If you appreciate Achewood, please support Chris Onstad (shop; gallery art.)
Téodor accidentally pleads his case. Tuesday, July 21, 2009 • read strip Viewing 254 comments:

A comment left by not_onstad was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Shinkusan, 21echoes, SnotGrumble)

no one can undo what you've done.

once it has been seen
it cannot be unseen

Oh my goodness, first post! Well, my heavens! How completely unexpected! On the off chance of a mass-forfeiture or transit strike, I did take the liberty of preparing a few remarks.


IN YOUR FACE, untilyouaresonude!

Good to see somebody gracious in victory.

Goddammit, I thought I'd get in first

bowm-chicka-wow wow!

brown chicken brown cow

no thank you.


Teodor will win this contest and become richer than Ray will ever be.

I know this because Teodor lost the Badass Games and is therefore more of a woman than both Ray and the Williams-Sonoma guy.

by that logic, Lyle would win, according to Nice Pete.

This contest does sound suspiciously like the set-up to one of Nice Pete's "A-1" murders...

I picture a device by which the winner, upon removing the elephant costume's head to receive his accolade, inadvertently loses his own, real head as well. (There would be an absolute fountain of blood, which the lesbians would of course be helpless to turn off.)

You have posted 60% of comments on this strip. Is every-one else asleep?

All I know is it is 3:29 PM here in beautiful Maui, Hawaii, and my work shift has not yet begun.

And I will help you in the fight against not_onstad!

We will all help, when you think about it.

Not to mention that Teodor is gettink yeast infection, which, after all, is mainly a thing of chicks.

Teodor will choke and lose this contest just like he chokes and loses every opportunity he has ever had to do something great. The dude is clever, but has no discipline.

It is a thing of self-esteem, tied to his miniscule penis. With tiny string.

i feel you have personal experience on the subject, farqussus

you feel my wang?

Does anyone ever wonder where Teodor gets his insight? I don't think we know much about his life experiences, but he seems to know a lot for a guy who's not portrayed as very social.

From the greatest lesbian of them all... Robert Smith.

Chubs for beating me to a The Cure reference

hey, look! it's a The Cheat!!

don't you mean The Clash

Teodor has built-in gaydor, lezdor, Curedor, porndor.

The gods hung him like a cranberry, then considered his woeful fate and took pity.

Not to mention a wealth of matador, Gondor, and pompadour. Those aren't quite as useful in this situation, though.

Ray's a Dapper-Dan man. He's in a tight spot.


But it would appear that what he needs is a Fop man, not a Dapper Dan Man.



It is mainly a product of image-conscious black gentlemen.

For EXTERNAL use only.


(this is fun)

3 OZ.



Made from real Pomeranians.


He's Bona-fide!

The "FOR MEN ONLY" gives me a chuckle.

Your avatar gives me a chuckle.

He shall go into the dump alone, and yea, he will let the junkies play darts with him.

We have seen most of T life experiences happen in front of us.

Some people like to use an electric toothbrush for their life experiences.

Some do not.

Welcome back tg.
I was afraid the macho atmosphere here had discouraged you.
Is life for you a clean tooth or do you follow the great frontier tradition of improvisation?

Currently, I am facing a great root-canal of a life change. I hope to avoid infection.

Does anyone ever wonder where Teodor gets his insight?

It has been obvious from the beginning. Teodor is a lesbian.

Yes, yes, I know we've seen him nude. More than once. But he is "hung like a cranberry," and he can provide deep insight into the female mind despite apparently never having had close contact with any unattached females. I think deusoma will be back me up when I diagnose Teodor's case as one of hermaphroditic chimerism.

(Yes, that episode of House was on yesterday.)

House's Head/Wilson's Heart.

i have never cried at television before.



I KNOWWWWWWWWWW -sad aniface goes here-

Oh yeah, that was a good one. I really liked the way they did the exploring memory thing.

it's cool that there are so many ways to access it, for sure.

i believe this type of lesbian is called a lesbro ...

my friend's girlfriend is a 'hasbian'.

actually, they are called 'dykes'.

