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The Finding Nemo Party Wednesday, February 11, 2004 • read strip Viewing 40 comments:

Don't be a bitch, Teodor

c'mon, the boy's about to putt. i ain't want some knucklehead on my cellular when i'm going for birdie.

Please tell me I wasn't the only one who on first glance thought Teodor said "I'm a little busty."


You've just been visited, by the Freudian Faireee~.

Goooooood... tiiiiiits!

this reminded me of that bit in 'hot fuzz'. you know the old guy? hehehe...


if you enjoy people trying to get out of phone conversations due to sonic interference from bursting bubbles whilst on a golf course, you might also enjoy this strip

best observation of the month.

That's a true thing to say, Riazm.

Sweet, sweet revenge?

A comment left by tetrisattack was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by NeoNaoNeo, whoper, d3lvn, earendil, Boyd, Audhumla)

Everyone who lamed this is foolish. Finding Nemo is goddamn brilliant but Toy Story is BETTER

IMO, Finding Nemo is not brilliant at all, but rather boring and irritating.

His entire family is eaten, and then his child is deformed. That is what you get for being a coward.

Do... do you people have children?

i haven't been hit up for a child support cheque yet, so "no"

I love how Ray can't be rushed. He even stops to take a long sip from his martini before finishing his sentence.

This reminded me of Pee Wee's phone conversation with Dottie when he was in Texas on his Big Adventure.

The otter's world has been turned upside down in the las panel.

[ pause ]

"I'm a little busy."

makes this a 5/5.

Yes, it does. And I approve of Manuel Calaveras. I finally managed to get Grim Fandango to install on my Vista box last week, and I'm now playing it for the first time.

Double chubbies. Brilliant game.

Hell with Finding Nemo;
you can unite a nation with Ice Age, that shit got to me like 3 times in a single viewing (which I know gives me no sack whatsoever but oh well)

I was watching "Holes" with my stepmom, and we both started sniffing at the part when Zero's mom steps off the bus.

I think we maybe bonded a little.

I first read that as "we maybe boned a little."

Pretty awesome.

Your story is better.

Oh hot

Huh, me too. Weird. . .

Oh man, Ice Age is something CRAZY. You're talking about the bit when the mammoth sees the cave painting and remembers his family, right?

Have you seen Ice Age 2? When that chick mammoth remembers her baby past and is all alone and tiny... DAMN.

That was one of the bits that got to me, yeah. That and the mother drifting away in the river when she leaves her baby. Oh and the ending. Haha.

I did see it, I don't remember it getting to me like the first one though. Damn, I be heartless sometimes.

I watched Ice Age in-flight on the way to China like 3 times in a row. Needless to say, that ruined it for me.

meanwhile, Bono cackled wildly as he prepared to write his second comment as "notbono"

what in the hell. i posted this on another strip

Teodor doesn't care. Ray cares less.

This strip has saddened me

because it made me realise I left my Finding Nemo DVD at home when I moved to uni.


7 months...You must have one messy fucking apartment, heccibiggs

Congrats, Josh.

I never saw Finding Nemo. Or Titanic. Or Independence Day. It's almost like I'm afraid of water (and aliens).