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Reissue - Little Nephew's Hip-Hop Pants Monday, December 24, 2007 • read strip Viewing 130 comments:

A comment left by geysershitdick was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by silver_lake, ppccd, katal, lamelliform, TheLoneliestMonkey, stop, littleherrdoktor, likeiwassaying, suprememongoose, jmmfgd)

A comment left by habnabit was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by wharfrat, silver_lake, lamelliform, TheLoneliestMonkey, likeiwassaying, jmmfgd)

Then it's a rereissue.

Oh, yes.

Anyone got a tissue?

One of the benefits of being home & bored on the holidays is that I can see this strip have a "5" rating for at least a little while.

frikkin voter number twelve... ruining our fun

At least this is a pretty great one to reissue am I right guys

A comment left by billylk was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Bredtt, Thorfinn, wae, iceofboston, nutmeg, jmmfgd, tragicone)

apparently submitting the formula pre-testing isn't worthy of a greater chubby-to-lame ratio.

better formula for getting chubbied: having a visible thong above your low-rise jeans.

That's a different kind of chubbied though.


a chubby penis AM I RIGHT GUYS???

Wouldn't each leg be referred to as a 'pant'?

yes, and two of them would be pants

Well I'll be!

this only works in english, it should be added. in german, for example, "pants" is singular ("die Hose")

can someone rebound with spanish plz

... Am I Right Guys?

a pair of Pants = Pantalón (In mexican spanish, at least)

many pairs of pants = Pantalones

I totally Chubbied that, because I have forever been confused as to what the difference between pantalon and pantalones was. You answered my question without me ever asking it.

It's a Christmas miracle! ... ¿Donde esta mi pantalon?

Belt buckles over your kneecaps would be hella uncomfortable. But not as uncomfortable as coming home to catch your uncle getting mad-rutty with your social worker.

Comfort is not a major issue for boys with their sagging jeans.

With their pants at normal sagging height, the belt will be right under their buttocks as they sit in the hard classroom chair. I have asked if it was uncomfortable to sit on a big thick leather belt, and they reply that comfort is irrelevant to fashion.

Even more ridiculous to me than the comfort aspect is the gotta hold my pants up with my hand while I walk or they will fall down around my ankles issue. I just laugh out loud when I see that.

what i've always wondered: why wear belts if your jeans sag under your ass? the belt is obviously loose enough so that it's not even functioning, so...

Haha yeah I've always wondered the same thing. I've always thought that the weight of the belt would even be counterproductive to keeping the pants up. Especially because the belt buckle is usually the size of a hubcap.

The belt is a fashion accessory. A requirement . Of course it makes no sense.

The Kinks recorded a song called Dedicated Follower of Fashion. I think Ray Davies wrote it. It addresses the mindset of someone whose life is made or broken by his pursuit of the latest fashions.

These kids are doing this to make sense. They are doing it to conform.

No matter how stupid it is.

I know why: Fashion!!!

Turn to the left...

We are the goon squad and we're coming to town

Unfortunately, this has been around since I was in high school. The all-boys Catholic school I attended required your shirt to be tucked in at all times, which just isn't feasible with perpetually falling pants.

We had only one lady teacher, who spent her days in a state of perpetual annoyance. This was because whenever she'd see one of our many saggers roaming campus, she'd tell the fellow to get things tucked back in. The offender would do this by simply unbuckling his pants, letting them hit the floor, then pulling them back up so that they at least partially covered his shirt.

Our poor affronted teacher would then usually yell "you do NOT do that in front of a lady," for all the good it did her. Eventually she wised up, and sagging in her presence became a detentionable offense.

Whoa man, who would win in a fight: Colonel Sanders or Orville Redenbacher?

Special moves and abilities allowed.

I'd dare a guess that Orville would produce a fat joint they would share, only to afterwards happily munch on a bucket of the Coronel's good chicken.

I think you have the right of it. Orville really just seems like a nice guy, you know?

Except for the recently raised Zombie Orville they've created for new ads.

Something about flesh-of-the-living flavored popcorn, and all that. If I'm not mistaken, I think the reanimator trend started with Walking Christopher Reeve .

You kids and your Nippon-o-vision. If personally checking every bag of the 11 herbs and spices before it left the warehouse isn't a special move, then I don't know what is.

Everyone knows the secret ingredient is grease and salt.

The secret ingredient obviously was trans-fats. Now that trans-fats aren't used anymore, the chicken isn't nearly as good as it used to be.

The secret ingredient is semen.

Something about the mad-rutty crown gets me every time I see it... I think it might be part of the way Ray reveals himself to be a "cat" -- he feels the need to in some way demonstrate that he's made a conquest. However, just walking around and strutting with his tail up in the air is not hell of classy -- hence the ruttin' crown.

In the 50's, stag party playing cards showed freshly laid grooms wearing crowns. Its a thing.

