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Todd's natural enemy Friday, February 1, 2002 • read strip Viewing 91 comments:

Poor Scrambles. I wonder if he ever found his way home.

A comment left by deimosrising was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by NeoNaoNeo, ralgnar, RedJoker)

Thing again. https://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4489792.stm

This is just more anti-squirrel propaganda. What was the last news article you saw about dogs killing squirrels? You think that never happens? PSH

It is truly the shame of the nation.

A comment left by farqussus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by BPMead, sardoniclaconic, RedMange, willt, diplomat76, morbo)

This got me at first, but then I remembered that Todd is up on his cautionary folk tales. Scrambles? His name is Ruin.

Oops. Bring on the lames.

A comment left by saint was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by johnnybaverage, HassanOLeary, Robot_Satan, cmjhogan, hcaz, farqussus, milkpants, aHatOfPig, ravindra108, jawsh, I_Love_Kate)

ha ha ha

what a douche

Man, he hates me so much.

Asshole-being aside, I think that this is most people's worst fear.
Not being loved OR hated, not even being noticed.

Thankfully, saint never had to worry about not being hated.

I know what to expect.

I'm honestly happy that you're still lurking around back here in the archives. Is it cool if I continue making a big deal about hating you even though I've long since forgotten what you did that pissed me off in the first place? At this point, it's kinda like goin' back and firing up Excitebike or Kid Icarus or some shit. It's comforting.

I'm there for you, Rowboat. There for you to hate because it's what you've always done, like senior citizens voting republican.

this was sorta a touching exchange i stumbled upon. In a weird, weird way.

yeah, i really liked this

Speciesism aside, Todd is a loathesome little shit and rabies would probably improve him.

Todd's natural enemy is actually compassion.

Seriously, you do NOT want a piece of that.

Todd got rabies from sharing his points, and AIDS from a raccoon bite.

He got AIDS from fucking, and he got rabies from fucking, rabies is like a feral animals' version of HPV. Yes that was an HPV joke.

A comment left by fuckyoufriday was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by TheGrouch, blastradius, tttt2, UgliestSong, estutius, keithcozz, colorlessness, I_Love_Kate, philosophe)

I wil be a man and apologize for giving you a lame. I thought you either stole the quote from comments or reposted it from the "Todd fucks his way thin" strip but then I checked and it's something RB says in that strip. Mea culpa.

Your honesty earns you a chubby, friend. Now go and sin no more.

If it helps, I lamed you for repeating a line from a different strip and only altering a single word. A change that no more contextualised the quote than it did improve the humour of it.

So, chubby for honesty?

...I lamed you for repeating a line from a different strip and only altering a single word.

If this is your policy, you've got your work cut out for you.

But I just love it so gosh darn much.

he kept from getting all these things by not givin' a shit

Wow. How did he convince a Raccoon to bite him, that is the real question. Todd must be like the sort of guy who bathes with the coming of seasons.

I like his little backpack.

It really is just so damn cute.

And I'm suppoused to be all happy, cuz he's....uh..wearing a backpack (Swingers reference. I do think that backpack is sick)

i'm crying, i'm crying.

But he's so thirsty, Todd :(

Hopefully it will cheer everyone up that 2 days ago my boyfriend found a dog wandering by a gas station with no nametag, all alone (and probably so thirsty) and now he is lying on top of my feet :) He is fluffy and fat and kind of looks like a bear but a little smaller.

Also I tried to name him MelonFarmer like I'd always dreamed. My boyfriend said that we would call him Mel for short, but yeah I'm never going to.

Bad news- the owner claimed it yesterday and when I went to her house and gave it back to her I found out its name was "Bacardi Blue"

I was going to say that sounds like good news till I got to the end.

we need a todd t-shirt

don't you all agree?

Onstad - you have the power to make this man-mountain (me) cry.

