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Fuck Algebra Friday, May 2, 2003 • read strip Viewing 62 comments:

This strip kicks off one of the best possible months from history. Am I wrong?

No. You are right.

This strip is the last appearance of awkward, arm-hugged-to-the-body, leery-eyed Little Nephew.

I sometimes miss him.

My mistake

He appears in at least one more strip.

Chubby for the avatar.

A comment left by deimosrising was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by SoManyWhales, VictoriaW, dj)

I would buy that album.

Word, algebra be wack, yo. Don' need no algae in ma bra, ho. Wicky wicky what?

Man that song would be all over the place.
I need focus in my pretentiously intellectual rap.

A comment left by catachresis was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by kenthegod, keithcozz, shoinan)

Seems pretty intentional, though (on Onstad's part, that is). Ray singles out a weak rhyme to dis LN's project. Hence the wince afterwards.

"hence the wince"

"Can take it in the dumper", more than makes up for the forced rhyme.

I sent this strip to my old algebra professor from high school ...she hasn't replied.

I have succesfully repressed the urge to send obscene webcomics to my old teachers in high school, although why I repress this urge I don't know. Maybe because I don't want to be remembered as "that kid who's always sending us comics with curse words in them at work"? Anymore?

Is little nephew wincing at the lyric or Ray's glower?

I think he's trying not to laugh at his own lyric.

Wincing at the lyric, I hope.

Ray instinctively went for the most bogus lyric on the album. Little Nephew was hoping he wouldn't notice.

I think probably both. Although that lyric is nothing to wince about.

I like "Fuck... Algebra!" sounds like it could be the first in a series.

Fuck... Early Modern European History!

Fuck... 19th Century American Literature!

Fuck... Stratigraphy and Sedimentology!

Fuck... The Sociology Of Death And Dying!

Fuck... Philosophical Theology!

Fuck... stoichiometry!

I was just going for stoichiometry, when I found that some Internet Person had gotten there before me. Oh, the wonders of Achewood.

Fuck... pointer arithmetic!

Fuck... Sex Ed!

Fuck... computational linguistics!

Fuck... Game Theory!


Fuck... Luis Bunuel!

Man, your elementary school was hardcore. I don't even know what that means .

If I'm reading the reply indents right (fuck you, Assetbar!) I think this was in response to me.

If it was, S&S is the study and mapping of sedimentary layering and deposits, and how those layers are shifted and altered by uplift and other geological processes.

If it wasn't, then I accept any forthcoming lames with grace and tact.

No no, that was totally directed at you. Chubby for a "The More You Know" moment.


Fuck...Advanced Placement Music Theory!


This one might be a little obscure.

Chubbied for obscurity.

although it would have to be 'Romanos' acc. pl.
oh god just leave me to die here

I'm a college math instructor. This is going in my office.

Little Nephew put his name in the "N.W.A." font.

Ah, Little Nephew. He is so embarassed.

Is this the first mention of the Sexual Homeboys and/or that Ray actually has a record label?

*does search*

...Holy crap, it IS!

dissing algebra isnt cool.

Yes it is.

It is a good thing during a large party or a basic time of dudes.

I can't wait for the follow-up album... something about "calculus" and "gang-rape."



Is little nephew's right arm magnetically attracted to his left elbow? Or does he just have left elbow psoriosis?

That is the preferred stance of a young person who is not yet sure of themselves. It fades with time.

this one and the next are still my favorite Achewood strips.

!!!! :cD <~~(scientist with sensibilities of a 12-year-old finds this strip particularly enjoyable)

Panel 6: Little Nephew knows that rhyme was whack but he cannot quell the Smuckles Entreprenureal spirit!

The concept of the variable is all, "Dang, I never thought it would be like this!"

I love how the "..." builds suspense for the inevitable fucking of the Algebra.

I'm beginning to think that LN has his right arm permanently attached to his other elbow.

i couldnt agree more with the li'l guy. algebra is a blight on mankind. like white power.

Ray went to a bro-awesome elementary school if he was learning algebra in third grade.

I would buy this. Fuck Algebra. Fuck all bullshit mathematics. Imaginary numbers? Man, why you bothering me with these numbers if they ain't even real? Fuck you.