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Someone Pressed on Roast Beef's Head! Thursday, February 24, 2005 • read strip Viewing 116 comments:

this strip is so strange but it also feels so real

A comment left by saint was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ted0phile, farqussus, odog, Boyd, G3K)

Ooooh, original. :D

is ray ironing a pair of pants? or an effing landing strip?

I assumed it was some kind of tiny landing strip for smaller aircraft. Maybe he's doing Todd a favor?

He's pressing them.

Incedentally, Ray doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would know how to use an iron.

i assumed he was bowling... I don't know why.

Obviously, you're not a golfer.

Not on the rug, man.

Dude...Ray knows how to do everything.

Ray is our Lord and saviour.

maybe they are at chris's house and he is ironing his pants for him. doesn't seem like ray to be that charitable though, maybe he lost a bet.

wow, i just looked at the strip again, and the pants are a lot longer than i remember them from 30 seconds ago.

so yeah, unless onstad wears size 26/152 jeans, they're probably not his.

They're for Teodore's One-Man-Band on Stilts show. T's feeling a bit frisky.

Perhaps he needs it for his Magical Mexican luchador helicopter.

Ray...doesn't wear pants...

look like one or two comments below you. Silly.

Ray is not effing a landing strip. Not a player move.

I thought we all agreed that somehow Ray was conned into ironing Cartilage head's pants?

ray doesn't even wear pants. classic

I make it a habit to press my friends' heads.

that so works too, i used glossy text book paper to catch someone sneeking up on me

this one is pretty surreal

'Press' is not onomatopoeia. That's what's so great here.

'Press' has previously been used as onomatopoeia, in the strip where Lyle builds Phillipe's car-thing. I'd attempt to lonk it, but I've seen BBCode eat more experienced users whole, so I'm not about to venture there.

There should be such a machine as that makes noises when actions are performed that are recordings of people speaking the verbs aloud. Such as 'press' for a button and 'twist' for a knob. That would be excellent indeed.

'Link' even. I fail at typing.

Chubby for the T-O-E avatar

lonk! seems like a good sound for clicking on a link though. All back of the throat like some Scandinavian language.

lonk! is to link as glug! is to drink .

As fap! is to wank and poot! is to stink.

fap fap fap fap

poot poot poot poot

It's not my thing so let it go.

'Lonk' is far more full of win than 'link'. Far more.

alt text: "It was Teodor who pressed on Roast Beef's head"

I love this strip.

Alt text notwithstanding, compare the skinny arm in panel 2 to Teodor's in the last panel.

The perpetrator was someone else in a black shirt.

Teodor was framed.

everyone around the house is hiding in the hallway taking turns

Oh man, this is the only strip that actually makes me bust a gut laughing, and when I read this, I did it all over again.

Lyle: Hey Teodor, RB's mom just died
Teodor: You serious?
Lyle: Yeah man. He's pretty depressed. Why don't you go say something? And put on a black top, for respect, you know?

It was No No! Back from the grave! Y'know, it explains the pants as well. Almost...

But WHY??

they are cartilage head's trousers


If you leave a man to die, you will find you are left with certain... obligations .

Ray got off easy believe you me.

sensibility and yet breaking of causality, so good.

Ray owns the weirdest stuff.

Those pants are gonna pay for Little Nephew's education.

god, one of my favorite ray expressions.

He gestures like it should be obvious. And it is. But yet not at all.

It is wonderful.

The pants are the best non-sequiteur ever.

my new favourite hobby is telling people on assetbar how to spell sequitur

littleherrdoktor, you are rad! You... are... rad!

i have a feeling that for you, being a dick is nothing new.

That's not a hobby, that's a career path .

One of my favourites. What happens is not explained and it doesn't need to be. It also gives me the urge to press on peoples heads.
Ray shows him the trousers. He looks at Beef. Beef looks at the trousers and does not ask questions. What's not to love?

avatar chubby

The pants are so damn hilarious!

It was pointed out to me once that the pants are for wearing when on stilts.

Of course ray has stilts.

Ray also has an ironing board designed precisely for those kinds of pants.

Yes, it is far more strange that he feels compelled to not only iron these pants, but also purchase an appropiate an ironing board.

