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Nervous-Puke Friday, October 22, 2004 • read strip Viewing 32 comments:

A comment left by overmedicated was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by rowboat, HeyMan, Siah, Darthemed)

I don't, but when I'm nervous (like on a first date) my stomach makes lots of weird noises. It's embarrasing, and only compounds the problem.

Me TOO! I used to date a girl in high school who I had to sneak around with because her dad didn't wan't her dating. I recall more than one occasion in which I had to hide behind a tree so he didn't catch me with her, and my stomach was making these grumbling sounds. The fear that he would find me was intense .

What's worse is that John Prine would appear with a folksy song filled with real country wisdom

impossible to get that man to recognize danger

Man I am so sorry to hear that. :(

If only that girl's father could see you now - posting comments about a comic strip involving a cat in a thong and sporting a nifty animated Mario Bros avatar - maybe he would've approved.

Chubby for the story!

Holy shit I know exactly what you're talking about. It really bugs the hell out of me, and puts a damper on cuddling.

What Ray didn't mention is that he usually just listens to Billy Joel and the theme tune from Hangin' With Mr. Cooper

Hangin with Mr Cooper - too funny a reference. Why oh why is that programme not on anymore?

There are almost thirty excellent reasons, and over sixty good ones.

Figures Ray would be a crazy audiophile.

Probably wants the speakers to go with his gyroscopic self-levelling pool table.

What could Ray possibly have gotten that would have required such a huge shopping bag with the Rolex logo on it? Did he get like six watches or something?

Maybe one big watch, presumably with a chain for wearing it around his neck like that fellow in that musical group.

He has a blinking tooth!

Not to undermine this nice little thread, but tellumo, the bag is from Crown Hat Booksellers. That's where they are. But please, don't mind me.

Aha! Great catch!

I feel that Ray would own audiophile equipment, but not be an expert. He'd also be surprised to find the audiophile equipment were he to stumble upon the forgotten audiophile equipment room in the Smuckles Mansion.

Tube headphones. Am I missing something, or would those be incredible?

hmm but I don't think the headphones would have to amplify anything... a tube power amp should provide the high-end warmth he's looking for.

They'd get awfully warm against your ears.
I'm assuming it means a tube-based headphone amplifier, but in that case, it seems like they should be listed as separate components.

rumbly gut nervousness

You have to appreciate that Ray knows the wide array of emotions that are expressed by Roast Beef's puke. That is true fiendship, right there.

Like reading bird entrails. Beware the Ides of Miss March foldout!

The barf-spit makes this one special for me.

sorry to hear that...

A comment left by tasteful was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Mangtastic, FoB, redheron)

Audiophiles and their friggin' multi-thousand-dollar sound systems that don't make no difference whatsoever to the sound except that way that it reverberates in that empty bank account you used to have cash in.

This was me in college, only mine was so bad I couldn't even talk to a pretty girl, cause if I thought she began to show even the slightest bit of interest in me, I'd all be having the nervous-puke.

Luckily, I have since moved on to the simple nervous farts.


Me TOO! I used to date a lsat exam girl in high school who I had to sneak around with because her dad didn't wan't her dating. I recall more than one occasion in which I had to hide behind a tree so he didn't catch me with her, and my stomach was making these grumbling sounds. The fear that he mcat exam would find me was intense.

I also feel that Ray would own mft exam audiophile equipment, but not be an expert. He'd also be surprised to find the audiophile equipment were he to stumble upon the forgotten audiophile equipment room in the naplex exam Smuckles Mansion.

testking 642-515
testking 642-524
testking 642-533
testking 642-566