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Beef and Molly Cell Phone Chat Thursday, May 18, 2006 • read strip Viewing 63 comments:

I can't get over the brilliance of this. Tea-bagging the garbage disposal... seriously.

A comment left by dougthehead was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by sevenarts, radarjammer, kenthegod, poot, Rakadin)

The problem is, this made me visualise that process in far too much detail. Thank you, now I will never get masticated testicle goop out of my head.


A comment left by tekende was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by jollysaintpete, UndyingSong, pogo)

I affirm my agreeing with your view via chubby.

I... Disagree with Tekende.

And that hurts me.

as do i. and it pains me as well.

i think he means that if he gets ball cancer he will swing the boys over the aerator so as to rid his body of said cancer.

this is how i've always understood it and thus, i side with pogo on this.

I disagree with Tekende, as well, though I'm unperturbed.

I think the alt text further points to the fact that the only affordable option for Beef is to puree his nuts.

Ooh, I don't think I'd read that before. Thanks.

Why so complicated? There could be no other reason to tea-bag the garbarge disposal except getting rid of cancerous balls.

There is apparently another way to get the job done without resorting to Tea-bagging the garbage disposal.

When I saw that episode, my junk retracted into my body...

...like a frightened turtle.

sumo wrestlers learn how to do that on purpose.

Unless you lost your balls, or your dick and one ball, don't you mean like a frightened three-headed mistake-of-nature turtle?

A comment left by billyamericana was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, doublechocolate, Moolah, bug, rhymesforkids, Lumus, juanclaudius, zulko)

A comment left by mrsmuckles was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ButterMoths, riotdejaneiro, lamelliform, equinn2006, rhymesforkids, Howard, Wan, luckypyjamas, Zem, erinye, tragicone)

My mind's eye! It burns! With the fires of a thousand suns!

Chubby for Avatar/Screaming combo.

ummm... "Boy Named Sue 8-bit ringtone all agitating my free radicals" - amazing...

Yes that is so subtle but so good.

Seriously. Instant 5 sentence.

I thought Beef's ringtone was Institutionalized...

Yes, but "Boy Named Sue" is much more ironic for this context.

People can change their ringtones. Although Beef seems more the type to go with one of the tones that comes with the phone rather than spending $2.99 to listen to something slightly less annoying.

His ringtone was Institutionalized during the Phillippe runs away arc that just ended.

perhaps it is set to institutionalized for Teodor. Phones these days can do as such.

Jeez guys I was just making an elitist reference. I wasn't trying to make it a thing =)

Unfortunately, Things just happen.

Beef makes his own ringtones, just like he compiles his own kernels with only the modules he needs.

I have several custom ringtones, none of which I paid for. I'm sure Beef would be able to figure out the method as well.

My ringtone is the theme to "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly". It agitates the Hell out of free radicals.

A comment left by gormster was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by smashley, isunklower, michellemarie, thedudeabides85)

Occasionally, even men of science have fears that survive despite all logic to the contrary.

If I were ever to get a custom cell phone ring, it would be the CTU office ring from 24 .

I got it. You can download for free from crackberry.

My Ringtone is "Still Alive" ... the Ending song from Portal.

i.e. Yours is not the best ringtone ever.

Ok... that is one of my two.
That is the one that wakes me up in the morning.

When MOST people call me, my phone plays the Thundercats Intro music.

... i.e. Yours is doubly not the best ringtone ever. =P

That is not the best ringtone ever. There is a workout video from the late 70's by Arnold Schwarzenegger. My friend has a clip from this as his ringtone.


Mine's "Don't Fear the Reaper."

Given your avatar, this could be inferred with tolerable error risk.

"Flaming Telepaths" is, imo, a far grander achievement as a dark rock ballad, though, despite its lower popularity level. Also, it has never been ruined by Will Ferrell on SNL. Also, it would possibly make a better ringtone.

(Dammit, I just jump right in like an asshole whenever music comes up, don't I? Maybe I should stop that before I get pigeonholed...)

My ringtone sounds like a real phone. A crummy sample of some song, played through tinny speakers, is the Saddest Thing.

All of my ringtones are references to something else. My default ringtone is a crummy sample of the hook from the song "Da Funk", by Daft Punk, which, played through the tinny speakers of my Motorola KRZR, is a reference to the beginning of the song "Da Funk", by Daft Punk.

and here we go right into a third arc

that is actually my ringtone. oh hell and damn yes.

Beef's characterization is great. He seems like a man of science, but his neuroses won't let him listen to logic on the subject of cancer.

Molly, you can get cancer there.

Guys, do NOT do a GIS for penile cancer.

This man speaks the truth, you can indeed get cancer there.

gmm, you're only 17! Don't know that yet!

"Don't know that yet!"-- god, I imagine this will be my most common saying if I ever have a kid.

You searched for it in the image section? May God have mercy on your soul.

As I am a nurse and also not a guy, I figured I could handle a GIS for penile cancer. The thing that freaked me out the most was that no sooner had I opened a new tab and typed in "peni" on my own personal laptop that nobody else ever uses, penile cancer appeared at the top of the quick-word suggestion list, and I'm pretty sure I'd have remembered if I'd googled penile cancer previously. Google is straight sinister.

And their Mom made their logo. FUCK.

dang. that is a well grounded fear. i too no longer use my cell phone until i see a Newsweek article entitled "Your Nokia isn't going to give you peter cancer"

Whether or not cell phones can give you cancer, you will NEVER see a Newsweek article telling you that you won't get cancer.

The media's job is not to reassure you. The media's job is to scare the hell out of you so that you'll buy their asinine product.

if the media sold tiny customised lead smocks for my Rupert Murdochs they could scare me however the hell they wanted because I would lack fear of any description.

A nice touch for the humour in this one is Beef's facial expressions throughout.

My girlfriend was not at all pleased when she saw me teabagging the garbage disposal. I can only hope Beef does not have to learn this the hard way.


You can get cancer anywhere that has living cells. Don't GIS eye tumor.

I love how Molly tries to reassure him in panel 4. How can any man take solace in that statement?

Roast beef is reading a blank piece of paper. Get a job, Roast Beef.

Roast Beef is reading the results of a study that sought to determine what Molly knows about peter cancer, hence, it is blank.

Beef knows enough not to tell someone what is the best thing to do with their 'adult parts'.