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Friday Acts Friday, October 12, 2007 • read strip Viewing 149 comments:

A comment left by solobuttons was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by riotdejaneiro, mcowgill, kylank, nicklon, theoneyouwant, luckypyjamas, jawsh, Boyd, Wolfslice, ouroboros)

I always Overlook the title. damn.

A comment left by robobogle was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by kylank, kenthegod, rowboat, mania3)

Ah, return of the merkin

A comment left by ohmygooses was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by theoneyouwant, michellemarie, Orf)

Now why is this lamed? I was insulted in a witty manner, and I liked it. I would gladly pay ohmygooses on Friday for derogatory comments about my character today.

Fuck you boredom_man.

Happy Friday to all!

Fuck you, atticusonline! May you fuck along into a weekend of pleasure and fulfillment!

Wait, what day is it?

I'm not sure...did we post that on Tuesday? Oh shiiit, was it a Teodor Tuesday!?

Contrary to popular belief, actually, Mickey Mouse spent the 60s to 70s on enough heroin to kill a horse. And he did kill a horse. Several horses.

A comment left by qwerty was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Chaos, chivalress, mania3, scraggg)



A comment left by qwerty was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by kenthegod, Mustakrakesh, Tangram)



A comment left by tim_simmons was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Dovey, hargbarf, riotdejaneiro, gsail11, mania3, valrus)

not my home run leader.

cue lawbot



Can you repeat the question?

Chubby for... wait, was that a TMBG reference?

Or a Malcolm in the Middle reference, depending on how you look at it.


I always wondered what happened to Horace .

I thought Horace died in a murder-suicide pact in the late 40s.

No, that was Tom and Jerry. The world just didn't understand their love.

I wonder what their safe word was.




Tragically, when setting up the safe word, they both forgot that both of them were mute.

Oh, I just laughed for so long.

A comment left by merkin579 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by hargbarf, mania3, anitrophaeron)

That can't possibly be real... but Walt signed it...

I don't know, but I bought it.
[url]https://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Easel/4942/03.htm [/url]

Let's try that again

I'm just being redirected to a German website. Conspiratorial.

Mickey Mouse was selling speed in the Fifties. To Africans. This is basic knowledge of Mouse.

No joke .

A comment left by retinarow was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, mike24, atticusonline, Miku224, eRiUukFJk, lastlarf, peterjoel, pebohead, opalleye)

A comment left by retinarow was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by JohnnyLandmine, straw, mike24, atticusonline, Miku224, lastlarf, peterjoel, pebohead, henrythecad)

A comment left by retinarow was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, mike24, atticusonline, Miku224, eRiUukFJk, peterjoel, pebohead, henrythecad)

A comment left by retinarow was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by relaxing, mike24, blueshoc12, pebohead)

whoops sorry, i got a little lame happy on your blank comments there

feel free, I don't know what happened with my browser but there's so many of them.


It's weird to find you on another part of my internets.

agreed. I KNOW YOU TOO.

or why they have inordinate numbers of chubbies.

A comment left by retinarow was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, Miku224, domini, peterjoel, pebohead)

This was the best one. Thank you.

This post intentionally left blank

today's is in the about 2% of strips where the comments are funnier than the strip

The other 2% are the other Friday Facts.

I believe this is the highest Chubby-to-Word ratio.

Screw you fire, FUCK you!

Seriously, I love that Ray's reaction to being on fire is just, "Oh fuck you guys."

"He has got no idea about what his talking means" I need to have this on a sign around my neck whenever I drink. Yeesh

To me Ray is demonstrating the power of acting by pretending to jump off a high wall and survive it.

Ray's depiction of a man on fire takes an unexpectedly badass and macho turn around panel five.

Ray's junk is on fire .

That is a pretty good car.

Mine's a '91 and is best car ever. Phillipe is a great judge of carflesh.

Roast Beef feels okay about saying that Mickey Mouse is just a drawing, knowing it won't shatter Philippe's illusions, because he's already tested whether or not Philippe reads the thing after it's been printed. (Answer: no!)

A comment left by jujubeesforjesus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Dovey, fmercury, midgetron, peterjoel)

Dangerous questions lead us down dangerous paths.

mickey mouse of all people must know that dependability is much more important then style

Mickey Mouse = nostalgia.

Wow, consider the implications, my fellows. Philippe, at the age of 5, has outclassed Bensington

Philippe in his 'famous director' get-up kind of looks like Soderbergh.

Oh good, I'm not the only one who thought that.


George Clooney
Roast Beef
Don Cheadle
and Hungry Gus

He's not exactly an action hero, but Hungry Gus in nevertheless a crucial member of the team.

Mostly when he is teamed up with Lyle.

Oh yeah. "Mick." Love that dude. LOVE that dude.

Man, did you forget to feed Scooby?

If Philippe were a famous director, he'd dress like Steven Spielberg.

I think I'd have to go with a skinny Michael Moore or Rob Reiner circa 1984 without the beard.

I thought ron howard right off the bat actually. I think it's just the baseball hat

These guys got the joke collectively, but not individually.

Goofy fell into having a terrible cocain habit after "A Goofy Movie".

Having a terrible cocaine habit is not a thing for children's eyes.

Well, did you see "A Goofy Movie"?

Yeah, no one else did, either.

The movie was too Goofy for it's time.

Awww... I liked it! Still do, in fact.

Would you blame him? He DID have to work with Pauly Shore in there.

I'm glad Philippe is giving Mickey url=https://achewood.com/index.php?date=08122004]another chance[/url].