I put myself through college doing Chippendale work. Women are even worse than this when gathered together and drunk. And the laws and standards on what they can do to a stripper are far more lax than the rules for men. Not just thong tugging, but leg-humping, ball-swatting, ass-poking (the not-fun-to-be-poked part), and the raunchiest suggestions I've heard since I was your mother's roommate. You bitches is crazy .

Hedonismbot : he knows your mom personally

biblically .

Any old hedonist can have sex with your mom. It takes a machine to be her colleague.

At least you had venerable exemplars to look up to:

That picture is just hilarious as the dickens.

I can never get over how much Swayze's hair makes him look like a lion in that sketch.

It's the top half of David Hasselhoff and the bottom half of Jack the Pumpkin King... dancing next to Chris Farley.
I so did not predict seeing this when I woke up this morning.

And yet you left all that for a diploma and the normal world .
Why, hedonismbot? Why would you do such a thing?

You and "expectations" making the rounds...

Do you seriously expect us to believe that there's a part of your ass which you would consider a "not fun" place to be poked?

Oh, come now. Not all of us can enjoy that sort of violent intimacy.

But he's not like all of us.

Any asspokery that causes me to get a metallic taste in my mouth is not welcome

What about asspokery that causes you to get a metallic taste in her mouth?

I have a female friend who attended the hen party of a colleague, and swears blind that she saw a woman give a male stripper a straight-up honest-to-goodness blowjob in the middle of a hotel reception area, while the other attendees took photographs. I am about sixty percent sure she is exaggerating, but perhaps you could offer a professional opinion.

thats tame

Not remotely unusual. It seems like a job perk, but crazed, drunk women in groups tend to use a lot of teeth, and a more hungry sort of technique.

It smells awful after the let you go. You cannot go soft at any time. People will be slapping you ass (and poking, as mentioned above)

They will not be gentle with your balls during this blowjob.

... and the image of hedonimsbot as a stripper, is, for whatever reason, completely doing my head in.

mmmm yeah. well anyway. I guess how women behave depends on what culture they are from.


On you, maybe.

teodor is a Dumpy Bitch

If Teodor ends up with Williams-Sonoma, he'll probably regret it. No one can move high-end kitchen equipment in a down economy, no one. I mean, unless he plans on distributing everything via garage sale with Roast Beef as head of sales.

This is probably the best idea ever. I'll have my people type up a cheque to you. In my experience, this is typically a good time to start figuring whether you like your private jets gold- or diamond-plated.

The number of men in the room will increase until I am so prude.

Congrats. I was wondering who the first female voice in the room would be



That's an internet picture. I've seen your VPR before. I have seen you that nude. It looks nothing like that. I wouldn't hit the VPR in that picture with Tekende's foul-smelling, surprisingly thick dick.


Ladies love a man who can own up to what he's packing. Men do too, but it takes an extra step: the moment he registers what he's seeing, do a De Niro. Instant opinion on Prop 8, guaranteed .

A...de Niro? What?


The tiny penis is left as an exercise to the reader.


Is that... ginseng?


I think it's very hard to dissect this nicely. I haven't tried yet, but I think so.

It's no easy task, but there are trickier things to dissect. The brachial plexus is a bitch with an attitude problem, for example. Personally, I think nerves can go fuck themselves.

Nerves are a picnic compared to the pancreas. Once met a doctor who fucked up a pancreatic resection so bad he had to convert to Judaism. And he was the anesthesiologist.

Well, I recently had the opportunity to play with a couple of spinal chords, and the spinal nerves were all hacked to shit. Whereas this one is beautifully intact.

spinal chords - eg the opening riff of Stonehenge.



That conjures a very disturbing image, a la Hannibal Lecter mind-melded to Harpo Marx.

Or a futuristic source of musical voyeurism....

