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Bensington Butters Tuesday, August 31, 2004 • read strip Viewing 43 comments:

Is this the first mention of Bensington Butters, or have i missed an earlier one?

You are correct.

Thanks for that. I couldn't find a earlier reference, but i wanted to be sure.

There is a search feature which makes such reference simple, my dear friend. Not that there's any problem with asking.

There might not have been two years ago.

Except that there was (the search function is older than assetbar).

I have only been here since assetbar, I did not know such things, I am ashamed.

Something about history and repeating it.

Something About England

Oh come on doggs how is the payoff in this strip not worth a solid 5

Because it is not as side-rippingly, gut-spillingly hilarious as about 50% of the Philippe strips, and isn't even at Ray's best.

Waterbury's thinly desguised disdain of Ray's lifestyle is the best part.

Man, ray is bad at that.

See, now I knew when I read the Bensington Butters arc that I had heard that name before, but I just couldn't put my finger on it...until I selected a random comic and found this strip. The satisfaction of that gets this comic a 4.
Ray should think more positively about his eccentricities.

If I was Ray, I'd have it in my contract that people have to say good stuff about my dick.

It is a rather nice dick, sir.

So I guess this confirms that while Ray has been neutered his balls remain. Perhaps he was never neutered and there was just hell of gymnasts around him at all times.

If the balls remain, by definition, neutering has not occured.

I actually just pressed random from the neutering strip and got this one. Unheimlich .

Your balls have to be mighty legendary to distinguish between the speech of gymnasts and non-gymnasts.

It is actually basically a well-known fact that all balls react this way to the speech of gymnasts. It has been proven by many people such as scientists.

Waterbury thinks Ray is batman.

Waterbury is Ray's batman!

...Or have I just blown your mind?

You have metaphorically performed fellatio on my brain.

Today's Blogs

Teodor: Oh great
Philippe: I have fifty dollars!

Waterbury's little spiel takes on a different light if you think of Ray as not even having eyes.

That's the only thing I could think about while I read this strip... Ray's jealous of Bensingon Butters' eyes.

Ray says "when gymnasts speak," not "when I hear gymnasts speak." Could this possibly mean when gymnasts are speaking anywhere, at any time? Because if so, Ray's balls are rarely in the fully-descended position.

I love how Ray types each thought as it comes, without erasure. Stabbed... broke... no. hm

A thinly veiled Great Gatsby reference perhaps? It is said that he once killed a man also.

Only when staring at the green light do Gatsby's balls fully descend.

This strip made me laugh out loud.

Only thing about it is that it sounded less like a laugh and more like I just been pushed off a cliff.

If he were blogging, he would be wearing a crown...

Possible myths to expand assetbar notoriety:
Once was a woman.

No, no, too nasty... hm

When Nickelback fans speak, my eyes immediately glaze over and I lose conciousness.

OK, you tried very hard so you get a chubby.

Ray crosses his arms the wrong way around.

How is this wrong? (Perhaps Ray is left handed,like me....?"

I didn't think of that. I don't think he is though.

I am going to research this. Good excuse to start a new archive trawl.

God, I've had that second eccentricity for, like, all of my purberty.

i heard sumo wrestlers learn how to pull their balls up inside their abdomen.

I think their abdomens just hang down over them

i think that youre just making fun of fat dudes.