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Todd's Late Night Show Monday, September 24, 2007 • read strip Viewing 123 comments:

A comment left by moissanite was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ezcmac, Norsef, hargbarf, Thorfinn, kylank, TwoRightFeet, radarjammer, robotman, LordHumungus, mystkmanat, megaskip, clembot, Appers, Archon_Divinus)

I'm wondering at all the lames for this comment. Is it because he was drunk? Because I think that warrants an extra chubby or two for getting the quote down accurately in the first place.

It's probably because it's an arbitrary quote for no apparent reason.

I think it's a reference to the face Roast Beef is making in Panel 4 - the return of the creepy slit eyes accompanied by a grammatically interesting declarative statement.

A comment left by habnabit was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by howmanywhales, Norsef, ishuta, kylank, katsura, Sargasm, ih8jonmayr, Boyd)

I'm sorry, are you saying that you fail to see the humor of juxtaposing pudding with jello ? Because that's FUNNY.

yes, but not in a way that anyone cares about



Mmmmmmmmmm. Dude pudding.

The way SNL has been lately I can see them doing a skit where the whole joke is that a guy orders pudding and gets jell-o and they insist that its the same thing. It would go on for 18 minutes and the guest star would be that guy we all hate.

Katy Perry?

Yeah, that's him. And the musical guest would be that one girly boy that the teen girls flock to even though he's obviously as queer as a stuffed unicorn made of 9 dollar bills.

Coming soon to a grocery store near you: Emeril's Essence: Baby


I always really like it when roast beef with a tie consults the squirrel, why can't that be a sitcom

I agree. Any strip in which Beef's wearing a shirt and tie and Todd has questions is a strip I can get behind.

A comment left by apatfan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by joeyramoney, kylank, rhymesforkids)

Roast Beef is that person whose jokes you always laugh at out of politeness because he has a fragile soul.

And look what I did during the break, I already drowned, filleted, and sauteed a baby just for you!

A comment left by sargasm was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by kylank, ssink, Methadone)

Now you gotta leave this infant in at 350 for about an hour, but luckily I've got one that should be just finishing and oh my! look how nicely that Gerber dressing has browned up!

A comment left by chuvak was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by kylank, bearealcoolhand, Darthemed)

Squirrel eyes are black.

Blister's aren't.

He is an angel-squirrel.

Sold 'em for coke.

I am so glad that the Emeril references are back.

A comment left by lateadopter was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by kylank, Setzkin, cailetshadow)

I'm pretty sure we haven't seen Emeril's anus.

How did that happen? I replied to the comment about Todd's eyes last night, but this morning my reply has moved to the next comment down. Weird.

you call it weird, i call it comedic fate.

Yeah, speak for yourself there, buddy.

Beef's face in panel four is so goddamned giddy.

At first I thought he was angry and that panel four took place after hours of trying to explain it to Todd. I look at it as I received two Achewood strips in one day!

A comment left by kilroywashere was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by joeyramoney, erributtz, bearealcoolhand)

oh, bother
(bother, bother, oh bother bother...)

I did have a giggle with that look.

kinda makes me wonder if he doesn't have more than just a passing interest in the eyebrowed wonder's cooking show.

I have made that face before. When talking with an aquaintance known to be slow on the uptake, you start to preemptively explain things to them. You turn to them quickly as your eyes open wide and glaze over. Your jaw tenses, and you speak with a level but too-loud voice, using the smallest words possible, dancing on the razor-thin edge between unnatural calm and madness.

The concept behind this panel supported basically 90% of Sitcoms everywhere.

This panel makes my top five favorite Achewood drawings:

how i make post?


(stop it, LOLCats, get out of my head, daaaang iiit)

It's nice and roomy in here. Can I crash for a bit?

God only knows where Todd got that baby squirrel from.

Probably got it from all that (unprotected) fuckin' he gets up to.

Just as well. He was only going to sell it for a rock anyhow.

What else is he going to do, pray and sweep?

It's too late, Swift already went there , and didn't work over well.

You don't suppose that part of the joke, hmm?

5 imaginary chubbies for introducing me to this text. Poor Swift, his sense of humor way way ahead of its time.

I wonder how he'd have felt if someone told him he would be remembered in large part as the pioneer of the dead baby joke.

A comment left by epicurus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by lawbot, jeffreyquah, wehavemagnums)

Since when is Ray's time worth anything? All he does is chill out and embark on ridiculous projects.

I'd say that Ray's involvement is just because Onstad always has Ray involved in shenanigans that involve anything that would approximate a budget.

Time it took to convince Ray to fund the project: 11 seconds.

I scrolled back up to see if it said "ELEVEN SECONDS LATER."
It did not.

If you calculate Ray's hourly income, he typically seems to make astronomical amounts of money in small amounts of time. I mean, he could be playing piano or making deals with Howard Johnson CEOs or inventing new songs or something.

But I know what you mean.

Todd, you dummy, that's not a drownin' baby, it's a fricasseein' baby!

