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Keith Moon's Head Alive Wednesday, May 10, 2006 • read strip Viewing 79 comments:

A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by thedice, DrCoffee, snowman, NotGodot, DiamondMonster, GeyserShitdick, helikaon, regrepsnefpoh, Afkpuz, Epicurus, yingkaixing, SotiCoto)

this is the first time i've seen an asherdan comment without 12 lames on it, good for you man!


(as of this moment asherdan's comment has exactly 12 lames on it)

Aww ya beat me to it.

You spoke too soon, as of now, asherdan's comment has 12 lames. That guy!


No, unquotable, too soon!


all ducks live on the moon,
they die in the sun.
the go into the rocket,
and fly into the sun.


Your avatar matches your response so perfectly .

Thank you. That means a lot coming from Mickey Mouse Che Guevara.

Turns out there WAS a technology to guard against the eyes closed thing-and it's a screwdriver.


A comment left by epicurus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by c_dizzle, DiamondMonster, ohmygooses, Connellingus)

A comment left by howard was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by sevenarts, c_dizzle, ohmygooses, waldo913)

A comment left by farqussus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by DiamondMonster, kenthegod, LexSenthur)

A comment left by odei was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by sevenarts, ohmygooses, Connellingus)

Against my better judgement:

Oh, classic!

I guess it's like that Chinese liquor that comes with a dead lizard in it for some reason, only even more scary.

Seriously, that has got to be the freakiest Achewood comic ever. Dag.

In Viet Nam they got skanky liquor with a snake in the bottle, because it's "good for your back". Because snakes have a very long back.

ancient medicine concepts are stupid as hell

There is a bottle in my house with a cobra biting a scorpion suspended in liqour. From 'Nam

It mainly sits on the fireplace and looks hardcore.

Damn dude but we just flew through some international airport, I don't remember where, and they had just the most amazing cases of illegal things people had tried to smuggle, medicine bottles full of numerous whole animals, huge endangered animal carpets, beautifully carved elephant tusks &c. I guess they were supposed to be a deterrent but jesus, did they make smuggling terrible things look sexy.

hee i got one 2 :)


I still can't figure out what happened to Teodor's pants in the second to last panel. What is that black line? What is going on?

that's his leg. he's on his right knee and his left foot.

He has ridiculous legs.

he's wearing pantaloons...you know, knda old school renaissance balloony pants...

Ray is completely blindsided by Teodor's understanding of how impulse purchases on eBay go down.

Alt text, as I recall is:

I told you that story so I could tell you this one.

A la` Ron White.

What the hell embedded this into the public consciousness? I search and find a bunch of quotings but no origin like "It doesn't do anything, that's the beauty of it!"

Are you asking about, "I told you that story to tell you this one," or Ron White (the comedian who I believe popularized the phrase currently), or something else entirely?

The former. I couldn't find any evidence tracing it to Tater Salad.

I don't know about Ron White, but Bill Cosby definitely used the line. It was a segue between the buck-buck story and scaring fat albert with the frankenstein statue.

I don't know if what you're saying means anything

A comment left by centipede_damascus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by divot, fosters, Connellingus, farqussus, gbeaton)

God this one creeps me out. I'm practically con up in this.

Dunking for corpses was a fine tradition in the British Navy. When the barrel holding the corpse of Admiral Nelson was opened up at the docks, he had started to putrefy because the sailors had been stealing the rum and substituting water.

Heh, what?

for rizeal?

I guess Ray insisted upon having the Styrofoam discs on his head, it looks like he taped it back.

Thanks for pointing that out

If it's The Moon's head you'd think it'd be gin.

Only in Achewood is this an idea that you Go Along With.

Ray taped the headset back together.

oh yeah!!! he did!!!

you are quite observant.

looks like his eyes did close in transit

There's no technology to prevent it.

But at least now we know the simple gesture to fix it.

"We got to be able to tell that story, dude!"

You can tell this is one of the directives that drives the decisions that Ray makes about his life. It all comes down to what stories he can later tell.

The other mantra would have to be, "There comes a time!"

i used that first quote to drive a friend of mine to ask some lady for her number. he was hesitant as she was busy holding hands with another dude.

he got said digits, and for the next three days all he did was tell that story, dude.

I'm Keith Moon, African road singer, going mixed infants,
reading a comic upside down and the script very badly

If Achewood was drawn realistically, the last 4 panels would have not been able to freak the funk out of me. It's perfection.

It was realistic enough. They're a little scary.

Am I the only one who just noticed how tiny Teodor's legs are? Those things are fucking ridiculous! And what's he wearing here? Pantaloons?

Teodor, panel 11: truer words is ne'er been spoke.

Today's Blogs

Mr. Bear: A second career, so late in life?
Lyle: fn caved in
Nice Pete: Finally my book is shipping.
Little Nephew: Molly iz codly 2 my pantzfront...4 now

You know, I can't shake the feeling that there's something tremendously wrong in Little Nephew wanting to get it on with Molly. Not withstanding her quasi-engagement to Beef at this point in time, Charley is something approximating 16 or 17. Molly is something approximating 350 .

I don't care about large age gaps usually, but... daaaaaaaaamn.

Yeah? By that logic, Beef being with Molly should bother you. He's like the human equivalent of 30 or 35.

even Connie couldn't bear it.


Hahaha bear .

I get it. I see what you did there.

Keith Moons head coming alive scores a 5... Especially after Teodor jokes about it. Hands down 5.

I can't work out whether Téodor is still dubious but condescending in the third panel, or whether he's just so used to the weirdness of life surrounding Ray that he can accept such things as the purchasing of celebrities' severed heads with a "sure."

I always assumed he didn't believe the tale. He's pressing for more information, and attempts to poke a hole in Ray's story.

I... This is one of my favorites.

Ray had a feeling this would happen. He did not tell Teodor for fear of ruining an awe-inspiring story. The experience would never have happened and they would not be as close as a bee's knees.

yeah I got that feeling too. the "oh classic !" made me think that he was not angling an opportunity for himself and Teodor to sip Keith Moons head-juice at all, and he was in fact angling for the far more lucrative photograph of a screaming, slightly overweight bear with Keith Moons head clamped on his wrist like a Who-themed bear trap.

M-O-O-N spells severed head...

Those last three panels are fucking horrifying. I think if you strapped someone down Clockwork Orange style and forced them to look at that progression for a week (intravenous feedings, etc) you would eventually have a blank slate waiting to be reprogammed. The only way to cope with that would be to cease existing.

Totally with you on that one. A lot of things on Achewood make me stop and go "Huh", but only the furious, reanimated head of Keith Moon has kept me up at night with ideas.

I can't help but feel this strip eerily foreshadows Keith Richards saying he snorted his dad.

raise your hand if you wouldnt take shots of vodka that had been preserving a decapitated head for decades...

Slish sloosh

Teodor's shin looks hella weird in the second-to-last panel.

It's hard to hear Moonie singing "Bellboy" when he's under water.