma, man, karma!

Oral Sex Karma should bode well for the prospects of my next incarnation. The incarnation... of oral sex!

Oral Sex Karma: When you don't suck, and you come back as someone who really blows.

and hatstand_mcq thinks you're only good for photobuggery!

sheesh what can't this guy do

Earn a decent living?


oh snap

Actually, I think hammie does just fine, something in advertising I belive.

I'd hire him to advertise my products anytime .

ooh la la . do you charge by the pound? (get it? [[nudg, nudge]])


granular is just bitter because we're both English majors.

how much extra if I dildo-it, thegoblins?


Ten inches?


Can't we still link to offsite images?

absolutely. it would be nice if assetbar would insert target="_blank" into the links so they'd open in new windows. But it doesn't, so users have to ctrl-click or whatever.

Fix it. Use your powers for good.

well at a minimum you're going to need to tell me what the username and password is for me to log into the assetbar server and have authority to alter assetbar's programming...

come on man i thought getting usernames and passwords was like the hacker thing why you making us do your job. STEP UP, SON.

your terms make math sense, it's just a question of getting the quantities right, but no matter the quantities, it's the general imbalance in the proportions that is the point.

I'm not sure what karma has to do with it however. unless infidelity is involved.

ahh.. infidelity...

I've presumably never had a girl friend cheat on me, but I've always been jealous of the idea of it. I think if just any girl would fuck me, then the idea of my girl fucking just any other guy wouldn't bother me so much. Jealousy I think stems from the scarcity of girls who will fuck me.

In conclusion, more girls should fuck me.

look at that, I just wrote a Dinosaur Comics.

Oh my goodness, you guys!

Ratacat was a dude who said "You know what?" ::second panel close up:: "I think a lot of women should TOTALLY BANG ME!"

Bottom quartiles are very eager about giving oral sex. The top quartiles like the feeling of control.

more math to confuse us:

an increase in 69ing would help even things up, i think....

Things can only go downhill where there is inequality in going down. Their feedback reads, "User allowed me to get away with getting but not giving. Will definitely take advantage of user again."

Phillipe pulls his first all-nighter! Five year old otters need much sleep to function well. Expect hilarity to ensue.

One would expect him to attack this much the same way he writes his stories, but One must remember he now has customers, and that changes the ballgame. Poor Philippe, old before his time. He is five. That is too old for a five year old.

My seventh grade English teacher required us to write all of our homework in pencil, correct all mistakes so they would not show, then trace over that in pen. In the middle of the year, he gave us an assignment to find examples of all the parts of speech in the funny pages, cut them out, and diagram them. Again, pencil first, then pen, no visible erasure marks. I procrastinated, then worked on it the night before it was due. My mom got up and found me doing homework at 3 am. She got mad at the teacher for making me do an all-nighter at the age of 12. Said I was already a perfectionist, and his rules just reinforced all the worst elements of that.

- still not spinynorman, *sigh*

I find myself physically incapable of all nighters nowadays. They were only really viable for the first 2 1/2 years of my undergrad experience, when I hit 20 my all-night-awake-pools dried up. I seem to be progressing in the opposite direction now, taking afternoon naps every couple days.

Re: All-nighters at my age -- I find it helps to be newly married to an intellectual and sexy woman who likes wine. I've seen many a dawn in the last few months.

I've seen many a dawn

And you being newly married. Shame!

With her! I saw the dawn with her!

I've never been able to do one. I just get up really early. For reference, I am indeed 20. P.S. they just Did a Study, naps are nothing but beneficial to your well-being. Fie on my father! Fie!

My last all-nighter was 18 years ago. I felt I needed to ace my bio-chem final. Two pots of coffee and 12 hours later I tremulously entered the exam; opened the test to the page where the Krebs cycle was and reproduced it with the corresponding chemical structures and ADP/ATP production points. I drifted off at one point and realized with some alarm my hand had gone into 'autopilot mode'. I'd managed to finish up the Krebs cycle while staring off at the pretty T.A I never had the nerve to chat up.