A comment left by avatar was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Wolfensti, intergalactic_, rowboat, Gumfish, Lumus, aHatOfPig, mystkmanat, singtralala)

Could you make try and make a little more sense ?

that's what they said to Lewis Carrol

In response to which he muttered something about 'momeraths' and continued to masturbate frantically to portraits of young girls in ankle socks.

It's also what they said to Peter Sutcliffe.

I think he was comparing me to diffraction grating. I'm not sure.


Ray would probably protect his honour by making everybody think it's still him in the elephant costume. Then after Teodor is victorious Ray signs everything over to him behind closed doors. Ray keeps his honour, Teodor gets a multi-million dollar empire.

effectively writing T out of the story for the next few months.

good call.

T is king. I love how far away he is when Ray starts typing and how close he is in the next panel. I also love the "building the frenzy" pose he has just before he unleashes on Ray. I... I've missed you T.

Is it just me, or is Teodor a little rounder even than normal?

His chest is swollen with pride.

He did grab hine heart and make terrible oaths upon it.

the prophesy must be fulfilled

this was actually pretty good
i think it was "flick my bean" that won it for me
considering...that as a woman, that phrase makes hella sense

for me, it's the last panel. That is classic Achewood like in the good old days when every strip was like that. I guess I'm not literate enough to explain what exactly I love so much about what goes on in the last panel of this strip, but it's just, I guess it's the sardonic aspect of it. I love that kinda humor

as ever, Tedor all focused on his own little world in a sorta selfish way. I think Onstad must dress up in a teddy bear costume for weeks on end to learn how to do that character.

'founder'... as if the title is transferable. By definition only the original founder can be and ever was the founder or anything. It's funny how Ray came up with that, as he would come up with something so grandiose yet impractical like that, and then it's funny how Tedor doesn't notice it, because as always, Tedor has horse blinders on. It's understandable that Mr. Williams would go along with the linguistic impossibility of transferring the title of 'Founder' - he's 100, there ain't much he cares about anymore.

I do believe that Mister Chuck Williams is trying his damndest to abandon a foundered and burning ship.

Found mail order company. Reach nearly 100 years of age. Grow bored of company. Deliberately loose company to minor copywriter by throwing an erotic fiction writing contest. That old chestnut.

Alright, what's next on the list?

well said. I pine for the days of old Achewood, but I'm willing to wait through a transitional period. Besides, this arc has been pretty good.

A comment left by juggalo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by expellens, Jar, Lumus, aHatOfPig, singtralala, desert_donkey, mrblank91, colorlessness, HistoryAndMetal)

AIU, why you gotta do a thing? Just when you are not pissing me off you go and post a giant shit like this or your fucking assimov thing .

yeah, sorry... I was gonna, but then it had all these line feeds that needed to be removed, so I said screw it. but then I was inspired by manflesh, so I forged ahead into MS Word and did a search/replace to strip out the extra line feeds. I'm just keeping the memory of manflesh alive.

Well, you're pretty sure of yourself, ain't you, Teodor. Teodor, that's a funny name for a teddy bear to come from Minsk. What do they call you up there?
They call me Mister Thinky!


Plenty of "I..."'s lately. I am surprised that I'm the first person to notice this lapse in dialogue variety.

Panels 5 and 6 make this a 5 automatically.

I 4'd, but 4 is the new 5.

i 5 eery fucking strip get out of here

This arc was sort of pissing me off. But the last panel in this strip redeemed the whole effing thing. Kudos

"THINK INSIDE MY BOX, MANDORA" deserves special recognition.

It's raunchy with a hint of class! I wish I knew even one person in real life who could come up with something so sublimely clever.

Umberto Eco's writing utterly confounds me.

I've been trying to finish Foucault's Pendulum for about nine years. I mean, Jesus Christ, at least punch an albino monk or something, throw me a bone here.

Eco is my favourite author and Foucalt's Pendulum is my favourite book

but even the head of history at my university, a professor specialising in medieval history, told me that the first few chapters were too dry for him

It's so beautiful.

