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A call to Modemtown Friday, October 5, 2001 • read strip Viewing 57 comments:

Man, older achewood strips were a lot more punchline-based.

Yeah, but this one had two punchlines- The cable company picking up the phone the second Teodor walked into the bathroom, and Phillipe mis-hearing Teodor. I think this strip is at least a 4.

A strip gets a 4 for me if it produces an audible chuckle. This strip is a 4.

Once upon a time Phillipe's mouth was horrifying even when closed.

Today's Phillipe does not understand this joke.

Phillipe doesn't understand it here, either.

He is just sad because he can't find Teodor, like a dog who follows you around a room.

...And it seems like he kind of breaks the 4th wall with a "stare directly at the camera during the punchline" move.

that is strange. I saw him as looking downwards sadly but now I can also see him looking out at me and it is strange.

This is why God did not make us with vertical lines for eyes.

Phillipe is completely not looking at the 'camera'. Look at the way his body is angled, he's staring down the hall and listening through the door. I can't even see how you can see that.

Surely you've seen enough of Achewood, or at least artisticly-simple comics, to know that characters are always front-facing, partially. You almost never get a straight-on view or profile view. Hmm, in the course of writing this reply, I noticed that Teodor in the second panel is simply a mirrored image of himself in the first panel.

What's funny is T's still on hold.

Yeah I totally didn't think that little Phillipe would understand...



A comment left by max was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Nurdbot, Jesler729, plummet, Siah, Doc_Rostov)



nicely done guys. This reminded me of one f those PSAs with a group of athletes or the cast of a show where they each say part of the message.

Erectile dysfunction tech support? Where's Ray, this'll make a mint!

Goddamnit Ray can still sport wood why won't you believe a guy

someday, my bathroom walls will consist of nothing but Achewood bathroom jokes.

A comment left by tetrisattack was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Dovey, Deusoma, BrianNotBrian, Siah, Darthemed)

The baby otter is sad for the teddy's problems.

Modemtown sounds like a rad BBS

Now honestly, we've all done this on long tech support holds

If you make me wait an inordinate amount of time, you may have to talk to me while I drop a deuce. It's only fair.

"I'm sorry about the wait."
"It's okay. You had a kickin' elevator-music cover of Comfortably Numb playing."
(actual dialog on Apple tech support)

God I did not mean to lame this. Why I gotta experience chubby dysfunction all the damn time?

Phillipe is worried about Teodor's penis.

I would like to think that in the 4th panel Phillipe would have counseled T.

oh man, why do i find this so hilarious?


The next public toilet I visit is getting "OH HI. YEAH. IT HASN'T BEEN UP IN THREE DAYS" scrawled on the wall.

I'm withholding my chubby until I see photographic evidence of this.

This strip is ALL ABOUT a withheld chubby!

Teodor should know that the very act of saying "They're not going to pick up in the next few minutes" Practically ENSURES they will pick up in the next minute or two.

i know how teodor feels.

\b/ \b/ \b/ \b/
/b\ /b\ /b\ /b\


Attack of the flying b's!

Or just really weird tablature

Oh, I've been there. Wait ages for the tech support people for my ISP to pick up, the second I have to go to the bathroom they're getting ready to talk with me. Plus, my phone was not cordless so that led to some other problems.

phillipes frowns for teodore inability

says local man


Let's see... how many wiener jokes is that in this first week's worth of strips?

I've done this. I was calling to cancel my crappy insurance company.
I flushed...

...and I let him hear it...

Usually when they tell you they might record your call is when they pick up the phone...

isn't it?

It's Ctrl-Alt-Del by way of ursine erectile dysfunction!

Ohhhh I get it...
Philippe is still high as balls and thinks the key hole is talking. Took me a while.

I think for those of us that don't know that Phillipe is a 5 year old river otter or even a river otter at all, this strip makes me laugh. Nothing like a bit of toilet humour. Anyway, look at his shape.

He is a sea otter.

Not the first time Philippe will be shocked but a very good shock/despaired face!


I appreciate the whole Garfield Minus Garfield thing you're doing here, but I'm afraid that on more than a few strips, it's going to eventually sputter out. I don't know what you're going to do after The Party.

I only made 2 or 3 anyway

Well done

I liked them a lot. Let my imagination run wild with possible captions!

Phillipe looks so concerned for Teodor.

We are all concerned, Phillipe You are not alone.