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Ray's Old Videos Tuesday, February 3, 2004 • read strip Viewing 37 comments:

I am onto you Onstad. You look like you are setting up a funny porno angle, but you never come at a man straight like that. So when your joke tomorrow is not about gay porn, I will nod once, firmly, so you know I saw through your twist.

He will nod back curtly, in such a manner as a man might use, as though saying "well met, cowboy."

One of these men will be wearing a fez.

You decide.

A comment left by catachresis was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ishuta, Connellingus, nutmeg, Darthemed)

Instead of being like most millionaires and donating money to charities and such, Ray donates to snack food companies.

Ray is a little stupid with his money.

You forgot to mention that he is a cat that wears a thong and sunglasses.

Oh yeah? Well, maybe you and I should lose some weight!

heh, most every time beef has to help ray financially he puts on that shirt and black tie.

Like he's going to a funeral.

Like he is a professional accountant.

The bailout has been ratified, and I have a feeling professional accountants will be spending a lot more time at funerals.

So... we're all winners today. Except the dude in the casket. Well he still wins I guess.

A professional funeral accountant.

A sex funeral?

"Oreos" clearly has a lotta walkin around to do.

What makes me laugh is that he wrote the check not to Nabisco or some parent company, but to the cookie.

Nabisco keeps Oreo on a pretty short leash, so it was probably greatly appreciated.

Nabisco is owned by Phillip Morris is it not? I'm too lazy to do the research. I assume everything is owned by them.

Isn't this his "on the phone" jacket?

This is strip embodies why I want to be Ray pretty well. I mean I want to send random checks in support of things I like. Stella would still be on the air, that's for sure.

Panel 2.

It is all about Panel 2.

The text, yes, but also check out Beef's eyes when Ray tells him

That website in the rollover is hell of such as horrible. In all ways.

I don't understand why you're the only person that's mentioned this. She's the lady that makes the pictures of animals that geeks have printed on black t-shirts? And she has like, 16 cats. I don't understand why we were referred to that.


It's the only evidence that Dr. Manflesh and Onstad are chummy.

This one's my favourite.


The tiger is all like "Hold still, there's a dragonfly on the side of your head...I'm just...gonna get a rolled up magazine...wait a sec...and...and EAT YOUR FACE "

Oh man

That is mega nasty
That is dog shit

I hear there is a large market for this type of art amongst fans of nascar and methylamphetamine. Is this who Lisa Frank will be in the future?

holy shit... beef's eyes in panel 2

Every time Beef looks down, you can see the despair on his face. Ray's finances are that messed up, that just looking at them is painful.

I love ham

Second panel makes this a five for me.

$10,000 made out to Oreos ?

Aren't they owned by Nabisco?

Walkin' around money

Roast Beef is left handed. That is awesome, yet not surprising to me.