Mine also. I've never read a word of him, I just like yelling "Umberto Eco, Foucalt's Pendulum" into a canyon, while swaying back and forth, just for the effect.*

*This is a boldfaced lie of course, totally not in the chimerical style of Eco. I've read his shit and, by now forgotten all of it. Except Ron Perlman.

The man takes gibbering to an artform.


My prof described Foucault's Pendulum as 'one of the three great unread books of the 20th century' (the others being Gravity's Rainbow and Finnegan's Wake). There was actually a Foucault Pendulum in the engineering building but it seemed to be finished.

Two out of three for me then. Not bad for unread books. I did stuggle through Finnegan's, but I really enjoy reading Rainbow (I consider Mason and Dixon Pynchon's best work though, as it has Rainbows complexity, humor and intertextivity, but is a breeze to read).

It is better to live a life than spend it reading pretentious rubbish.

It's not like Foucault's Pendulum is a hard (or pretentious) read. It's just long and really dry in parts, and Eco doesn't have the "if you don't read them you're a philistine" status of Cervantes or Proust or Tolstoy or Melville, so people don't feel obliged to finish it. Ergo it gets a reputation as being inaccessible.

Just because we have a world with Dan Brown in it doesn't mean we have to lower our standards.

Admittedly 11 months is a little late to weigh in again on this, but I feel deeply about it.

finally, another awesome strip

kudos, O

Teodor will choke as always.

Oh, Laughing-out-loud-at-an-Achewood-strip, how I missed your warm embrace.

Take me now!.. but don't think we won't have endless terrible conversations about how you never called in the future.

I dunno, on teh one han' i see were smuckles thinkin' is in gibbin' erry1thing up jus' to win even tho ee gets non teh rewards but G.D. teh other option is 2 turf is out on ur on shouldahs win or lose wit teh sweat o ur own back. damn, tuff decision i'd prob go wit teh fly solo one instead o teh gib eerythin' up for better chance at save face on accnt o i dun giv a shit wat sum1 finks.

ps. ib i were woman i'd be lez cuz no way i'd be into dick.

and as a lez, no dick would be into you.

at this point, i'm not sure even a dildo would be into him.

fuck you

'flick my bean' don't you mean

I did not laugh at the strip.

I laughed at this.

You didn't laugh at the strip? You been a little down lately Scorpio.

fuck you

"flick my bean"? wow

No thank you.

A BIG man!

And that aint worth arguin about...

By the way why is it a big deal being the founder of something...i mean...will he own "Williams-Sonoma"?

I think Ray was hoping he could use the title to flesh out his wikipedia entry a little.

What about the last dude, will it say, "not the founder of William-Sonoma", "former founder", etc, etc

I mean...what i mean to say...to say what i mean...

He'll be erased from the article history. Ray knows a guy (a guy called Jimbo).

You look like a Jimbo...

Seems, madam! nay it is; I know not seems.

Bean-flickers of the 11th Century: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone by Umberto Eco

A woman who may or may not be the reincarnation of Diogenes of Sinope makes her way the fracturing Abbasid Caliphate in search of a missing alchemist who has stolen a Persian Miniature rumored to be haunted by the ghost of a camel who can read the future. She is perused by the fanatical agents of Robert I of Sicily. Along the route she delves into the secrets of cryptography and the curing of meat. She also flicks a great deal of bean.


(well, I made it through the first book)

Wait! hatstand_mcq is from... History!

A woman who may or may not be the reincarnation of Diogenes of Sinope makes her way the fracturing Abbasid Caliphate in search of a missing alchemist who has stolen a Persian Miniature rumored to be haunted by the ghost of a camel who can read the future. She is perused by the fanatical agents of Robert I of Sicily. Along the route she delves into the secrets of cryptography and the curing of meat. She also flicks a great deal of bean.

