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Performance/Pay Inequalities Tuesday, July 3, 2007 • read strip Viewing 100 comments:

A comment left by thedudeabides85 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mysterymeat1001, kenthegod, decanter, RedGuy)

A comment left by thespook was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by twntysevn27, blastradius, nutmeg, VictoriaW)

Man, I loves me a John Cage joke with the morning coffee (DISCLOSURE: I was once a school teacher.)

I feel bad that, when I played viola, I never gave John Cage a chance.

I guess that's a cue for viola jokes now, huh?

Umm....I bet you...ummm....errr...

I bet you loved it straight up the viola !

I got nothing.


Why the hell does MIT have a site on this?

My God.
"What's the difference between a violin and a viola?
1. The viola burns longer.
2. The viola holds more beer.
3. You can tune the violin."

It just goes on. It's like 'band camp' jokes but with levels of bitterness unseen outside of contact sports where you keep getting decked because your teammates are playing Magic: The Gathering. (Rugby in my case)

I guess you feel pretty stupid if someone in your orchestra sounds like they're murthering a cat, but to hear MIT talk you'd think the viola player is like a Big Brother contestant sent along on the Space Shuttle for reasons of 'diversity'.

Bach played the viola. Shostakovich's last piece, I believe, was the viola sonata. The Pope once banned playing the viola because its mellow tones encouraged romance and fuckin'.

You know, I'm like four or five years out, but I still got my pride. Pride in shit that isn't even mine anymore. Pride is a weird animal and I don't know how it's gonna act.

A chubby for the bit about the Pope. Plus, I like violas,

i'd chubby the pope too. wait...

My chubby was because i like romance and fuckin'.

most chubbies are due to this.

i was always fond of the trampoline one...

see: nerd rage/obsessiveness/humor. see also: MIT is full of nerds.

MIT has a site on everything , I shit you not. Complete works of Shakespeare and all.

Plus, y'know, who else has the skills to freelance SEO that shit?

MIT is the kind of school that people who dislike other peoples choice of musical instrument would go to.

God I hated viola jokes in high school.

A chubby just for

Was sind die drei Lagen auf der Bratsche?
Erste Lage, Notlage, und Niederlage.
(What are the three positions of the viola?
First position, emergency, and defeat.)

My fav was always:
How do you know if a stage is level?
The viola player drools out of both sides of their mouth.

i chubbied, as i am not only a school teacher, but a school MUSIC teacher.



Dogg I'm an art student so at a show my class performed John Cage's 4'33.

The audience loved it.

A comment left by heccibiggs was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by mordent, Carlyle, Vondicus, twoheadedboy)

is music like staring at an unpainted concrete wall is makin' sweet, sweet love.

My concrete bunker now comes in PAINT!

What website is Ray using.

Don't know what website he's using, but it shouldn't be hard to find... let's google it up on Yahoo. Just a simple search for "pictures of butt" and "public schoolteacher"...and click the button and...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Nah, it's gotta be some high-class statistics site with a simple font. Probably a .edu, something an MIT kid did as a college dare.

A comment left by elvaquero was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by kylank, katal, ubersplat, Dhinson)

The Stanford kids are the tennis players, dude.

google it up on yahoo. nice.

How diligent of you to continue documenting this procedure step-by-step, even when it went horribly wrong.

A comment left by andrew_ was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by nbgreene, Zefiel, tttt2, Marcus_Brody, PoodleLucy)

That's not a webcam, it's a microphone. They're making an mp3, presumably for sale on iTunes.

...god damnit.

So it was the 4'33 of Teodors ass?

A comment left by solobuttons was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ppccd, DukieShane, kylank, Dhinson)

You'll have to pay mad royalties .

Oh man you all should read that article just to read the quotes. They're so fucking British it hurts.

"This has been, albeit a gentlemanly dispute, a most serious matter and I am pleased that Cage's publishers have finally been persuaded that their case was, to say the least, optimistic."

That's halfway to goddamn Dickens right there.

A comment left by mczapp was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by stormypinkness, silver_lake, kylank, Moraiat, muffmacguff, equinn2006, loneal, Sargasm, suprememongoose, barrybass, nutmeg, Mastronaut, natjo1986)

A comment left by nabeel84 was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, Dezufnocosem, jdhenry105)

He's a whale biologist.

A comment left by ging was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Overmedicated, DukieShane, Jesus, werthog42)

More than a public schoolteacher, eh?

I will not put pictures of my butt on the internet.

OK, now write that 299 more times on the chalkboard and then you can go home...

While I am happy for T's success, I'm very disappointed in his use of a bluetooth headset

A comment left by mortshire was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by straw, katsura, Sargasm, Prine, aperson)

A comment left by philosophe was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by kylemcjuicy, equinn2006, augeno13, SenseiHollywood, Mastronaut)

check teodor's head in the last panel.

What's wrong with bluetooth headsets?

They make you look like a self important, pretentious a-hole.

I always just thought they made you look like a cyborg.

Resistance is futile.

I can see it now: Teodor's Butt's Weekly Podcast. Not sure it needs to be a video podcast though.

What magazine do you suspect T is reading?

Completely Ruined Junk #28

I wonder, if I put just one picture of my butt on the Internet, could I afford to rent an apartment on my own? That would be awesome.

