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Ray steps in dog shit Thursday, August 4, 2005 • read strip Viewing 65 comments:

JUST like old times!

old school!

A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ImitationCrab, AndrewofDOOM, UntilYouAreSoNude, ishuta, TheSheezie, madnes, lamboyster, littlecat, Sakana, riotdejaneiro, sevenarts, dizneedave, BPMead, Pseudochron, baabaa, GMM, bug, cryptfiend85, Howard, Endquote, Sargasm, atticusonline, LordPretzel, HolyQ, DrSkradley, Baryonyx, luckypyjamas, makkuwata, willt, lk, fmercury, aesop_punk, Magb, Fcannon, mountain, nutmeg, genocidefish, eRiUukFJk, prowle4763, littlefatdog, yingkaixing, dropkickpikachu, ibetso, havenless, gkiyo, Rakadin, Ubermensch, joamiq, Pigs)

he probably does not even realize that it is a sound effect, and thinks it is caused by the camera in the phone.

He probably makes the shutter sound with his mouth, just to be extra old school.

Yeah, I guess it's reasonable to expect sense out of this stuffed animal-robot-cat comic here. I guess that's fine to do.

18 lames and counting.
I wonder who holds the high score.

Asherdan. Cumulatively.

Unless something's been going on in the zerg rush that is current comic comments.


what were the other two traumas?

unrequited crushes and bee stings

the former is also an adulthood traume

I can't find that anywhere, where'd that come from?

My first unrequited crush was actually sort of my door-way into growing up.
And I think he just sort of said his own, like what he remembers as the three big traumas in his childhood.


This comment greatly illustrates the previous strip's sentiment, I feel.

I was going to guess one of them was getting shat on by birds, but that is because birds seem to think that if they shit on my head enough they'll win a free iPod or something.

A comment left by soticoto was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by NeoNaoNeo, BPMead, Art-Vader)

I think this was the basis for the Genesis/arcade game in which M.J.'s dancing caused perfect invincibility/death to his foes.

So true, though I never did understand where the extra Michael Jacksons 2 through 4 came from.

Mitosis; It's disgusting.

Beef did believe what Ray just stepped in.

My first Achewood.

I didn't know what all the fuss was about at the time.

where did ray get that paper and marker pen?

thats what i want to know

Perhaps more importantly, how did he manipulate the aforementioned while holding his phone?

Good attention to scale by Onstad - notice the size of the dog turd relative to Ray's foot.

This is why Roast Beef ("you could see a rainbow turning out badly!") Kazenzakis needs Ray Smuckles. Because Ray Smuckles can see stepping in dogshit as an awesome throwback to Old Times.

...whereas Beef will just freak the hell out and fall into a coma.

And Ray *kept* his foot in the dog crap long enough to call Roast Beef and then take a picture. *that* is dedication.

Two consecutive strips that deal with Old Times and things that are Old School.

I used to step in dog crap all the time but now I always seem to barely miss it! JUST LIKE OLD TIMES!

Ray is humming hell of ditties.

Ray is a good-timer; the Jack Johnson of the internet

For Ray's sake, I hope like hell that mean this Jack Johnson:
and not this one:

Yes. Miles Davis' Jack Johnson.


God, I entirely hate that second Jack Johnson.

I think I've only heard one song of his, but even that was enough to make me want to see a boxing match between him and the first Jack Johnson. I would just watch the hell out of that.

I have nothing but monumental disdain for his abhorrent countenance and his insipid mewlings that failed to warrant an EP let alone four albums.

"I say your three cent titanium tax goes too far."

"And I say your three cent titanium tax doesn't go too far enough."

Jack Johnson first-round bust from the LA Kings?


I hope he hasn't ruined his Birkenstocks

if ray wore sandals, something such as birks would be the last ones i would expect. but for the record, i thought they were birks too.

Ray has hell of goofy leg in that photo.

he's a cat

That is a weird leg for a cat to have.

roast beef immediately knows what ray has stepped in

Either that Incan Medallion is working overtime or Ray is seriously digging the Old Times lately.

I very much enjoy the perspective used to show the giant arm one often encounters when taking pictures of oneself. You know what I mean. MySpace is like full of giant arms like that. Exhibit A .

So hey, I was at the GOF signing today.


who's the asian chick holding the sign?

Pretty sure that's a dude. Personally I'm more interested in the blonde girl with the blue jacket.

She is 10 kinds of not blonde!

Yeah, you're right. I first saw this on my computer at work and I think she looked more blonde on that monitor.

What, are you no longer interested tekende, now that she's not necessarily blonde?

Who do you think you are, putting on such airs!

Oh, I am still interested. Possibly more so.

Actually, looking at her more closely I think she's the kind of blonde where she used to be blonder, but as she ages her hair starts turning darker. That is exactly what it looks like. So, in a way you're both right, but in another, more accurate way, I'm the only one who is right.

Whoa whoa whoa. Who is this sexy piece of ass??


'just like od times'
'old school
someone is feeling kind of old, i think...

Old, old, old. What's with all this old imagery? Did you just see something old?

A doo-da doo-da doo-da doo!

Ray drew a regular-style letter E

The first time I read this strip, I had my media player going. The song that came on: Skinny Puppy - Dogshit. Not even joking.

Chubby for Skinny Puppy. That band is extremely tight.

I wonder where the pencil and the piece of paper came from, his thong doesn't exactly have room for pockets.