+0 -0
earlier than '96 dude.
earlier than '96 dude.
+0 -0
A comment left by geysershitdick was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ted0phile, straw, mball, madnes, Overmedicated, bookofsand, lk, blarghamagarky, aperson)
A comment left by geysershitdick was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ted0phile, straw, mball, madnes, Overmedicated, bookofsand, lk, blarghamagarky, aperson)
+3 -0
Beef's anti-dreadlock stance continues (see his recipe for home fries in the cookbook)
Beef's anti-dreadlock stance continues (see his recipe for home fries in the cookbook)
+2 -0
I love the thought of blogging right onto t-shirts.
I love the thought of blogging right onto t-shirts.
+1 -0
A blogged shirt would certainly get more pageviews and more comments. All you'd need is an advertising banner and BANG, instant business.
A blogged shirt would certainly get more pageviews and more comments. All you'd need is an advertising banner and BANG, instant business.
+4 -0
A blogged t-shit would probably get about as much 'outside time' as the rest of Beef's t-shirt collection.
The difference between Beef and other bloggers being: Beef rarely leaves the house in clothes, bloggers rarely leave the house at all.
A blogged t-shit would probably get about as much 'outside time' as the rest of Beef's t-shirt collection.
The difference between Beef and other bloggers being: Beef rarely leaves the house in clothes, bloggers rarely leave the house at all.
+1 -0
I'm not going to deny it, I chubbied your comment based solely on the fact that I have the Hoody version of your avatar.
I'm not going to deny it, I chubbied your comment based solely on the fact that I have the Hoody version of your avatar.
+2 -0
To be fair, I wouldn't likely leave the house in a t-shit, either.
To be fair, I wouldn't likely leave the house in a t-shit, either.
+0 -0
Apparently no-one noticed that for eight months.
Apparently no-one noticed that for eight months.
+0 -0
That's me: searching through the archives to dredge up your year-old mistakes.
Also, sweet SGR avatar!
That's me: searching through the archives to dredge up your year-old mistakes.
Also, sweet SGR avatar!
+0 -0
+1 -0
They'll be havin' LCD-fiber Tee's that update shit in a few years, you just watch you..... Shit, disregard that, I'm calling Smuckles Enterprises on this. Yo!
They'll be havin' LCD-fiber Tee's that update shit in a few years, you just watch you..... Shit, disregard that, I'm calling Smuckles Enterprises on this. Yo!
+1 -0
and Beef is printing onto Hanes Beefy Tees
and Beef is printing onto Hanes Beefy Tees
+24 -0
The best part of this strip is that what is on his shirt is an actual post from his blog.
The best part of this strip is that what is on his shirt is an actual post from his blog.
+0 -1
I wonder if those old bikes were illegal ghost bikes.
I wonder if those old bikes were illegal ghost bikes.
+1 -0
I would definitely wear Ray's shirt. Crap, does that make me a hipster?
I would definitely wear Ray's shirt. Crap, does that make me a hipster?
+1 -0
the shitty kind
the shitty kind
+9 -0
Is there any other kind?
Is there any other kind?
+2 -1
I refuse to answer that
I refuse to answer that
+2 -0
Dang, blarghamagarky. Seeing this lame on your comment made me think "I've hardly ever seen her be lamed anywhere, how many lames does she have, I wonder?" So, I went to look at your profile and discovered that you have made 271 comments, but received 367 chubbies. That averages out to 1.3542435424354243542435424354244 chubbies per comment.
Dang, blarghamagarky. Seeing this lame on your comment made me think "I've hardly ever seen her be lamed anywhere, how many lames does she have, I wonder?" So, I went to look at your profile and discovered that you have made 271 comments, but received 367 chubbies. That averages out to 1.3542435424354243542435424354244 chubbies per comment.
+0 -0
And you have on average roughly .02 lames per post. Which is still unwarrantedly high.
And you have on average roughly .02 lames per post. Which is still unwarrantedly high.
+0 -0
Me? Or blarghamagarky?
Me? Or blarghamagarky?
+1 -0
Oh okay I just worked out my lame average which is 0.05..something, so clearly that was directed at blarghamagarky.
Oh okay I just worked out my lame average which is 0.05..something, so clearly that was directed at blarghamagarky.
+0 -0
No, I'm just weak at maths. Or maybe you suddenly got a lot of lames between my calculation and yours. Who can say?
No, I'm just weak at maths. Or maybe you suddenly got a lot of lames between my calculation and yours. Who can say?
+1 -0
I don't know, I haven't had a Maths lesson for like three years now so I could just be totally shit.
But cheers for the compliment!
I don't know, I haven't had a Maths lesson for like three years now so I could just be totally shit.
But cheers for the compliment!
+0 -0
Hahaha. My lames to chubbies ratio always sticks around 1:10
The majority of them came from that one episode of a thread on Abraxas with Tekende and when I posted a video of Rodney Dangerfield and no one watched it and I got angry
Hahaha. My lames to chubbies ratio always sticks around 1:10
The majority of them came from that one episode of a thread on Abraxas with Tekende and when I posted a video of Rodney Dangerfield and no one watched it and I got angry
+0 -0
Hey man I said I watched it.
