If you appreciate Achewood, please support Chris Onstad (shop; gallery art.)
Bad porn. Wednesday, April 11, 2007 • read strip Viewing 45 comments:

A comment left by mattfish was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by joeyramoney, TwoRightFeet, Lokiamis, morbo)

Sounds like an Of Montreal song. Not enough alliteration though.



vergiss mir.

Oh boy, I was already laughing hard enough at that panel but you made me snort

I think Onstad was planning for somebody to post this, it was all part of the grand scheme.


Broken Pixels much?

The first time I saw this comment, I thought it was amusing, but didn't necessarily deserve its 154 chubbies. The whole next day, the word "GAYTALITY" kept repeating itself in my head, and every time I cracked up.

Sir, you deserved this chubby.

Yes, this truly made me chortle. And every time I have re-read this strip, and I come across this comment, I always have a laughing relapse. And I have perused the achewood archives several times.

What happened to this storyline.

A comment left by retardo was marked as spam and excluded. retardo: What a douche. (reported by BlueWindow, mistlethrush, davidadam)

This one made me laugh until I had tears in my eyes.

I'm still trying to stop.
I'm in the bloo a bloooo bloooo stage of laughter.

A comment left by saint was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ButterMoths, riotdejaneiro, craigola, bug, Zem, gkiyo)

we better delete that one with all the lens flares pronto T yes i know you got the opacity just right dogg but you know its got to be done

The amazing thing is that Onstad just photoshopped the previous strip into this one, just like Beef and T.

"Photoshop says otherwise!"

They got no chops on this device (computer)

they got no chops on this device (making Gay porn)

The last three panels get this one much praise from me.

I praise them all. My favourite however, is YOU WIN.

lollollol... I am still trying to figure out what they were trying to do in frame three!

Oh man, how the hell did I miss this strip the first time around? Everything makes more sense now, knowing that there is no longer an Achewood strip I haven't seen, and that it includes a naked dude pyramid.

Theodore has a nice editing set up there.

This is rated waaaay too low. This is the strip that made me laugh the most of any one.
Especially being a Yale man myself...
I wonder what the "family business" is?

Indeed! I've never laughed so uproariously at a web comic. This comic sold me on Achewood.

Family business? Likely something to do with that long tongue...industrial scale stamp-lickers?

I'm not sure Teodor will be doing this editing job for long... https://achewood.com/index.php?date=10162002

panel 7 gets this one a 5 for me

How come they aren't using the "There is no false power in the universe" pose?

This, to me, remains easily one of the funniest Achewoods ever. It's like Beef and Teodor are just subconsciously incapable of taking it seriously.

This is pretty much what happened when I was trained to use Avid.

Today's Blogs

Onstad: The San Francisco Giants Season Opener.

"I'm going to drop a V-bomb and your business will go up in an eco-friendly, smokeless pyre fueled by organically ruined dreams."

Holy God. This isn't the most subtle or literary comedy Achewood's ever had, but the sheer, devastating hilarity of every panel starting with the third made me laugh more than any other strip so far.

You're an angel, Onstad. And this comic is a beautiful gift.

In panel 2, Téodor expresses a general dismay that is the sentiment of so many projects that were great on the drawing board, but somehow never seem to pan out in practice.

This one can make me laugh until tears are in my eyes. "We don't have any idea what we're doing, and I don't think it would matter if we did" is priceless in and of itself.

This is probably my favorite strip of all time.

Seconded. Almost every single panel of this can make me literally laugh out loud, plus the alt text.

I was reading it in class the first time, and was trying to stifle a chuckle. I showed it to a friend and he laughed too.

The eighth panel touches something primal in my heart. I have to believe that anyone who considers themselves a gamer feels the same way.

they got no chops on that device

This arc is what it feels like to do a project for school at the last minute, and you've obviously failed and just need to accept the F.



Did you beat Super Luigi 128's account into submission?

Onstad needs to warn people about the dangers of eating and drinking while reading Achewood. With that being said, inhaling a mouthful of tea is very good for clearing the nasal passages.