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Sound and Motion Monday, February 20, 2006 • read strip Viewing 79 comments:


A comment left by shinkusan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by austinceltic, CygnusX-1, woodenteeth)

Okay, I need you guys to take panel 12, divide roughly in half horizontally so one part contains Ray and the other contains who I assume to be Sound and Motion. Are you with me so far? Okay, once this is accomplished, senor_diablo will make the picture containing Ray his icon, and then shinkusan will do the same with Sound and Motion. I need you to do this for me. Okay? Please. You must.

The last panel could have been a whole comic itself, IMO. "I heard he doesn't like music" is stone cold intimidating when told as a tall tale type thing. It's close to saying he has no remorse for life.

Seriously. I would not mess with a dude who didn't like music.

i'm more scared of the fact that he was weaned on chicken milk and cocaine! that is a brew of destruction!

Do you know how hard it is to milk a chicken?

Almost, but not quite, as hard as it is to get eggs from a cow.

Even harder in total silence though.

It's actually quite easy to get eggs from a cow. You just need to have the right tools .

More Science!

It's easy to get eggs from a cow, as long as you cheat a little - you just need to put them in the cow first.

Actually, I think that's Roast Beef going around creating mythology sans punctuation.

Good call.

My boss at the used CD store I worked at in college once found an "I Hate Country Music" bumper sticker, cut the word "Country" off of it, and put it on his car, just to see what the reactions would be. He said he has never gotten more outraged comments from passersby/other drivers about anything else in his life. And he's the type that considers it an achievement to have pissed people off...

I basically live on music and can be [i]such a pussy[i] sometimes.

Gets a 5 just for that line.

Couldn't have put it better

"The man that hath no music in himself, nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, is fit for TREASONs, stratagems, and spoils. The motions of his spirit are dull as night, and his affections dark as Erebus. Let no such man be trusted." -Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice

Seriously, who wants to get their ass beat down by Plato?

Perhaps even no love for life, either.

nothing is more savage then waking up with hennessy and oysters. definition of rude.

I'm personally fond of the chicken milk line.

Through sound and motion, you will be able to paralyze nerves, shatter bones, set fires, suffocate an enemy or burst his organs.

You truly are the king of awesome literary and cinematic allusion

Dune, 1984.

RAAAAAAYYYYY! His name is a rude killing word

A comment left by epicurus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tim88, the_doz, Boyd, Darthemed)

I don't care what you ask me the boy's rude

I'm pretty sure Ray actually does routinely wake up with Hennessey and oysters

Perhaps occasionally, but I think it's usually more like Eggs B. and a bloody, dogg .

I doubt The Rock could have pulled a ruder People's Elbow

The Rock with a potbelly suit. That's who should play Ray. Watch his SNL skits: the guy is a great comic actor.

Oh my god he's so right.

Even the voice would work.

I'm starting...I'm starting to get scared, here.

Huh. That's actually not a bad idea.

And yeah, the Rock was hilarious on SNL. The "girl with no gaydar" sketch he was in was classic.

Randy "Macho Man" Savage would be a better comparison. His signature move was a flying elbow drop not unlike this.

Chubby for truth.

Look at Leander resume his familiar creepy hand-rubbing pose as soon as Ray dismounts, all enamored with Son of Rodney's execution. For Leander, this is like some sort of fantasy camp where you pay $3000 to spend a weekend hitting softballs lobbed by 1970s Yankees, eventually coming across a passed out Reggie Jackson and turning him onto his stomach so that he doesn't choke on his own puke.

I've always thought that "I...AM...RUUUDE!" would have been much better if it were split up between panels 8, 9 and 10.

that's actually true. maybe in twenty years it'll be redone in the special edition dvd.

Hahaha. I'm out of chubbies for this page, but that was good.

I considered posting the same thing. It makes Ray's falling speed in panel 12 feel much slower.

Chicken... milk?

It's a cloaca thing. You wouldn't understand.

Cloaca. Ew. Ew.

The last panel seems to echo Fight Club.

I am Jack's raging bile-duct.

Gotta remember to rock the Hennessy and oysters next time I'm somewhere like Hooters.

Alt text: "At least he went out recumbently."

Which raises it to a five.

Raises it to a 10 at least.
It was at least a 6 even before alt-text.

He is SO rude.

i read this as if vlad had said it

"until you are so rude"

oh shit

who fucked up bb code? i did!

Blame Assetbar for insisting on ghetto html

weaned on chicken milk and cocaine

that is pretty damn rude

I draw great enjoyment from the second to last panel - all you need to see is the ponytail hanging out from below to know that its Sound and Motion in the grips of the crane.

That panel is like when a character says "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing" and the movie cuts to a shot of a speeding ambulance.

"I...AM...RUUUDE!" has become my battlecry in any game or situation that merits one. I also secretely hope they will be my dying words.

I also hope to adopt this terminology for future rude-age.

Mine will be "this is your fault."

i love leander's hat and wish to sport one like it.

Every time Ray says 'rude', for any reason, I laugh. I don't know why.

"Weaned on chicken milk and cocaine?"

I swear this is a Bowie reference.

does leander have a black flag tattoo? that is sweet.

Weekend Blogs

Onstad: It has been ten years since college.

Possibly the best blog entry I've yet read. Well worth tearing yourself away from the Great Outdoor Fight for.

For some reason Leander reminds me very much of No-No

I mentioned the same thing in a comment a few strips back, yeah.

Achewood has officially given us the best battle cry ever - along with pretty much the best of everything else.

I like the fact that it takes long enough for Ray to fall from Leander's shoulders, that there is a pause between each letter, and an extensive elongation of the single syllable in rude. It's Ray's personal rate of gravitational acceleration.

I just noticed the Ponytail of Sound and Motion is hanging out of the clam bucket. :)

I love how Sound and Motion's eyes open just before Ray Savage's him.

This whole arc is fucking genius.

"whisper... WHISPER! heh!"


rude as in good.

I heard he sleeps only 1 hour a night and that he was born in a mental asylum

"I am ruuuuuude!" is a fully awesome battlecry.

A man who does not like music is not to be trusted.