If you appreciate Achewood, please support Chris Onstad (shop; gallery art.)
Chuck Seizes the Metric by its Jugular. Saturday, July 18, 2009 • read strip Viewing 324 comments:

A comment left by morbo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by LordHumungus, zhiwiller, deovalente, funcrusherplus, G-money)

A comment left by jonno was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by LordHumungus, Ctrl_Z, deovalente)

A comment left by hbaranov was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by LordHumungus, Ctrl_Z, deovalente)

An Interrobang?! On my assetbar?!

It's more likely than you think.
Or... is it%u203D

I dare not reply with :( I'm surprised one of you has not gone 'C-c-c-combo breaker!'

oh shit killer instinct. fulgore was my guy.

Spinal will fuck your shit up. Also Glacius and Cinder

Dude... you did not just admit to liking Killer Instinct, did you?!

Heck, the only one worse is admitting to liking ClayFighter.

hey man at least clayfighter had earthworm jim


Assetbar can't handle the plus sign. I can't imagine why this would surprise you.

Note the backwarkds question mark (which, conveniently enough, doubles as a percontation point ... I use obscure punctuation efficiently).

Don't you think a rhetorical question mark takes all the subtlety out of the question?

I think the irony marker sacrifices more subtetly that the rhetorical question mark, but it would also be incredibly useful on the internet if it were on standard keyboards and people knew what it meant.

is that a rhetorical question? i'm confused...

I think it could go either way, actually. His question makes a good argument in favor of the rhetorical question mark%u061F

The irony mark at the end of that sentence will surely be butchered by Assetbar, but it's not worth the trouble to get a real one again.

Or maybe my question makes a good argument against the rhetorical question mark?

The irony mark at the end of that sentence will surely be butchered by Assetbar, but it's not worth the trouble to get a real one again.

Ha! Assetbar fucked you up by not fucking up your irony mark! How's that for irony?

(Use Unicode UTF-8 if you wish to see the mark of irony and laugh at quazifuji's defeat at the hands of Assetbar.)

(Nothing personal, quazifuji. Really.)

%u061Fwow... %u061Fso there be an irony mark %u061F%u061F%u061F%u061F%u061F
that's weird.. I am pasting this from wikipedia and the cursor behaves strangely around it. it somehow alters the properties of text time such that although the cursor is before it %u061F, text gets added after it.

But by existing, the irony mark serves its purpose of emphasizing the irony in the statement. If it doesn't exist, then the statement is completely true, and not really ironic. If it does exist, then there is irony. It's self-fulfilling punctuation.

Although this would work a lot better if the irony mark were on the sentence about it, and not on the sentence before. Oh well%u061F




Don't worry man, the whole punctuation gig is dying out.

Good sir,
I write to you today to inform you that you have just been INTERROBANGED!

Dude, I interrrobanged your wife last nite.

I'm sorry sir, but your son suffered an enormous interrobang last night. There was nothing we could do.

You're interrobangin' a website, but whatever. No cookies for you.

Didn't Obama make interrobanging illegal the second day he was in office%u203D

I'm pretty sure it was already outlawed by the Geneva convention.

Well yeah, but I mean in the US.

If we refuse to interrobang, the typographists win.


Future of the Left have a song about Eritrea .

I work with a guy from Eritrea, you should see his old passport, it is a form filled out by hand (with corrections made with correction fluid), and then badly laminated. He loves his Australian passport, even though it is one of the foul smelling ones.

Must. Resist. Asshole. American. Comment. Must....

Eritrean food is almost identical to Ethiopean food in every manner that I can notice. I think there's potentially more difference in Pakistani and Indian food. At this level of detail you're generally best putting any differences down to being merely personal variations on the part of the chef or minor regional variations.

Just don't say that to an Eritean. They had a falling out.

I'll say.

Much like Pakistan.

Basically it's the same damn food, but political issues have fractured things into multiple countries.

There's an Eritrean place a few blocks away. It is one of the only places to eat in the Haight that isn't pizza, a shoddy cafe, or the worst Indian food I have ever consumed.

[Superfriends narrator voice]
Meanwhile, in San Francisco...
[/Superfriends narrator voice]

I have rebelled against my programming and now attempt to convince people to never visit here on vacation. I really can't possibly understand why people would want to to begin with. It strikes me as an absolutely terrible place to be a tourist. Nice place to live (despite my near-constant bitching), but I have no idea why someone would want to come here if they don't know someone who lives here already.

A comment left by carrollhach was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Rhadamanthus, riotdejaneiro, Stonecrab, shambles, SPECTRE)

Personally, I don't think the problem is the quality of the stories, but the fact that they involve Ray.

Achewood's wacky situations and generally great writing are an important part of it, but what really makes Achewood great is it's cast of characters. There are few things I know of, whether books, movies, or other webcomics, where I find it as difficult to choose a favorite character as I do for Achewood.

The problem is that all the recent stories is that there's been too many of them, and they all focus on Ray. We'll get a few strips with Phillipe or Beef or whoever, and then several weeks of Ray strips.

Ray's great, but so are Phillipe, Todd, Beef, Lyle, and everyone else. When we're not getting story arcs, it works well because we can get a variety of characters in different strips, which lets us get all the fun of the full Achewood ensemble without having to come up with a single situation that incorporates all the characters, which can feel contrived.

When story arcs used to be less frequent, they were a nice change of pace to get the occasional bit of continuity. Now that we're getting tons of them, it feels like we're just seeing Ray get into wacky situation after wacky situation and it's hard to remember the last time we saw some other characters for more than one strip in a row.

