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The First Guy to Do That Wednesday, October 14, 2009 • read strip Viewing 42 comments:

Is Todd's cock...a slightly lighter-colored speck?

just how I always imagined it!

Onstad: satisfying our craving for flacid squirrel cock.

No, our desire was for squirrel urine . . . for its curative powers!

I never -WANTED- to imagine it.

I would assume that to be the sheath.

This assumption has not served me well throughout the years.

the what

come on dont pretend you aint never heard of a dick sheath

I saw it as the highlighted underside of his ballsack

No it 'taint.

I think his body (and those of other squirrels) can sometimes bend light around itself in order to highlight edges. You sometimes see this effect when Todd's nose has his head as a background.

You might actually be looking at his pepper's tiny event horizon. Or is more like (in an astronomical sense) the terminator?


Why you got to even say a thing

mostly because it's strangely nononomatopoeiac sound effect for Achewood.

It seems more like conceptual onomatopoeia. Maybe even magical realist onomatopoeia, where the sound effect represents the feeling and spirit behind the action, rather than its actual sound.

Its just a prick.

I haven't even the faintest idea what squirrel cock looks like. Wild America with Marty Stouffer only showed chipmunks humping when I was a kid.


You could attach THAT to a cellphone!

Daidai goddamn it why did you beat me to this.

yeah i was going to claim this as my strip and link it in my sig :_(

>pat autrepoupee on shoulder, give a warm smile, sympathetic eyebrows

When I saw the last panel, I was basically interpreting this as Onstad saying "So, you chucklefucks didn't like my last foray into the ol' magical realism, heh? Try THIS shit on for size!" and found it extremely helpful that the 'Bar was down and we weren't around to chucklefuck his Choices.

I tried chucklefucking once. I preferred asleep style.

For me, it was a "once you chucklefuck you never go back" type of situation.

My first thought: "Oh great, another tangent. Tomorrow this will be a story about Ray."

Boy were YOU ever wrong!


Reminds me of the ulllaaa death ray sound from Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds.

The DPRK also produces Shed In Sack, but it is only activated by the urine of a prairie dog under the light of s gibbous moon.

dude, why doesnt achewood ever import things from china?

Because it's tacky as hell to import things from the world's major industrial centre. TACKY AS HELL.

that's so 2006

Dude, barn-in-package RULED when I was a kid. All pretending to be an emaciated hog eating acorn husks and gravel. Good times, good times.

Isn't there an American embargo for North Korean products?

I'm asking all the wrong questions, aren't I.

Yes. Yes you are, but it's okay. It's like we're all newbies all over again.
Like the first time.

That is one fucking powerful piss Todd is having.

Like, power-hose power.

It's a good thing that Todd isn't getting piss shivers, or else Chris Onstad might have to repaint his walls.

Seriously. The intensity of that flow is daunting.

He deals with his constricted urethra by not givin' a shit .

damn, that answer could use some work.

The conversation on this page has so far revolved around a squirrel's knob.
Welcome back, Assetbar. We missed you.

Ça pourrait faire un tabac !

This is a bit too close to the Lash of Thanatos for its own good. No wonder everyone hated Achewood in 2009.