Managed to get an A in the course. Nope. Wasn't worth it. Never again.

The first sign I was doing it wrong was when I fell asleep in class and missed the last bus home.

It was an 11:30am class, and the buses run until 8pm round here.

So I guess p o u l t r y ; is no longer in business?

I Sit At The Table is renowned for its wide reader-base

Also renowned for a wide reader-base is Portland's Portly Pork-Porters Quarterly, a Maine magazine dedicated to the heavier set members of the pig delivery industry.

The joke there is that they are fat.

At first I read that as Pork-Pullers and hoped for a pun about masturbation

Unfortunately you disappointed me

yet again


i admire p for his dedication. he endeavors to fulfill his obligations. what a fine young man. waiter, send him a yoohoo and put it on my tab.

"From the gentleman in the blue beanie, monsieur."

Greenkoolayd waves excitedly. Philippe pretends to take a sip because he has been taught to not accept things from strangers but also to always be gracious.

i'd call that "beanie" a straight up toque, but thats just my canadian sensibilities kicking in


It's either a beanie or snow cap to this American. I thought toques were specifically chefs' hats.

huh well i never.

I didn't know that's what chef's hats were called. i thought they were just "chef's hats".

Dear diary today i learned something off an internet forum. SO KEWL.

Wikipedia is helping me understand:

A toque blanche (French for "white hat"), often shortened to toque, is a tall, round, pleated, starched white hat worn by chefs.
In Canada, toque, or tuque (pronounced /%u02C8tu%u02D0k/), is the common name for a knit winter hat. The Canadian English term was assimilated from Canadian French tuque. Toque first appeared in writing around 1870.[1][2][3]

This is excellent, learning.

Get a load of that crazy pronunciation! Heh! Canada, huh?

whatever you dudes call it, its kind of a big deal(to me) because i built it with my own hands.

Straight up toque, man, just don't bogart it...

I went to bed after reading this comment and just had no idea what this was getting at. I woke up and had a tiring day, so i had an afternoon nap. I woke up from the nap understanding this comment.

Cheat notes for all of you that don't want to go through the sleep-day-nap-eureka cycle: Toque=toke

Daahh there it is.

you toque that boutique shit. toque it til you choque.


fuque yeah



Basqueing in the glory(?)

our treblinka is alive
with the glory of love!
with the glory of love! yeah!

okay... speed it up GO!

The next strip is Phillipe starring in the "Push it to the limit" montage from Scarface.


Philippe does not forget how lip balm saved him , he would like to give it a chance to save you too. He would also like it not to taste like soft cinnamon wax.

Lip Balm; you have done the otter a solid, the otter has not forgotten.

This is one of those times when the strip smacks of autobiography. Smacks, indeed.


i backspaced like 1000 words i jus' couldnt get dis comment perfect. i mena i was gonna open up abot stuff but was lik 'w/e, backspace' er w/e but nah is jus lik m goin' through motions. got 0 enthusiasm for to make cre8 2day. shrug

Sometimes you get a train of thought
Sometiems a shrug can stopa train,


At least you care.

dudes are more complex than many people would have you believe.

Shhhh! There are Sheilas about, mate.

outback steakhouse, much?

Next time you're in Shibuya, stop at the Liquor store near Wendys and buy a bottle of bright blue Boones. Head over to Wendy's and get an extra large portion of fries. Then walk down to the Outback steakhouse and ask to be seated. When they tell you that you can't bring the Boones or the fries in, ask for a glass for the Boones and a plate for the fries.

it just may work

who's itching to make a cgi-based "Ray useless high-end lifestyle cliche" generator?

Potato antlers! haaaaaaaahaaaa

the otter has got responsibilities.

This is how Macaulay Culkin died.

I thought it was by touching the ice in the urinal

High society does not care if Phillipe is too young for them.
They will take his soul and sell it in the free market.

