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The Lambda Manifesto Wednesday, March 31, 2004 • read strip Viewing 105 comments:

A comment left by flynn was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by randombeing, Deusoma, Saint, wehavemagnums)


Fun fact: meter is used in the USA and metre in the UK.

Many furious spelling discussions the Internetz are based on the fact that British and American English have spelling differences.

* on the Internetz.

Sorry, I'm tired.

you mean the Intrenets, right, yank?

No. I think he means the internet .
Except you're both way too jocose to miss an opportunity to show how hip you are.

Funny, I don't remember posting this. I can't fantom why I would either.

But do you remember posting this?

But he can't fathom why, either.


When I read the manifesto laid out in that old-school typeface, all I can think of is Scientology.

have you had your thetans checked today

I was just thinking that. It is creepily similar.

I'm always really disappointed when I find out an actor I like is a Scientologist.


People are so fucking dumb.

A comment left by soticoto was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ted0phile, Shinkusan, straw, tekende, karljw, mannequentin, StoatLad, NeoNaoNeo, Deusoma, mashisoyo, d3lvn, The_Dude, Khabuem, _cheesekayke, TheLoneliestMonkey, atticusonline, JesseDaniel, CanusDivinus, the_dingle, aHatOfPig, Ciansy, Doc_Rostov, yingkaixing, sexualhomeboy, pquinn87, gnjdfsgk, Centipede_Damascus)

A comment left by semiquaver was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mannequentin, StoatLad, Doc_Rostov)

you know, while I share a similar view, I have a proposition for any one of you.

Define right and wrong.

2 2

Oh, assetbar. Why do you forbid me the plus?

A comment left by centipede_damascus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by fakead, RogueCheddar, dejavroom)

A comment left by soticoto was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, NeoNaoNeo, mashisoyo, atticusonline, JesseDaniel, the_dingle, lux, Ciansy, Doc_Rostov, yingkaixing, pquinn87, libelandslander)

Scientology involves investing many thousands of dollars more than most jokes. I blew US$10k to join a church because they told me I have aliens in my brain! Haha!

A comment left by soticoto was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, HassanOLeary, NeoNaoNeo, eatmorekix, mashisoyo, CanusDivinus, the_dingle, nipsy43, scott_335, Doc_Rostov, pquinn87)

Most famous Scientologists, yes.

A comment left by canusdivinus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by madnes, Rhadamanthus, MajesticTrout)

if you think about the term and add some spin on it, it's plausible.

i mean, science costs like a billion kajillion dollars and most people don't have that sort of money.

and so, following said flawed logic, Ray could be the most influential Scientologist ever if he was so swayed.

but, your cite is from a newspaper's website. i'm highly skeptical of papers. and doubly so their sites .

finally, they aren't necessarily an 8 million member organization. dude claims it so.

so there.

A comment left by spinynorman was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by fakead, RogueCheddar, SotiCoto)

A comment left by soticoto was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ted0phile, AndrewofDOOM, straw, tekende, apocowarg, karljw, mannequentin, saddestking, daidai, riotdejaneiro, heccibiggs, HassanOLeary, StoatLad, NeoNaoNeo, Deusoma, EM2, shutup_shutup, mashisoyo, sex_bicycle, siolre, thunderbat, bug, d3lvn, nerdinexile, Cantilever, _cheesekayke, Fermatprime, IggyMoonbeam, Kelly, atticusonline, Sleaw, Cracklewater, Art-Vader, gethen, JesseDaniel, aHatOfPig, LaserBlade, mugi, gardenhead_, jimbob, Wulvaine, bixschmix, captneko, achilleselbow, Doc_Rostov, yingkaixing, NumberKillinger, boswelljn, holly_golightly, stormagnet, saucy_jack, Cagliostro, gnjdfsgk, tellumo, aparrish)

Were you bit by a Christian as a young child?

He was bit by Christian Slater, who was bit by Tom Cruise at the end of Interview With a Vampire. And, of course, Tom Cruise is a Scientologist.

It's all linked together, and poor ol' soticoto never stood a chance.

Are you implying that soticoto is a vampire?

Well, I am now, because that'd be awesome.

Least. Awesome. Vampire. EVER.

and Tom Cruise was in A Few Good Men with Kevin Bacon!

A comment left by soticoto was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by AndrewofDOOM, tekende, mannequentin, StoatLad, NeoNaoNeo, eatmorekix, mashisoyo, nerdinexile, quaga, LordPretzel, aHatOfPig, mugi, scott_335, Doc_Rostov, pquinn87)

I think he's just Peter Singer's younger brother...

No, he's just *shudder* an objectivist...

Are you serious? I hope you are joking. I don't want to hate him MORE, you know

Congratulations! You're a douchebag!

I basically idolize Nietzsche, and even I thought this was a retarded thing to say. You have the air of a man who knows he's overstated his case, but would rather keep cramming his entire leg into his mouth than just give it up. You almost made me defend Christianity. And for this I hereby lame you.

I basically idolize Nietzsche...

Jesus, listen to yourself. Look yourself in the mirror and say that. You almost made me defend soticoto.

What's the point of idolising Nietzsche?

Nietzsche is dead. He died of laughter! (And a stroke).

$10 says soticoto has a Ron Paul '08 bumper sticker.

Knowing that he lives in the UK and hates the United States to hell ...I'll take that bet.

On the one hand, lives in the UK. On the other hand, hates the US. I'm saying even odds on him being a Ron Paul supporter.


It was my understanding that being a libertarian and all that would imply that he would dig stuff like bake sales and hepzibah. Cause that's, like, doing good things for the community that don't involve much government oversight.

