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Ray's Newspaper Suit Sunday, March 28, 2004 • read strip Viewing 42 comments:

Second appearance of sight lines, only appearance of the Scorpions.

I too was once a fan of haunting whistle solos.

when donald trump fires homeless pepole he gives them homes

Ray is correct. Many homeless people are Fired.

"Oh shit, the Fuzz!" Oh man I love that line.


(everyone on the planet should see Hot Fuzz)


.... with sunglasses... indoors!

at night

Whilst chewing toothpicks... and eating cornettos!

(An elaborate and daring feat.)

while walking to the suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun

Ach scheiss, Der Fuzzen!

In Germany, it is illegal to profane Der Spiegel by such as wearing it for clothing.

I love how he went to the liberty of making himself a tie. That is dope.

I hate that this is my reaction, but all I can think when I see this is how not a newspaper Der Spiegel is.


At least it's not Das Bild. I'd hope that Ray wouldn't sully his body with that.

It's unlike Ray to be down on himself.

the Germans do not Fuck Around

This is a really innovative way of dealing with homeless people. The western world could learn a lot from Germany (note: post WW2 germany only please)

So, did they throw him in the garbage? The first time I read it I thought he hid there, but now I am not sure.

i really doubt ray would put himself into a garbage bag by free will. doesn't seem ballin' enough.

I don't see how one can compare The Scorpions and Venom. Totally different bands.

Well yeah but I'll take the black-spotted, rotten apple of Venom, fit only to mashed up for hard cider and getting stoopid drunk, over the sweet, tangy orangeade of the Scorpions.

I love the single "krink" emitted when Ray turns his head.

Saw the Scorpions in Bangkok. Was rocked in such a way as a hurricane does.

In case anyone's wondering, the guy in the pile of garbage is telling Ray to go away.

we see ray's teeth in the first 2 panels

I feel the need to reiterate the sheer quality of Achewood's onomatopoeia. I mean, KRINK & KRINKLE? Music to my ears.. eyes

That's two Venom references I count (though I guess this would be the first one). Onstad must be a big fan.

I also don't understand why the police and Ray are inside garbage bags in the last panel. The fact that AV translated that sentence as "leave they" didn't help either.

It is "DAMN! You [formal tone] go away!" 'Sie' can be somewhat confusing (especially to automatic internet translators) as it can be either singular or plural, but in this case, since the dude in the trash doesn't know Ray, I'm betting he'd use the formal rather than the familiar, not to mention that 'Sie' is capitalized here, which is not used for the "they" meaning. And it is not a policeman.

Also, the police are not in the bags with Ray. They put him there, along with other streetsleepers.

Hah! Thank you. That is so quintessentially German. "Bag der trash up neat, Hans."

No I think he's just hiding from the police, behind those bags.

Thanks for stepping all over the funneh, Herr Reality.

Geh weg!

No, You!

I'm not sure I understand why Ray fears the police. What has he done wrong? Public drunkeness? Taking too many free newspapers?

Ray is presumptuous enough to assume the other guy stopped liking the Scorpions too

oh jesus...the preface to my absolute favorite strip...

Lay down your soul to the gods of rock and roll *huff puff* ARRRRRGH BLACK METAL

"Oh shit, the Fuzz!" reminds me of a trip my brother took to New York where not only did he see a real live hustler selling imitation watches, but the guy also saw an approaching police car and cried "Oh fuck, it's the po-po!" before running away. It was apparently quite surreal for a young Canadian lad.

That bum is awfully polite.