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Lyle's Children's Book Thursday, July 26, 2007 • read strip Viewing 154 comments:

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The intermittent appearance of alt text in Acheworld is like the early days of Achewood itself, when only some of the strips had alt text, and that one time the alt text writer had a bad hangover and got fired for crapping out once too often. Good times! Thanks, Assetbar!

Tomorrow's recipe is chicken.

I hope theres a series!

Philippe's angry face is one of the things that really hooked me on Achewood.

A comment left by captainpeepers was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by kylank, magicbacon, jmmfgd)

otters are a playful animal, and they enjoy their childrens' stories.

Lies. I tried putting an otter to bed and telling children's stories to it, and what do I have to show for it? Nothing but sorrow and rabies.

Chubbied for the dirty old man from PBF avatar.

A comment left by milesdonovan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by blastradius, kylank, nicklon)

A comment left by buster was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ButterMoths, mcowgill, blastradius, kylank, nicklon, YossarianLives, stoned_lightning)

Every dollar he can get his hands on is worth a long pull of Thunderbird in the right parts of town.

What's the word?
What's the action?
Who's gonna pay?

What's the price?


Among the strangest things I ever heard
Was when a friend of mine said man, lets get some thunderbird
I said whats that? he just started to grin
Slobbered on his shirt, his eyes got dim
He said you got fifty-nine cents?

I said yeah, I got a dollar, but dont be a smart-aleck
I aint gonna spend it on no indian relic
And he said thunderbirds not an old indian trinket,
Its a wine, man, you take it home and drink it.
I said it sure dont sound like wine to me
And he said hed bet me the change from my dollar

God bless you, Townes.

Thunderbird! The wine so bad it made the news.

Unsafe at any speed!

That Willie Nelson is still alive (and just puttin' out shit to pay the taxman) and Townes is dead really gets me cross.

Well, I don't think Townes would have it any other way. I'm pretty sure that man just wanted to die.

Once he had a ma, he even had a pa
He beat her with a belt once 'cause she cried
She told him to take care of me, headed down to Tennessee

'kay I basically lost track of my pronouns there

I know, I know, I said that I would quit
Alright, I promise, no more after this
You don't know how I've tried
To forget what it was like
I remember now
I remember now
Why they called it Thunderbird
Why they called it Thunderbird

Man oh man my throat is dry
Man are you thinking what I
am, well what about it then
Before you fall you have to learn to crawl
You can't see heaven when you're standing tall
To get the whole moon sky
On the ground you have to lie
I remember now
I remember now
Why they called it Thunderbird
Why they called it Thunderbird

We like fun me and my girl
We'll have fun fun fun until
T-Bird takes her dad away
I know I know I said that I'd desist
Alright I promise no more after this
Not to be what I was like
Not to soar across the sky
Spread my thunder wings and fly
Spread my thunder wings and fly
I remember now
I remember now
Why they called it Thunderbird
Why they called it Thunderbird

A comment left by andrew_ was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by blastradius, magicbacon, jmmfgd)

A comment left by zedpower was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by magicbacon, Marcus_Brody, Madoushi)

Marketing may present a problem for Lyle. Perhaps wherever Jack Daniels is sold?

A comment left by gussiejives was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mcowgill, nicklon, magicbacon)

many features potties quite prominently (potty training books, captain underpants etc.)

Everybody Poops...On This Book

If it were possible to give multiple chubbies, that's what I would be doing right now.

you don't need to.

Ah yes, Abbie Hoffman's lesser known children's book.

the way you wrote that seems to me that you mean you read the potty.

This reminds me of George Carlin's insult towards macho guys, "you smell like an anchovy's cunt." I only bring it up because it is rare in life that one comes across two seperate instances where tiny fish are juxtaposed with the word cunt.

Rare in life, common in Bangkok.

That sounds like a Bangkok commercial.

I can just hear the smug female voice saying it over a glowing aerial shot of bangkok at night, accompanied by some fancy logo swooshing across the screen.

A logo of an anchovy's cunt. Whatever that looks like. Small and scaly with pinkish-grey flaps, I guess.

Lyle needs the money to pay Teodor back for the printing services he no doubt purchased fair and square.

I can't believe Lyle's still wearing those glasses.

I'd like to think he chose to draw Lyle today in celebration of Drew Carey's selection as next host of The Price is Right

I'd like to think a lot of things.

You better believe Phillipe has wicked sack.

And in this strip, it goes so well with his furious ding dong look.

"very last" kid's book.

i interpret this to mean that lyle has already done potty on all of his other books.

I can't wait for the T-shirt. I 'm going to wear it lots.

***Spoiler Alert*** Cunty spends the race money on some salmon slut named Michelle.

and then michelle eats him. just like in 'the wall'. this is deep, real deep.

Cunty high as hell, standing before the mirror with a scaling blade...

Between this and flushing quarters down the toilet, Philippe must be hemorrhaging money.

He must have accrued interest on that seven dollars he got from Circus Penis.

The name 'Circus Penis' will never not make me laugh.

CUNTY. That's a five-Beefer.