Also I've been meaning to ask this about your semi-new avatar: so is that you again or is that ripped from some Sarah Brightman album cover?
Hey man I said I watched it.
Also I've been meaning to ask this about your semi-new avatar: so is that you again or is that ripped from some Sarah Brightman album cover?
+0 -0
Or some sort of nightmare amalgamation
Or some sort of nightmare amalgamation
+0 -0
wtf is sarah brightman
PS it's your mother
wtf is sarah brightman
PS it's your mother
+0 -0
I apologize it's not Sarah Brightman or my mother; it's one third of the Ritual de lo Habitual cover
I apologize it's not Sarah Brightman or my mother; it's one third of the Ritual de lo Habitual cover
+0 -0

+3 -0
+0 -0
+1 -0
Yeah but she's got such as a veil and tunic. Your icon has got a halter top on at best. The Ritual de lo Habitual cover is closer.
I win.
PS It's your Holy Mother.
Yeah but she's got such as a veil and tunic. Your icon has got a halter top on at best. The Ritual de lo Habitual cover is closer.
I win.
PS It's your Holy Mother.
+0 -0
maybe its a mixture of the bove apicture of the virgin and that one picture of venus in a seashell?
maybe its a mixture of the bove apicture of the virgin and that one picture of venus in a seashell?
+0 -0
We in Britain are often given to wonder this. Just what the fuck is Sarah Brightman?
We in Britain are often given to wonder this. Just what the fuck is Sarah Brightman?
+2 -0
"Ten Hot Summer Words"
That is basically all that is going on with Maxim. Spot on.
"Ten Hot Summer Words"
That is basically all that is going on with Maxim. Spot on.
+1 -0
Extremely correct.
Extremely correct.
+0 -0
I have to ask... who is your heavy metal jesus??
I have to ask... who is your heavy metal jesus??
+3 -0
"Heh! Probably not, but maybe?"
I love how Ray, whenever confused by a question that he completely doesn't understand, begins his answer (in a falsely unassuming but obviously embarrased way) with "Heh!" I think I do that, and this particular line has become a favorite of mine.
"Heh! Probably not, but maybe?"
I love how Ray, whenever confused by a question that he completely doesn't understand, begins his answer (in a falsely unassuming but obviously embarrased way) with "Heh!" I think I do that, and this particular line has become a favorite of mine.
+0 -0
Roast beef is nervous about exhibiting his blog on his clothes. He isnt a anonymous anymore
Roast beef is nervous about exhibiting his blog on his clothes. He isnt a anonymous anymore
+4 -0
I find it extremely unlikely that Beef did not know about CafePress before Ray did, but this is still great.
I find it extremely unlikely that Beef did not know about CafePress before Ray did, but this is still great.
+5 -0
Drink it. slam it. pound it. Bacardi Gold.
Drink it. slam it. pound it. Bacardi Gold.
+0 -0
Ten Hot Summer Words
Ten Hot Summer Words
+7 -0
Drink it. Slam it. Pound it. Chug it! Rape it! Smash it on the ground, and roll around naked and bleeding in the alcohol and needle-like fragments of glass, laughing like crazy and bleeding!!!
Bacardi Gold.
Drink it. Slam it. Pound it. Chug it! Rape it! Smash it on the ground, and roll around naked and bleeding in the alcohol and needle-like fragments of glass, laughing like crazy and bleeding!!!
Bacardi Gold.
+1 -0
( ...and bleeding )
( ...and bleeding )
+0 -0
that is frightening. so much so that i peed my pants.
that is frightening. so much so that i peed my pants.
+2 -0
This needs to be rated so much higher, if only because it sports three of the finest Onstadisms of all time. "I want it to be white and say certain information about George Clooney," "It is considered extremely correct et al." and of course the phrase "put your notions on a t-shirt." Help join my campaign to get this strip into the 4.7 Club.
This needs to be rated so much higher, if only because it sports three of the finest Onstadisms of all time. "I want it to be white and say certain information about George Clooney," "It is considered extremely correct et al." and of course the phrase "put your notions on a t-shirt." Help join my campaign to get this strip into the 4.7 Club.
+0 -0
i had thought about doing something similar to Roast Beef's shirt once upon a time, before i found Achewood. this is why i fived this.
i had thought about doing something similar to Roast Beef's shirt once upon a time, before i found Achewood. this is why i fived this.
+5 -0
This strip could be damn hilarious with just the first two panels. Ray calls up a website. Guys. He calls up a website.
This strip could be damn hilarious with just the first two panels. Ray calls up a website. Guys. He calls up a website.
+17 -0
Today's Blogs
Lyle: pissbeen good
Today's Blogs
Lyle: pissbeen good
+0 -0
These blogs about Lyle's piss shouldn't be as funny as they are. That it's so much on his mind that he blogs about it, een after it's getting better. He's celebrating by blogging. I wonder if anyone else would listen to him about this topic?
