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Téodor's Flowchart Wednesday, August 29, 2007 • read strip Viewing 148 comments:

Matthew Broderick would be awesome as Teodor. Or maybe Teodor would make an awesome Ferris Bueller. This is all good.

Shit, Cameron is Roast Beef. It's too perfect.
Chubby for blowing my mind, good man.

A comment left by lrosetw8 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by robobogle, jthompson, rustmouth, scraggg)

A comment left by jthompson was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mcowgill, BrokeAccount, Mastronaut, LRosetw8, SPECTRE)

You are correct, my friend:

If his dad were alive, though, I'm sure Beef would spite him.

A comment left by lrosetw8 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by robobogle, jthompson, rustmouth, nutmeg, scraggg, Appers)

A comment left by jthompson was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by dayvancowboy, pwb, memnoch, scriblerus, ghoti, Mastronaut, LRosetw8)

Oh, okay.


over a year ago
.. yeah, i suck, what of it

A comment left by lrosetw8 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Crowpaw, jthompson, illgamesh)

A comment left by aperson was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by robobogle, Crowpaw, jthompson, illgamesh)

A comment left by semiquaver was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Picnick, mercuri0us, JeffSpaulding, Jhunter, atticusonline, Hyetal, GunsOfRay)

11 months later and no lames? I'll help you!

i want to chubby this, but i want to help it get 6 lames..

You want [i]how many[/] lames? Well... okay...

So this is how it feels.

oh you cruel cruel man. even if i forgot everything. have a chubby.

I'm helping, I'm helping!

come on people, just one more.

it's perfect. thank you assetbar, i couldn't have asked for a better gift.

A comment left by jthompson was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by jdhenry105, RogerGS, tha_snazzle, fmercury, Boredom_Man, Mastronaut)


which is exactly why i never lame. if it really is lame, i'd rather taunt it than lame it

I'll go for both!

A comment left by neonfreon was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Overmedicated, toasterhead, Mastronaut, slalvation, LRosetw8)

Me? I can't tell who you were replying to.

i heard there was a sale on bitch supplies.

no i'm kidding you're fine. huuugs.

Let my Cameron goooooooo.

Ray is clearly Ferris. Not only is he Beef's best friend already, but as is key to the mythology everything always works out for Ray.

Actually, now that I think about it a bit more, perhaps Achewood is just the continuation of that film.

chubby for blowing MY mind....now someone more smarterest then me do the rest of the cast.....go!

The return of the flowcharts? On my birthday? Awesome.

Happy birthday doggy!

A comment left by zefiel was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by phthoggos, le_chien_manquee, Zem)

I think this is the part where I pick you up.

Hey man! don't pick me up! What the hell, man? Oh, wait... *purr*

Is anyone else a little disturbed by what just happened there?

(I AM)


Damn. All I got katsura is a stomper.

That's mine, solobuttons. Why is it wet?

Because of a problem?

This phenomenon is the new "quote-every-line-of-Monty-Python's-Holy-Grail" thing


... bitch i'm going to duanes?

wow. chubby for calling a plunger a stomper. i thought only my dad did that

that was the single greates, most joined-together Onstad Birthday thing i ever trailed off on without knowing what the fuck i was typing.

thank you for deserving it, so that all of us might benefit.
and happy birthday.

May your birthday be as stupid as my life is.

A comment left by caduceo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by stormypinkness, Overmedicated, gothfae, theunity, ethelthefrog, TheGreatestCape, nphares, Mastronaut)

That is a million dollar man lingerie idea. No longer will gay men have to sate their need for sexual accoutrement with fake mustaches and spirit gum.

Though, personally, I think the big rubber fist is here to stay.

What, these ones?

well, the profile says 'Dame' and '21'. That's legally rad, right there.

indeed, I am a lady. :x

You got lamed for being a lady? What the hell is wrong with people? Chubby for you so it evens out

A cot...? Oh BOO to THAT.

A comment left by lucidz was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by theoneyouwant, yaegmenthor, SPECTRE)

Eminem is today's Elvis. Get with the Program.

elvis made better movies

And Elvis didn't lose a single rap battle in any of his movies.

im glad to see there are more teodor strips.

i agree, i miss him a bit sometimes

Teodor needs to turn off his inner critic.



Am I the only one that finds Teodor the most depressing character in Achewood? At least Roast Beef is upfront about his despair. It's like if there was a depression pride parade Roast Beef would be dancing a top the tallest float, Leonard Cohen all booming from the speakers, while Teodor would be sitting in his bedroom nervously thumbing through worn Morrisey photobooks he hides under the floorboards.

Yeah no true. He is the loneliest character

Yeah Teodor is very depressing compared to beef. He's still pretty amazing though.

Yes, he's so very my favorite through it all.

Agreed. This is pretty depressing.

I think he's more depressing, in that he's about the least extreme character to be explored in any depth. So while Beef is depressed, he is from Circumstances, and so it's a little difficult to identify with him. Teodor comes from a fairly ordinary background, so his depression is more everyday.