There is a terrible future to be read at the bottom of Philippe's Ginger Ale and Olive.

this restaurant is so highbrow that the maitre d's forehead is escaping

Phillipe, little guy, that's what happens when you eat the cherry...





lol. chup'd



Ah, the old "former presidential candidate rolls out a whole new public image" story. Phillipe is callin' shots straight out of the Al Gore playbook.

poor philippe

Wait, is Philippe drunk, or did Ray pass him a fat blunt of G-13 before they went inside?

Or is he merely being Five and imagining things?

I am confus!

he's being five and overwhelmed, i think.

at that age your brain is not quite developed so i imagine it is like being drunk or high except all the time.

...or maybe i had a terrible childhood.

i dunno, when I was a kid life really was like being high all the time

I try to recapture that by smoking weed erryday

I want to say that I approve of assetbar today. While it has not a single or few coherent community vibe or vibes, it still has many disparate overlapping community vibes, I think, which is nice. Also, it's not many pages of posts, many of which are annoying and/or boring. Maybe the fact that I've stopped douche-spamming the place has helped?

Perhaps also the removal of the img tag has helped people focus on more original and deliberate (and therefore relevant) contribution? Was we plagued by lol-cat and youtube types and we didn't even know it?

Let's just stop skirting the issue. We were briefly invaded by 4chan diaspora. It is over now that img posts have been disabled.

it may have been some remnant of bantown rather than 4chan, but what do I know. it's not over if someone decides to mess around again if neonfreon's statements on yesterday's (figure of speech, I know) strip are accurate. removing images from here doesn't remove the exploit. It only makes the exploit slightly harder to trigger. You could trigger it with images on another forum, for example. or disguised links that redirect to the trigger link.

and jesus christ how many exploits does assetbar have? It's like a friggin Babushka doll of security holes.

Good heavens. That metaphor took my mind on a quick coach trip around the nature of existence: 'for reasons of space we shall store these holes inside each other'.

Bantowne is innocent

I oughta lame you for using the words "Bantowne" and "Innocent" in the same god-damned sentence

as a matter of fact, I will.

ratacat i need you to contact me on efnet, nick neonfreon

i sent you an eeeemail. I have the skype. but not the efnet. what is efenet? is it like IRC, only a more effeminate version?

its the fuck net bro. he wants your jizz'm

Maybe the fact that I've stopped douche-spamming the place has helped?


(Of course I had to remove you from the ignore list to initiate this exchange.)

Wow, so I drop out of Assetbar for a while and find I've missed 4chan? Good timing, me.

And better yet, you didn't miss much.

Images were disabled because people abused the privilege; there was a lot of nasty crap posted. Fer chris' sake, Onstad has a young child who might want to read daddy's comic, only one click and "what is that thing daddy". It's very sad since there was also a lot of really clever artworks. Whatevs.

I totally agree. I think the problem is that the community self regulation mechanisms that are built into assetbar just don't work that well. It's the right idea to have such mechanisms, but they need to weighted such that they actually work, and can't be easily worked-around.

by eliminating images all together, you kind of force people more onto a similar wavelength, and a more intelligent and intellectual one at that.

the problem with assetbar these past few years has been too many people trying to turn it into 4chan. anarchy and meta meta meta references and wackiness is great, but there are times you want a coherent and persistent line of connection to other people, and to have this, you need a certain amount of space that is dedicated to this and only this. Yes there's nothing to stop anyone from posting nothing but ASCII drivel, it's been done by more than one person quite persistently on here, but it takes far more energy, it's far less common, and it's easy to ignore such people. But the images... we all get lazy, we all start posting images, what are we going to do -- all of us ignore each other?

the images are like a coke bottle dropped on us by a passing airplane. In the end, maybe they really are more trouble than they're worth?

You mean Onstad would want his child to read about two naked anthro cats wrestling in a hottub...a man dying alone in a field and fuck you fridays...

Then again...having a knowledge about these things could helped me in my childhood YESIRREE!

My daddy used to tell me about men dying alone in fields all the time.

