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Guest Strip: Jeff Roysdon Thursday, January 1, 2004 • read strip Viewing 58 comments:

A comment left by closefriend was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by joeyramoney, symbolsoup, kylank, woof, Magb, whitey)

A comment left by overmedicated was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ishuta, ohmygooses, d3lvn, HeyMan, john2kx)

A comment left by norrin was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by JTTuba, cromni, robbingdog)

Some might say you've just defined "not getting it."

Some might say that he defined "Getting it, but doing something different." Being an artist does not mean conforming to the standards put before you. Onstad "doesn't get" that cats don't talk, according to your definition of "not getting it".

A comment left by djwhiterabbit was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by radishes, TTAGXAMM, r_tenenbaum)

Clever dickie!

he STILL smokes. i don't get how people don't catch this.

A comment left by thegreatestcape was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by robert, jollysaintpete, utv)

Never smokes you say?

because the strip does not necessarily take place AFTER what you've already read?

Purple Beef creeps me out.

it's the clown nose that's much worse :[

Roast Beef the Red-Nosed LOLcat.

It's the Mickey Mouse gloves.

Cursive, especially extra-loopy cursive like this, is just so very wrong for Roast Beef.

Ignore this comment, and the two under it. Firefox and AssetBar do not mix for me.

It's cool, I love seeing the icon I made being used.

heck of lame, baby!

Chubbies for blank comment!

i want to zero this.

Purple and Roast Beef do not mix well.

eh, on it's own it's pretty good. if onstad isn't the one doin it then standards should be lowered.

no, it isn't.

Yeah, taken on its own merits it's not such a bad strip. It's pretty. But set it in Achewood and you'll upset the continuity police big-time...

Goddammit I love this strip. This is what it would look like if van Gogh did it.

yea i have to say this one is terrible

A comment left by meganasty was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by aliiis, envika, stormagnet)

Well, it is the whole joke. People are all just alarmed by the style, I think.

And the fact that it's not funny.


i love how jeff roysdon has to say who roast beef is--purple roast beef does not look like roast beef at all.

Everything I said about the last strip, I want to partially take it back and use it on this. Only this time I'll be spitting when I yell it. I don't remember what's to come, but this has got to be the worst of all. Art straight from a god damned Hallmark card.

Yeah, exactly. It's really non-funny in a particularly nauseating way.

This is soaking in that Underground Comix vibe where we're all gonna act like retarded grade schoolers but it's Cool because only Squares would call us on it.

Hey, I like Amy and Jordan!


Not bad, but not really good at all in any way either.

Absolutely god-awful. And humorless. I want to rate this one in negatives.

I call you on your failed Maakies impression, sir. Furthur, that url you stamped in such ostentatiously large print is already occupied by a fucking squatter.

Actually, the art on this one reminded me so completely and utterly of Gary Baseman, y'know, the guy who illustrated the boardgame Cranium.

And that, my friends, is a bad thing .

"Roastbeef takes up smoking" is worst strip, drawn with ugliest pencil.

Man cool your jets, he looks different because a different artist is drawing him and taking artistic liberties. And Roast Beef would totally take up smoking to passive-aggressively kill himself, only to wind up living forever.

It's a cruel joke written poorly and delivered by cattle car. If it were pretty it'd be a sort of nega-Achewood, but as stands it's just a monument to sheer shit - it would literally take ethnic slurs to make this any worse.

roast beef has very human nipples

Can't for the life of me figure out why the rating is so low, here.

That is nowhere near Beef's fur color.

Not even a smidgen close.

This strip pisses me off when I come across it using random comic. Blast!

All that's missing is Jon in the last panel shouting "GARRRRFIELLLLD!"

totally. what's worse to have to look at:
- an ancient person who barely resembles a human still puffing away on a cancer stick
- a young teenage dooshbag [complete with tatts / piercings] puffing away on cancer death stick


I just discovered the "my feelings on this strip are Con" function.

What a perfect time to discover this.

Do you think its rad to have lung cancer, Beef?

I say this being a smoker myself, because is so rad

Considering the really odd colour choices (red nose and purple hair) and very strange proportions (which all seem deliberate, especially the eyes) this comic seems to be attempting something absurdist and in the end horribly dark. I think it's a dark comment on comics (as similarly acheived by Garfield without Garfield). Really. I believe this, it was my instant reaction to reading it.

A comment that sets up an obvious joke just as Garfield would, but once the joke is made, the lack of humour just leaves a fairly bleak portrayal of depression and someone attempting to kill themselves. Rough Chuckles.