Really? I've always seen him as being prone to depression, but substantially better able to deal with it than Beef. He's happy doing his cooking and guitar-playing and taking the occasional run or parkour session and designing stuff, and when he gets depressed he's usually able to deal and move on in a little bit. Beef, on the other hand, curls up on the floor near the outlet and takes showers without removing his socks and the like. We appear to have gotten the "depressed" T�odor in this one, unless you end up at the square with the light bulb in it.

Witness the episode with the Mexican magical realism camera : it shows " how you FEEL about yourself, not your actual self ", and T's pictures look a lot better than Beef's.

Heh, I always just looked at those and shallowly thought Teodor just had a really good body image. That and all that nakedness.

I think he will eventually grow to accept that what he is looking for is the ML 350 tennis girl, not the "my taste in music and politics and tattoos makes me better than you" whole foods girl.
Surely even robert smith can appreciate a lady with bangin calves and big-time alimony. He would Understand.

I read this as, "A lady with benign calves." Does Robert Smith like a lady with benevolent body parts?

i think the main difference between beef and teodor is is that teodor smokes pot.

pot rules?

I read a lot of webcomics, and Achewood is the only one I seek out while stoned.

Amen to that! It's half the reason I smoke anymore. Just to enhance the already godly Achewood.

I think it's more that Teodor doesn't know who he is. He knows several different variations of who he WANTS to be, but he's too much of a dilettante to settle down into one frame of reference.

Of course, this could just be me reading entirely too much into the cartoon representation of a stuffed bear.

Right yeah. Whereas Beef knows exactly who he is, even if he has the urge to wear t-shirts announcing just how he feels about this person.

At least he stopped whipping his dick out...

Cohen is the voice of outspoken depression as such. Nick Cave comes from that school as well. In the cooking world there must be someone that can be a Cohen to his Nick Cave. He needs a person to obsess over that can he relate to on his own level. I'm unable to think of any famous cooks.... maybe Justin Wilson?

Teodor is the character that's closest to Onstad in terms of personality. Not sure what that says about Teodor. Or Onstad.

of course, the day beef dances on top of a float is the day lyle stops using the word "fuck", ray gives away all his money and lives like an ascetic, and teodor opens that restaurant.

This is very true. After all, Beef gets laid, T�odor gets a sweatshirt

I think that Teodore is indeed more depressed than Beef. I'm pretty sure that Beef has Dysthymia rather than depression as he seems to have somewhat retained his level of social functioning. I think he would benefit from a course of CBT.

Teodor is the type of guy that would get arrested in a Minnesota airport bathroom stall for peering through the cracks in a stall that he thought contained Robert Smith.

I have to wonder what's between owning a restaurant and daytime flashing. Tech Support?

hey now! as a computer tech i resemble that comment!

As do I. As do I.

That poster is rad, Teodor.

Oh, and I'm highly anticipating a Nice Pete flowchart.

God, a Nice Pete flowchart would be so great, but so incredibly disturbing. Nice Pete is so well-written, but he's really got sort of alien though processes. A flowchart would be really cool.

The prophet cometh, listen to his wisdom. But it is still silly to like the Cure.

Man did you call that or what?

It just came to me in the bath.

Teodor gets more and more depressing as the strips go on...I always thought he was kind of the "everybear" but he's more like the "sad-but-not-quite-fully-aware-of-it-yet bear"

But... maybe that's the point. Maybe that's what we're all trying to say by suggesting Teodor as the more depressing character over Roast Beef. Maybe... sometimes the "everybear" is the most depressing thing of all... because, he doesn't have an excuse for being depressed, or depressing. He doesn't have Circumstances, he doesn't have that "excuse" to fall back on. I put excuse in quotation marks because certainly that is an excellent reason for Beef's depression. And yet... Teodor can't immediately say "I am sad because I am from Circumstances." Teodor is just depressed, for no good reason, and with no one to really understand. And perhaps... that really is the most depressing thing of all.

Than again, *sigh*... I've been drinking again.

Beef is depressed, while Teodor is depressing. With Beef, at least he's an active character who does things and accomplishes things, even through his depression (or sometimes even because of it).

Teodor, on the other hand, isn't actually depressed, but he never does anything. Just look at the flowchart. Any idea he has, he talks himself out of doing by convincing himself it's stupid and/or impossible to do.

He really is self-defeating. Nothing gets started. Plus his only really decent relationship seems to be with Phillipe. He only smokes it up with everyone else.

As a teddy bear I think expectations of Teodor are pretty low. Cats are expected to eat their own vomit and lick themselves sometimes. It's all about social pressures, see?

Wait a second, is this going to be the start of a restaurant-opening storyline?