They were called Aesop's Fables.

big ups for aesop. dat shit my fav


I always knew you were my bro, man

aesops fables or aesop rock?

fables bro. gads passanger fits ship, etc, etc

Holy SHIT you're RIGHT!

We Norwegians was told a fairytale where they go into details where a husband drowned his wife! Just because she thought it would be a good idea to CLIP the wheat field.

Yeah, that's probably most of it -- the images slowed loading a strip way down, too.

Shirley Temple has two meanings here!

En-mi-tas is one of the Enmity chain of restaurants.

I don't like knowing that you said that.

The word inimicitia and its cognate enmitas occur frequently in the judicial records and notarial peace acts of late-medieval Marseilles, somewhat more often but in essentially the same context as two other words used to describe hatred, the classical Latin odium and the late Latin rancor.

-- Daniel Lord Smail, Hatred as a Social Institution in Late-Medieval Society

A subtle message from the management.

They put ice in the urinal at Jack Astor's. You don't have to be landed gentry to whizz like a Rockefeller.

Rockefeller was not "landed gentry." He fits squarely into the "industrialist plutocrat" category.

And to whizz like a (Nelson) Rockefeller, alll you need do is take aim at a $1,000/hr call girl.

Look at jeffy getting all pissy over robber barons and captains of industry!

pissy over robber barons and captains of industry!

Nah, powerful guys like that usually go for the "glass-bottomed boat" treatment (a-la Danny Thomas).

I'm sensing a golden shower joke here.

Why else do you think most modern businessmen have golden parachutes?

hate warm piss put some ice in
keep the shit col'
now you learnin'
make ma bills from trains
which are coal burning
work my miners to death n the black smoke
they cough it
but idc i sleep easy, snortin' coke
and make profit

or so you'd think, pissin' on ice
rattlin' cubes, makes it sound nice
tinklin' down, cool breeze whaftin'
got smile on like baby n a playpin
the tip is 20(%) but i leave 'em 10(%)
thumbprint on teh bills.
a deep yellow
waitress ass jiggln
like jello
how her pants fit? idk
i didn't ask her
she jus' sum dumb bitch work at jack astor'(s)

And you said you weren't being creative today!

that was yesterday. dont tell me i gotta show you what a calander is. jesus christ

Show me a man gotta have a calendar explained and I'll show you a punk ass sucka.

you just got stole, nigga.


Peoples of Assetbar, check your status, looks like RB is a wicked dope h4XX0r and edited some of ours.

What will he do next!?!

Welcome to the party, lame ass.

*shades on*

Dogg if you think you're Roast Beef Don't Even Talk To Me.

I meant the guy was extremely late to the party, the party with the theme "Hey all our statuses have been changed." Thus: lame ass.

For my next act, I'm going to need the members of the audience to pool their benadryl and nembutal.


Assetbar's been hacked? Yeah, that's news.

i wonder if ron of the desert is related to john of the forest.

Harvey of the Freeway is a mutual friend they both hate.

Sally of the Alley is my fave.

See that's an old-timer's song but me and my family sing it to our dog because I named her Sally 11 years ago because my mom watched Sally Jesse Raphael all the time.

i wonder why she thought those gigantic ugly red glasses were a good idea.

The times, man, who knows why anyone did anything in the late eighties into the late nineties. I mean seriously...

I'm sort of worried.

Onstad wrings his hands devilishly.

While sneering to show off his yellowed teeth, monocle glinting with an evil light from his squinty little eyes. He twirls his mustachios villainously, uttering a chuckle almost like a snarl.

Fuck me, need to get some pork fries over here!


Oh man those potato antlers sound too good to be true.

[center][size=14pt][url=javascript:alert('xss')]Dongs have AIDS.. FYI[/url][/size][/center]

Comment left by ratacatt ignored.

Comment left by ratacatt ignored.

Comment left by ratacatt ignored.

Comment left by ratacatt ignored.

Seriously - if you don't quit messing around here, pretty soon Achewood is going to get flagged as a source of malicious content and people won't be able to browse it at work.

i have a feeling that he doesnt care.