She, Ray, and Chuck walk into a bar full of lesbians.


all of this sounds like the premise for a bad Japanese cartoon

For many years Onstad has waited to use the term "think inside my box."


Teodor has his finger on the pulse of the Cliterati.

Oh! That is truly the limit.

Truly, it is. Where is Tekende, uncrowned arbiter of chubbs, to call this one massive ?


*soorio*"mang jus' when u fink u no sunbody...

T in a clutch situation? The guy is a choke artist. He'll fuck this up so bad.

Need to Ramses to write this down. He'd have the bitches panties sopping wet.

For better or for worse, this is going to end badly wih Theodore in the mix.

I could see Beef pulling this off. Some steel-cold nerves all blasting some beatnik rapstyle poetic verse.

Beans get flicked. Brillo pads get bumped. Carpets get munched.

Teodor Handled the voice doughnut rather well I think.

Beef could make it through as long as he doesn't watch spelling bee re-runs. Children all disappointing their parents on national television, watching their dreams of going to Yale slowly disintegrate into nightmares of Cornell.

Oh, Cornell. So, so glad I didn't pick you.
On the tour, one could hear the muffled screaming echoing out of the living halls.

My guidance counselor failed to send in a crucial part of my application until well after the deadline had passed. Despite being given a stamped, addressed envelope to mail it in. He claims he thought I was no longer interested in applying there. He did this for every school except the one state school I was applying to. I only managed to swing a wait-list out of it after that shit.

In retrospect Cornell was absolutely cold as fuck and I would have been living distressingly close to my grandmother. But I would have been able to have fond memories of Hot Truck. So it's kind of a toss-up.

it strikes me that mr williams has not yet been shown


he could be your mom

I like that T begins with honest intentions of helping Ray, but the attempt at aid reveals his own megalomania. This is how all great evils are born, I suppose.

"Come on Germany! I know It's tough for you to recover from the end of the Great War. The treaty of Versailles was a punch in the tits for all of us. But we can get through this."
"It's too hard. We just want to sit around watching Liza Minnelli sing a way that is technically proficient but lacking in charm."
"Come on. There's lots we can do. We could put on some smart brown shirts for a start."
"We're listening..."

Ray should practice here in Assetbar. Try to type one decent sentence without it being lamed into oblivion and the contest will be a piece of cake.

what a stupid idea. plz shut up

eciov peed snworb nodrog ekil i .htaed 4 mewborp si DEI si .poahc morf t'nac toof enod b tsumb elortap tub nahgfa ni retpocileh fo ytnelp si red .SB lla si sretpocileh toba ffuts sid knif i

i think this stuff about helicopters is all BS. there are plenty of helicopters in afghanistan but patrol must be done on foot not from choppers. is IEDs (that are the) problem for (so much) death. i like gordon brown's deep voice.

i think

Trust him, guys, don't try and read it yourself. You'll just give yourself a headache.

Not tonight dear, I just read dalG.

It must be your skin I'm sinking in
Must be for real 'cause now I can feel
And I didn't mind, it's not my kind
It's not my time to wonder why

Every thing's gone white and every thing's gray
Now you're here, now you're away
I don't want this, remember that
I'll never forget where you're at

Don't let the days go by, Tedorine, Tedorine

I'm never alone, I'm alone all the time
Are you at one or do you lie
We live in a wheel where everyone steals
But when we rise, it's like strawberry fields

If I treated you bad, you bruise my face
Couldn't love you more, you got a beautiful taste
Don't let the days go by
Could have been easier on you

I couldn't change though I wanted to
Should have been easier by three
Our old friend 'Fear' and you and me
Tedorine, Tedorine

Don't let the days go by, Tedorine
Don't let the days go by, Tedorine, Tedorine
Tedorine, Tedorine

Bad mood whine again
Bad mood whine again
As she falls around me

I needed you more when we wanted us less
I could not kiss, just regress
It might just be clear, simple and plain
Well, that's just fine, that's just one of my names

Don't let the days go by
Could have been easier on you, you, you
Tedorine, Tedorine, Tedorine, Tedorine

i just had a flashback to jr high. thanks for nothing, you asshole.