And I also love that this one cuts off when it does.
These blogs about Lyle's piss shouldn't be as funny as they are. That it's so much on his mind that he blogs about it, een after it's getting better. He's celebrating by blogging. I wonder if anyone else would listen to him about this topic?
And I also love that this one cuts off when it does.
+0 -0
Props to Onstad for using basically the exact font from the Vote for Pedro shirt.
Props to Onstad for using basically the exact font from the Vote for Pedro shirt.
+2 -0
Good old Cooper Black, Comic Sans' older, smarter and more mature brother.
Good old Cooper Black, Comic Sans' older, smarter and more mature brother.
+3 -0
Behind the Typeface: Cooper Black
Behind the Typeface: Cooper Black
+0 -0
Thank you for validating my obsession with fonts.
Thank you for validating my obsession with fonts.
+0 -0
No problem, I too suffer from this obsession...It is a trying burden.
No problem, I too suffer from this obsession...It is a trying burden.
+11 -0
One time I was at my friend's house, and he had to go and do something for a little while, so I was sitting in his room all bored and alone, so my first thought was, okay, internet, but his wireless connection was down (of course), and then I thought, right, um, games? But it was a Mac and had no games like solitaire or whatever, so then I thought, all right, I'll doodle in a Paint-type application, but there was nothing like THAT either, so finally I found his Fonts folder and just perused that for a while. It was okay.
One time I was at my friend's house, and he had to go and do something for a little while, so I was sitting in his room all bored and alone, so my first thought was, okay, internet, but his wireless connection was down (of course), and then I thought, right, um, games? But it was a Mac and had no games like solitaire or whatever, so then I thought, all right, I'll doodle in a Paint-type application, but there was nothing like THAT either, so finally I found his Fonts folder and just perused that for a while. It was okay.
+4 -0
I was sooooo overjoyed when I got my new laptop last summer because, even though Vista is kind of crass, some of the fonts are ri dic ulous. I got Blue Highway, man! The fucking highway sign font! How dope is that? I was TOO overjoyed by this.
I was sooooo overjoyed when I got my new laptop last summer because, even though Vista is kind of crass, some of the fonts are ri dic ulous. I got Blue Highway, man! The fucking highway sign font! How dope is that? I was TOO overjoyed by this.
+0 -0
Your stories are always the best stories.
Your stories are always the best stories.
+0 -0
I was hoping you were talking to me but I guess not :(
I was hoping you were talking to me but I guess not :(
+1 -0
Your stories are always the 2nd best stories.
Your stories are always the 2nd best stories.
+0 -0
+0 -0
+0 -0
xmy life.
xmy life.
+0 -0
Dude, I cannot brook the hipster t-shirt.
Dude, I cannot brook the hipster t-shirt.
+0 -0
Awesome. Coptic is a really cool language, descended from Ancient Egyptian. Coptic Christian liturgies are the reason we can now reconstruct the proper pronunciation of many common Ancient Egyptian words.
Awesome. Coptic is a really cool language, descended from Ancient Egyptian. Coptic Christian liturgies are the reason we can now reconstruct the proper pronunciation of many common Ancient Egyptian words.
+0 -0
"nasty ass dreadlocks".. lols. they don't call 'em 'dookie braids' for nothing.
"nasty ass dreadlocks".. lols. they don't call 'em 'dookie braids' for nothing.
+0 -0
[] Skip to 12:09. This guy is Ray Smuckles in reality.
[] Skip to 12:09. This guy is Ray Smuckles in reality.
+0 -0
hilarious? youre kinda right, only ray isnt as old. hilarious-er? when i skipped to 12:09, there was a ketel one ad while i waited for it to buffer......
hilarious? youre kinda right, only ray isnt as old. hilarious-er? when i skipped to 12:09, there was a ketel one ad while i waited for it to buffer......
+0 -0
I cannot wait until the day comes when I can look back on this strip and say, "Oh yeah, I think I do remember when there was so much nonsense on t-shirts all over the goddamn place. I sure am glad that's over."
I'm pretty sure it started with SPAM t-shirts back in '96 or so. Anybody got my back here?
I think it pretty much started with rock'n'roll.
Nope, started way before rock'n'roll. I'd say the first printing on T-shirts was for colleges, just the name of the institution. Then somewhere in the early 1960s, silk screen printing came to Ts, and with considerable difficulty, you could screen print your choice of words or basic images. The ink was sweaty, though. Better techniques followed, and you could go to large T-shirt printing production houses (there was one in Cincinnatti) and buy their seconds for cheap, and sport all sorts of nonsense on your chest, like the mess crew of an aircraft carrier, or some brand of booze no one ever heard of. Being able to custom print small batches of Ts is probably from the late 1970s.
haha, look at the old guy!
Avatar comment synergy running wild.
I'm from Cincinnati! I even have one of those extra shirts, it's my favorite one I own!
It probably started with skateboarders. Most things do.