Meh, worth a shot.

look um... just because something claims to be a virus doesn't mean that it is.

but you know what, just to be on the safe side, everyone should probably burn their computers.

I mean shit, what a bunch of humorless asses, the people who went ahead and ignored the user who was making a pretty funny joke.

The joke was that since people are so paranoid AND ignorant about the most basic concepts of how viruses and malicious code gets into their computers, they would go ahead and ignore the user who posted the "click on me I'm a virus" link.

Along the same vein, I shall now post the following:

click on me I'm NOT a virus

I mean seriously, if you believe that you can get a virus from clicking a link on a web page, then you're so clueless about how this stuff works that it's almost certain that your OS is already chock full of viruses and random assorted toolbars that do God knows what.

Here's a hint: Generally speaking, your computer won't execute potentially harmful code unless you TELL it to.

I don't have a vagina, what should I do now

am I going to die?

I'm scared, mommy

for some, the computer and internet are thier world, nay, universe. the faintest whiff of a threat naturally induces panic.

so does your mom

oh snap!

sorry GK. sorry sorry. that's my frits mom pots on achebar and last.

%uC548%uBB34Full%uC601%uC0C1_SuperJunior-SORRYSORRY_ Only%uB304%uC2A4Ver


Someone up there (in heaven) is messing with me.

naw it doesn't. not mine anyways. you're just really tired so all those %uCB564 looks like something to you. Don't trust everything you see.

maybe it would be better if you leave the immature mom-jokes to me. id hate for you to get a reputation around here.

Maybe some clever hacker will change your avatar to Pat's.

From the sounds of things I don't even think it would take a really clever one.

You're the most negative poster I've ever posted with. I commend your tenacious disparagement, sir.

Life in the fast lane: don't it make you lose your mind

Aw man, little kids shouldn't have to be under pressure for anything other than takin' their naps and eatin' all their green beans before they have dessert. :(

well, to a kid, even the smallest non-issue is the end of the world. 5 year olds are notorious for being drama queens.

haha this comment is much funnier if you--like i did--misread "drama" as "drag"

indeed. those european 5 year olds are fabulous !

An author of fables is termed a 'fabulist,' and the word 'fabulous,' strictly speaking, pertains to a fable or fables.

so if we assume Aesop was gay writing about a gay tortoise and a gay hare then the whole thing works out.

And if he was a Mingus fan...hoo boy!

Yeah. My stepson cries about green beans at least once a week. This, after I've picked out the lima beans. You might as well put the weight of the world on his shoulders, he won't take it any worse.

on the other hand, the end of the world is the smallest non-issue to a drama queen...wait what?

you should write for Psyche!

cryztal -- V-Chub and real chub for avatar/comment synegery.


Oh-oh, one more day till le weekend and no new strip in sight. Might get bloody over the weekend as we fight for scraps of humor here.

Buddy, you don't know the half of it.

A few days ago we were refined and urbane men. Now we are hunched apes flinging shit at the ceiling and clubbing each other with bones. How thinly is the french polish of civilisation spread over the welsh dresser of anarchy.

welsh? the welsh ain't never built no furniture mano.

oh you talking bout someone who dress up like Tom Jones okay I got that

man that some ugly imagery



Wait, how does otter know what wainscotings is?

Aw, I finished my archive trawl. From Philippe standing on the drum-machine manual to Philippe dressed as a millionaire cat typing ideas about potato antlers into his computer at one in the morning.

one morning? wtf. you better go subscribe to a month of the paid assetbar to compensate Onstad for the server load

one IN the morning. 1:00 am is the hour when philippe is up working

weird. I've been doing that a lot lately - misreading stuff. It might be that I'm on a crappy LCD screen. It might also be that my brain is turning to swiss cheese.

Nice arc.

[[blush]] thanks for noticing, sailor.

Nooah, you dint go there.

You guys are two of a kind.

It is now Sunday where I live.

Onstad, Onstad, have you abandoned us?

Come again? I didn't quite catch that.