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Philippe Imagines Himself Into Death Wednesday, March 24, 2004 • read strip Viewing 104 comments:

Doesn't even bother to question it...just closes his eyes and awaits oblivion.

The fact that Phillipe starts new conversations with "I am happy to talk to you." is so goddamned cute it makes my eyes squinty.

A comment left by misterkoss was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by apocowarg, Girdag, Jhunter, dinner, Metanoia, mountain, aide, erinye, Milo)

And, y'know, Roast Beef. And Cornelius. And Todd.

And Lyle and Pat.

And Nice Pete.

and molly. and vlad.

don't forget milklin!

and showbiz and nightlife. and sondra. and chucklebot.

and i've always been partial to andy, even though he is almost never around

And Penny.

And Little Nephew. And Lonis Edison.

And Denise.


Trouble Man and No-No.

Cartilage Head.

oh what the fuck, zell and cory, too


but all the other characters can take a hike.

Except Billy Idol. It wouldn't be the same without Billy

hopefully that cleanly wraps up this inane roll call


and dr. kisses



good sir, ray was one of the three mentioned in the first post

first post of this whole chain of comments wherein we can see how many achewood characters we can name

what the hell

Lie Bot. I mean, how can you forget him? He's in this very strip.

A comment left by luckypyjamas was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Dipstikk, Mangtastic, radarjammer, nonanon, GMM, trisha, dinner, Troy_Convers, jimbob)

Aunt Nina.


you know that doctor robotnick was never in achewood


you know this

by which i mean robotnik



Ultra peanut

we're still doing this?

Yeah, man! We doin' this!

i am only new so to me we're still doing this :P


how did we miss them

Doc Andretti, please.

Hiram the blacksmith

Uncle George

Don't forget his mother.

i did forget. i still seriously don't understand why this happened (not my forgetting phillipe's mother but why we are doing the achewood role call)

damn, guys

I meant Doc Andretti's mother, actually, but yeah Philippe's too.

Also Bleddyn, Cadoc, Gareth, Haydn, Cadwalader, Dylan, Marc, Owen, Morcant, Padraig, Vaughan, Anwen, Arwel, Cledwyn, Dewey, St. Hoppy, and Taffy.

ok you just rocked it.

Oasis. Robert Johnson.

French Fry.

And Circus Penis!

yeah yeah and george michael was in one, and emeril lagasse has appeared i believe. blah

Can't believe you guys made it through all those and missed Ramses Smuckles.

Well played, sir.

And Tina

And Mantonio

The Aids Monkey

That guy made of vegetables that Cartilage Head whipped up to sit in the audience of Beef's death.

The Tenmen

And Polly and Phillipe's Mom.

Onstad's feet and arms

and a portion of his chin.

Oh yeah! The guy who lifted Ray up by his dong. Gotta love that guy.

Click Robot.

I... I'ma do it...


I'd probably enjoy Achewood as much if it were just Philippe, Lyle, Nice Pete and the robots.

But I guess that would be horrible for Philippe.

All crying himself to sleep every night.
All receiving punches to the gut and tear-inducing stories as presents on every major holiday.
No sir, that would not be much good for Phillipe.

he's so brave.

The last is my favorite Phillipe panel.

I really enjoy where Phillipe takes this. Good ole Lie Bot.

A comment left by saint was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tttt2, Zem, stoned_lightning)

i have imagined myself into death before, and it was exactly like this. when you die there's really nothing you can do but accept it.

Only Phillipe could do this

Another example of phillipe's extreme pessimism.

Jesus often contacts those waiting outside the Berlin Sex Museum.

Like shootin' fish in a barrel.

Philipe is ready to go. He has lived a full five years.

This was one of my earliest introductions to Achewood and still a big fav

Lie Bot's even better at his trade than he knows.

Where are Philippe's ears?

Philippe's not afraid of death... as long as it's not incredible death

I love how he's already halfway into his introduction before he realises that there's no-one there. His mother would be so proud. And in the final panel, just behaving like a good dead person...

Is tapping someone on the shoulder and not being there the most eloquent lie there is... is Lie-Bot some sort of incredible avant-garde lie-genius?

It's his programming. He can't help it.

Phillipe lied to himself, which Lie Bot toally expected.

The alt text really makes this one for me- "the small otter has resigned himself to inevitable death".
I can just picture stumbling across this strip with no context, reading that, and going, "Ah."
all taking a sip of coffee and such.

Lie Bot is still wearing the shoes Michael J. Fox gave him. Maybe he really did meet him. But he is an enigma still (Lie Bot, not Michael)

man, even if philippe had good reflexes, he never would have suspected liebot. all standing 10 feet away and having rediculously long robot arms when he needs them.

Insta-win with an extra round of awesome.

The look of a small stuffed otters quiet reservation in the face of eternity is astonishing.

Why is there a sex museum in Berlin?

What...what's in it?

Over 3,000 objects are displayed on three floors, arranged according to epoch and genre. They range from the giant phallus of Bali to Biedermeier snuff-boxes and Chinese ink-wash nudes.

This is a perfect avicon/comment symmetry post, edwell.

Why hasn't it been chubbied all to hell....

Sex is in it. All kinds of sex.

It's amazing how quickly Phillipe accepts his fate, even without trying to rationalize how it could have happened.

it took three hits of acid before i discovered such peace.

Philippe thinks he is dead; so in order to be polite, he keeps very still and closes his eyes.

"Is it... is it Jesus ?" Heh, poor innocent and naive Philippe. So brave for him to accept death head on.

gid i love the liebot phillipe interactions


"Please Gid help me"

i kind of feel like this strip is the best thing to hit the internets since porn.

Oh man, the facial expression in the last panel is just perfect .

Some day when I see a properly shaped piece of driftwood, I will carve it like the last panel and put it by my front step. Actually I should do this with any piece of driftwood that can look like Phillipe in any of his poses at any scale. My yard would look bizarre and wonderful.

This strip is part of the reason I do not like Phillipe as much as others.

Way to be a contrarian!

Thanks. I don't know what the point you were trying to get across was so I'll take it at face-complimentary value.

He sure is taking death rather well...

Some love for the first panel here. Phillipe all standing outside the sex museum being patient and such.