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Cop Chat Tuesday, October 29, 2002 • read strip Viewing 42 comments:

This is the closest thing I have yet seen to classic laffs-in-the-last-panel comic here.

Hehe, Bill Callahan is also a supremely bummed out indie folk singer

You son of a bitch. You son of a bitch, you beat me to a Smog joke by six entire months, basically.

That comment works quite well with your avatar

yours... does not

Look who's talking.



says the guy with the (talking?) potato avatar

Bill Callahan is the lucky son-of-a-bitch who's dating Joanna Newsom.

Not any more, friend! She's now dating that Andy Sanberg or whatever from SNL.

Clearly I've been neglecting my Newsom-stalkage. I'm sorry Joanna. You can still expect your anonymous Christmas present. Though secretly you will know who it is from.

Why would anyone want to date her? I can only imagine the horrible noises she must make during coitus.

Says the guy who's all about Tori fucking Amos.

Tori Amos has a much, much, much, much better singing voice than Joanna Newsom. Tori Amos does not give me a headache with her music. Tori Amos is also much better looking than Joanna Newsom.

I'm not going to bother getting into this kind of argument (I think I already have, once, on assetbar?), but I'm just going to say that the little high pitch vocal thing Tori Amos does on "Crucify" (ooh, she's a minister's daughter and she wrote a song with the words "Crucify myself!") makes me want to step hard on cats, you know, grinding the heal in some shit-kicker boots and everything, because that would probably makes Tori Amos really angry somehow and that's the only way I could get back at her.

Also, I don't listen to music because the maker is pretty.

To each his own, I suppose.

i can hang with a dude who a.) makes Smog jokes and b.) is so damn fiery about it.

Bill Callahan is also a really bad football coach.

When I was five I would have paid a lot of money that I did not have for this call.

Proof that trawling the archive provides forgotten one-shot gems.

Alt text: what are you wearing right now / my police uniform and cop hat

Oh, man. Place this ad in your local paper. Replace the phone number with the local police station number. Hilarity ensues. (until you are arrested)

why did this not get more chubbies

Alt text to the rescue.

Teodor's bemused eyebrows are excellent.

Knowing Teodor he probably called them up again afterwards.

Anyone dialed this number yet?

No. But I'm about to!

Well, it's been two months.
How'd it go?


What do you mean? Did you gat to chat with a cop? Did you even get an answer?


Officer Vasquez would not wear a police hat in the shower! Applesauce!


even though 911 is a joke, its still cheaper than that...

Is anybody else wondering how much the P. Diddy Song of the Day costs?

Oh, just your dignity.

I wasn't, but I am now!


Is there anything that is NOT lame to you, sje46? I postulate that the answer is, in fact, no.

wallabee went on a laming spree, right down assetbar, two months ago, so I lamed a bunch of his comments.

Completely logical. Teaches me to open my mouth.

I didn't even notice it was all directed at the same person.