"Tedorine" sounds like a modern incarnation of Sussudio.

A great, great song.

Oh come on. You have that avatar and that's all you have to say about it?

That's all he said about "Sussudio"!

man i don't know what you are all on about, but i've enjoyed achewood over the years in spite of onstad's bizarre depictions of women. they are definitely not generally a selling point, and i have to say i like it best when onstad just leaves the comic as a total boys' club atmosphere, since it's better than his attempts at writing women. this comic is a lot funnier than molly telling roast beef why men and women are good for each other (women fill in the blanks? barf), but i'm not really looking forward to onstad's idea of a room full of lesbians reading pornography written by two men (one man and a bear). hope i'm pleasantly surprised?

Don't we all.

Hope that you're pleasantly surprised.

My happiness hinges upon how pleasantly surprised gorrioncita will be.

i do really like ray's face as he turns his head in shock at teodor's impression of a bar full of lesbians, though.

A comment left by avatar was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by tekende, re5urgam, Stonecrab, Wozzeck, IronDave)

"Gunshot wounds" is just a fancy doctor way of saying "overdosed on badass".

Badass people either don't get hit or don't go to the hospital. Wussy

I think the reason there are less gunshot wounds is because there are fewer people to hit. As for drinking and smoking, I guess that depends on which demographics you compare.

hey I hate to be off topic and talk about stuff that could be controversial


Lamed for posting a completely unnecessary and incendiary essay. You know exactly what you're doing and I hope this doesn't spawn the 300-thread argument you're hoping for, shitcock.

Hear, hear, fuck this clown indeed!

What the fuck was this in response to? Has Assetbar been deleting comments?

...that was relevant. self-important much?

Uhh hey guys. So I've started this new job and I can get online but I can't access Facebook, or even Twitter, so basically you fuckers are my only contacts to the outside world.

Ssssssooo... what's up?

The Robo-Nazi have taken greenland, the legendary hero was found tho, but he got killed since all he had was a sword and he is no Jack Churchill. Giga robot are on the loose, and they can read your tought for some reason.

Ignore Wolfensti, we think we might have to have him put down.

You don't really want to do that, don't you?

Every goddamn television show I watch is STILL talking about Michael Jackson being all dead.

But he's not all dead. I'm pretty sure his nose is doing well (wherever it is).

not necessarily:

Fairly certain this is the first sleeper reference on assetbar. Props.

I have this same problem at work. I dislike it. Facebook is a great time-waster, and now it is not available to me where I need it most.

Bunch of folks are complaining about the strip sucking for a long time now, and they still haven't left.

But personally, the best Achewood I've read in a long time is the interview at VICE , specifically this bit:

This last Christmas my family and I were in the middle of moving out of Silicon Valley, and our dryer broke. We had to hit a laundromat on the 23rd of December, with our little three-year-old girl, in this wealthy town where we lived. Our life was in a big state of flux and uncertainty, and I was hugely depressed, and it was a %u201Cthere but for the grace of God go I%u201D moment. All my daughter wanted to do was dance and look at herself in the big reflective front windows on the darkened street, and I felt like an utter failure as a father, standing there among the machines, even though this beautiful child saw nothing other than the big expanse of white tiles where she could dance in her new red shoes.

Fucker made me cry and sing right there.

I'm trying to remember when he did that arc where Roast Beef wrote a letter for some homeless guy in a laundromat. ohnorobot is not helping me out here.

tschubd for pointing me to that webpage.

it was christmas last year, you jerk.


unrelated: Vasquez meets Mickey Front .
(it is not the other way around.)

Here you go.

it looks like nobody is keeping up with ohnorobot with the more recent strips (and by recent I mean like a year or so), so, I wouldn't be surprised if the reason you couldn't find it is because nobody has done the transcription yet.

