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We lookin' at hella porno Monday, September 9, 2002 • read strip Viewing 58 comments:

This one right here, I want to paint this onto the side of a skyscraper.

Rude titties is part of my vocabulary now and I am a better man because of it.

Same here, same here.

Mine too, but i Don't have an avatar as awesome as your Farfetch'd one. I am no better man than you.

Man why does that bird have a leek. why does the bird have a leek

seems a little far-fetched, don't you think?

I C what u did der.

he wants to be the very best.

I like to ask, WYNAUT?


A comment left by cheeks_jd was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by cryptfiend85, Zem, Darthemed)

Yup. Rude Titties has also entered into my vocab. Achewood I think is somehow related to about 25% of the things I say.

A comment left by fuckyoufriday was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tttt, rowboat, LuckyG, Darthemed)

How rude exactly are we talkin' about here?

They will come to your house for dinner and insult your mother, and not even offer to do the dishes!


This strip demonstrates the basic male need for rude titties
You can't run from them

Who would want to?

Roast Beef knows what he needs.

Behold the drawing power of rude titties.

You can tell by his face in panel three that he is serious about how rude the titties are.

they are *so* rude.

It is so weird that this was the thing that worked.

Oh man, I just re-read this arch while listening to David Bowie "Life on Mars" & "Space Oddity" It's a perfect soundtrack.

If going to the moon isn't the perfect metaphor for having depression I don't know what is.

I read an interview with Chris just yesterday where he talked about all the characters and how many of them are aspects of his own personality. I love Achewood for it's sadness, but I sure hope Chris isn't this sad.

Don't be sad Chris! Your fans love you no matter what!

You are rad Chris! You... are... rad!

Everyone wants to run away to the moon...Until they realize there are no rude titties on the moon.

That we know of.


The man on the moon is actually an extremely rude-titted lady.

That was why I left...

Ray's enthusiasm about the titties is false. Ray is an ass man. Roast Beef knows this but nevertheless wants it to be true.

One giant leap for breast-mankind.

Time and time again, potentially great men turn from the pursuits that would cement their reputations, lured by the promise of rude titties.

Yep, Neil Armstrong was originally going to fly on to Mars, maybe Jupiter. But those titties... those rude titties...

All the build up and all Roast Beef needed to come home for was a lady

A ruuude tittied lady

All it took for Roast Beef to return was Ruuude Titties?

the RUDEST titties, there is hell of difference.

I bet Buzz Aldrin was all, "Oh man I cannot wait for the rudest titties when I get back."

Note the little footsteps. Beef only walked a tiny circle before going back inside all the time.

dang. my titties are probably pretty polite :(

I bet they are pretty rude. Just not... the rudest.

aw, thank you for having faith in my titties

you're welcome

The alt text said curry-wurst and my toes involuntarily curled with pleasure. That is a damn fine food to eat.


Roast Beef prefers rude titties over a model train set.

All that proves is that he's reached puberty.

i like that the alt is just 'curry-wurst' because this kid in my german talks about it like it is also the rudest.

the rudest wurst, the tightest trousers.

It truly IS the rudest, my friend. I've eaten it twice this week because I found Chili Curry Ketchup at my local Europe store.

I just realized that the overlay thingy in panel 2 is shaped vaguely like an erect dick. If that is intentional, it is an awesome way to imply Beef's arousal.

I think the whole 'launching rocket' thing is totally symbolic of Beef's frame of mind right then.

I realize now that that shape of bubble is something Onstad does (or did) regularly, and that I am completely wrong and a low-minded individual.

My assetbar theme for this week is going through older comments and admitting to being wrong and/or a dick when I feel that to be the case.

I want to know what exactly makes them titties so rude? Do they spit at you? Or are they full of cusses?

better be some good tits :)

This is well and truly epic.

"Roast Beef! Get down here! This storyline is hella ridiculous with you all in space!"
"well uh Ray how ridiculous are we talkin here?"
"The most ridiculous! MAXIMUM ridiculous!"