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Reissue - Killing is Like Basketball Thursday, December 27, 2007 • read strip Viewing 103 comments:

how long can this 5-train go for? It's #2 over here...


Good choice, Chris Onstad.

number six, carrying the torch.

also, there is nothing quite as satisfying for a basketball player as seeing that point go up on the board once he puts the other player's body in his van.

also, in the alt text: taut is not a word i feel comfortable with. i don't know why, i just don't.

Yeah. Same vibe here. Sort of like how Congress feels about ghost bikes, I'm guessin'. Don't feel mighty comfortable having Casper all ridin' willy nilly cross the street in a beat up ghost Harley. Danger to the children. Just like Taut, the linguistic equivalent of illegal ghost bikes.

PS: Whoever broke the 5 chain is a straight up douche.

I guess whoever did it gave it a lower score because it's a rerun, not because it's not 5-worthy. Not that it was me, you guys! Whoa.

Also, it's nice to see such as a director's commentary in the alt-text, hope he keeps doing that with forthcoming reruns.

It took me a while to realize that you guys were all rooting for a perfect 5 on this strip.

Maybe instead, you could all lobby to have a sixth rating put into place that was alternately a steaming erection or a sweaty, dripping vagina.

In case anyone missed a comment I made many moons ago on a far earlier rerun... I always give 1 s to reruns. Always .

That word gives me pretty serious heebies/jeebies and I'm glad to discover I'm not the only one.

In my case, I think it derives from hearing the skin on someone's wrist described as taut. Like it's unnaturally stretched as far as it will go, and if you stretch it any more it will tear open and blood will fall out, or something to that effect.

I think "taut" might be the new "moist". I will add it to the list of words that I am strangely creeped out by, for no apparent reason. See also: scuttle, pudding.

Dear diary, today spicyponyhead finally revealed to me...

I am completely creeped out by the word "seabiscuit," I'm not sure why.

number 8 represent
the 5s gotta keep up this time

I would be sinning in thought against Pete if I didn't rate this a five (number 12).

A comment left by baseballfan was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by carazuri, mysterymeat1001, ezcmac, Contrasoma, VandenBos, tekende, ButterMoths, jrpigman, pmoney187, morelaak, Dezufnocosem, Overmedicated, layzerblade, memnoch, Soy, puadxe, envika, schadenfreude87, decagon, astro_zombie, wae, sirptom, flazisismuss, kazad, grayestnova, heath, LordHumungus, songbirdspectre, Agrajag, DESTROY_YOU, solobuttons, Moraiat, Khabuem, catgrl131, thesyndicate88, joshuah, Paco, Baryonyx, Prine, juanclaudius, BlueLoggy, Phy, coldfrog, Fcannon, Tragic_Johnson, nutmeg, dzieger, kenyot, Hexjumper, UConnHusky, jlowe424, mrblank91, mendenbar, smilebuddha, retinarow, Doc_Rostov, ford, lastlarf, Panserbjorne, Ubermensch, Dallovich, Budenhagen)

wow, i don't know what deserves a lame more, the fact that you posted this, or the fact that you actually followed through.

thanks for being a dick, dick.

P.S.: dick.

Threats: lame
Calling people a dick: chubby
all clear? aaand break!

yep. he's a dick.

I set my lame comment skipping count at 25 because I thought that none would ever reach such a fantastic threshold. Congratulations, my friend. You have just forced me to set my standards higher.

Or lower, as it were.

Anyone who uses the phrase "as it were" correctly automatically get a chubby from me.

Is there a common incorrect usage of the phrase?

No, it's just that no one ever uses it withing earshot of me, and I use it all the time.

I've never heard of one, as it were.

Should there be a new word meaning the act of trolling for lames? If there isn't one now I wonder what we should use for this unfilled etymological niche.


I've seen worse.

at 93 lames, this is the record, and deservedly so .

What comic was he making that comment on?

this one . i knew the question would arise

Well, it's at 101 now... my lameit (IT'S A PUN) was set to 99... I never thought I'd see it broken.

Also, this strip is the raddest. Forever.

what's worse is that four people so far have actually chubbied this guy. says a lot, doesn't it?

i don't know, that made me laugh.

not that i'm going to chubby it tho. on principle.

Assetbar does not negotiate with terrorists.

coerced into chubbies?
not a chance in frozen hell, ass wad.

New game: let's see how many lames this dude can get

I'm down for that. Aaand... LAMED.

I am there
baseballfan is there
It's just the 13 of us
I give baseballfan a lame
And I am the winner

No status, no class indeed.

The worst part about this to me is the way her assholery impugns all baseball fans.

Of course, I also think the blackmail part is pretty bad too. It's just that for me, baseball is sacred and holy and shouldn't be associated with such reprehensible behavior.

A comment left by paco was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Lonis, earendil, mattylite, biff)

I lamed this guy, but i almost want to go through and make this exact post on every strip, see if i can get more lames than anyone else.