A comment left by dejavroom was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by alphagator, astro_zombie, behka, LRosetw8)

Theodor is getting to be the only one who hasn't run or at least thought up of a restaurant. Let me know if I've forgotten any of these:

Pat- Subway, Soytopia (Imaginary)
Vlad- Subway
Todd- Subway
Lyle- Subway, Sanitaco/Tacos del Rey
Cornelius- the Dude & Catastrophe
Beef- Cocaine induced chain (imaginary)
Ray- Sanitaco, Mombasa burrito chain (imaginary)

You forgot 'Ray's Place'

Also, Little Nephew and Molly have both worked in the restaurant industry, as has Showbiz. Nice Pete auditioned for a voice acting gig for Ridley's Black Oak Grill.

Plus he's not welcome in McDonalds anymore.

His name is Teodor. With an accent over the e.

Soytopia is imaginary? I thought he really did that.

He's been trying to get it running, but hasn't yet. I really doubt that he'll get it off the ground.

I think the chart should've opened with "Today's the day. Let's do it." Teodor strikes me as the kind of person who wakes up with the intention of coming through on his big plans for life, then getting distracted by everyday cares and self-criticisms. Then reads cookbooks until 3 o'clock.

i know you!

oh snap hey!

Teodor is the character with the most normal 'voice'. I always get the impression that he is the closest to Onstad because of this, but this could be nonsense.

Also, trying to work out which character is 'the most like Onstad' is so last year.

Well, with someone like Ray as a main character, anyone is going to look depressed in comparison.

Teodor's not depressed, he just has ADD.

Because we all have to 'have' something.

That's not ADD. He's closer to borderline personality disorder, but a really mild case. He's just oppositional in general, with no positive self-motivation, no consistent self-image to anchor his relation to the real world. Hence, the retreat into cookbooks.

The only word there that meant anything to me was "cookbooks."

I remember those Flat Eric commercials. What was the song that played?

Flat Beat by Mr. Oizo.

I'm confused as to what sort of person would get a Flat Eric tattoo. A mope-ass chick who's also into minimal house?

A lot of graphic artists I know are just like Teodor -- very little follow-through unless they get plenty of support/supervision. Teodor would not do well running a restaurant -- can you see him working a hot station on a busy line, cranking out dishes in seconds, watching five cuts on the grill while he does a sauce and keeps an eye on the stock and the supply of garnish? The drawing board is more his speed.

Oh, and Teodor? If you're reading this? It's 2007. Polaroid is in bankruptcy. I believe the door-imaging technology you are looking for is a WEBCAM. Ask Beef to set it up for you.

A comment left by budenhagen was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Steerpike66, augeno13, ElZilcho, shoinan, LRosetw8, wehavemagnums)

They make very good face eyes though.

With a hip, hop
And a hippity hop
He's just lookin' for a Goth chick to bop


I would pay upwards of 13 dollars for a Milklin flowchart.

Also, some griddled corn.

I would definitely perform an HTTP GET to retrieve a free Milklin flowchart. Dedicated

As long as that bastard Roger isn't serving it.

This is brilliant.
I have finally figured out T�odor.
He's an incredibly talented yet chronically overthinking individual.
Hahaa oh my god I don't understand how Onstad can switch character voices on and off like that

He's also a lazy pothead.



Teodor is really the natural candidate for a flow-chart. All flowing with order. But now...now I crave Cornelius' flow-chart. With the fancy scrollwork, and the perfectly phrased and stately movements of thought. And gothic arches. Now!

Is it just me or do the flowcharts nowadays read more like a conversation and less like an actual flowchart? Seems odd and more difficult to follow this way, not at all the way a flowchart should feel. Don't get me wrong, this is awesome, but it has a different feel to it. Just check out the first flowchart for comparison.

Do not forget the fact that Roast Beef is very much a computers man, therefore he has an intrinsic knowledge of flowcharts and flowcharting.

Fair enough, I almost forgot about that aspect of Beef. Still though, even Ray's chart (next in sequence) shows more similarities to standard flowcharts than this current one.

Flowcharts are some of my favorite strips, however I do believe a bit of simplicity goes a long way.

You are not lame for making this observation. Fuck the people who lamed you.

I have been thinking much the same thing.

Teodor's internal voice is kind of a dick. I usually tell mine to shut up shut up SHUT UP!

my inner voice is an oppurtunistic dick, it does things like wait until I'm on stage or with a girl to bug me.

I declare this property...an elementary school!

...egg is not a fruit!

I would raid Teodor's room, but I already have a giant Boys Don't Cry poster. Also, I only have three LPs. Teodor > me

Oh man, I never noticed the signifigance of the little squares before. If I had my own decision-making flowchart, I'd have my own little end-of-gumption markers just about Everywhere.

Ceiling Robert Smith is watching you despair.

Sleepy Hollow was an album?

I like goth chicks, too.

I'm so glad to finally see Teodor get his own flowchart. He should replace that Robert Smith poster with that picture of him in the bathtub.

Man, Teodor's gumption's all evaporatin' all over the place. It's gross.

Wait, so T�odor is younger than the cats... they are into their 30s at this point, oui?