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Ray is high under the table Friday, January 28, 2005 • read strip Viewing 148 comments:

A comment left by 2kings was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ted0phile, straw, ishuta, divot, symbolsoup, daidai, riotdejaneiro, 7th_shot, RandyJohnson, regrepnsnefpoh, robbingdog, MortisInvictus, slysa, cryabetes, regrepsnefpoh, Direhaggis, abe, Madoushi, greyfield, JoulesIsEnergy, alchemicnirvana, LiquidCruelty, Dallovich)

I don't have any idea what you mean.

Your avatar lends the perfect amount of disdain to this asset.

are you still sort of stoned?

it lends disdain yet charges no interest

He thinks it's rad when ray inhales heated-up marijuana.

2kings has a crush on Ray getting high pass it on


The icon of this user was used by me at some point in vain attempt to create a Liger - known for it's skills in magic. It just had to have spikes and this image came up in a Google Image search...

Can we get this one as a colored poster too? Sure, it's not as graphically interesting as the last one, but the dialogue is so much more amazing and yet vague enough to not disturb your entire family.

That would be great, I don't think many people would buy it considering it would mean hanging The Cure on their wall, but I would get it, I totally would.

A comment left by bestfriend was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Norsef, Crowpaw, Scorpio_nadir, SenseiHollywood, Panserbjorne)

A comment left by rhymesforkids was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Norsef, daidai, _cheesekayke, SenseiHollywood, STUART)

I bought the dumbest pair of pants one time while high. So dumb.

A comment left by nbgreene was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Norsef, lamboyster, Sweetlips, Stonecrab, eRiUukFJk, SurelySmack)

This is the kind of thing where it seems like there is a more complex story than "dude got high and bought some stupid pants." I like that story already.

except that if you were high you'd DEFINITELY want to get some food.

in the next panel, Ray points at the driftwood and asks "are you gonna eat that?"

I think he might also decide to go get food, and then spend twenty minutes trying to conceptualize everything that is needed in one's pockets before entering the real world. Then, he will spend another five minutes checking in the mirror to see how stoned he looks. After that, he will feel the need to apologize to teodor again for making him wait, and leave the house without his keys or cell phone.

I don't understand why this doesn't have more chubbies. mrslickster, you have my vote.

Where the hell did he get that driftwood from, did he blackout the 2 hour trip to the nearest lake?

A comment left by randyjohnson was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Contrasoma, Norsef, Overmedicated, cmjhogan, mortshire, cryabetes, DigDugz, Huber, blarghamagarky)

this will become my default gift for cure fans

and they all will immediately understand you, just like teodor

A comment left by ohnoes was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by cryabetes, Mizzip, dj)

It floats on emerald waves of time and space, ever seeking that lost, lonely shore some call The Cure.

*cue melodramatic guitar solo*

*cue trumpet solo and wacky dancing*

Man, way to make a reference that people who do not listen to the Cure will probably not get, versus one that anyone would get. Way to make a reference that makes complete and utter sense.

Man, way to begin every comment with man

*cue escape to the moon*

Man, guitar solos are melodramatic by default, this is what they are for

A comment left by grayfox was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by St-Elmos_Fire, Zem, Satyr)

A comment left by isaach was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Overmedicated, -0_0-, Audhumla, Huber)

When I get high alone, I tend to not realize that I'm super-duper stoned. Then I'll go somewhere and just be so completely awkward with people. Also, could Ray's being under the table represent something greater is going on "under the table?" What is Ray hiding?

Ray is hiding himself. From the table. [Under] the table.

Last I heard, there is no better present for a Cure fan

I would like one for the upcoming holiday season but I fail at hinting.

"So... driftwood is pretty awesome, eh? You know what else is awesome? The Cure. Yeah... Say, have you got your Christmas tree yet?"

I disappointed him - fantastic

Of course teodor doesn't like sports. He listens to The Cure.

This is an observation with universal empirical validity, as far as I know.

you should have said umpirical dogg

Man, he didn't get high alone. He got high and wandered off. You guys have never done that? But man, I love the driftwood thing. All assuming Teodor knows what he means. All assuming it's obvious. As bestfriend said, this totally nails the high experience.

Absolutely. This totally brings back memories of asking for a few sheets of blank paper and a pencil, and then heading off to a separate part of the basement.

I wandered away from my friends while high on shrooms. That was...that was a not a good decision.

And...you have wandered ever since. Do you....do you ever hear from them?

My friends? Some of them. They send me messages in bottles, floated across the sea of time.

That is good friendage.

And a very reliable current.