The man's got wealth.

Actually, Ray is just using a regular, human-standard ironing board. Did you forget that they are house cats?

Did you forget that cats are 2 feet tall?

that is, assuming they stand on their hind legs.

They are also known to stand on things to increase their height, such as when they are glocking a cow.

Maybe he just chopped off the legs on a regular sized ironing board! I don't know! Also, I am constantly forgetting that they are house cats.

I feel that this strip alone could start a new movement in the arts
I'm not even sure what it would be called

I don't know, but it'd sure be imPRESSive, eh?

Eh? EH?

You're terrible! You are terrible!

TEODOR - you are gonna get yyyyeeellled-aaat!

Ray keeps the pants around so that he has an alibi.

Beef doesn't question the pants, he has known Ray too long to find it odd

Okay, between this strip, the last one, and the entire three-row party arc, I no longer have any idea what the hell is going on.

Current track: Only a Northern Song - The Beatles

Appropriate song.

damn i am always both embarrassed and delighted when i learn of a beatles song i don't already know

Shit, you should see Yellow Submarine.

shit, i've seen that but i did not remember that song at all

notice how beef expresses himself in seconds. he has precision.

Fifty seconds for him to find a possible suspect!

This strip is beautifully bizarre.

Sometimes when I read Achewood I feel like I'm walking through some long white corridor with adjoining rooms filled with very mundane Dadist folks. Like, they'd be on a antiquarian bike with a stork in a small satchel, but then they would offer you a Stella and you would be totally cool with it.

spinynorman, why are you in my brain. stop doing that, please. *releases armada oif ducksauce*

The second line of this could be a strip by itself.

I just love how angry Beef is after seeing that Ray's not the one who pressed his head.

It's the long trousers, Gromit!

This made me go "Ho ho hoooo!". I'm not kidding.

Isn't that the same turtleneck Teodor wore when he was the clapping hands at the Jack and Diane party?

Quite possibly. It may also be the [url="https://achewood.com/index.php?date=10152007"]Salma Frikkin' Hayek[/url] turtleneck. Which begs the question: does Teodor wearing this turtleneck indicate pure Achewood gold?

Fuck BBcode so hard!
Salma Frikkin' Hayek

Onstad is starting to lean towards magical realism with these past few strips.

this strip and the last make me worry about beef a little more than usual.

This makes absolutely no logical sense and it is amazing.

He's a serial head presser! He's got me too!

ray is going to burn those pants.

Those are stilt-pants, my friends. Ray is opening a parade-stilting company.

I have done that, although a younger sibling is much more entertaining to taunt than a cat named Cassandra I think.

The Moosh is a pretty serious offense, especially when one is in the 7th grade.

i think beef is so ornery because of his relationship problems wtih molly. I cannot see him getting so upset over something like this, usually it would just depress/scare him.


Tacodor is Teodor's evil twin, who wears black and presses on heads.


I don't get it

And that is why you fail.

so simple, so fine, so damn stylish

It is a nice sweater.

This was the first one I ever read

This is one of those strips you'd love to see animated. The prospect of an Achewood cartoon show's at least intriguing in many ways, but the writing in this particular strip could be beautifully executed.

Sometimes it's good that Achewood's in webcomic form because it works better for some punchlines, but here, a hilarious short would be birthed.

This is one of those strips you'd love to see animated. The prospect of an Achewood cartoon show's at least intriguing in many ways, but the writing in this particular strip could be beautifully executed.

Sometimes it's good that Achewood's in webcomic form because it works better for some punchlines, but here, a hilarious short would be birthed.

Goddamn broken-ass mouse.

Goddamn broken ass-mouse.

Maybe the best achewood strip. I mean maybe after careful search I could find a better one but this is just how I feel right now

This is my favorite strip. If there was a "favorite strip" button, this would be the strip on which I clicked it.

That Tacodor.

pressing pants and pressing heads

Those trousers fucking crack me up every single time. I love this strip.

Panel 6,7, and 8 are just beautiful

I love that "press."

Seriously, can't say enough good things about this one. I always find myself searching for it when I'm reading some strips in the archive.

My favourite strip ever.