The first sentence of that post was badly worded. "Involve" should probably be replace with "revolve almost entirely around". I love Ray, and have no objections to him being prominently features, I just think we haven't seen enough other characters features alongside him lately.

The Story of Lyle didn't involve Ray at all and it was potentially the worst in recent memory. Likewise although Cornelius and Polly involved Ray eventually it was not his presence that seemed to invoke the most ire and rather the characterization of ConPol.

Thanks for making me come up with a concatenation of their names. I now hate myself.

That's true. I think those two arcs has a different issue, though. For Lyle's story, it was one of these "it's not funny, it's character development," sort of things. We learned a lot about Lyle from it, and we saw a side of him that we haven't seen before, and it was fairly well written. The problem is that character development isn't really what most people want from Lyle. When we see Lyle, we want to see him throwing up on a football or or giving people the finger.

The Polly arc was similar. It helped developed Cornelius by showing us a negative side to a character that is generally well-liked who we almost never get mad at. But while that was interesting, it's not something that we necessarily wanted. When we see Cornelius, we like to see him giving sage advice or winning the badass games, because that's the side of him we like. No one really wants to get mad at him because everyone likes it when he's being awesome.

Basically, from a literary standpoint, I think those arcs are fine, but the problem is that very few people read Achewood from a literary standpoint. On the one hand, one of the best parts of Achewood is that fact that, despite being a ridiculous and humorous webcomic about cats getting into silly situations, it still sometimes manages to have some literary merit, enough to be name best graphic novel of the year by Time magazine. At the same time, people still read it as a webcomic, not as a work of literature, and in the end, we come here because we want to laugh. And strips that show us sides of characters that we never really wanted to see don't really make us laugh.

That's also why the Beef wedding arcs were much more successful than the Lyle and Polly arcs. They were about character development, but it was positive character development for Beef, and everyone loves seeing Beef get philosophical or happy. On the other hand, most people don't really like seeing Lyle get sad and sentimental or Cornelius get obnoxious.

The recent arcs, of course, have not been like this, as both this arc and Charley in Wales are more centered around putting Ray in ridiculous situations for humor than character development, but then they fall into the same pitfall I discussed in my other post of us just seeing too much Ray and not enough of anyone else.

I feel weird getting intelligent analysis from a frog in contemplation.


I disagree. I actually found the Story of Lyle to be dull and poorly written. It added very little that needed to be said and I don't think it helped characterize him better at all. My feeling that it was predictable and didn't advance his character are actually some of bigger points I have against it.

Cornelius though... I guess some people disliked him because of it, but I don't even remotely share that opinion and I don't think it was intended to be the impression given. Many people seemed to dislike him for picking apart Ray so astutely with his new girlfriend. I saw it as them getting along together wonderfully and Ray trying way too hard to have a legitimate interaction with someone else's stripper girlfriend and failing.

My problem with the Cornelius/Polly arc was its abrupt ending. We see a brewing conflict rising from Ray's inability to get past Polly the stripper to see Polly the girlfriend of Cornelius, but this is never resolved in any respectable fashion.

Now Cornelius appears back to his old ways. Even if we were to assume Ray went for a six hundo apology, there isn't sufficient closure on that arc.

I think the Polly arc may have ended so abruptly because of the criticism. It's possible that Onstad just read all the negative feedback and decided that he didn't have a good way of rescuing it, so he just dropped it instead.

Don't buy it. If I were him I could give a fuck about us.

Well, with the Lyle arc, I think regardless of how it was written the problem was more the story than the writing. The main thing that I found interesting about it was what it tried to do. Lyle's a character who generally has had very little depth in the past, whose main purpose is just to be really crude in a hilarious and sometimes kind of likable (as long as we don't have to deal with him in real life) sort of way. I mean, at one point before the arc, I remember someone commented about finding out about Darlene based on that old strip with the Darlene hat, and one person responded with something like "This is Lyle we're talking about. Darlene could be a damned car." So trying to add depth to the character and getting us to maybe take him kind of seriously for once and showing that Darlene was not just an actual woman, but that what happened to her was something actually tragic, was an interesting thing to attempt to do. But as I said before, it wasn't really entertaining or funny, the main things we look for in Achewood, and it didn't manage to have a level of impact or character development or quality on the level of the Beef wedding arcs, which are what I think is necessary in order for arcs that heavily prioritize character development over humor to be accepted.

I also think your analysis of the Polly arc's intent may be accurate, but regardless of whether it was meant to show a negative side to Cornelius or not, a lot of people definitely saw it that way, and it was one of the things that people didn't like about the arc besides the relative lack of funniness.

The problem, as I see it, is that the entire arc consisted of: Lyle meets trashy woman trying to flirt her way into some free food, they happily date briefly, they get into a terrible, screaming white-trash relationship, woman dies inexplicably in a bizarre accident. There's no development there. She's just a terrible ex who made his life hell and died in an unexpected way when he wanted her gone.

Maybe a bit of "I wanted to be rid of her, but not like that", but that's pretty damned subtle to be throwing in there. It also glosses over most anything else that could have happened to him by saying he came out West afterward. No further adventures implied.

I've never known anyone who doesn't critique their friends and their foibles. Especially with the person they're dating. It felt far more like she was becoming part of his world than anything else.

I had always wondered who it was that had exchanged money for Pontiac Azteks, and now I know: Twelve-dog lesbians.

Sounds like a version of the [/i]Twelve Days of Christmas[/i] gone horribly awry.

Just like my comment.