Aloft on pieces of driftwood that read, "Tom Grasney is ... SUPER STOKED ABOUT THE FUCKIN' SHOW YOU SHOULD ASK ME ABOUT IT "

This is awesome on so many levels. Teodor's mad cuz he was hoping Ray would buy crazy amounts of delicious food. Whipping out the cell and calling Teodor is classic. This strip is so wonderful, especially Teodor's expression as he looks at the driftwood, looks at Ray, and back again. I love that he's still looking at the driftwood in the next day's strip.

I like to think that a portion of Teodor's mind says, in the smallest voice: " he understands ."

A year into the future, I arrive to grant you the third chubby you so richly deserved.

A comment left by sleeps was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by St-Elmos_Fire, cailetshadow, Audhumla, dj)

Even though Ray does not like the Cure, he makes concessions to Teodor's tastes. He is such a good friend.

I have totally been here

I agree, it makes total sense at the time.

as though eternity is something you just FORGET

hey we could all use reminders in our lives

Panel #7, Teodor's expression. Hahaha! Yes, Ray, you disappointed him.

where did he get the driftwood?

an excellent question. How in the world did he come by that driftwood?


He is Ray. Do not question his driftwood.

Driftwood is merely a giant splinter. As high as Ray is, it's only a matter of proportion. You people talk about being high as if you knew. Pfah!

He gets stoned a lot of the time, and spends a lot of his time on eBay. Based on the natural overlap in these time frames, his bankroll, and the size of his house, I think that Ray pretty much owns one of everything.

He probably tore it off the table.

A comment left by senseihollywood was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, _cheesekayke, milkpants, ssink, Audhumla)

A comment left by senseihollywood was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by madnes, milkpants, mangaknightz, St-Elmos_Fire, wehavemagnums)

Boo to that.

A comment left by spinynorman was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by stormypinkness, madnes, NeoNaoNeo, sirptom, snatch22, DigDugz, godfatherofsouls, the_dingle, Daniel, Direhaggis, dj)

There are no sad eyebrows because he is not sad. He's kind of fascinated.

Wow. Why does this have so many lames? It was funny, and kinda relevantly non-sequitur-ish. Actually it's one of my more favourite spiny comments. ANSWER ME INTERNET!

I think that was like the second comment I ever made.

You... you're the INTERNET?! Now that explains things. Wait. No, it doesn't. People have acquired a taste for you now. Chubbies all falling out of your pockets as you walk down the street.

Yeah, it's kind of ridiculous. I ain't too sure how I feel about that. Half of me wants to just make a new profile to see if it'd get half as chubbed.

Hah. You know the answer to that. You got the storytelling gift and good writer's craft. Popular appeal AND you're a drunk! Write a book about dragons and you'll be a millionaire.

The Fry avicon also helps a lot. Not that your stuff isn't intrinsically good, but that image would make gladi8orrex's posts seem witty.

Yes, and just think- that comment is so rare it will be a collectible soon. And you have a copy.

I wish I could lame this

What a great gift idea

A comment left by bluejay was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by rowboat, Paco, Matt, DigDugz, osirisda26, slalvation)

I simply mean that once you see behavior like this enough in real life, with unfunny, boring twists, it loses some impact.

Maybe you guys ARE all big stoners, though, and I have misjudged the popular mind again.

my vote bumped the count to 420. i got a little tingly.

Quintessential Achewood. There is no funnier strip than this.

Oh, the irony. The hilarious dramatic irony.

[img src="https://photos-080.ll.facebook.com/photos-ll-sf2p/v11/139/64/6700080/n6700080_30044746_3247.jpg"]


Oh man, the fact that you actually did it overcomes the fact that BBcode screwed you over and that The Cure is not written in black, although yellow works kinda, Robert Smith being all hella indulgent/decadent (Woah colour symbolism).

Ray needs to hug him now.

Rays expecting look in the last panel is the pay off here.

I like that Ray takes on a little bit of Roast Beef's depressive persona here.

utterly absurd, yet entirely worth it

I get exactly like this when I'm high.

You could probably replace stoned Ray in this comic with non-stoned Beef.

Beef knows better than to be writing on driftwood. He'd probably whip up some Cure-related code.

Some ain't need to be stoned in order to have strange cares.

I read this strip the first time while listening to the cure, and talking to myself about how much I do not like sports.

Driftwood The Cure = Forgiveness
I think I've smoked enough dope in my time I don't even have to be high for this to make perfect sense.

/but I thought Teodor WAS into sports...

I like to think that the telephone conversation happened entirely in Ray's mind.

