+11 -0
I can't believe Pete doesn't own a typewriter. Typewriters are the international sign that this correspondance was created by a psychopath.
I can't believe Pete doesn't own a typewriter. Typewriters are the international sign that this correspondance was created by a psychopath.
+14 -0
That explains the first three-quarters of the 20th century.
That explains the first three-quarters of the 20th century.
+1 -0
So what's that on his forehead? It looks like he got stabbed with a Chinese character or something, but I can't read it.
Also, he lost his little soul patch he had going on there.
So what's that on his forehead? It looks like he got stabbed with a Chinese character or something, but I can't read it.
Also, he lost his little soul patch he had going on there.
+0 -0
+0 -0
It really looks like the mark of the red dragon.
It really looks like the mark of the red dragon.
+0 -1
Well he got stabbed with a knife, if that counts
Well he got stabbed with a knife, if that counts
+0 -0
A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by electricjelly, Sargasm, usversusthem, littlefatdog)
A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by electricjelly, Sargasm, usversusthem, littlefatdog)
+28 -2
That's Courier, you font ignoramus.
That's Courier, you font ignoramus.
+10 -1
I KNOW it's not the case, but I can totally picture Kate Winslet saying that and it's an idea that my mind gives hell of chubbies to. ...and my body too, apparently.
I KNOW it's not the case, but I can totally picture Kate Winslet saying that and it's an idea that my mind gives hell of chubbies to. ...and my body too, apparently.
+0 -0
A comment left by neonaoneo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, LordPretzel, saru, nutmeg, bixschmix, cailetshadow, usversusthem, Doc_Rostov, QuantumCasaba, tessebatt)
A comment left by neonaoneo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, LordPretzel, saru, nutmeg, bixschmix, cailetshadow, usversusthem, Doc_Rostov, QuantumCasaba, tessebatt)
+2 -1
I care.
I care.
+6 -0
+0 -0
Fair enough, lame rescinded in the form of a chubbie.
And the universe balances itself out.
Fair enough, lame rescinded in the form of a chubbie.
And the universe balances itself out.
+2 -0
Sigh. I want a ring of chained apes, all heads bowed in obeisance.
Sigh. I want a ring of chained apes, all heads bowed in obeisance.
+26 -0
I have a guy in Sierra Leone. Let me know.
I have a guy in Sierra Leone. Let me know.
+0 -0
I have six hundo and a crucifix... get to it.
I have six hundo and a crucifix... get to it.
+1 -0
As usual, Ray befenits hugely from sound advice from Roast Beef.
As usual, Ray befenits hugely from sound advice from Roast Beef.
+0 -0
yeah, what's with that? I thought teodor was there also!
yeah, what's with that? I thought teodor was there also!
+0 -0
Webcomic history? I think that not even Chris Baldwin of Bruno ever used the word "obeisance."
Webcomic history? I think that not even Chris Baldwin of Bruno ever used the word "obeisance."
+3 -0
Who hasn't done a little Bible fan fiction now and then? No one? Nobody else has done that?
I feel terrible shame.
Who hasn't done a little Bible fan fiction now and then? No one? Nobody else has done that?
I feel terrible shame.
+0 -0
I did a musical version of "Moby Dick" if that counts.
I did a musical version of "Moby Dick" if that counts.
+5 -0
"Moistened virgin."
Because he had complained in the past about his virgins being too dry and flaky.
"Moistened virgin."
Because he had complained in the past about his virgins being too dry and flaky.
+6 -0
"Ray Of Light"..."moistened virgin"..."Like A Virgin"...
Dear. God. I. Am. Not. A. Religious. Man. But. Please. Help. Me. See. The. Connection. Here.
No wonder Guy Ritchie's last couple of films are such tremendous pieces of crap, if his wife is gettin' mad rutty with a tubby cat in a thong.
"Ray Of Light"..."moistened virgin"..."Like A Virgin"...
Dear. God. I. Am. Not. A. Religious. Man. But. Please. Help. Me. See. The. Connection. Here.
No wonder Guy Ritchie's last couple of films are such tremendous pieces of crap, if his wife is gettin' mad rutty with a tubby cat in a thong.
+0 -0
jesus fucking christ that's good.
jesus fucking christ that's good.
+44 -0
...and on the Third Day, Ray did no work, but sat on his Couch, and ate mightily of Nachos. Verily, the Third Day was much like the Second and the First Days that Came Before it.
...and on the Third Day, Ray did no work, but sat on his Couch, and ate mightily of Nachos. Verily, the Third Day was much like the Second and the First Days that Came Before it.
+3 -0
I ran out of chubbies but I would still like to give you one.
I ran out of chubbies but I would still like to give you one.
+1 -0
+3 -0
Now nice pete has a little of the Manson goin on with the forehead thing and whatnot
Now nice pete has a little of the Manson goin on with the forehead thing and whatnot
+0 -0
manson is nice petes prisonbitch. he knocked out his own teeth, without having to be told, for nice petes comfort.
manson is nice petes prisonbitch. he knocked out his own teeth, without having to be told, for nice petes comfort.
+0 -0
Nice Pete knows how Ray is.
Nice Pete knows how Ray is.
+0 -0
I think being Ray in the situation described by Nice Pete would be the BEST THING EVER.
I think being Ray in the situation described by Nice Pete would be the BEST THING EVER.
+1 -0
you know how I am! I love to hear about things I'd like!
you know how I am! I love to hear about things I'd like!
+0 -0
Halleluja -- at last a Jesus story I can get behind.
Halleluja -- at last a Jesus story I can get behind.
+2 -0
Nice Pete's Bible fanfic reads like Sleep lyrics.
Nice Pete's Bible fanfic reads like Sleep lyrics.