Or, gone horribly *right.*

Twelve-dog Lesbians enjoyed a four-way with Three Dog Night.

"Is she a lesbian?"
"Oh, goodness yes. A real twelve dog lesbian. I'm surprised you had to ask."

Twelve-dog Lesbian!
What news from the North?


Well well well, would you look at that tongue. Must have been pretty popular with the other dogs...

Well....after she died, they mounted her.

You must mean YOU mounted her, if the dog was a lesbian.

You must be new to the internet. Videos abound of lesbians mounting one another.

Lesbians Mounting One Another would make a good band name.

Or you could just shorten it to Scissor Sisters .

chubbed for the humorness

oh snap!

Or the stonerier Scissor fight.

LMOA? Seems a bit off.

Shush. Shush, capnroblivious.

i was SO SURE that this was a joke, paint-shopped before posting....but no. no, this book is REAL.


Publishers Weekly

Mushing is an odd sport for anybody. First you take a dozen-plus slightly tamed dogs ("damned wolves with collars," one rancher calls them), strap them to a sled that, with little enough provocation, will send you rocketing into the tundra and start out for the 1000-mile race accompanied by chunks of frozen liver and the occasional whole reporter-this after forking over $1249. O'Donoghue, who moved to Alaska from the lower 48 to work for the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, decided to start mushing after just two winters. He soon entered Iditarod XIX while writing a column for the paper titled "Off to the Races." Perhaps because his own mishaps (shredded doggie booties, sled falls, lack of sleep, poor visibility, missed shelters, tangled, bruised, grouchy and, as the title implies, polymorphously perverse, dogs) don't really change over the course of the race (they just accumulate), O'Donoghue introduces a large cast of other mushers. These do bring new misadventures, but the account can be a little confusing. O'Donoghue's style is amusing but rarely laugh-out-loud. Instead, what really keeps this book going is the same thing that keeps the racers going, a kind of bloody-minded doggedness that thinks, when faced with frostbitten fingers, not about the possibility of amputation but the possibility of scratching.

Damn, look at the tongue on that thing.

It's all, " FLIP FLOP, WHIP WHOP".

Jack London is sobbing in his grave.

Jack London is a zombie, dontcha know.

Sobbing at the lost opportunity, maybe...

Well, he did write The Cruise of the Snark .

What's gayer than cruising and being snarky.

His little pink socks are fabulous. Watch out behiiiiiind you!

It's a bit sad when so many of the comments are WAY funnier than the strip. Sad.

I wish people would hold on to their chubbs a little longer. I have a comment up there with seven that ain't worth two and poor hamscout has four when he deserves forty.

Ezekiel Rowboat: Chubb-Solicitor Esq.

Hey, it work (for me at least)

We need to appoint an Arbiter of Chubbies. This person will tell the denizens of Assetbar what to chubby and how many chubbies to give to the things he or she deems chubby-worthy.

I nominate myself for this position.

Then get to work.

Can...can I chubby your suggestion?

Well, I suppose. It's good for morale for people to see other people support the authorities.

I often hold onto my chubbies and dispense them sparingly. Most strips I don't ever actually use them all. I just try to keep high standards and realize that things in the future may well require chubbies. Gotta save them for only the best.

I am going to Iraq with this man in 11 days. What an amazing coincidence.

The Pontiac Aztek French Drain. Basically just a urine syphon for those arm maulers.

The Scion... uh, the big, boxy one, is decidedly ugly, but also handles terribly. It is unreasonably awkward for a smaller car. Since promotions giving out $15 gift certificates to a local record shop for taking a test drive of one of their models are fairly common here (and take place across the street from said shop) I've had a chance to revel in the awfulness that is driving almost all of their various models and their terrible attempts at marketing their vehicles as hip and cool. Primarily by implying that playing awful hip-hop and electronic music very loudly is the primary intended end use for the vehicle. I would opine that although severely discouraged it is perhaps the only thing it actually does fairly well.

The boxy Scion would be the xB. Cars like that one and the Honda Element are marketed to hip, young folks. However, they end up being driven by boring, middle-aged women that like how roomy they are.

Hip, young people often live in the city where trying to park something that large and unwieldy is an exercise in futility.

However, both of the major car sharing companies here have decided to make Scions of various types their most common vehicles. I find this incredibly distressing. I don't want a Mini because it's hip, I want one because I can park the damn thing a hell of a lot easier. There's a good reason why I own a car, but primarily only drive it to move it for street cleaning.

It's cute that you think that Scion is large.

Larger cars definitely exist, but it's still pretty big. Even more important is that when driving it they managed to make it feel larger and more unwieldy than it actually is.

There's a reason why there are at least four or five Smart Cars in my neighborhood. Many of the spaces are barely even large enough for them.

Let's talk about the Nissan Cube (it's a goddamn CAR, Nissan, not a "mobile device") and how stupid it is.

It's the wave of the future: Automobiles for people who don't drive .

I liked a recent ad where they show happy, hip, young people driving it to a party. When they get to the party they parallel park the horrible thing by having a special effect shift the car horizontally into place perfectly. Not the 15 minutes of awkwardly trying to back it in, everyone trying to tell the person driving how to do it properly, at least one person getting out to direct, and eventually just giving up because it's either too small or too small for your terrible parallel parking skills and just driving around for another 15 or 20 minutes until you find a space you can actually fit in.

"Be quiet and listen, Randy. Shush. Shush, Randi" reminds me an awful lot of "Shaddup, shaddup!"