Boy, I bet his face is red.

The baby's?

remember pop up video?

well in the 5th panel, it would point out that those are the fake headphones that Ray got with his Airwolf.

"what the...spray-painted styrofoam discs?"

I thought Teodor broke those.

Oh, you mean the VH1 thing. I kept going, "Pop-up... video?"

A comment left by mikeleffel2 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, katsura, Audhumla, G3K)

Todd has altogether the wrong ideas about traditional British cookery.

Shredded suet? Currants? Caster sugar? "Tea towel"? All in the serice of makin' some Spotted Dick? Heh, the British. Those guys crack me up, man.

And now for the "v" that ought to have been between "ser" and "ice":


I think "Let's drown this baby down a notch!" would be a little more appropriate.

I think what Emeril actually says ("Let's kick this baby up a notch") would work very well, honestly.

you're confusing Emeril with Strong Bad.

it is a baby...not The Cheat.

I probably should not rate all "Evil" or "Very Evil" strips as 5s, as I know it only encourages Onstad in his sinful ways and makes Jesus cry.

Yet I do. Thank you, Onstad, for revealing the darkness in my soul.

I don't get Beef's expression in panel 4. Why is he shouting? I didn't like that.
Then I read the alt-text and laughed like a twat, so what can you do

His mouth looks creepy.

Current kid status, 9/23
You know how women can%u2019t squat or kneel in modern jeans without a certain cleft showing? Welcome to the preschool ice cream social.

But why were you looking, Onstad!

Dude, in a situation like that, it is impossible not to get an eyefull of something you don't want.

You turn your head and it's all COIN SLOT COIN SLOT COIN SLOT.

Roast Beef has been through a similar dilemma, albeit Breast Man style .

Beef is so mellow, but when he says something to you emphatically, I get a spooky shiver.

He is capable of such intensity. Even if he is just explaining a joke really hard.


Oh, Todd. Bless his little squirrel heart.

I've always thought it an interesting quirk that the strip references both Emeril the chef and Emeril the trashspotter. I was expecting the show to be about LaGoinagasque.

You're not the only one.

A comment left by stevepants was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Overmedicated, mystkmanat, DerSquirrel)

Beef breaks out the big eyes and some punctuation! I also love how Todd raises his hands to calm Beef down.

"put on your face eyes and sit in your body chair!"

Ray has a telephone jacket, maybe this is his headset sweater?

I would watch that show.

You'd watch too.

We'd all watch.

the squirrel does not understand this word, but the cat explains in terms the squirrel can understand

I'm still trying to figure out just what kind of baby he is about to "drown up a notch". I mean, given Todd's nature to treat squirrels and humans on at least equal footing as far as value-of-life.. Meh, I guess it doesn't matter. Looks vaguely like a squirrel. Maybe it's his crackbaby? Killing two birds with one stone, there!


Killing one baby from too stoned


Todd wants to do a skit, not a sketch, because all skits suck.

I love Ray's black turtleneck. It always comes out when Art is being created.

Does Ray have enough of a neck for it to be considered a turtleneck?

turtleneck tom!

Belushi, Farley, Squirrel...

Todd has found a career where being fat and having a taste for hard drugs go at the top of the resume.

Todd's working some rough chuckles these days.

Roast Beef has been sitting on this idea for months, waiting for someone to ask him for sketch-comedy help.

I just realized, if those are indeed housecats, Todd is a tiny, tiny squirrel.

birthday strip! they're awesome every year! I do miss BLISTER though! hope he comes back for a strip soon.

todd gets it so much, he's shaking!

That's DTs ; Todd is in withdrawal because the whole time Beef's been explaining the joke, Todd's been getting soberer and soberer...

When I first saw it, I voted a 4, but after I saw the alt text, I changed it to 5.

Ray is known for his penchant for theatrics , which, I guess, in this case, are the theatrics of behind-the-scenes theatrics.

There's a meta-joke going on here: Roast Beef juxtaposed with loudness = hilarity.

Dear god, I think that's the biggest Roast Beef's font has ever been!

Not quite .


sometimes i wish the rating system had half beefs. clearly, this strip is not a three, and yet i don't think i can give it a four... so torn.

this is smashing against the inside top of 5, bro

Another way to put it, this comix is hitting the cervix of the rating system.

I wonder how could she know?

The fourth panel absolutely MAKES this comic. I love the way Beef's eyes look when he's excited, just the littlest bit bowed forward and just big lines.

The next day:

F-F-Frick! What j-j-jerkwad put me in a frikkin' doctor outfit with barf in it? And where did this drowned baby come from? F-Frick!

Is Todd dressed like a chef or a scientist in that last panel?

How come?

Because he's playing Emeril.

Jhunter did not Follow this strip.

it's much funnier now I know, though!

That baby has motion lines! It is an actual baby!

Ray is not at all tight when it comes to budgeting.

Fourth panel makes this an instant 5.

Puddin' and Jell-O.