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The GUI Monday, May 13, 2002 • read strip Viewing 35 comments:

Ray is very in touch with his feelings. That's bad-assed.

The fifth panel is one of the best things ever made

Do not try to own Beef's little victories, Ray. That is not rad.

Jesus Christ, Ray.

Ray's true colours

A comment left by fjak was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by FVVS, trialandterror, mattbeetee, aargh, mashisoyo, zpa, anticitizen, Nasir, Jhunter, berami, Crater12, Brosaurus, Deancain29, Tashara, Fathington, Tibia)


Rocky Mountain Oysters.

Are Galaxy Nachos really that good?

Yes, yes they are. They are lightly toasted and quite delicious. You ought the buy the cook book.


A comment left by achewoodno1fan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by trialandterror, Overmedicated, rowboat, anticitizen, mustafa, TTAGXAMM)

Are these the same Nachos Galacticos that made it to the Taco Bell secret menu?

Not quite.

Alt text: "www.useit.com"

Wow, I'd totally forgotten about this one. It's like a hint at a theme that just reached its glorious climax yesterday .

I guess this was before Ray's writing crown .

( Mad rutty)

You know as well as I do that he only wears that crown after he fucks somebody.

Ray cannot help himself sometimes, but is aware of what he needs to work on. He's a good man, our Ray Smuckles.

A friendship without these moments is merely an acquaintanceship.


A six hundo situation for sure.

Screw that; that Galaxie could do with a respray. And some whitewalls.

I have a soft spot for guys who apologize to inanimate objects... Sorry to ramble.

Ray thinks the diary knows about nachos recipes.

I love how Ray's signature is the same in his email as his handwriting


Yes, I'm imagining scraps of files lying around his desktop with him doodling different character combinations until he finally finds an e-version of his ink signature that's satisfying.

--RAY-- still wrong
-*Ray*- hey almost
.-Ray-. no I will have to think about this some more

He pointed right at him for emphasis. Cold. Ray is so ashamed and confused that he's apologizing to his own diary.

apologizing to your diary..

so the older achewoods.. the guys didn't open their mouths. takes a lot away from the humor.


This is true. Although Beef does look infinitely sadder when he doesn't open his mouth. Like a ventriloquist who has seen too much, too soon.

No joke, I once sang a song into a fan about Galactic Nachos. When I was ten.


this is my namesake.

If you ever needed a hint as to why these two doggs are tight; Beef has low self-esteem and (as above) Ray has low self-esteem.