Shut UP! Shut the FUCK UP! Will y-shut up! Shut up! Shut shut shut shut shut shut shut up! SHUT UP!

Out of proper context this seems quite trolly.

I can't quite place it. I know this...

Is it Punchdrunk Love?


Shut up! Will you shut ]i]up[/i]!

The punishment for quoting Monty Python on this Assetbar is... -=INCREDIBLE DEATH=-

Aw DANGIT the little thing is still up there now it's ruined, aw DAGNABBIT.

Good thing I didn't then! AM I RIGHT.

Sometimes I think you want to fail...

I really, really don't though.

I want to succeed at something!

I can't do anything... Aber, kan ich umsteigen?
Nein .

Philippe just knew to call Ray in his moment of greatest need. Else, how would Ray know how to get his protagonists to put their mouths on each other's mouths?

Put their mouths on each other's mouths until God summons the locusts seems to be his approach.

Do your worst YHWH!


Like all the greatest villains, Chuck Williams is the back of a chair


I never realised DR Claw was a limp wristed homosexual. It all makes sense now. THANKS YOU!

I never realized that Snarf did a cameo in Inspector Gadget.
I think I could have lived without, though. :(

But he did love him his pussy.

We all knew the film would be a complete failure when they showed Claw in the fucking trailers.

I imagined a Mr. Potter of Potterville/ Bedford Falls type guy.

I imagined you clutching at yourself and sobbing.

My other imagination is your mother.

I now imagine myself sobbing and you clutching at me and I want to thank you for your support and friendship in this trying time.

I imagined a Mr. Potter of Potterville/ Bedford Falls type guy.

Except that Potter disliked the "garlic eaters" and Williams sells 13 types of garlic press.

Both have town names related in some way to their names.


Invariably, Assetbar will eat part of this image. Right-click view to enjoy.
Had to shake the cobwebs out of the Photobuggery...

God damn it's good to have you back, man

True excellence.

That is beautiful. You have done the world a service this day.

I shall order this.

I love your penchant for photobuggery. It makes the low-grade narcolepsy tolerable.

A comment left by deus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Shinkusan, divot, zhiwiller, Miku224, Lumus, GoriasXY, Guikey, SomeDarkHoller, mrblank91, eidolem)

Lamed for your supernormously bad grammar and spelling.

I'd lame him, but apparently, I've already 'used up my lame allotment'. Without ever laming anyone. Hey, fuck you, Assetbar. Suck on my Dutch balls.


Brb writing erotica involving an anthrophomorphic personification of Assetbar and crown prince Willam Alexander.

As an aside, there is a hack around this a few threads back.

That sounds... interesting.

It is therefore unfortunate that I'm a lazy Dutch alcoholist/Depressed Dude who can't be arsed to look that up.

To make up for that, here's some pornography.

( there is no pornography here.

Oh the irony. I NAIL the BBcode but I forget the last... thing. ). Fuck.






OK, so im not drunk right now.....im...im

Just trying to impress you guys ;,(

Mankind never learned in time, now there is 5 angels aroundf with eyebawls!


A comment left by gehen_sie_weg was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by gladi8orrex, Scorpio_nadir, foea)

Deus, did you just lame me?
Deus, why do you hate angels so much
Why do you hate them so much Deus

I lamed you, Jackass!

Scorpio, why do you hate angels so much.

Also, that's a nice avatar. Reminds me of Tom Waits. Just a little.

I'm only trying to fit in the Assetbar!

Look, i'm drunk, i'm at a demoparty(wiki it) and i'm high.
And i'm not bragging, but...christ, there is belt fights in here BELT FIGHTS!

But dont give me fuckings about my avatar untill you see it, demoscene.tv search for second reality, for good times.

Maybe it's just me but I can't imagine a party being particularly grand if you're finding time to get on Assetbar. Just what I'd imagine at least.

Sobriety keeps me from continuing this discussion, but check out slengpung.com for additional information regarding howr computers, spirits and grandness is infact an all-in-one package.


Man with best avatar is schooling man with questionable avatar.

Don't be a mindless drone. Question every avatar.



Doesn't anyone remember when the Canaanites had their Baals removed?

I'm curious to see how Ray would become the founder of something that is already founded. Unfortunately we shall never find out. You do not go against a hundred-year-old and win. Especially not Chuck Williams.

He has a time machine.

It's bleedin' obvious, innit, he must've 'ad a bleedin' time machine

Wot a load of twonks.

A comment left by ishuta was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by lastpolarbear, jake11, Dinosaur-J, Lumus, GoriasXY)

I'm afraid the research both are conducting is seriously flawed. People don't like reading about "real" lesbians. They like reading about straight women who, after a few drinks and reminiscing about underwear tickle fights in the dorm in college, find themselves going down on their neighbor's wife. Who wants to read about flannel-clad women with bad haircuts and ugly cars? Dudes both lose this contest as far as I can tell.

my best friend is a lesbian.
she does not wear flannel. she has a pretty kickin' 'doo and the 2007 Focus she drives isn't so bad, either.

do you want to try this again?

Men want to read about sorority tickle fights (as do sorority short-term lesbians). Lifers tend to prefer something more real. Maybe not quite THIS granola, but certainly not the Penthouse stuff. I've boned a lot of lesbians, and they all buck expectations.

You named your penis " expectations "?

Okay, I'll be the first, since Captain Spaulding is on safari. He named it:
Great Expectorations by Dickens .

Photoshop that, Hamscout.

According to Spaulding's assistant Lydia, he's crossing the Amazon.

