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Kung Foo Tuesday, January 8, 2002 • read strip Viewing 69 comments:

A comment left by wolfslice was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by DR_MANFLESH_DESIRES_ANAL_PLAY_IMMEDIATELY, ishuta, loeras, tttt, kylank, hectik, Scorpio_nadir, Cracklewater, SaintEntreri, lateadopter, ralgnar, hausea, littlefatdog)

Well, they can't all be gems.

A comment left by dr_manflesh_desires_anal_play_immediately was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by fakead, NeoNaoNeo, katsura, rowboat, equinn2006, luckypyjamas, Wolfslice)

he's right it probably is achewood's worst strip

A comment left by joestork was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by apocowarg, NeoNaoNeo, GitarooMan, novacaine, Wolfslice)

Yeah, not great. But I still give it 2 Beefs just for Lyle in the fifth panel. It could've ended there, really. Onstad's too honest.

Honesty must be punished!

I was actually really digging it up till the last panel. But yeah, that one kind of kills it.

It had me at Lyle's uncharacteristically sensible answer in panel two-- he sounds like a damn Tae-Bo infomercial. Then I just read the fifth panel bottom-to-top and it has a punchline and everything.

Fvcked if I care. I 5'd it.

Star Trek avatar fiiiiiight!

Pikachu fights like crazy

The alt text is all there is to say, sadly. Could have been a classic if Lyle a good answer to that question.

he said he spent all night on it, nobody has spent all night on a comment bitching about it think about it

Chris gave a lot less of a shit about achewood back in the day, especially pre-child.

here goes...

Lyle:"It's a Sicilian style called Fon Goo...it's just like regular kung fu, except when you're kicking the guy, there's two other guys holding him down...

"It doesn't really have a name yet. I mostly drink all the liquor I'm holdin' and then beat someone over the head until they stop movin'."

How much more awesome would that show have been if that had been Batman's fighting style?

is 'a thousand times' a reasonable answer?

A comment left by syrinx was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by madnes, kylank, SenseiHollywood)

A comment left by overmedicated was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Dovey, MrMojoRisin, DR_MANFLESH_DESIRES_ANAL_PLAY_IMMEDIATELY, kylank, hectik, scrumpton, equinn2006, differentdog, DrSkradley, RBisme, shoinan, Afkpuz, Hyetal, mattylite, rmango, morbo)

Mmm. Bitter bitchling. Still, it's hardly the last Achewood you'll ever read, is it? I mean, you've been keeping up the last eight months. At least it's interesting, and it does represent what the strip was like before it became his Thing.

Yes,let's get to the bottom of this.

Dude, seriously - don't fuck with overmedicated's fourth wall. It's all he has.

A comment left by epicurus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by kylank, rhymesforkids, Draco, Hyetal, morbo)

"It really depends on what I've been drinking and how much of it I've been drinking. Oh, and it also depends on how horny I am"

"Just fighting them in the nuts as many times as I can"

I think panel five would have been a better punchline.

A comment left by cdl146 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by MrMojoRisin, tomsonlocal, orcist)

I mean, who hasn't had a conversation with someone who claimed to be some sort of crazy fighter who clearly didn't know shit.

Vomit at a dude such that he falls back 3 feet.



Oh man he so could have written an ending for this if he'd wanted. The conversation is already so funny.

A comment left by joeyramoney was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Dovey, Jar, littlefatdog)

It did really seem like it was going somewhere. Mind you, I've seen plenty of web comics where upwards of forty per cent of strips will end this way. And then they fold when the cartoonist gets bored two weeks later.

I love this one because this didn't happen.

I do like just teodor and lyle drinkin' and talkin' strips in general but this one's not so hot dang it.

It's weird, I've been voting lower than the average for a lot of these, but this one? I gave it a 5, because I was busting out laughing at this one the first time I read it! Guess it's just me...

I like it also. The fierce sip that Teodor takes in panel two that requires him to close his eyes makes it for me.

A comment left by joeyramoney was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Dovey, Dezufnocosem, synnah, hectik, dasilodavi)

Yeah. I LOVE "Fuck You, Reader" moments. 5'd it.

Y'know, that's over the top. 4.

It's apparent to me after seeing all the lames given out to honest criticisms and reasonable opinions on this strip that a whole lot of assetbar users need to suppress their urges to white knight Onstad here. I'm pretty sure Onstad would give this strip a 1.

Hear hear!

i did.

I like T's eyebrows reacting to the knowledge that he's a cartoon character.

crazy. when you've seen all the strips the thing on the side goes from 'you haven't seen this highest rated' to simply 'highest rated.' my life is so empty.

This could have ended well with one of Lyle's now signature throwing up of the bird.

I give it a three for the phrase "jive-asshole"

This one made me sad. It was almost really good.

There you have it, my second time through viewing every achewood ever
Man what a downer to end on what the hell people

People seriously don't like this one? Do you have any idea how much mileage you can get out of "I just fight, man. I fight like crazy!"

I love this crap.

Aw, c'mon you low-raters! Tell me you didn't have at least one college paper that you were rushing to finish after pissing away your entire weekend with party/recover/repeat, your last 20 minutes before the class spent feverishly typing some jive-ass conclusion... The man had a deadline, and he made it. He didn't skip a day, or settle for some half-assed idea. He acknowledged the loss, bowed to the silent crowd, and walked to the wings.

BTW, I also gave it a 2. I sympathize, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

The dialogue is so good, building up so well...
It's really the anti-climax that makes this a dud.

Possible punchlines:
-Lyle just punching Teodor
-Lyle just staring at Teodor silently

As the comic is, yeah, it's pretty bad. The conversation is only so-so, and it lacks a punchline. And while lacking a punchline can, sometimes, in itself, BE a punchline, that isn't the case here. Nothing about the last panel works. I admire him putting up something rather than nothing, but all things considered, he either should've just had a punchline, whether he was satisfied with it or not, or just scrapped this idea and slapped together another idea.

A rare miss.

This was the last strip I hadn't seen.

It is also the lowest rated, as of now.

And I think it is very funny. "I just fight, man! I fight like crazy!" That is a funny thing.

don't insert author

the only one I've really disliked so far. Hell the last panel could be something like "You really have to see it to get it. Oh hell, lets just go down to *bar name here*, I'll find a *some sort of amusing undesireable* and show you." or whatever. <.< That's just lazy, that is.

You can really only pull this shit once .

This warms my soul
and I care not who knows it.

I feel like I'm the only one who actually liked the ending to this strip. "Jive-asshole". Hehe.

Of course it's bad. It took all fucking night and it's not even any fucking good.


Don't like the final panel? Write your own!
I'll warn you now though, you're not as funny as you used to be.

The punchline is "fuck you" in like the nicest, curviest calligraphy ever, taking up the whole voice balloon

Lyle and Teodor used to be a lot chummier.