A comment left by malyan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, jrpigman, twentyfivepast, Unfun, blacksheepboy, equinn2006, Semiquaver, milkpants, shoinan)

you wrote a whole bunch about a cartoon dog malyan. You are insane. You are a crazy dude.

look at the reaction this paragraph got. if they could see assetbar now.

this analysis really doesn't deserve the amount of lames it has accumulated.

So, naturally, someone lames you for pointing that out. This is a strange place.

This concept has taught me more about people than living with them ever could.

One day there will be a comment that actually sucks you off while you read it.

It will have 437 chubbies and 1 lame.

The dog is dead. And it's all because Todd was a mean squirrel. Do you think Todd cares?

It raises the question though... does Scrambles get along with Blister?

Is this the dog that Ray took for $58 at poker? He seems the type.

No, I think that's more likely to be Onstad's dog

You don't want to eat a squirrel that has the squirrel AIDS. No, sir.

Nor if it has to take a dump real bad.

Lalala, I'm not reading comments about Scrambles death he survived and was reunited with his owners, not looking... In a happy place...

"Denial" rhymes with "smile!" :-D

This is the saddest thing.

Scrambles just breaks my heart. Oh god.

A comment left by dasilodavi was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Overmedicated, orvel, mistlethrush)

A comment left by orvel was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Deusoma, xiaomimi, dasilodavi, gnjdfsgk)

Why yes, I do in fact remember seasons two through four.


I believe on the Great Outdoor Fight wiki it turns out Scrambles ended up becoming Last Man Standing. i forget what year it was, mind, and no-one knew his real name.


The squirrel's nemesis is a dog

I thought this was kind of funny, and then the alt text made it hilarious.

I love his little backpack. I will take you home, Scrambles! (or, as the alt text says, rejected names: Steven, Poopie, Dog)

Does anybody imagine Scrambles as sounding like the dog from Davey and Goliath, but a bit touched?

I hear scrambles as the dog from the flea commercial, the one yellow lab puppy with the neckerchief.

Fuck you I want to stab that entire commercial.

You are a sad man with a hard heart. Go to a dungeon.

It's definitely better than the lab puppy hawking toilet paper.

I'll take advice from a dog on how to wipe myself as soon as he stops eating out of the litter box.

I was nearly convinced that eating my shit, throwing it up, and then licking up the chunky puddle was the best way to clean up poop. Damn that dog.

Indeed. And just for this strip, in my head, Todd's voice sounds like mc chris (the voice of 'mc pee pants'). He just keeps screamin' and screamin'...
Damn. It's like watching that guy from 'Man Bites Dog' scream that old woman into cardiac arrest...

The bookbag is the clue to whether Scrambles is trying to eat Todd or actually lost.

More Scrambles! Bring back Scrambles!

This strip is sad to the point that it makes me uncomfortable. The interesting thing is that the pathos of Scrambles' dialogue makes it clear that Onstad intended that very effect. I remember in one of Nathaniel West's stories there was a line about something being so cute that one is strangely compelled to hurt it - I think that applies here.

But seriously, the last line... he's not even talking to Todd anymore! The resignation just kills me.


His little backpack! Arrgh!

It is very wrong that it is only now that I notice that the dog is in fact wearing a backpack. Silly me.

..what's up with the dog that can talk normally and wear a backpack? I guess Onstad must've originally meant for dogs to be intelligent.

The ability to speak does not make one intelligent.

Anyone else reminded of Mischief Makers looking at that dog? You just know Todd would throw down.

One time I ate this chicken and it was killed before it had a chance to take a dump, that was a nasty dinner

Ugh. What the hell man? Some of us are eating breakfast here. Dammit.

THIS is the saddest thing. In fact it is genuinely painful. This strip made me hate Todd forevermore.

I always wondered how eating a whole animal worked, what with the eating of the unpooped faeces and whatnot

This is my favorite strip.

Todd's being a tit.

never be a dick to strangers!

"Holy frikkin' cripes!" is exactly what I thought when I first saw that weirdly-drawn dog in Achewood.