A comment left by hbaranov was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Kybard, trawser, jmmfgd)

happy christmas eve acheworld

And God bless us, every one!


I'm gonna forgive Chris for regifting just this once, because I really like this strip.

You're goddamned right you really like this strip!

That's coco. I know her.
I know coco.

I love this strip. This strip is old-school. This strip is a thing.

Whatever happened to Ray's crown? I kinda miss it.

When was the last time Ray was confirmed to have had sex?

Well, Ray recently had a trashy orgasm , but that doesn't necessarily mean he had sex.

Everybody: in case you haven't heard about it, this is the saddest thing.
Terry Pratchett was diagnosed with early-onset alzheimer's .


I was going to make a Pun, or a Play on Words, but there's nothing funny about that.

Merry Christmas, Terry Pratchett. May this not be your last.

Oh gods. *sniffle*

(re: your status)
Affirmative. I poked one; it was dead.

binary solo!!


Oh... oh oh.... oh one...

Come on sucker lick my battery.

Guys! I think this is the third time my status has caused a Flight of the Conchords lyrics chain. It's a Christmas Miracle!



Wake up, Baby Jesus! It's Christmas Morning!

Man, Flight of the Conchords had better watch out. Any more famous and we'll be saying they're Australian. (See Russell Crowe, Phar Lap, countless others.)

In his gothic phase, Lil' Nephew read Good Omens over and over but never laughed even once.


You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

i don't know whether to chubby you or the mortshire.

i'm not sure whether I should chubby you for telling us this important info, or lame you for making me so sad.

i think i'll chubby

Fuck no! You are the worst news ever!

I once met the man at a convention. I mostly stayed quiet and listened to him talk. He's the most fascinating speaker I've ever heard. My friend Amy stuck around him pretty much through the whole con, climaxing at a kaffeeklatsch where Pratchett said to her, "You know, I've seen you follow me this entire time, and all I know you as is 'the girl with the cat-ear hat.'"


That is the saddest thing.

I was going to ask my girlfriend for a rutty crown for Christmas but she would probably never let me use it often enough to justify the price tag. Genuine ermine ain't cheap y'know!

I use Ray's line in panel 5 on occasion with my students. I'm not an actual teacher, I play a schoolmaster from 1813 for a program at a museum. I guess I take it a little too seriously. I'd probably get fired if the kids had the guts to tell anyone about it.

Space Moose gets a chubby

"Mad-rutty". Am I a rutty duddy?

I like this one a lot - where is Little Nephew nowerdays?

First he was scoping the mad fine bitches at Starbucks.
Then he was scoping the mad fine bitches while delivering pizza.

Now I think he's scoping the mad fine bitches at the unemployment line.

I don't remember the exact line from one of Philippe's Friday Facts, but he was looking through Ray's mail and saw something from an Academy for Young Assholes or something along those lines. I think Little Nephew got mailed to Abu Dhabi.


Maybe Onstad reissues this strip every time he's super mad at his kid.

You know? I'm reasonably certain this is the very first time I've seen a repeat strip since I've known Achewood. My "first" Achewood was when I started at no. 1 and ended with the latest, which at the time was [https://m.assetbar.com/achewood/uua6SKWmN]Keith Moon's Alive Head[/url]. I went to click "next" and felt disappointed when I saw I was on the main page. Then I realized it was evening at the time, so there would be a new one pretty soon. I don't think he's done a "greatest hits" since well before the past two arcs. That's at least two years. That's cool.

This is what Christmas is all about.

Also, in the last panel, Ray looks quite remorseful despite the best efforts of his crown.

You know, Ray never seems to get mad-rutty anymore these days.

Are you kidding? What about his recent COMPLETELY trashy orgasm?

A comment left by phoenixultima was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Thorfinn, HolyShazam, suprememongoose, littlefatdog, seren_tremio)

regifting a regift is pretty much the spirit of christmas


How many people who hate fruitcake have ever tried it?

I have and there is a reason people hate it.

It might be okay, if not for the green things. What the hell are those?

They are most likely candied fruits.

The thing about fruitcake is, if you slice it off about an inch thick, put butter on it, and toast it in a toaster oven so the butter melts all through it, it tastes much much better.

Preparing it like that won't necessarily make it taste good to you, but it will make it taste better .

And when prepared like that, I can enjoy a slice every ten years or so.

They are green maraschino cherries. Rare, and just as delicious as their red brothers.

The major problem with fruitcake is that most people who have tried it have tried the abomination that they sell in little tins at the grocery store, or some great aunt's flubbed recipe (likely involving those godawful glow-in-the-dark 'fruits' pictured above).

REAL fruitcake, done properly, is sweet, moist, delicious, and gets all your unsuspecting relatives falling down drunk.

I take the horrible, store-bought fruitcake backpacking. It works!

