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Beef Dons the Chochacho Medallion Friday, June 3, 2005 • read strip Viewing 63 comments:

A comment left by saint was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mortshire, chuwie, Archon_Divinus, wehavemagnums)

At least it ain't that Burger King fella.

That guy is scarenormous. I read it in the news.


God damn you! I LOVE the Burger King! I eagerly await the day when he looms over me as I awaken, bearing a sandwich that will kill me, and with a smile I tell him that i have had whoper.

::thoughtfully fingers first Onion Offense::

Also, Pizza?

come on do you like 2 eat pizza

"and with a smile I tell him that i have had whoper."

There is something so joyful and innocent about these words.

Is that some kind of euphemism for boning the King?

I tried to use the Queen line with my girlfriend when she asked why I didn't say "I love you" more often. It did not work.

You should have made a face suggesting she was doing osteoporosis.

internnumber1 does a :(

The queen would knight you right out of bed.

And bed you out of night?

Eh... I was thinking in Swedish. Sorry.

I don't know what you mean by this.

Is permanent mystery.

I'm getting some... kinky... vibes...?

ray trembles at the thought of beef's love

The fact that Beef has a pocket inside his body terrifies me.

Wait! He's a marsupial?

"Good way to avoid frostbite, folks - put your hands between your buttocks. That%u2019s nature%u2019s pocket."

Man, fuck BB code, I have no idea how just copying a little bit of text can suddenly look like my keboard came to life and barfed all over the monitor, I mean fuck

I'd blame your word processor for being bloated and running an autocorrect feature that is on by default and probably hard to disable. Sometimes you just want a simple text editor, but that is like a totally different category of computer program now, as different from 'word processor' as it is from 'spread sheet'

Yes, any text you want cut and paste here should be rendered into a .txt file first to clear up unusual code for punctuation and such.

i actually do that before copy-pasting things anywhere! I discovered it when I was 12 and would copy-paste bits of aim convos to all my other aim convos. I have huge notepad logs of everything I have ever copy-pasted. It's fun to go through them while unsober!

When I realised what aim convos meant I was incredibly underwhelmed.

That wouldn't work for smart quotes because they're actual characters that any decent plaintext editor will preserve! Just type your message in the goddamn website box!

Chubby for awesome avatar/comment combination!

Ooops, my comment to this is actually above it. Drat these interfaces that make us look so foolish.

Allow me to explain, Spiney my friend. You see, the numbers and letters we love are all rendered in ASCII code, the very first 8-bit code developed for computers (acutally for teletype machine, but I digress). There are only 126 ASCII codes, 26 for the lower case letters of the English alphabet, 26 for the capitals, one for the apostrophe, one for the quote mark, you get the idea. Well, iin most typefaces used today, the apostrophe has some other code to make it look better with the typeface. So when that code is rendered back into basic ASCII by a primitive program like BBcode, it comes out all %u2019s, or whatever. Lesson over, I need a nap now.

Pokemon taught me binary and hexadecimal! How did you learn this? Or are you just.. that smart??

..can we be friends? :D

I don't get why Ray doesn't just give Beef the medallion after this. He obviously needs it more than Ray does.

It turns out that Ray, in fact, also has Depression.

I gave it a five for that last frame alone.

BE completely a dick!

A comment left by deancain29 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, lux, SurelySmack)

Well, you wouldn't invite, say, the cops. That would be unreasonable.


This was my favorite part. Leave it to Beef to make a common saying like, "There's a party in my , and everyone is invited" more believable.

Because, really. Even if there WAS a party in your , you wouldn't invite everyone. Beef adds an element of truth to an otherwise outrageous saying.

A comment left by tttt was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by chivalress, Art-Vader, lux)

Ray's little smile when he learns that Beef's got the medallion on makes me feel all warm & fuzzy inside.

The one time Beef is actually happy and content...And we don't get to see it

ray only feels comfortable enough to tell beef he loves him in the third person when he isn't wearing his medallion.

The medallion's powers are similar to the power of tinfoil cell phone undies. "Yeah, it's got a real nice weight to it!"

Yeah, exactly! I was just randomly flipping through strips and the first thing I saw was that line about the weight and I thought this was the magic underwear arc and that I'd somehow missed one.

Maybe primitve humans had really heavy breasts as well as giant dongs, and that weight hangin' off your front really does something, you know?

Dang, our ancestors were so much sexier than us. What happened?
I suspect a "tower of babel"-esque scenario, in which God became afraid of mankind's completely furious dongs and/or tits.


Shit man, it's easy to find a woman looks like that. Don't need no cave ancestor ass, got it right here and now.

Now I'm all suspicious of some sort of Fat conspiracy involving the true happiness you feel when you weigh more than a Hyundai.

Also, our ancestors had hell of facial appendages.

Dogg! What if, in prehistoric times, everyone had large amounts of eyes?

I rated this strip a five partially because I like to imagine that that was Beef's expression.

It would be like the face he would make if it were possible to rate a strip a 10.

Thursday Blogs

Teodor: Cooking show - my rushes
Lyle: pmsz
Little Nephew: I be tha voice of new youth, alls!



Panel nine is just perfect.

"My plan was successful and my friend is going to be okay. "

I lol'd

If the Queen woke Ray up with a sheet cake in her hands every morning, it would be special.

I just realized how hilarious Ray's nipples are.

I am surprised no one has mentioned how boss the Relief is. It's small touches like talking with underlines that crack me up.

Third panel: most real phone conversation structure ever. Do not disagree, do not try to make one more real.
"Yo Beef! Hey man. Yo:"
That's all there really needs to be.