+0 -0
+0 -0
God I love Nice Pete.
God I love Nice Pete.
+0 -0
+0 -0
+0 -0
with the base image of the bed from the Roast Beef and Cartilage Head Show, i think that i could do a thing. kinda a back-burner thing, (not that i have anything on the front-burner...) but something i believe i can do.
with the base image of the bed from the Roast Beef and Cartilage Head Show, i think that i could do a thing. kinda a back-burner thing, (not that i have anything on the front-burner...) but something i believe i can do.
+0 -0
i wonder how much time passed between the last strip and this one...
i wonder how much time passed between the last strip and this one...
+0 -0
"obeisance" is another word that gives my soul a boner.
"obeisance" is another word that gives my soul a boner.
+0 -0
The first being? I will use them as often as possible.
~In your obeisance, bluemoon72
The first being? I will use them as often as possible.
~In your obeisance, bluemoon72
+0 -0
i worded that wrong. another time i made a similar comment about the language usage of onstrad is like porn for my soul, thus giving it a boner. it wasnt another specific word...
i worded that wrong. another time i made a similar comment about the language usage of onstrad is like porn for my soul, thus giving it a boner. it wasnt another specific word...
+0 -0
Why is it that when Pete's on the phone, he's always holding a writing utensil?
Why is it that when Pete's on the phone, he's always holding a writing utensil?
+0 -0
well that's what I'd bring Jesus if he were born again right?
well that's what I'd bring Jesus if he were born again right?
+1 -0
They had to moisten their own virgins back then.
They had to moisten their own virgins back then.
A comment left by fuckyoufriday was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by daidai, riotdejaneiro, Thorfinn, TonyHighwind, NDCaesar, Scorpio_nadir, Soilentshuggah, adelazero, GunsOfRay)
Hey, don't fucking shit on the Zippo, man. Those things are badass.
Not for burning one in such as pipes they aren't
ain't that the truth. God would use pure sunlight to torch his bowls, tuned to perfect vaporization temperature...
Speaking of, have you ever tried burning with a magnifying glass (grass, not ants)? Perfect way to conserve and feel like a Solar God at the same time.
i have indeed done this with a giant tv screen. or some sort of something from an abandoned tv. i am not so much technical minded as i am marijuana minded.
The problem with marijuana is that people take apart televisions to find new ways to fire up their droll and make bongs out of fucking avocados and deer antlers carved to look like the USS Enterprise.
I agree but I don't see this as a "problem". Just "awesome".
Right. It's not a bug, it's a feature .
This method represent perfect economy of cannabis. You get big, fat, milky hits with this method, and you get a ton of them because solar puffing makes the herb burn nice and slow. I have done this once, maybe two times, and that is enough to tell me that no amount will ever be enough. If you can swing it, it is the way to partake.
Check out all the homeboys who know how to do drugs.
Not all homeboys pack OEs and Mickey's grenades.
I fie on your opaque patios.
Do you... do you mean transparent?
Do you... do you mean patois ?
I do!
they think it is RAD to have DRUG ADDICTION!
Point your fingers at the bad guy
with the cotton-mouth and glass eyes.
I find your ideas very interesting and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
For me it has got to be butane. You get the angle right and it provides the best means for that so-sweet slow burn.
Bobby Hill: My dad says butane is a bastard gas.
a shocked phillipe avatar is the perfect punctuation for any comment.
Personally, I always thought Hank was blowing a carbon and a couple of hydrogens way out of proportion.
Not to be a dick, but it's four carbon, and ten hydrogen, wich is more than what is normally assumed to be a couple.
He's right though, butane has one additional carbon and three more hydrogens than propane. Not to be a dick to one who's not being a dick.
That was exactly the point--butane's a couple of hydrogens and one carbon heavier, but it's still a light alkane, nothing to raise a stink about.
(But isn't it only two more hydrogens, not three? If it is three, then you are just the person to make the appropriate edits to Wikipedia (Official Source of Those Who Want to Appear Well-Informed Without Effort).)
You are indeed correct. I was likely burnin' one myself at the time.
heh, no problem. Glad to hear I haven't forgotten everything about organic chemistry.
Sorry, didn't mean to startle you!
butane hell of roasts your green to black much too fast on a sunny day, if im feeling ambitious, i will use a magnifying glass. otherwise, flick yr bic
have you really lit a pipe with a magnifying glass??
does that make you a HERO?
A comment left by soticoto was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Zorque, riotdejaneiro, TonyHighwind, Lumus, usversusthem, tellumo)
Everyone knows that Africa has two suns, and this is the reason for the different skin tone.
It's more likely that the lizard dropped its tail as a defensive measure to the searing pain you caused it (which is pretty metal), but it's a cool story!
Word to your reptilian anatomical savvy.
It is not instinctual to sit patiently for searing pain, especially for a mere creature such as a lizard. Did you hold that lizard down? Did you?
I taped it to the ground to avoid it trying to bite me to escape. I then went over the root of its tail with black permanent marker to ensure that it absorbed the heat efficiently.
you are Nice Pete
"Ray, I was a lizard you burnt my tail off that one time with a magnifying glass."
The wallpaper in my hotel corridor in hell will consist primarily of insects, slugs, and the occasional lizard.
Damn. It seems as though I run out of chubbies too quickly quite often.
The complaint of many a geek's girlfriend.
Yeah, for real. A torch lighter will burn too hot and destroy the THC. Matches produce just enough heat to vaporize.
This is incorrect. Torches are not preferred because they tend to shatter cheap or damaged glass. The THC is just peachy at that (flash of) high temperature.
I would have Chubbied you, had you spelled Lynyrd Skynyrd correct.