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More Friday Fun Facts! Friday, June 24, 2005 • read strip Viewing 48 comments:

Doctors hate superspinal amputations.

It is the angriest a person can be, to do this

The headectomy is a bummer, indeed.

Someone say my name?

A comment left by bpmead was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Neon, Ariamaki, atticusonline, fuzzyshoo, Xaxx)

Ghostface. Much class.

Come to think of it, Caduceus would work both as an 80s hair-band name and an 80s hair-band symbol.

Philippe confuses the Caduceus with the Rod of Asclepius, but then he is five.

Philippe is five, but there are many people who are not five who have also made this mistake, including the entire Army's medical corps.

How well would it work for a wine company owned and operated by a rockstar?


The Iraq-Iran solution is exactly the kind of thing I would come up with as a kid. How the hell does Chris do that?

chris onstad is actually two six year olds standing one on top of each other under adult clothes.

oh lordy, you just made my day

Friday Facts are my favorite strips for just this reason.

Wonder how much Ray wants for those speakers.

email him for details

I love the idea of someone taking notes using a Burnt Sienna-coloured crayola crayon.

In Grade 5, I once left my pencil case at home and took notes for most of a day with a purple pencil crayon. Does that count?

hahaha pencil case.

You "took notes" in "Grade 5"?
What kinda screwy school did you go to?

In deusoma's defense, I once attended a school that taught Latin in grade 5.

I left after grade 4.

Catholic elementary school. The "notes" probably consisted of something they made us copy word for word from the board, but yeah. There was writing involved.

Wasn't "writing" what people did before the invention of the personal computer?

They taught me HTML in 5th grade... many of my adult neuroses and geekiness could be traced to this event.

Prodigy is responsible for my computer-ness.

No wonder the american schools are screwed I took notes from like first class (about 7 years old) would have just been of the board but notes are pretty basic >.<

I didn't start taking notes until college. Up until then, just paying attention was enough to get high scores on every test.

Never before have I ever been compelled to laugh at something as simple as a pair of speakers.

Ray looks so optimistic!

It's 'cause you're HI.

Anybody understand the alt text? Google doesn't. I don't wanna be left out.

Yes, it is an extension of the "weird Bible names" joke in the third item, where "Belshazzar" heals "Gonsson" with a mustard poltice, according to trusted source L.B.

But what about Password Mountain?

That is a head-scratcher. I guess when I first saw "Passowrd Mounain," I just thought that all these strange Bible names could be used as passwords. Now I'm not so sure.

It's part of L.B.'s made-up bible story.

Lie Bot probably just ripped it off from one of Nice Pete's fan-fics.

Do you think the speakers are still available? Man, I hope so.

email him for details.

A comment left by jthm_guitarist was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by shammack, Art-Vader, jeffreyquah)

Thanks, we might have missed that the first 100 times it was pointed out.

I know that the quahog is a real clam and all apart from the show, but I'm having trouble believing that Onstad wasn't at least subconsciously channeling Family Guy.

That's weird because I have a really easy time believing that.

Would one of you boys mind telling me the highlights of this page seeing as I'm a girl and not allowed. :)

Yes, half the world is waiting for the word. What IS up on that back page?

i can't tell you much, but here's the gist: boys are wicked and girls are rubbish.

Psst girls have cooties pass it on

Ray just looks so happy!

why not yell at worms? If they can change once they might do it again.