I always pictured Mickey as more of a late 80's Ford Taurus guy.

Little does Philippe known that Kevin Spacey has hell of secrets. I mean, he doesn't even eat a banana proper !

I heard he doesn't even like music

I've heard darker....things. The Spacey is a creature of much intrigue.

But does Roast Beef know he's a drawing?

Oh man, don't you think Roast Beef has enough problems? Don't go mentioning things like this.

There's something really disconcerting about the idea of Achewood becoming self-conscious.

Ray don't truck with that "stop, drop and roll" stuff. The stern glare and the furious blowing -- that's enough for him, and that's the end of that pesky flesh fire.

roast beef has got no idea that he is just a drawing


Wait so Marmaduke and Garfield are real, but Mickey Mouse and Scooby-Doo aren't? This shit is complicated.

is it possible that the characters of other comics are real in the achewood world, but the characters on cartoon shows are not?

Director Philippe reminds me a little of Ron Howard. Except less ginger kid.

On an unrelated note, I have officially read every Achewood. I started in mid-August.
Now it is time for archive trolling and blog reading.

A comment left by lastlarf was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mania3, DrSkradley, arborwin)

What, someone on the internet getting offended by an accident? Preposterous!
It is fine, no harm no foul. : )
Lovely spam, wonderful spa-am.

Your picture of Beef only increases my feelings of guilt! It's so sad!

Oohhh Shiiiit.

[i] Oh shiiiiiiit![i/]

I really fucked that one up.

I drive a 93 Toyota Corolla. GET OUT OF MY HEAD ONSTAD.

That's alright, I have a 93 Tercel. Which is pretty much the bargain version of the Corolla. :[

pfft, Bugs Bunny's a way better actor

"Did you ever find Bugs Bunny attractive when he put on a dress and played girl bunny?"

"...and do you agree that that is okay?"

No, but at the risk of sounding like a furry I must say that Lola Bunny (from Space Jam) was super hot.

Um... I was quoting Wayne's World, but thanks for the confession.

Tekende wants to fuck a rabbit, pass it on


For a guy who's kinda known for one instance of hating on furries on Assetbar, you sure have a history of talking about how hot anthropomorphic cartoon animals are.

1. All of my anti-furry comments are at least 80% joke. I don't particularly care if someone is a furry or not.

2. I'm pretty sure this is the only comment I've made saying that any cartoon animal is attractive.

Oh, I know your kidding, furfag.

I came across a post of yours not too long ago (maybe even last week?) that had something to do with saying that Ariel from the Little Mermaid was hot, which is pretty close (I think my reply was "yiff in hell, merfag").

Yeah, the merfag thing was a good response. I chubbied it.

A comment left by domini was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by woneLOVE, mania3, Lereya)

Its a Fuck You Friday Facts Friday!


You just ruined my childhood.

When I was 5, Ren & Stimpy were my heroes.

I did not turn out to be a charming little girl because of it, sadly. :[

I love how Roast Beef punctures the gleaming dream of childhood with a rusty tetanus needle.

this is the first we've heard from roast beef in about 2 weeks. where the crap is that guy?

Imagine a normal human being under the pressures of a wedding.

Now imagine Roast Beef under the same strain.

It's a wonder he hasen't opened fire from a tower with a high powered rifle only to be later killed in a high octane shootout at Underwear Time.

Sometimes...sometimes it truly isn't underpants time.

That is my exact car. Mickey and I are corolla buddies.

are you a good person? good people drive those cars.

No I am a crap dude.

But, soft! What flavour through yonder mayonnaise breaks?

It is the Yeast, and Juliet is the Bun!

Ask for me tomorrow and you shall find me a gravy man.

A chubby, a chubby! My kingdom for a chubby!

Re: Finally Airborne
WTF, Ray reads the Tele? I didn't put him so far right. But then again, the 'right' here is just slightly left of the American 'left', so it's all representative.

The Ray panels at the bottom would make for a great long poster.

Cornelius is the original badass no questions asked and such. Quoting fake Shakespeare in proper blank verse , daaaamn.

omg onstad= famous director philippe

kind of makes you wonder where he got the quote from... Lie bot?

Ray probably trotted out that party trick again.


I found this from an old vacation photo album!


A comment left by mr_lostman28 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by re5urgam, Boyd, retinarow, anitrophaeron)

I heard that Mickey 'I am a diamond juggernaut, argh!' Mouse did so much cocaine in the 50's that his nipples turned to scabs and fell off. Don't tell Philippe.

(This comment belongs in an alternate universe in which Philippe ages normally.)

Wait...Vol. 9, no. 17...if each volume has at least seventeen issues...Philippe's been writing this since he was 2?

What a star.

Aww come on Philippe why you got to be down on Goofy like that?

When I was 5 I HATED Goofy. I was always embarrassed for him, with his stupid pratfalls and yokel voice. Phillippe is right. He is not someone kids can like.

All of Phillipe's fact pages are immediate an immediate five for me. These are the only strips I can get my boyfriend to read and enjoy.

That's not why I like them, but it's definitely an added bonus.

Wait, what the hell is Goofy?

I wish I was prized for my flesh.

Damn that Kevin Spacey! Thank goodness no one I know has any secrets. I dunno whether I could trust anyone at all if they did!

The fact about the abalone is surprisingly creepy for a fact about shellfish.

"Teodor is in the kitchen making mayonnaise"
"Lyle is in the kitchen making mayonnaise"
I was noticing how you get a distinct scene and image for any Achewood character you plug in to this phrase.