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Beef is Out of the Fight Tuesday, March 7, 2006 • read strip Viewing 34 comments:

A comment left by closefriend was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by randombeing, keithcozz, Mustakrakesh)

I thought he was just kind of reacting to the horror unfolding around him

Eh, a little bit of both.

Reminds me of Phillipe's pose in the 'Skeleton in the closet' strip

"Hey Phillipe, guess what's going on at the Acres!"
"I dunno. Aches stuff?"
"A fight! "

"well I'm gonna save em the walk"
how badass is that?

action-movie line, fo'sho.

Not a real life one, though.

The GOF produced perhaps some of the best one-liners in Achewood history.

Roast Beef's goggles on the ground just make it.


...thought that was a sandal...

a scandal!

So that's what that is.

I was thinking, "Roast Beef doesn't wear shoes..."

first panel is genius. Show me a more conventional comic artisrt who could give you even half that atmosphere.

You can hear the caterwauling, drifting over the Acres.

Ray is about to Get Things Done.

How anyone's aviator frames aren't bent by day 3 confounds me.

Ray tells his colleagues to keep up the good work. Ray is not happy with them.


"Well, I'm gonna save 'em the walk. You dopes stay here and keep up the great work."

Now that is a fine Leave right there.

If you mess with Ray's dogg, you WILL get torn apart.

Dis Ray's dogg, you fluff Ray's hog.

Dude with a limp? Anyone remember the guy Roast Beef ran over with the motorcycle?

good catch...

but I think he just threw that in as the sort of thing that seasoned liars know make a good lie into a great lie:

plausible detail...

They probably didn't let that dude fight, I mean Beef damn snapped that dude's leg. Even in the celebration of manliness that is the Great Outdoor Fight I don't think anybody would call you chicken for not fighting after having one of your legs cracked by a damn motorcycle.

Please listen to Queens of the Stone Age's "Song for the Dead" as you click "next>>"

Or any ol' time of the day, really.

Cody Travis' boys don't seem like the type to take the rules of engagement too seriously. I would half-expect the bastards to be waiting out near the tent somewhere in ambush.

Christian Brothers is the best possible name for a brandy.

Okay but it is not a made up brandy. I have gotten proper drunk off of it myself.

it's just the booze talkin'.

I love how he mentions that one of the 50 dudes has a limp. So Ray knows exactly which group of 50 dudes to get completely merciless on!

For Ray, it is of low class to thank a bottle of whiskey and a flavourless turkey out loud. A thumbs-up will suffice.

Like in Lie Bot's bedtime story, the alt text pointed out a joke that completely passed me by when I first read the strip