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Mr. Smuckles is missing Monday, January 21, 2002 • read strip Viewing 38 comments:

It was just a vasectomy!

Baseless slander!

Fifty dollars!


Was it worth it?

They TRIED to neuter him. now he wears an iron thong.

Ray: "my junk can still thunder"

Ray is worth more than $50.

I still wouldn't say no to a free fifty.

Onstad apparently had not yet settled some things about how the cats were to be portrayed -- Ray might be a real pet cat, Pat talks Jive, and Beef isn't depressed yet.

Has the whole "stuffed animal" aspect been abandoned completely in the modern strips?

Some of them are stuffed animals and some are real. It is good to obfuscate the continuity as it allows Onstad more leeway with his plots and such.

And none of them had kicked the nicotine yet. Well, I don't think Beef ever did.

When does Beef smoke?

When you pass out drunk after having put it in the oven.

hell of clever

Chubbied for the meatloaf I killed in this fashion a week ago.

I've killed more pizzas this way than Italy.

Doesn't this mean Ray is as old as Phillipe? (HINT: It does)

Maybe Philippe is 5 in otter years (so actually like 1 year old) but Ray is 5 in human years?

That would make Ray...ummm...40 in cat years, no?
I think their first year is 12 years, and then all the rest are 7.

Regardless, it does nothing to explain how Ray and Beef grew up in the 1980s.

That was the Cat 1980's

Oh HELL yes.

Though this could not have been realized at the time, Acheworld was created to give birth to this realization

Phillipe used to be 5, now's he's 5, and far into the future he will be 5.

except that it's a differen't Mr. Smuckles

alt text: Ray is not lost

No it's him, but Ray was lost. He's over at Tina's.


I think the "Mr. Smuckles" in the ad is not Ray.

Perhaps this ugly, slanderous rumor is the reason why Pat and Charley later insult their friend and uncle using their imagined aspects of his junk.

Also, this joke set me up for a huge laugh when Ray's last name was mentioned a second time.

Ray can't be the same age as Philippe. That just doesn't work.

Five in human years is like 35 in cat years.

Maybe this Mr. Smuckles is Ramses Luther? Or perhaps Dornheim?

Son, there have never been any losses in the Smuckles bloodline, genital or otherwise.

This must be some other cat.

If anyone ever tried to neuter Ramses Luther, you can be certain they did not succeed and that they are dead.

Ray would never answer to "Mr. Smuckles"

It is implied that Mr Smuckles has an owner. Ray owns a house and several cars though, so it's pretty safe to say that this is not Ray, surely?

apparently DJ Ray got a little chubby this year too