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Shootout in the ER Friday, June 4, 2004 • read strip Viewing 95 comments:

A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ted0phile, johnnybaverage, ezcmac, twntysevn27, TheSheezie, Chetyre, zcross00, symbolsoup, riotdejaneiro, mikeronomicon, Thorfinn, Deusoma, kazad, Moraiat, bug, barfighting, regrepnsnefpoh, Koremora, NDCaesar, gtc, Sweetlips, FablesandBlues, atticusonline, LordPretzel, hotconnerybod, Carrot, mira, lk, fmercury, aHatOfPig, chatterjee, cognitonaut, regrepsnefpoh, nutmeg, GusPlease, RedJoker, eRiUukFJk, dropkickpikachu, DeathwishJones, sp1derbaby, Mastronaut, wehavemagnums, tragicone, Darthemed, kestral)

Correction: wouldn't be as good if...

Why do you insist on making up terrible nicknames for everything .

It just makes me cringe.

How come you are so GOD DAMNED stupid and just do the stupidest thing possible every SINGLE SECOND OF THE GOD DAMNED DAY!

A comment left by poodlelucy was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by aseidel, AJESTERONLY, hooraybacon)

Seems to me that the people who are the most vocal about disliking this asherdan guy are tsundere basically.

This is my third of fourth trip through the archives, first time with an actual account so I can see how terrible these posts are to garner such high lames.

All I see here, and through the rest of the archives however, is the collective passion of a nervous child, dipping little Ann's pigtails in the inkwell because they don't understand their feelings.

It's wrong and gross, and yet, something feels really right.

TL:DR Assetbar and Asherdan sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G...

it would be great if we could make that quote into one of those face book things where everyone says it to people and doesn't explain why.

Hey! EVERYbody gotta have a nickname! In fact, I encourage a ridiculous stream of consciousness method of nicknaming, so my nicknames will evolve over time!

For example:

Jolene - Joe - Mean Joe Green - Giuseppe Verdi - Greeny - Collard Greens - Shit, I don't know? Something about collars? I haven't thought that far.

Yeah, I do that for everyone. If I like you, you have about twenty names for me, fitted to syntax and the beat of a sentence.

A comment left by asherdan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Homepie, zcross00, mikeronomicon, kenthegod, storableprawn, Koremora, hellsfruition, Sweetlips, kalensc, willt, LexSenthur, Epicurus, unsentletter)

A comment left by mikeronomicon was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by love_is_so_punk, Norsef, cunty, goocifer, TonyHighwind, Kennisiou, Myre, Satyr, kestral)

I just want to go back in time and make his Dad like him.

Jesus Christ. Only one forum/commentboard in the world could take inter-user abuse to such a correctly-spelled, nay, ingenious zenith.

an ingenious zenith. awesome.

We can arrange that, if you'll agree to be his Dad.


Great soundtrack alt text.

Send Beef to the stars and 2001: A Space Odyssey flashes before his eyes. Well, bits of the soundtrack, anyway.

Carl Sagan voice: "Billions and billions of stars"


"I'm Leonard Nemoy, Join me as we take an expedition of cleaning your CD player or CD-ROM drive. Switch to track 4 to begin."

A comment left by catachresis was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by featurelessvoid, wittyname, josher, DerSquirrel)

So...he keeps an antique revolver in his thong, then? Ah, what a feeling it must be to conceal a deadly weapon amongst one's own junk!

Also has the advantage of making your junk look bigger.

Ray is packing heat.

They don't call him Sure-Shootin' Rex Dandycorn for nothing...

They don't call him that for something, either. Because they don't call him that.



Naw, man. Not necessarily, anyway. When challenging someone unarmed to duel, a classy gent will always furnish them with a weapon.

Well... hrrm... maybe he conceals his gun in the same place that Max (of Sam & Max ) hid his...

i wonder why the stars (if they are in fact stars) in the final panel resemble a face. is it a skull? what's it supposed to represent..? is it as simple as 'passing into death'?

Good catch, I had never noticed the skull before.

Looks like Cartilage Head, if you ask me.

i must admit that the cartilage head story arc has always left me utterly baffled. not that i don't appreciate it - it just leaves me going 'whaaaaaa...?' (^ ^,)

It just looks like a sad face to me. The opposite of the happy face.

There has never been a happier face than that of a skull. It's the only emotion they know.

They're like dolphins that way.

That is definitely a skull. Check out the hole where the nose goes.

Good eye, indeed! Never, ever saw that. God, this is great.

It definitely looks like Lyle's Misfits shirt.

Oh my God I didn't notice that. I just thought it was a pretty densening (I Googled it and it is a word) of the stars. Now it's something to freak me out.

It looks like the_boffin from the Cornelius's computer arc.

