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The Party: Day XXI: Things are coming to a head Tuesday, April 9, 2002 • read strip Viewing 74 comments:

I have never been able to square this strip with myself.
He Is Five.

Five year old kids like to run around naked for no reason. I can attest to this from personal experience.

A comment left by catachresis was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by recognizer, NaughtyByN8ture, m3funkyb)

So what you're suggesting is that running around naked and defecating in the dining room are equally inappropriate. Little otters are supposed to experiment : D.

That shit flies in asia.

I used to have public nudity parties with my friends when I was five. We'd be outside the apartment building, or at the playground, and someone would declare 'butt party!!' and we'd shed our clothes and run in a circle. No joke.

"And that's how I came to be a ward of the state until I was 14."

Chubbied for the phrase "butt party", which for some reason is still capable of sending me into a giggling fit more suited to an eight-year-old girl at a slumber party.

I seem to recollect having nude races across the fields with my brothers when younger.

It is more awesome when you are told the fields were full of thistles, and everything came off.

Then some tourists went past the gate one time.

Why would you watch a five year old running around naked?
Please don't say you had to jump on them to get them to stop..

He's an otter man. Its natural.

At least it doesn't show it going in.

Wait, three months prior to this, Ray was Five.
And I can't see Philippe's pants.

otters age differently than we do. phillipe has also married a petunia and ran for president. ambitious little tot.

Phillipe is a stuffed otter and stuffed toys can't age. He was born/made as five years old and five years old he shall remain.

Roast Beef is the man.

Except he just completely cock-blocked Cornelius. It is not classy to cock-block Cornelius.

As if anyone could cock-block Cornelius. This is a man not led by his genitals, but who could garner them an invitation to almost anywhere he sees fit.

Philippe's shoes make me laugh.

*whole hearted agreement*
It's really too bad he wears such long pants.

JOKE OVERLOAD [retry/abort]

No Lyle, that is not cursive. That is LieBot's flux capacitor.

A comment left by lizjones was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tttt, Doc_Rostov, dr_sexlove)

The robot had it coming for a long time

Notice Liebot's hand convulsing as Lyle is playing a lute solo on his cyborg guts.

oh christ, Philippe hets his 'bone on'.... shiver.

Lyle has reason to be upset; he is, after all, a commercial-quality calligraphist.

I think the implication is the idea that Lyle is a calligraphist came up in conversation, since LB is responding to some positive statement.

There is, indeed, empirical evidence to this effect.

Or did he become a calligraphist in response to the events in this strip?

Awesome. Lye sure put Liebot in his place.

Lyle can't read cursive. But Todd can't read. It's okay though Todd, I laugh at such things as 70's tee-vee references.

Do you know that cursive is a script?

Not enough parties end like this.

As the host, I hate it when the guests start rewiring each other right there in the living room.

Or proclaiming suicidal thoughts.

This happens at every single one of my parties. My birthday was just a bunch of people in a circle, holding a gun to their heads one at a time, grimacing and struggling before losing the nerve and passing the gun along to the next person.

I got to change my decor, what the fuck.

If you put them all in 1920's scuba suits it may make the faux-russian roulette experience slightly more enjoyable.

Man, I keep telling you 'Air Raid Sirens: The All-Time Classics' just isn't party music. Do you listen? You do not.

Alt text: "The USB can look like cursive."

I can kinda see the USB logo being the cursive form of some dark glyph from the realm of madness, denoting a concept too terrible for mortal ken.

I am disturbed by the five-year-old-otter-on-otter action.

A comment left by lawdog was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by johnnybaverage, recognizer, Zem, VictoriaW, foea)

Why is it that the fact that they are naked automatically implies Bone? Sometimes kids just like to run around in the buff...

Is Ray telling LN to rub the girls love button?

No it's what Ray was doing in the first strip Pat got pissed at him for talking about boning in.

But maybe that's what Ray was doing in the first place.... ????

Naw, he's telling him to give her a noogie.

Phillippe keeps his tie on while getting his bone on. Classy.

this might be bad, but I am WAY more disturbed by Beef's decleration that he wants to committ suicide than by Philippe getting his bone on.

First appearance of Roast Beef's depression.

I think it's funny because it's like, sometimes at a party one conversation will just get drowned out by another. In Roast Beefs case he is mentioning how he wants to kill himself but then Lyle starts kicking ass, so Beefs issues totally take a back seat. At that point you're like "what the fuck matters in my life if I can't even have a conversation." Thus the depression gets worse. (That was my drunk overthinking of Roast Beefs depression.)

This is one of my favorite strips...EVER. I <3 Philippe.

Every line in this strip is perfect; Todd responding to such a petty slur with 'what a fag!' is so very Todd - and Teodor's Great Gatsby angle is that sad kind of hysterical Onstad works best with. It is indeed one of the finer strips ever.

Roast Beef tells Mr. Bear that he wants to kill himself. This makes Cornelius' female companion aware that Mr. Bear is a man that people go to about their problems.

I always just thought this was Beef's idea of appropriate party conversation. He saying it matter-of-factly.

And neither Mr. Bear nor his companion are extremely surprised by this turn of events.

He can't read cursive, yet he does caligraphy.

The cow says moo.
The duck says quack.
The lying robot tells lies.

And stupid, drunk squirrels believe them!

This strip always reminds me of the fight at the Moontower in "Dazed and Confused". It serves to warn you that the good times won't last, some asshole always has to shit in the birthday cake for everyone else. (Lyle is an asshole)

No way, man. Lie Bot has been begging for a beating since early times. That's the only party I care about - a Lie Bot disemboweling party.

Oh God yes I got the same thing. Thanks to watching that movie so much, I can't even listen to Tuesday's Gone without getting really depressed lol

Damn, I thought you said "sit in the birthday cake." I been diggin' around too much in Ray's porn collection.

go philippe!



This is the strip where I decided achewood was fucking brilliant.

This by far one of the best. Poor Lyle lol.

what is with phillipe's shoes
kid must have some crazy arches

I like to think that while all of this is going on, Philippe is still standing there with the same expression on his face . . . it was only a matter of time though . . .

Achewood knocks the cock off anything. This particular strip is like some sort of reverse prism, where all the different elements blend into one pure, white light.

The ends of the really good arcs are always like that. Well put!

I like how Liebot looks so dispassionate about Lyle wrecking his wiring.

He's probably making fun of him for it.

"No Lyle, actually that isn't cursive."

then he's all, 'the HELL it ain't!'

and he looks at it for a second, getting up and then takes a swig from a bottle, muttering.