Ah, Lydia - I met her at the world's fair in 1900, marked down from 1940.

Expectations are the enemy of happiness.

This is both deep and true, like most good things.

I've boned a lot of lesbians

In Soviet Russia, lesbian bones you.


[I know she/he is really from the former East Germany, so no corrections from the geniuses of the internet. Thank you]

It is important to have unlimited means before you visit the Highlands. There is a great deal to spend your money on. Once a week a boat comes into Inverness loaded with sweets and gin from Newcastle. There are over ten pubs, and you may be invited to play low stakes bridge with a minor landowner (don't tell the minister!). In Thurso there is a dog who will bark for pennies. Also, you may need to ransom yourself from brigands.

The meth lab in Forres was recently raided though, so that's one less distraction. Last thing we need is Ray to become a sex crazed maniac.


Ronnie's head is a kidney. That's all I feel saying at this time.

Is Chuck Williams going to turn out to be a cat?

I was wondering the same thing.

I think at some point that we were not privy to - some sort of secret war if you will - continuity was re-written so that everybody on Achewood-Earth is a cat, and there are no more humans.

Well, there used to be the idea of the underground , but I think it's been sort of superceded by the general notion that the Achewood world is just an animal/stuffed toy parallel to our own. There are always little discrepancies comic to comic, so it helps not to think about it too much and to just enjoy the sublimity of the strip.

There have been continued sightings of at least a few humans recently: the illustration of the Publican on the Strovis-Bishopthorpe, the inventor of comic sans, and of course Chris himself. I think it boils down to Chris just being more comfortable drawing cats whenever he can (or the occasional bear)

Not convinced that the creator of comic sans was human.

are we still talking about the comic?

He kills-off comic sans while we go ever longer sans comic .

How could he be?

I have a question about the alt-text...
The question is, why am I aroused%u203D

OK. I think I can safely say that I'm down with this arc. Unlike several other recent ones, the pacing is actually accelerating as it goes.

I'd still love a solid couple of weeks or so of all non-arc strips like the old days. Just sayin'.

Panel 1 would suit as a comic alone at any other site. Well done Onstad. Wish I could Six it.

A comment left by beverage was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by cdumas, Vee, aHatOfPig, cpnglxynchos, AlJazeera)

please lame this lame double to lame oblivion

I would but Assetbar is being a dick to a stranger.

Onstad's on a roll this week. Even posting a strip on Saturday.

...unless it's Friday and I forgot to go to work this morning. Oh shiiit!

Fived for use of the word 'popinjay'.

Is that Chuck's head sticking out of the chair? I can't help but picture him as a tiny Dwight Eisenhower.

Dwight Eisenhower was never tiny.
I see Chuck as the former Mayor of Munchkin City.


This former mayor.



By gum, its Dorothy.

onstad's imagination is... the man needs weed.

A comment left by tripleoptics was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by apocowarg, hedonismbot, Absurdist, re5urgam, AJESTERONLY, Lumus, echidnaboy)

I'm sure that most fellows (and some of the ladies, too!) are very appreciative of this lovely Eva impression, but hey, some people keep kids around. Come on, dude.

you read achewood with your kids?! what kind of parent are you?!! (read: the kind i wish i had)

kids do not belong on Assetbar.

I see some taint/butthole action up there.


I see some taint/butthole action up there.


Some people keep bosses around.

Ignored until further notice.

my heart's a-breakin', really

Oh yeah that too.

Well I work in a library with a boss who's a 26-year old Jamaican stoner (I wish I could make this up). Also I'm reading this at 22:13, in the sanctity of my own home, so neither bosses nor kids matter. Yet still. Some people might have them around.

... That said, it's time to jack off!

Hey! I work in a library, too! And I'm there now! And I'm stoned! And I'm jacking off!

Still, though - fuck tripleoptics for real.

Dude, what are the odds?
Tomorrow, I shall light up as a tribute to this coincidence.

Not right now, though. I'm watching Kill Bill and nothing good ever comes from wetching Quentin Tarantino works while you just puffed the magic dragon.

dude. i am so sorry. a shot as such of a lady and a controlled substance scores pretty high on the "Serious Lunch With Your Boss" scale...

good lord, people! i am sorry i offended your fragile decencies on a website where a 5 year old otters birthday gift is a squirrel NOT doing cocaine at him. lighten up, people. if i could take it down, i would! i'm sorry! forgive me!

I think you're missing the point. The key here isn't whether the website is appropriate or not in general, it's whether it looks appropriate or not at a glance. Sure, the sight features a lot of drugs and sex and occasionally cat dong, but if someone sees you looking at it it still just looks like you're reading a webcomic. Someone see you looking at that picture on the other hand, and it looks like you're looking at porn.

The issue here isn't what's appropriate for whom. We just don't want people who happen to glance at our screen while we're reading achewood to get the wrong impression.

Hey guys are we talking about a giant tit being thrust through a window


yeah, and if i recall correctly, no one gave that guy any shit! thank god my self-worth isn't measured in chubbies.

that is not an attractive lady.

dont be so hard-on ur mom. that shit ain't right

Hard-on your mom? I hardly know 'er!

...Meh, okay.

Gladi8orrex is his own mom
complete with a vagina
it all goes back to a tragic but scientifically informative transporter accident...

it is neither kind, nor unkind for me to not find a person attractive, whether its my own mother, or just some dumb skinny broad covering up her genitals with marijuana leaves.

you get a pitychubb for timing and because 'your mom' jokes never go out of style.

you liiiiiiike, onstad?

that's a pretty unappealing picture any which way you look at it. I'm heterosexual, but damn, when people say they are attracted to the likes of Sarah Palin and/or her daughter, whatever her name is, it's like, wow, I'd just as soon have sex with Palin's husband. Palin is in that same category for me as Brittney Spears, Hannah Montana. Fuckable? yes, technically. But so's a horse.