Cunty's struggles emulate the little-town-rejects-Walmart internal conflict in all of us. The corporate world, or the homeliness of home? But it's all for naught when his story gets shit on.

I like the way Lyle thinks that the book being in the hallway is a valid excuse for going potty on it.

Ho-ho-ho. Cunty the Sardine. Philippe = <3

I like the strip not only because of it's use of the word "cunt," the atomic bomb of swears, but it also finally answers my question about the spelling of the word "damnedest." That extra "e" catches me every time.

But... put a y on the end of cunt and suddenly it bespeaks of plucky cuteness!

this actually works with most words.

I think it sounds like an adjective. As in, "This smells cunty," or "O'Keefe paintings look very cunty to me."

We also have the word "cocky," but they are not similar words. If a man is said to be cocky, we understand that he is confident to the point of hubris. If a woman is said to be cunty, do you first think, "Oh, she's empowered," or "God, I hope someone puts her in her place!" Or, perhaps, "Can I get some?"

Ah, fun with language.

I have been too friendly already, but you deserve more chubbies.

e's be damnd

I think you mean "E's b damnd".

Nosy investigative reporters, uncooperative construction foremen, and inconvenient adultery witnesses lead the waiting list for "apartments" in the Cunty Pond Meadows development.

Please let the next T-Shirt feature Cunty the Sardine!

Cunty was actually a minor character in Superman #143. He trips Lex Luthor and steals his glasses.

That's actually what I named my first three child-hood dogs.

Your pornstar name must kill.

starring: Cunty Cunty Cunty Malone.

"If you can do a good job, that would be nice."

I love his face. Jesus. Recently Calmed Philippe is almost as good as Angry Philippe

Completely agreed. Chubby for you!

"Say you're sorry!" I bet it's cathartic for a five year-old to finally be able to say that to a grown-up.

"an apartment for ungrateful people" - a comment on low-income housing from Lyle, I wonder...

Lyle, you bastard.

Oh my GOD but your avatar fits that comment beautifully.

I wonder how Philippe knew that it was Lyle that did potty, and not somebody else.

Philippe has sensitive five-year-old nostrils; he can smell pot on Lyle's shirt; I'm sure he can smell piss that's 87% Jack Daniels.

I think the odds of it being anyone but Lyle are very low.

A comment left by carrollhach was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by madnes, solobuttons, fuckyoufriday, Zem)

ALL Lyle and Philippe interactions get 5, particularly if Lyle uses really foul language, pisses on things and extorts money from someone who is five.

I'm sure panel 4 is going to be a t-shirt, but I would rather have panel 3 as an sticker on my alarm clock.

Or perhaps a screen print on panties...

ooafsjd, 'cunty the sardine' on panties should be funded by the United Council for Abstinence - it would sure work on me.

I actually meant phillipe looking hurt and slightly defensive saying "If you can do a good job, that would be nice" printed on the front of panties. That would probably discourage me every time...

A comment left by fuckyoufriday was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by featurelessvoid, tim_simmons, VictoriaW)

I am a sad man to have used all my Chubbies on five selevted other awesome things.

Haha! Thank you that is great.

In this context, he doesn't look much like an otter anymore.

This is a perfect... misunderstanding!

That's my new personal motto. "If you can do a good job, that would be nice."

Forget the Cunty t-shirt, I say let's get the actual BOOK in the shop. Tabs and all!


Finally someone writes a book we can all enjoy/read.

If Cornelius hears Philippe talking about his new storybook, the little otter will Be In Trouble.

Lyle and Philippe better try a Friend Toucher. I dont think Lyle is *ready*.

Near-perfect calligraphy on the word "Cunty."

That's Lyle for ya.

very nice observation, elzilcho

I like how Lyle's defense for crapping on Phillipe's book was that it was in the hallway. Like the hallway is his private toilet, or something.

The book's subtitle is probably my favorite thing about this strip.

In this strip, the stuffed tiger feels bad about defecating on the young otter's literature, but not so bad as to pass up a chance at taking money from him.

For Lyle, that's an awesome job. I'm surprised he came up with a semi-coherent plot.

For Lyle, conning money out of five year olds comes natural - like a junky can always find a vein.

I want to know where he learned to engrave like that. It is a beautiful sardine on the cover there.

best birthday present ever.

I think this was my first Achewood. The only thing I could possibly do was read more.

All of Philippe's books have potty on them.

Panel 5 made me laugh my ass off <:')

Inspiration for the character, and especially for the sleeping habits, of Cunty may come straight from the observed behavior of Todd .

I was thinking the exact same thing.

I love imagining Lyle's mindset as he works on the little book. He cares enough about his work to do a fair storyline and calligraphy, but he still has lots of internal frustration and world-hatred or whatever which he expresses in calling the sardine CUNTY. But he makes an effort at children-style writing in the subtitle. A morass of contradictions.

Nice use of 'morass'.

Now, more use of nice ass, please.

He needs that money to help him decide to win.

Lyle is a prick.

what IS the alt text and how do i use it????????

Man that's one hell of an avatar

Cunty the Sardine is a sardine worthy of your attention.

38 dicks too many.