It looks like your bottom.

Presumably the skull represents death, basically because Roast Beef has died. His spirit does not look too bothered by the idea of floating in space though.

Ray and Beef are close friends such that Ray will genuinely kill you if you hurt Beef. Classic.

Ray didn't kill himself after he shot Beef himself.

He wasn't dead, he was on life support.

You're correcting a mistake that no one made. But thank you, though.

Man, I'm gonna use that putdown some day.

The start of one of the most beautiful Achewood story arcs.

It's strips like this that make me wish there was something higher than a 5.

Strips like this really waste my time - I have to go back to all the 5's that I've given, and re-evaluate if they are still a 5 in light of the new evidence.

ACHEWOOD: It throws off the goddamned scoring curve

Holy Jesus, the perfect sound track to this strip is Mr. Ambulance Driver by the Flaming Lips. Seriously, you will cry.

Testing upon this hypothesis does not yield great results.


If you own House of Leaves , check out page 477. Navidson is dying and floating through the void, and he sings the same lines of Daisy Bell.

House of Leaves , if one ignores the obnoxious side-story courtesy on one Johnny Truant, is a great book.

And the obsessively composed inanely lengthy lists of names that sometimes run backwards in blue text.

I love trying to describe this book to people who should read it.

I am pro-House of Leaves, but also please note: HAL sings "Daisy" when Dave turns him off in 2001, all slow and creepy-style. This in turn was a nod to Max Matthews, a computer music pioneer sort of guy, who got some computer to sing "Daisy" back when computers were gigantic, couldn't do shit, and had to be operated by the most ridiculously-bespectacled nerds in lab coats.

*nods* You know your stuff, sir. Chubby.


Edification, good sir! I thank you.

Book inside a book inside a book inside a brainfuck.

Wait...somebody else made the mistake of reading Dhalgrin?

This is such a great strip. I just wish... I dunno, the format kind of prevents it, but the (excellent) composition and pacing would be even better if the panels of Beef floating into the afterlife were larger and more ... spacious-feeling, somehow. More space but also more stars.

It would make more visceral the feeling the strip already implies.


On top of the sky
Is a place where you go
If you've done, nothing wrong

This is a very poignant strip in Roast Beef and Ray's relationship. Ray would shoot his own uncle to avenge his dearest friend.

I've no desire to detract from your heart-warming feeling of camaraderie, here, but as they were dueling and given Ray's pose in the second panel, does it not strike you as likely that he was about to shoot anyway?

I think of Ray as a man who would only fire upon the uncle in self defence. Seeming that the uncle had already fired his shot, it's likely that this was purely a move of vengeance from ray.

"What an ass the man was to get in front of the guns!"

The juxtaposition of scenes! It's just like The Godfather!

I do love the contrast in every other frame.

That bullet was meant for Ray!

Oh yeah like you gonna shoot your uncle Ray

Like you really gonna go all pro ice all of a s- oh

Ray can too go pro ice on someone if he's in a raw situation

Avenged within a second of hitting the ground.

Truly epic

Raw. Five.

It's good to know that the shootout is taking place in the ER. You know, so if anyone gets hurt, they don't have to travel that far.

But why did Ray move Tic-tac from his right hand to his left?


He didn't, he's just stabilizing the gun with both hands in the 6th panel to make sure he shoots his own uncle straight through the heart.

(if you look closely, you'll notice another line and bit of white area above the left arm, and in between the gun and Ray's mouth)

Did anyone else notice the face in the stars? Or do I just need to finally wash my coffee mug?

I find Ray's dueling form to be exemplary. A quick, clean, relatively painless kill without the indignity of having one's well-cultured features reduced to so much lean ground beef by merciless ballistics. The downside is that in making himself a smaller target, he opened his best friend up to the shot meant for him; as we can all see, though, he rectifies the mistake with surprising alacrity.

On further consideration, the switch from rapiers to revolvers was probably made precisely because this kind of kill became possible with firearms. Melee weapons are always a messy business, no matter how refined the hand on the hilt is.

If anyone is wondering, I am a bit into my cups, yes.

I love this strip.

I was listening to Michael Nyman, Lost and Found (The Piano)
It is just unreal combining this strip and music. The stars....

Mainly, I'm just impressed with Ray's marksmanship. Truly, The Dude Has Got No Mercy . Upon seeing Beef laid low, he turns and fires a single shot, dead through the heart.

Fucking Beautiful.

A man should have at least one friend who will cold shoot a man to avenge him.

This is excellent. The last panel reminds me of Jamie Hewlett's style, for some reason.

With all his cyborg parts, he should logically be harder to kill... Rational guy like him, you'd think he'd request a few redundant vitals he could fail over to in situations like this.