Free thinking entails that all people have the right to be wrong. It follows that if one was truly a free thinker, he or she wouldn't belittle in a broad swath over 2 billion people of inherently varied lifestyles and schools of thought. Not all Christians are alike. I've met few Christians quite as bigoted as yourself, and none of them are representative in the slightest of all the wonderful Christians I know. How odd.

I personally have no problem with atheism. Many of my better friends are atheists. I do, however, have a big problem with intolerant boors like yourself who consider your atheism a shiny new badge that makes you better than everyone else in the whole wide world. That's wrong. It's much like how when you were a kid, your little plastic "sheriff" badge didn't make you the fucking sheriff anywhere but your own mind.

Soticoto, you are not the sheriff. You are not some intrepid freethinker. You're just as much an agent of intolerance as Jerry Falwell or Jeremiah Wright. You're an overgrown contrarian, and your hatred and bile is just as sickening as that you claim to rail against.

Well stated! There are a lot of atheists like that in my (very liberal) town. They kind of piss me off.

doc_rostov, <3 your avatar/comment relationship. Sounds like something Cornelius might have said.

Never before has the urge to give someone on the Internet a hug been so strong. You kick ass , Doc.

It is a myster as to who gave this wonderful man a single lame.

A mystery .

Please mentally tack on a 'y' to the end of 'myster'.

Thank you.

Myster Mistery!

I like it better the other way. It's as if a mystery is a more emphatic myster.

Probably the clown he so eloquently put in his place. Very eloquently; and true.

It's not a mystery.
It's socicoto.

No it isn't, it's instantkarma. Oddly appropriate, considering John Lennon was an intolerant bastard.

Oh, wait.

God save me from that awful John Lennon!


I'd just like to point out that, as an atheist who hangs with rad people whether religious or not, I am ashamed to have this much in common with Soticoto. Despite what people on both sides of the God debate believe, atheism doesn't imply hatred of religion. I had a truly wonderful girlfriend who was a devout Christian and we got along fine cause I never tried to make her stop believing and she never tried to make me believe.

It's immature in our world to assume that just because you're right (or think you're right) it's your duty to convince everyone else. ESPECIALLY in an arguement that hasn't been proven one way or the other.

And how do you feel about barbers?

A comment left by canusdivinus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by fakead, liams511, nipsy43)

This is a false analogy. If Christianity reinvented itself every time better, more comprehensive theories were put forward (as medicine has), well, you would end up with atheism.

As retardo is to homosexuals, so sotico is to atheists. And meanwhile, me, a member of both camps, goes and cries in a tiny lonesome corner of the forum, watching blearily as the ink of my newspaper-clothes runs muddy and black with my tears of shame.

Chubby for that amazingly poignant word-portrait.

Ciao Semiquaver

And if you give a mouse a cookie, he'll only ask for a glass of milk.

you realize that you do, in fact, sound like a genuine nazi? you know, desposing of people who are "of little use for society" and so on...

Do you realize that you sound like a genuine nazi when talking like this? You know talking about how people who are "of little use for society" are worthless. That´s a nazi-esque opinion right there

crap. double post. i forgot i already wrote that and did it again. please don´t punish me

i think bbcode hates me somehow. my comments are aimed at soticoto, of course. I think I´ll stop writing anything now. If I don´t stop, I shall recieve the penalty of -incredible death-

Bit of a cunt, aren't you, soticoto?

To be fair, Scientology is a sophisticated two-tier crime syndicate - the rich launder money and the not-rich just fork all of theirs over - and Christianity just expects you to kill heathens without recompense. Insanity, I tell you.

It's enough to make a guy start The Church of Marlboro Lights and Fuckin', I tells you

Will Kools and gay fuckin' be permitted under your doctrine, spinynorman?

Eh, sure, why not. I don't even smoke, who am I to judge.

Cool. I don't smoke either, I just needed a balanced response.

That is a dick thing to say. There are some great people who are/were Christian. But it's cool, I'm sure Pat would love to hang out sometime

At least they aren't Westboro Baptists

there are only like 8 Westboro Baptists in the whole world its just that one dudes family they arent really a "church". of course that would make the 20 min segment they seem to rerun once a month a lot less interesting.

Same here, friend.
I can't watch Tom Cruise films any more. I just can't. Or The Simpsons.

Oh yeah, the lady who does bart's a scientologist. Fuck.

Oh, are you serious? Weak.

What? No! I was pretty disappointed when I discovered Beck was. Is.

It's called " Courier " and please don't ask how I knew this off the top of my head.

Ray all ass hanging out on the pavement just like L Ron Hubbard.


Ray is a master of TimeCube. He is not educated stupid.

Am I a pyramid? Or a cube? A TimeCube?

all Time Cube allusions get chubbies from me

You guys realize Onstad was making the same reference right? At least I think he was, given the alt-text and the fact that the Time Cube guy's name is Gene Ray.

I initially read the first line as "we are slaves to the lambada". I was looking forward to Ray's treatise on latin beats.

The cat is having a second day of hallucinations involving products from SkyMall.

I get email like this all the time. Maybe because I am in grad school for Science. Usually the author's urge me to "keep an open mind."

I gotta get me one of them little tables

Ray's gonna need some more of Lyle's special creme if he's not careful, sitting on a cold kerb in an assless paper suit.

Sharper Image, Hammacher Schlemmer, SkyMall - IT ALL MAKES SENSE

Where did he get the typewriter from?

I was beginning to wonder if ANYBODY else was going to ask this. Damn.

How does one paint a story? Do these Angels make comic books about our progress or something?

yeah and the lambdas are like the comics code authority

and they make kick-ass video games.