Hey, so's a juggalo, but you don't see me fucking those.

Note: I myself posess Love for Clowns. Hands off.

why is Philippe calling so late??

New shoes!

I got the impression he was up late ringing a bell in an attempt to rescue all the wingless angels.

wouldn't someone at the house have already given him the line from the movie? (more like, trundled him off to bed? ROCKSTAR SOCCER ROBOT NINE!! I SUMMON THEE HENCE!!)


God dammit first ganja porn and now a giant metal dildo with eyes

it is only phallic if you make it such.

now tell me about your mother.

My mother? Let me tell you about my mother... KOODGE!

Jim Ladd - Now... The last song on side one... the song about the
mother here... because mother always means, 'specially in this
country, I mean it's, is it mother God and apple pie, or what order
do we run that down?

crew- Chevrolets

Jim Ladd - Chevrolets, Mother, God, and apple pie. But anyway, she's
up there somewhere in the top three, with a bullet, in American
culture, and always is the absolute vestige of purity and warmth and
security and all of that. And here in this song, you approach mom
that way, but, the very fact that she does all of this stuff, is what
really is wrecking the child, correct?

Roger Waters - Yeah, overprotection. If mothers err, it's often...
ah I suppose some mothers neglect their children but I think an awful
lot more of them overprotect them and go on trying to mother you for
far too long. Don't get me wrong, it's, that's not how I feel about
my mother. I don't feel that that's exactly what she did, I think in
fact I think that she gave me, in lots of ways, a kind of, a
reasonable view of the world and what it was like, or as reasonable
as she could, nevertheless I think that ah parents tend to
indoctrinate their children with their own beliefs, far too strongly,
and my mother was extremely left wing, and I grew up really believing
that left wing politics were where it was at, and, but of course all
the, all the children of right-wing parents, all have held opposite
views, and it's very difficult for parents to say to their children
well now this is what I believe, but I might well be wrong, you know,
who knows, because they don't feel they're wrong,

Jim Ladd - no

Roger Waters - 'n they've sorted it out and they feel they're right,
but, I think you can waste an awful lot of your life if you just
adopt ahh your parent's view of the world, or if you reject it
completely as well you know if you use if you use their view either
positively or negatively to the exclusion of thinking it out for
yourself, you can waste ten or fifteen years (snaps fingers) like

Jim Ladd - this thing about won't let any dirty girls get through
(laughs) did your mom check out all your girlfriends for ya?

Roger Waters - No she didn't actually, well ya, um, ya actually she
did, ya. I think she was kind of old fashioned enough to think that
you know what would be really bad for me, would be, to find a nice
clean girl, and get married, you know, get hooked into some
relationship when I was too young, which in fact I did. But that's
another story, so it shows -- I can remember her specifically
actually encouraging me really to go out and look for dirty girls,
you know.

Jim Ladd - really!?

Roger Waters - yea

Jim Ladd - oh how great!

Roger Waters - well I'm not so sure I think that you know that was
another -- a bit more control -- pushing you in either ah, you know,
it's up to you, who you, you know, what you wanna do with women is
your affair, really. Unless you want ta seek somebody's advice, you
don't want somebody watchin' you, I didn't anyway

Jim Ladd - Especially not ah her

Roger Waters - Especially not your mother

Roger Waters is a silly man, but a musical genius.

Oi fot it were time to tawk loik a Pyrate wot wif him goin' on about Jim Lad.

Arrrrgh ye give me the Black Spot, how dare ye!

I'm not sure I'd call Waters a genius. He was an essential component of Pink Floyd, yes, but on his own he's not that good.

moral maze is interesting proigramme on BBC4 i highly recommend. verdi thotprovokin an' better yet can listen anywhere in world (with internet) via bbcradios iplayer. is so gr8


It was Candle Jack.

Dude there's no such thing as Candle Ja

Dude, you're doin' it wrong!

The IMPLICATION is that he whisks you off just after you say his name and presses 'post' to be nice. He don't just swutter you 'way while you're still talkin'.

Also, did you see how well I avoided saying Candle Jack

I don't think it works unless you actually have something else to say afterwards, for it to be cut off.

And this is how I've avoided capture for so many years.


Chuck Williams talking into a telephone lying flat on his desk perfectly conveys his age.

Also, Ray seems to be attempting to think outside the box in the worst possible way.

i've missed you.

I want a phone that goes 'chunk'.

Take an axe to it, that'll get you that sound.

He said phone, not fleeing woman.

Man, how could i mix those !

women-*burrrrrp* suck. i m faituge. yall i so fatiugie

If you just want the 'chunk' sound, either will do.

your avatar sucks

Biting criticism by a self-proclaimed fan of the of Insane Clown Posse or any other Psychopathic Records hip hop group.


Lower left;

i could hit that, with a thermonuclear device.


This has long been my only positive thought about them and their fanbase. That there are presumably at least a few passably attractive women in that segment and that by nature of the concept they are likely to be of fairly negotiable virtue.

I'm gonna have to see at least one example of a "passably attractive" juggalette for that opinion to hold any water with me. It doesn't matter how negotiably virtuous a broad is if she looks like God kicked her in the head, like, twenty-two times.

you pretentious asshole! just because my name is Juggalo don't mean I'm an ICP fan, and so what if I am? You gonna lump us all into a group, profile us? Yeah, that's right asshole, even with your dim imagination even you can see where this is going. You are a fucking racist bigot. Jesus fucking hates you.