But, c'mon, this one is easy to find in the archives, as it was about Xmas eve. Guess when it was posted? 12/24/2008.

(Sorry I had to link to the assetbar version; I prefer not to, just so it loads quicker, but I normally get to those via, you guessed it, ohnorobot.)

I started at 12/22/2008 and scrolled forward and backward through the archive. I just plain missed it. My boss scolded me yesterday for not staying late enough at work, so I was worrying about getting caught instead of looking at the screen. Clearly, I need to get my priorities straight.

Actual chub for pointing this out. It's so nice to see how he actually got really good ideas.

Perhaps this is the problem. He just isn't having enough interesting experiences and inspiration to turn into material for the strip. So we get long arcs about the same mediocre concept that he stretches along as he finds ways to continue it past the point of anyone caring.

Dude just needs more tragic moments. Someone go feed his dog a couple dozen packets of Pop Rocks and let's see where it takes us.

i'm basically the same way, for a different reason. you guys are my only internet-friends now...the only ones since i joined, really.

Internet friends used to be easier to turn into RL friends. Now I can never be sure that they are who they claim.

40-yo police male officers pretending to be teengirl runaways -- and they say I'm the sick one. You can't imagine the stuff that those "girls" say.

I - on the other hand - have been working on turning my RL friends into internet friends. I talk to my wife more frequently through IM than in person.

honestly i got lik 2 frends total. dey my knock-aroun' guys i know they down for watever. i know dis third guy i don' like him too much at all but he's always greened up so we hang out


Women should be obscene and not heard?

I chubby, because i almost agree.

We should be obscene, and oh so definitely heard while being obscene.

flcik eachothes bean mor, jesus christ.
wish i dint hab 2 put up wit deez stupe females on net too. bad enough tehy low-armstrength selves be runnin' 'rond rl tryin' 2 cut meat like all teh men when they can't livt a fuckin' crate o teh shit onto the table.

yea, stick 2 b vulgar language. das sumfink any weak-kneed woman can do good

Oh, cunt you.

I hear you. I've been talking to your wife more and more on IM than in person too.

Mr.s jeffspaulding is getting a divorce.
Mood: pirate [IMGS OFF]

i know. thanks, Facebook, for connecting us all and making us lonelier at the same time.

i have 15 friends online . we aren't talking but they're on. ha. that's a funny status update. Dave, man, you're such a funny guy. i wish Marcie'd invite me to a lake party one of these days . wait, we don't talk 'cos of what happened at Jeff's. that scuzzy sumbitch . oh, wait, is he on? umm..yup. i feel bad for thinking that simply 'cos he's online. aw hell, she just messaged me.

oh hey, what's up?
"not a lot. just working and stuff, you know?"
i do not know. well, i used to. i've just been unemployed for five months.
"oh damn...sorry."
no worries.
"well, you heard Judy's pregnant, right?"
"oh right, you don't know her. she's one of Sam's friends. you remember, the guy i was engaged to?"

i logged out. there's nothing i need to know that only she can tell me. there is a softball game happening tonight over at that park by Phil's. i should text him.

hey dude. we still playing ball tonight?
you know it! bring some Mike's.
no prob bob.


Your depiction of what seems like comparatively happy times with plenty of friends who engage in activities together simply makes me even sadder and more despondent.

No matter how low you think your own misery may be it is enough to depress someone else who feels that such joy will forever be beyond their grasp.

thus one of my favorite quotes,
"Be careful what you say; everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about."


you are not hedobot. do not say such things.

Awww, I like to think there is a little hedonismbot in all of you

the truest statement.

i can feel it...here.

*point at crotch*

Well, I tell him to try somethin' new, and he thinks for a minute, but then he just does the same old crotch grab, only this time he'll like stamp his foot or puff out his cheeks. It's startin' to get frustrating.

... and I'll be a bar full of lesbians ...

Hi Kim!

who does this be?!

FINE, you big baby, BE founder of Williams-Sonoma. See if I care.