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It is so fun to be with the dudes. Tuesday, June 8, 2004 • read strip Viewing 45 comments:

I can't believe this was rated so low

its run of the mill until you see DATSUN. Then pure sublime genius.

I wholeheartedly agree. People who rate this strip low must not know how fun it is to be with the dudes.

Wow, I was going to say exactly the same thing, down to the 'wholeheartedly'. Daaamn!
So yes, I agree. While it doesn't make me laugh or anything, for some reason, while I'm doing something that doesn't require a lot of brain power (crappin', showering, video games etc), my mind wanders to this strip. Don't know why. It's just so...80's-style-HAUNTING.

80s-style as in "Was it all just a dream?"

I really hope so.

Yeah there is no reason for such nonsense. This strip is gold.

robot ass. sublime


A comment left by straw was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by subtlet, Courtland, Majuju, deovalente)


How do you know a robot's ass is bad?


Oh thank you so much for repeating those phrases yet again.

... Like we don't remember the original robot-arse strip.

This is why we can't have nice things.




no way man

an interesting new take on a facehand picture...

Not only a robot ass but in a Datsun, who can resist?

Not only a robot ass but a Datsun ass. Who can resist?

Best part? They driving a friggin Datsun with no rust.

Also, what sort of metal could Lie Bot be made of, if it can't deflect a bullet like Vlad can? He's certainly not as sturdy as Vlad.

The above was meant for the last comic.

I forget. When does Vlad deflect a bullet?

when Pat shoots him in the Subway.

He doesn't. Roast Beef arrives and Pat spins around and shoots him instead.

Love that continuity.

are you sure? i thought he shot Vlad but the bullet ricoched and hit Roast Beef.

We don't see enough of the robots these days.

I couldn't believe how good this strip was.

Neither could I. (Emphasize the "i" in neither, not the "e" when you read that.)

I'm afraid I don't understand how we got from the last comic to this comic. Did Lie Bot run out of the ER, all going "whoop-whoop-whoop"?

He is celebrating because he succeeded in causing trouble

Dang dogg he was hella mooning us.

If that truck's green Vlad stoled it from my grampa.

Any strip with Andy is great as far as I'm concerned.

I don't know why, but I have such a soft spot for that big ol' hunk of nondescript cuboid metal. Maybe it's the shoes?

It is your secret fetish. Don't worry; we the internet will keep it safe.

I love the robot ass! It is my favorite! Chubbies all around to everyone who agrees! I am out of chubbies! ROBOT ASS! IT IS HILARIOUS! LOOK AT IT!

Just to be clear I am talking comedy here, not such as cake-sitting...

That does look like a really fun night.

Best thing about this comic? Lie Bot just killed Beef and might have just died himself, and yet the next day he's up and mooning bitches on a Datsun.

That is class.

Was it all an elaborate plot to piss off Ray?

never more fun than when you're drunk with the dudes, even if you've just cold shot a guy

liebot's ass is the shit.

It just looks like this.