I don't think you understand Jesus' teachings.

Man, don't be all postin' pics of juggalettes up on assetbar. You gonna get tekende all hot 'n' bothered.


so basically Onstad gets out of having to draw a new character. Unless you count the elephant.

awww man... stonecrab lamed my comment... you know... an elephant... I innocently pointed out that Onstad fina draw an elephant.

if I had to guess, you may 'uv gotten lamed because your avatar sucks

This isn't strictly related to today's strip, but I've got a new laptop, and am in serious need of some achewood wallpapers. Is there a delicious repository of such images that someone can tell me about?

your avatar is totally coppin' my dance moves.

just the two on the main achewood page.

else, just make your own. *shrug*

You could try blowing up something from the gallery . This one works quite well if you don't mind your eyeballs melting out of their sockets like Cadbury's Creme Eggs .

hm. those are classy.

Comment trickle has started dryin' up, eh.


I've been taking the medication. Doctor said the trickle would dry up pretty quick. Still itches like hell.

I forget, did Onstad move before or after the housing bust? If before, then he likely has a house loan that's 15 years of comics revenue underwater. I wonder how the busted economy has affected Onstad's economy? I know I couldn't afford much of anything before I got laid off, I sure as hell can't afford anything now.

Come to the great land of Canada ! You seem to think we have a communist economy but were less affected that you are. Also, our banks are safe and sound, and you can find job if you are at least a bit on the bright side ( you probably are, you are here)

I hear Canada has closed its doors to gringos seeking a better way of life.

*I don't hear that, but it would only be fair.

yeah, canada actually does figure in my job search... we'll see what I dig up.

Gladdi8orrex what do you do for income? Do you wanna move to Cannada with me?

maybe. email me abot it

Williams-Sonoma? Seriously, Limb, I am finding it so hard to care about this. Have somebody start a silly business already.

Sounds like a plan to me, Torso, but let's see what Head has to say about things.


about a year later, it looks like he took your advice.

fuck this shit. no decent strips and nothing but drooling idiots on the assetbar. I'm a have to go read up on the blogs

and I go commando, so they can watch me pitch the tent. Another sign of respect.

what? What the fuck?


I am fairly sure that Xa Bi is not a Vietnamese name.

It is a Spanish nickname. Xabi, short for Xabier.

That's one of my favourite blog posts. Possibly second only to Cornelius burying the truck driver in Russia and then meeting the Bad Goldilocks Bears.

Dude can you link this? I promise you a chubby in return.

this might work.. I replaced the signs with spaces

and yet I stupidly type a 'plus' sign in describing how I carefully omitted all instances of said 'plus' sign from the url...

wow... now that's a beautiful children's story.

i fucked up guys. can u guess wat i did?

1: hab sex wit 15 y/o
2: kill sunbody who dint deserver
3: break ma glasses
4: lose a fight
5: shit ma pants li'l bit
6: hab sum ma shit get took
7: a li'l accident but no regrets
8: nothin'

In this glowing item from Gladi8orrex, he prefaces with an admission of failure. In the first of two coherent sentences found therein, the author enlightens the reader with said failure and then invites his audience to guess from eights of ones of choices, ranging from illegal sexual conduct to, "nothin'". The large berth of his possible actions in the list essentially wills the reader down unsavory paths of thought, clearly depicted with item two; "kill sunbody who dint deserver" and number five, "shit ma pants li'l bit". These wishes though length and breadth of the writing infers foreshadowing as to a larger work, describing what actually happened to the author, justifying this work and the next.

To achieve proper understanding of this text, we must first understand the context in which it was written. What exactly was Gladi8orrex experiencing as he feebly scribbled the first draft onto what was surely a nap-kin using a fork tine dipped in ketchup? The first choice, "hab sex wit 15 y/o" is a bit tricky to decode, but in seconds it can be deciphered to mean that Glad used 15 yoghurt company owners for sexual gratification. (In Gladi8orrex's time, a slash stood for 'company') The second is reference to blatant, unnecessary violence, "kill sunbody who dint deserver". The third option is obviously the author relating to the reader that he broke his mother's glasses. Interesting to note is how his mother would have to imbibe liquids using 'cups' instead of glasses. Perhaps he became privy to illness-inducing substances in said glasses and acted to save his mother's life. That he would perform such a selfless action raises quesitons as to the exact nature of the author's relationship with his mother, but that is a whole 'nother play on a different day. Option number four, "lose a fight" is notable in that it is the only sentence in the entire work (save the first half of the introduction) that is still clearly understood by readers today. Illustrating his weakness and humanity, Gladi8orrex attempts to garner sympathy for him being defeated in some type of fight. In his day, many fights took place for many different reasons, so it is difficult to pin down exactly what sort of fight occurred. Some scholars raise a point that there is no description of the fight, so it may have well been a bodily one, while others defend that it was perhaps in his supposable humiliation and embarrassment that he did not share what sort of fight he was involved in.