There should be leaderboards.

After reading this strip, I knew I would always be in love with Achewood. I also knew what it's like to kill someone.

After reading this strip, I finally knew how to play basketball.

That is some taut prose. Tauter than a pressed Hemingway sandwich.

whew. that's taut.

and again, i'm not too sure i'm okay with that....

Tauter than Alice Walker's color purple.

The strip that really sold me on Achewood. It was the zoom in from the 5th to the 7th panel and the cut off shot of the van and I just thought "genius".

Why do Nice Pete's eyes look like two black holes from which there is no escape from in the second panel?

Also, I expected his score to be a little higher then one.

Curse the lack of edit features.

Well, that seems like the most apt description of Nice Pete's eyes ever.

The game ends at one. Come on.

Nice Pete wears a tube socks and a tank top during a murder and nothing else.

According to the shot clock, it only takes Nice Pete twenty seconds to commit a murder. Now that's skill.

Murdering the other player is the only known way to get exactly one point in basketball.

What if you just score on a penalty shot? :<

Killing comes so easily to Nice Pete, it is basically a free throw.

i suppose murder is probably the ultimate penalty.

I thought it was a four-point play.

Plus a simultaneous flagrant foul.

"Before they used a shot clock in basketball, Illinois's Georgetown high demonstrated why the game needed one. After scoring a free throw early in the first half, the Georgetown team stole the ball from their Homer High opponents, then stalled for the rest of the game. Unable to break the freeze the Homer players eventually sat down on the court, while the referee read the newspaper. When time ran out, Georgetown celebrated their 1-0 victory--a typical score for a soccer game but the lowest score in the history of basketball." -The Big Book of DUH!

Chubby for the research. Why didn't Homer High just foul whoever had the ball? Alternatively, they could have just killed the opposing side.

would that not have given them a score higher than one?

No. Free throws are only worth one point.

then they would be the winners.

I would have killed the no-account REF.

I don't even like sports, but this amuses me to no end.

I know Nice Pete is a cat, but this reissue makes his pantslessness much more pronounced.

I still find reissues in a well-archived webcomic to be a strange premise at best, but this -is- a lovely strip.

I love how Nice Pete is the visiting team to someone he is murdering.

What's rough is that it was his opponent's homecoming game. To ensure an easy win in front of the home crowd, they invited what they thought was an opponent of low mind. Little did they know.

I don't get this reissue shit. why can't he slap something together that explains what happens to sprinkles the dog, or is presented by Roomba!?

Sprinkles? Surely you mean Scrambles. He hasn't been around because he's lost.

well I need some closure, okay?

Scrambles? Oh, we didn't have the heart to tell you this, but he got rabies and AIDS from eating a dirty squirrel. He died thirsty. It was the saddest thing.

Because he is not a monkey dressed up in a tuxedo here to dance for your entertainment.

Well, I mean, I guess he is . . . but monkeys have families and need breaks as well. Don't be selfish.

So, um, what happens when the shot clock runs out?

Naked again...


I want a reissue of Mickey Mouse Pancake. Or was it an omelette?

It was a crêpe au cauchemar .

chubbied for alliteration in a foreign language.

I... I gotta come clean on this.

I'm French-Canadian. To me, it's no foreign language at all. Plus the alliteration was wholly accidental.

Man, that's a load off!

This has always been one of my favorites, but I think when it comes to Nice Pete, I like the "killin' is a special thing" comic better.

I've always liked this one, but I've never been entirely sure as to why Nice Pete is not wearing pants.

That's always bothered me, too. Does he only kill pantslessly? WHAT IS THE AUTHOR IMPLYING?

I think it's because he's a cat.

Oh, silly me.

well, yes, but Nice Pete seems to be the sort of cat that is panted most of the time.

Something happens between panel 7 and 8. This thing is best left unsaid.

There's actually something vaguely deep about this one. Pete doesn't at all detail the step where he actually kills the other player, just the moments beforehand and the point where he's putting their body in his van. Does he just choose not to remember the part where he COMMITS the murder?

Also, does his hair always look like that from behind? I need to re-read Mr. Band, see if that shows it. It almost looks like Onstad wanted to give him some kickin' 70's basketball hair, but it's close enough that it may look like that anyway.

Haha. I love the last two panels.


See the alt text here . Tube socks and a tank top, dude.

I showed this one to a friend. He died laughing two weeks later...

nice pete is not wearing shorts.

this strip deserves a 5 just because of nice pete's great ass

Yeah, before you die, you see . . . Nice Pete.

This is one of my favorites as well. My friends think I'm disturbed. I'm not saying they're wrong, but seriously, this is funny.

Nice Pete's blog, incidentally, is one of Satan's less contestable works.

The alt text could also be used to describe Nice Pete's bottom.

I like it when the strips are open-ended like this one. Makes you think