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Todd's new van Wednesday, November 21, 2001 • read strip Viewing 50 comments:

frikken' sweet!

You can see by what he asks for the Teodor we know and love is beginning to take shape.

It is awesome that Lie bot would like a copy of People Magazine.

Gotta catch up on the latest lies about celebrities.

A ROBOT that wants PEOPLE magazine.

aww lie bot thinks he's people

Lie Bot doesn't want a copy of People magazine. When will you people learn? Lie Bot lies .

If there were a magazine called ROBOTS I'd totally read it.


He doesn't really want it. Just wants Todd to waste his dick suckin' money on one.

Or maybe he knows that People Magazine is just too big to fit in Todd's van...

Ha! Rolled up, sticking out the back like a carpet

It is possible that he doesn't want it. He's lying.

It is possible that he does want it. Lying robots got to keep up with the competition.

I wish I had a van! That would really change things for me!

What I want to know is why they thought all that stuff would fit in Todd's fan

or van, rather

The typos have struck again

Multiple trips are in order.

Great how it opens with LieBot already being a dick.

now that todd has a van, THEY CAN DO ANYTHING

Jim Jarmusch movies are the best

dead man! that movie is referenced later in an alt text during the mexican magical realism arch
something like
"imagine the Dead Man soundtrack played on a theremin"
love jim jarmusch, love neil young, love this fucking comic.

Jim Jarmusch is my favorite director. Neil Young is my favorite musician. William Blake is my favorite poet. Dead Man is an okay movie.

I imagine they're either watching Stranger Than Paradise or Ghost Dog. Maybe Broken Flowers.

Téodor seems like he'd be really into Down By Law

I'd place my bets on him being a Mystery Train kind of guy.


Down By Law, TOTALLY.

All wishing he was Zack.

Or Jack. Whichever of the two was the pimp with the black gal.

Fuck I need to watch that movie again.


Suckin' Dick bought that van.

Lie Bot tells the truth again. He DID want a People Magazine. But when he said that Todd's van "really changes things for us" did he lie again? Hmmm. And, uh, about Teodor's affectional preference. Could be a lie, could be the truth.

How do you know he DID? Did he tell you? He would have been lying. The only way you could come to that conclusion was if he told you, personally, that he didn't really want it, and you inferred from his reputation as a liar that he actually DID want it.

Then, however, he'd have told two different people the opposite things, both of which had to have been lies. Then what?

This is the start of Todd's downfall.



Heyo is a common reaction to Todd's ridiculousness.

The van is a smack enabler.

Man I love Todd's van.

The first story arc! Sorta!

Certainly the first To Be Continued...

Epochs are shattering all over the damn place


ain't no way all that shit gonna fit in that van.

Lie Bot would NOT like a copy of People Magazine.

Back when Lie Bot was part of the gang...

First "Heyo!" in all of achewood. <3

Nevermind that the word has been mentioned several times prior to my comment...

"Todd has a VAN! This really changes things for us!" When I grow up, I want to be Lie Bot.

aww Lie Bot, why arent you in more comics? best character ever