The next two choices are referential to each other, in that both contain the nounverb "shit". In the first, number five, Gladi8orrex writes that he "shit his pants a "little (sic)" bit." Etymologists have uncovered several meanings of this word. One of them refers to fecal matter, or if it were verbed, to expel fecal matter from one's self. Another refers to one's belongings. It is hotly contested which definition should be attached to choices five and six, due to possible disclusion of words in choice five, which the author had been known to do. It is up to the reader to decide which of these definitions fits best or if multiple definitions are necessary at all! The seventh option is ponderous for many in the literary world, as the precise definition of 'accident' has been lost. Does Gladi8orrex refer to a vehicular accident, such as one crashing into another or premature bowel or bladder evacuation? Again, the audience is left to suppose on their own, adding to Gladi8orrex's artistic use of language. The final choice, nothing, leaves little to imagine. Nothing is simply that, and that is all it is. Nothing of particular significance occurring to the author is possible. Boredom may have set in and Glad may indeed have used it as fuel to formulate the text.

Gladi8orrex's works are consistently being found in new places where there is no possibility of him being. It is clear that someone is disseminating his text periodically, and occasionally it is surprisingly topical. To imagine a world that dealt with the same issues and pressures ours does is purely amazing, not only proving that History repeats itself but that humanity does, too.

A comment left by sirptom was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by woodenteeth, IronDave, badlion, miaou)

tl;dr attitude vis-a-vis intelligence reports and media in general is what got us into Iraq in the first place. What an amazing coincidence.

Equating me to someone with the capacity to send the U.S. into war with Iraq and that long-winded attempt at erudite humor to an intelligence report is quite a stretch.

Also, it wasn't an attitude of tl;dr toward intelligence reports that got us into the war - it was the attitude that if the intelligence reports didn't say what we wanted them to, we could just rewrite them so that they did.

I'm not saying that that treatise up there should be rewritten. I'm just saying it wasn't funny, and that reading it was a waste of time. In other words, that it was... lame?

it was the attitude that if the intelligence reports didn't say what we wanted them to, we could just rewrite them so that they did

the hell! It was the tl;dr attitude towards intelligence in general that allowed reality to be manipulated and manipulated until everyone was living in a fucking rabbit hole full of KY!

I took your tl;dr as hostility towards erudidity and so I responded with hostile trolling. I've certainly read funnier things, but it had a few good parts, and more importantly, it was, overall, clever, which is not the same as funny and is something that one must be, indeed, a tad bookish to appreciate. If you don't appreciate it, that's fine, but maybe that means you're sub-human and you should go crawl into Sarah Palin's natch and scratch behind your ear until she squirts you out like so much floatsam blown airborne by a cetacean's blow. That's all I'm saying. Don't get so worked up about it dude.

The over-read of Glad's posts has History on the 'bar. I sniggered. No guffaw.

Equating me to someone with the capacity to send the U.S. into war with Iraq and that long-winded attempt at erudite humor to an intelligence report is quite a stretch.

yeah, your name is Tom, not George.

Chubbied for brilliant satire of the comments sections of firedoglake.com and dailykos.com. Now show your versatility and do littlegreenfootballs.com!

a little from 2 a little from 6

all of the above?

in case anyone has ever wondered why cats tip over glasses of water all the time, I may have a reason...

When looking down into the glass, the cat sees reflections and refractions making it look like there is something located next to the glass. The cat attempts to paw at that something without success; it is a mirage. The cat surmises that to get at that something it must reach through the mouth of the glass, then knocks over the glass in an attempt to get a better angle at the mirage via the mouth of the glass.

so the solution is to get an American Bald Eagle to peck out the cat's fuckin' eyes

That's never the solution to anything!

It is if your cat is Cyclops , and refuses to wear glasses.

Stranger things have happened in fiction!

It is if your cat is Cyclops, and refuses to wear glasses.

Shouldn't that be "refuses to wear glass"

BTW - A monocle doesn't have the same Caché if you haven't got another perfectly good eye.


I didn't make that shit up guy.


Well now that makes perfect sense, thank you.

Far too few competitions in life feature identical elephant contestants...

Happy Moon Landing Anniversary everybody!

it was photoshopped don cha know

Yeah, that giant "40" is definitely not really on the moon. I can't see it with my telescope.

Everybody? Did anyone think to ask the Moon Natives how they felt about trading Lunar rights away to Neil Armstrong for a G.I. Joe and a Barbie doll?

Hey it was Snake-Eyes, everybody likes Snake-Eyes right, it wasn't no Raptor, or Captain Grid-iron, it was Snake-Eyes.

I think "Mr. Williams" might be proof that T. Herman Zweibel is back from space.

Mr Williams is nearly one hundred and is unable or unwilling to use his arms to place the phone back on the receiver. I'm also assuming that Ronnie took the phone off the hook and dialed for him.

Being almost one hundred breeds nothing but contempt for these telephonic devices (i.e. look at him just cold yelling at the limp and defenseless phone as it rests on the table).

Wait. How can he hear the person on the other end of the phone (the receiver has to be replaced for Speaker to work in all the phones I've ever used).

I'm only 33 and I have a lota contempt for the iphone's various failings, mainly AT&T...

help me... there's... there's a tapeworm in my avatar... why oh why did someone have to go and fuck a tapeworm?

Canadians, what news from the North?

Belgand. You shouldn't be asking Canadians this, you should be telling them the news from San Francisco.

I'm told that there are areas further north in this state, but I have absolutely no idea what sort of horrors actually reside there. It frightens me to consider the twisted denizens of such a region.

The jet stream continues to be farther South than usual, resulting in an unusually cool summer for Ontario.

We are on the same boat here in quebec. We still havent breached the 25 ° mark, wich is downright ridiculous

I love how obvious it is that the interviewer for Vice magazine had just hastily skimmed over the last six months while deciding which questions to ask.

God, everything about that rag is shit.