Send me the picture and I'll value it.

I mean, I'll carry out a valuation .

Everything said in this strip is true, but for chicks, not dudes.

A comment left by aperson was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by DukieShane, solobuttons, Buster)

This somehow seems very pre dot-boom internet talk

Phase 3: profit!

Beef would have been all about getting up a Youtube of T's ass! They're missing out on the big money!

Man there ain't no money in YouTube.

Unless someone recognises Teodor's "talent".

I'm teaching kids at a science camp this summer. They were supposed to be doing research on the internet for a poster on Nonrenewable Resources. One group said that they wanted to do theirs on natural gas, and had chosen the slogan "Don't Pass Gas." As they were 4-5th grade boys, and this was the most focussed they'd been thusfar, I let them go with it and went to check on the other groups.

When I got back to them, they'd managed to find a picture of a lady who was wearing only her underwear and prominently displaying her butt, with enticements to see more.

My salary is $7.50/hour.

(But it's awesome)

that is one of the most amazing things ever.

final fantasy amv's are all edited to teodors butt, now

AMVs suck hard, and not even Teodor's butt can change that.

For me, the fact that Mr. Onstad felt the need to caption the fourth frame with "SOON." is the funniest thing here... and the Cage reference was nice.

Teodor knows the score.

Teodor has a fun little bum!

How much stuffed bear nudity will that boy Teador give us?

Best one in a while! This is classic yonder-day style Achewood tomfoolery.

i guess chris isn't really a gear head. porsche's, esp. 911's, tend to hold their value better than BMW's . . .

How long will T's wealth last?

About an hour. The pay rates in Ray's stats are annualizations of hourly rates. If Teodor made $5 per click for showing his butt to a microphone for 60 seconds, his payrate was $300 per hour, or $600,000 per year. But he only made $5 per click, really.

There are lies, damn lies, and statistics, and then there's believing what Ray says.

Next week: Teodor flees bankruptcy court (probably naked), goes on the lam with Pat and Nice Pete, and eviscerates Ray in graphic design.

Molly's Mixtube, posted one day after this strip.

Molly has seen 300 years of human culture and she has decided that the 80s had the best music.

I refuse to believe that of Molly!

Well she has two recent blog entries full of songs she likes, and maybe 5 of the songs aren't from the 80s. The rest are, I'm sorry to have to tell you this.

The last panel makes it.

Is anyone else feeling weird about that video Twilight? Somehow the couple dancing in it feel very... Roast Beef and Molly-ish...

I imagine that Roast Beef and Molly look like that in real life - the guy has that scruffy, skinny look that you'd peg Roast Beef as having, and the scraggy beard finally nails it.

It's amazing how deep her insight into Roast Beef is - she's focused on all of the hardship that he's gone through only to come out as a stronger person. She doesn't see him as a victim, or his acting out at fancy restaurants as the actions of a child; it's Beef waving the banner of the underdog in the only way he knows how.

Damn, but Onstad has wicked sack.

Now, if I could just get that beautiful song into my head and Mary Chapin Carpenter's gruesome mooing of _her_ song about twilight out, then I'd be a happy man.

A comment left by plezure was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by featurelessvoid, nilehus, dr_sexlove)

The idea that a porsche depreciates faster than a BMW is absolutely false and ridiculous.

So when do the blogs get imported into Acheworld, so we can comment on the song lists and the perfectness of Molly's blog of 02 July 2007?

nothing can top her july 4th blog. it shocks me how well the character blogs are written. what beautiful stuff.

Bloody soon, I hope.

Here's a thought:

Molly Roast Beef's song is "Twilight".

Lyle's song is obviously "Ace of Spades", by Motorhead.

Ray, I think "Sharp Dressed Man", by ZZ Top.

Other song picks to represent characters?

Phillipe's song is "Frère Jacques"

For some reason I see Cornelius diggin' "the entertainer"

...And in keeping with the ELO theme, the pre-Molly Beef has just got to be Ticket To The Moon.

Goddamit- just actually found the blog and realized I had jumped to the wrong conclusion on which Twilight were referring to here.

Pat- anything by Steely Dan
Todd- Communication Breakdown by Led Zeppelin
Roast Beef- Hurt by Trent Reznor, as performed by Johnny Cash
Teodore- Dedicated Follower of Fashion by The Kinks
Cornelius- I concur. The Entertainer, Scott Joplin.
Ray- Sharp Dressed Man, by ZZ Top
Nice Pete- Arials, by System of A Down
LieBot- Hell, why not. Ending song from Portal, by GlaDOS. Lies are lies, and the cake is one of them.
Vlad- Atmospheric music from the Perestroika Club in GTA IV, particularly the music that accompanies the magician's act (with his wife, the lady that shoots him in the head eventually. Awesome game.)
Philippe- Happy Times Are Here Again, by Buck Owens. Just BARELY edges out Frere Jacques, that was a great call but I think this is better (marginally).

If only.

How does one take an mp3 of one's butt? O.o

Very gently.

On all of the alt-text, Teodore's name shows up as "Tacodore", by way of slightly funky symbols, such as the "Corporation C" symbol. Really though, kudos to him are due for his choice in the BMW over the Porsche. Not only will it hold value better, it will be just as fast and much more practical (you ever sit in the back seat of a 911? They don't have them).