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The Todd Account - a Setback Wednesday, October 9, 2002 • read strip Viewing 31 comments:

Ray sheepishly presenting the news to Teodor is great

It's okay, Ray. Get in the hot tub, fire up a spliff and listen to The Police. Soon you will be rich.

Is Ray holding the back of his neck. This is the canon gesture of bad-news bearing.

It is also the 'I fucked up' stance.

Ray takes no prisoners.

good to see ray's thong casual dress code again.

Oh man, I would love to work in an office where the dress code is thong casual.

No wait, thats an awful idea!

I would not mind working in this office.

what is the stance on "stuffing"?

have you seen such as in the company of men

Teodor needs no words to express his disapproval.

It is SO hard to get closure on the Todd account.

I have done this with the occasional client, but it takes quite a lot more abuse to get me to that point. Also, my work doesn't suck, so I'm at least a little justified.

Still, I gotta tell ya, it feels great. If you can get away with it, I highly recommend the experience.

the tie-wearing cat is honest about his mistake

Teodor's reactions are often what makes a strip.

It took me awhile to learn not to do this in client meetings. The business world is tricky like that.

The last panel was the first time I actually burst out laughing reading Achewood, and I just read this one for the first time tonight. =]

Ray could definetely work at my company

I love how Ray feels inclined to mention that the reason they lost the account was that the logo needed more "Jazz" , and then the fact that he "called him a piece of shit and told him to fire us" was secondary. Also Teodor's reaction made me laugh out loud.

No-one does righteous indignation like those losers who are ill-equipped to back it up with anything even vaguely resembling success.

the concept of a collared shirt tucked into a thong is almost as good as T�odor's final expression

Ah yes, this is just like the ad biz (and I speak from experience, unlike the rest of you babies).

Hey fuck you man, I watch Mad Men too

I laughed my head off with this one. I SO want to re-enact this with one of our customers some time.

Leave it to Ray to turn a half-hour solution into a permanent one.

I think my favourite thing about this strip is actually the alt text. Probably because I was thinking something along those lines when I read the last strip.

you guys ever do that sort of thing where you just swear at an annoying kid or something, and its really funny cause your gritting your teeth and leaning in at the time. Hella fun.

Is anyone else terrified?

lol wut

Todd's logo is delightfully wack

OMG, the last two captions are hysterical!

This is the distinction between a MAJOR setback and a minor one. Ray was good to qualify that.