Also, it tastes a lot better when you're 20 miles away from refrigerators.

Man that is mega nasty.

That is dog shit.

The original version of this strip is the first Achewood I ever read. A friend sent this to me, and the next two days were spent going through the archives one by one.

Some years ago I had these ideas for lampooning gangsta rap "culture", like shirts so large a posse is necessary, or buying cars for rims instead of vice-versa. Two separate pants for each leg is just in it's own league. Two separate pants for each leg is kriddin' .

Congrats on Time thinking you're better than Superman

Christmas is a time for re-runs. Actually in the true spirit of Christmas, re-reruns of reruns. The same shithouse black and white saccharine piece of crap from the 50's. It's not as if Onstad wouldn't be aware of the irony. Damn, I mean if the idiots on this assetbar can pick it up... [wait! i'm an idiot on this assetbar]. It's not always been about the punchline and in this case I think it might be about the context and not about the comic at all.

Little Nephew's muzzle resembles a peanut

If that's the case, Ray's resembles an upside down ass with an emphasized crack.

You just know he pronounced it "your pants slash underwear situation."

Man, the sagging pants thing is getting really stupid in real life. It originated in LA, you know. Kids in the hood would get clothes passed down to them from older siblings. So the bigger the pants, the bigger your brothers were. Doesn't mean shit anymore, though.

All I know is that when a wild animal attacks, the guy with the saggiest pants is the first one to have his jugular removed.

This is not what I heard.

I heard that in prison, men who let other men have sex with them would indicate that they were looking by going around with sagging pants. It was a way of saying "Come and get into my sagging pants."

I used to tell this story to my students in an attempt to make them uncomfortable or embarrassed about their sagging pants.

It never worked.

I'm surprised none of your students got you in any trouble.

A comment left by dumase was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Thorfinn, Ravenmancer, Hootplate, shades, Vreeeee, suprememongoose)

I tried to lame you but had used up my lame allotment... Anyway, you're right in general, but c'mon. It's Christmas, dude deserves a break. And I disagree with you aout the no comic at all thing. I think Acheworld works much better as a community with a new comic every day; a lot of the time it seems that conversations have trouble continuing too long because people don't want to invest the energy in reading more than a day's worth of posts.

i happen to agree with this.
my only problem is your occasionally non-capitalized 'i'.

chubbied anyways.

Being from the autocorrect generation, it's proven to be a very hard habit to break myself of. (In the back of my mind, I think that if we capitalize "I" we should capitalize "You" and "Him" and "Her." It's a language rule that has never made sense to me. But I guess one shouldn't question the teachings.)

A comment left by zefiel was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by featurelessvoid, SchnappM, norm, atticusonline, sonicbiology)

i don't know, i'm kind of looking forward to onstad's week of reissues just to see what he thinks are some of his best strips. lazy? maybe. but i think onstad's done enough for you and me in the past six years that we can afford to give him a break every once in awhile.

not that onstad needs defending. i'm sure he doesn't give two shits that some anonymous internet dude thinks he's lazy.

also - does the fact that this is a re-reissue really matter? people seem to be making a big deal of that, but when it comes down to it is posting a comic that's been posted twice already any lazier than posting one that's been posted once? he posted it because (in his estimation) it's one of his bests, not because it had been posted twice already.

I.... I didn't say anything about lazy. You sir, need to work on your reading or your comment placing abilities.
I believe you may be looking for phoenix ultima a few comments up the road. He's right next to the fruitcake.

Re-issuing a strip gives us all a fresh batch of chubbies and lames to fling about willy-nilly.

Incidentally, "Flinging Chubbies Willy-Nilly" is the next movie in Ray's Netflix queue. You can do whatever you want in life.

I love this comic. It only becomes more relevant as time passes.

This is one of my all time favorite Achewoods, ever.

I actually gave a speech similar to Ray's to my sister once about an especially terrible look she was sporting one day. It did not, however, end with me getting rutty with anyone.

Goddamn, LN wears Tommy Hilfiger boxer briefs. That is not only sort of trashy, it reminds me of when i drove my 250lb grandfather to buy underwear and all he got were huge Hilfiger boxer briefs. Kinda weird.

Merry Christmas Acheworld

Very funny, but this is in the fact the 8/18/04 strip all over again. What the hell?

Nobody complains when he doesn't put a fresh comic up every saturday or sunday.

A comment left by neonfreon was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Bourbonsamurai, atticusonline, juanclaudius, Vreeeee)

have i told you i love you

lol pure lovin' how smuck smuck wears a crown in last shot

Who the hell is smuck smuck?

you do the math, diaper boy!


A gutsy decision.

I live on the edge .

mmmmmmmmmmmmm..... leftovers...

Is it weird that for the longest time I thought Little Nephew's shirt was the notation for Natural Log?

Ray = King Tubby