I disappointed him.
Passive-aggressive triumph, my friends.

not only one of the best
but it was posted on the anniversary of my birth

Yes, I know Todd.

But do you Know Todd?

I have often thought about giving a gift of driftwood with someone's favorite band on it to them, but I would have to print off this strip and they still wouldn't get it.

Print off the strip...on driftwood.

This is possibly the crystallization of a perfect Achewood strip.

Here, man. I'm sorry about all that. We cool?

Do you know Todd? Do you really?

oh no

My first. I get ultra-paranoid when high as well and start apologizing about everything. Never in my most Pauly Shore of moments, however, would I ever think of giving the gift of driftwood - nor would I be able to reason, really, that someone didn't like sports because he listened to The Cure. Ray Smuckles does beat all.

this could have ended at frame 8, am i right? but NO! no...we needed the cure driftwood. (that wasn't sarcasm. we really needed it).

My favorite thing about Ray's relentless association of Teodor with The Cure is that, apart from Ray's statements to that effect, there's never been any evidence that Teodor actually likes them.

My favorite thing about this particular instance is that not only do we not know for sure if T even likes The Cure, but that since T has no idea what Ray's thought process was here he might think that the board is actually meant to be a cure for something.

We know that he likes The Cure now -- he has a Robert Smith poster on the ceiling about his bed.

I am a Cure fan, I got a poster of Siouxsie and Robert in my room (though technically this would be a Banshees poster) and yet I would never ever ever put a poster of Robert Smith above my bed, that is just creepy.

I have that poster too. It is a favorite of mine. I have a pretty awesome Bauhaus poster as well.

It is a very nice poster, the two of them being all coy and whatnot. What is the Bauhaus poster you've got of? I seriously need a good one of them.

I just realised what a ridiculous word poster is, just looking at it seems . . . wrong

I searched google for a few minutes, but I couldn't find the one I have. It's a photo of the band in some outdoor location in London. Peter Murphy is in the forefront of the image with blonde hair and a fishnet shirt. It's pretty awesome.

marijuana rocks

The little corn salesman loves to smoke the weed.

THIS, on the other hand, is exactly the kind of stoner that I am.

Today's Blogs

Lyle: fffffffffffd rays

Thank you for your work and um... would you maybe consider adopting me?

Double Rays in Panel #1? Trippy.

I actually gave a friend some driftwood once, with the name of her favourite band on it.

Had you disappointed her?

it was just to remind her of eternity.

The flowchart of people's likes/dislikes:

1: Do They like soccer? Yes? ->
2: They like the cure.

"A implies B" does not imply that "not B implies not A"

In my (very, acutely , and quite) limited experience, this = true.

This is my favorite strip.
Although "Ray gets sort of stoned" is excellent (of course), I feel like this strip sums up my need to give random gifts in apology for soccer miscommunications.

You'd be surprised how many of those I have.

An old boyfriend gave me a piece of bark with "The Cure" written on it for Christmas a couple years ago.

It is easily one of the most amazing things I own.

this was the strip that inspired me to finally take ten seconds to set up an account so that i could vote five on this strip

I am a rather extreme Cure fan, if someone gave me that as a present I would smile at them bemusedly. It would be a nice present definitely.

Also I don't dig the sports very much, probably set in just after getting heavy into the Cure.

it is silly to like the cure!

Is there anything particularly wrong with being silly?

people stare and point at you and call you "asherdan" behind your back...it is a terrible life!

I'd be more scared of that if there were any way to say stuff behind people's backs here, unless all of you get together in a secret meeting. Also inspection of your musical tastes leads me to believe you must be foolish.

Do The Hansa!

Lets wave our arms and gabble unintelligible fake German

Jeist ein heist un fooust ein fiure

In a matter of ranking things, the last strip should be a 5 and this strip should be a 5.1

Where exactly did Ray go about procuring this driftwood?

Man, he always had it.

I hope they are cool now.

Ray gets Sort of Poetic

this comic still sends me into convulsive giggles, almost 5 years after the fact.

He found that The Cure driftwood while Staring at the Sea.

My reaction to your comment was profound and long-lasting. I struggled with it, and myself, for nearly fifteen minutes. Like masturbating at a Jamba Juice.
In the end, I chubbied you. This was not my first instinct, but I feel that beyond the comment itself that you knew what you did and that somehow, it needed to be done and you knew and I chubbied you .
I leave it to history now. Perhaps when I am long gone, my asset shadow hereforth will remain. Children if you see this, know that I was a man and I did live and love. If I were still alive, I would chubby you all.