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Cookbooks by Celebrity Wives Tuesday, October 19, 2004 • read strip Viewing 85 comments:

If you don't sizzle the meat, your guests will think you a bad host.

A comment left by pogo was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ted0phile, kenthegod, LordPretzel, gorrioncita)


How can you get any PUDDING if you don't fivvle the meat?

if you don't beat your meat, you can't have any pudding...

I challenge you to listen to this song and not hear these words now

The amount of sizzle is equal to the amount of deliciousness.

A comment left by geysershitdick was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by pityparty, NDCaesar, TheGreatestCape, achilleselbow, danielaroo, aperson)

It's a long s (%u017F).

that did not go well.

did you not realize the beautiful irony of what you have done?

It's basically an anglicised eszett . (It does make a sibilance, and I don't trust Assetbar with this sort of thing)

After reading the article I think you are mistaken. es-zett is a long s combined with a z, hence the name. A long S is just that, a Long S .

I'm sorry about this.

You're right: i didn't know that "long S" had its won character.

Its character is a sneaky one, though, sneaking in before H where it has no business being . Unless it's in IPA, in which case it goes 'sh' (Quoth the article, "voiceless postalveolar fricative")

Sibilants. like...Spinal Tap?

... Wouldn't that be a Greek letter Beta?


A comment left by achilleselbow was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by ted0phile, johnnybaverage, daidai, goocifer, antecen, fancypants, wishlish, Njury, ravindra108, holly_golightly, Panserbjorne, I_Love_Kate, Captain_Arlo)

Lamed for lack of ability to comprehend irony.

Man I was a dick back then.

back then?

a burn nine months in the making

A comment left by patkun was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by joeyramoney, kylank, ohmygooses)

Three years later I can still quote the sixth panel verbatim. Is SO good.

Does that help any when cooking

I was worried about the sizzle, but it muft.

A comment left by epicurus was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by Pseudochron, fosters, Nasir, ravindra108)

You know I think I'd actually buy the cookbook written by Lisa Popeil. I can't offer any rational explanation for this.

lisa popeil is actually pretty cool. She used to tour with the zappa band in the eighties and she was a superb vocalist.

The title of her book, "but wait, there's more!" is pretty dang clever, actually.

I had to Google "Popeil" but now I get it.

A comment left by theloneliestmonkey was marked lame too many times and excluded. (marked lame by johnnybaverage, Thorfinn, Sargasm, michellemarie, jmmfgd)

I think it's one of the pieces of Onstad's real life that leaks into the strip. "Write what you know."

In the biblical sense?

I don't get it.

Jamie Lee Curtis is married to Christopher Guest.

I want to admit that I didn't get Cooking for Guests at first. But I also want to say that it occured to me just before it was actually spelled out here, and I think that's important. To me.

being a fan of both of these people i find it shocking that i only find out about their wedded bliss while reading the comment section of an internet comic about cats

what have i dooooone

Oh My God Your Avatar

oh this old thing i just grabbed it out of the closet ***giigles***

i think you changed it since then and now my comment doesn't make any sense!

i think you changed it since then and now my comment doesn't make any sense!

well look who it is

if it isn't the one who calls himself "Zem"

the guy with the angry beatnik avatar who had an Opinion about my old avatar of the bird smoking and saying 'Internet'

how are you doing?
has the evening found you well?

can you post that image again?? i want to remember what i was talking about

buckle up because the driver of the mission is a pro
The Ruler's Back

off we go, let the trumpets blow

I chubbied the exchange either way. The pink duck is a pretty fabulous avatar, so it didn't seem out of line.

now it's Baraka and it makes sense again

...I thought it was a porygon

It is.

Why do I still know all the names of those infernal creatures!?

my sentiments exactly

This sort of comment pretty well sums up the internet age.

By design, I think. It strikes me as a satirical poke at this sort of celebrity publishing. cf. Teodor's vanity record collection.

The best jokes are the ones you don't realise are jokes for approximately 30 seconds

The classic "f"-looking "s" absolutely made this comic.

The Bill of Rights always gets me, all looking like it says "Congrefs" at the top.

Sizzle the Meat, it must sizzle. It must!

I wouldn't really call Jamie Lee Curtis a celebrity wife. I think she's more famous than her husband.

She is a celebrity, and she is a wife.
I say she has more claim to the title than the rest of the motley lot, what do you say to that?

I say "Chubby."

Marth Washington would not have used a long s in her name. It is poor grammar.

is this true

i've always been curious about the long s's

In the very strange event that she was writing her name in the International Phonetic Alphabet she would have used that character. She wouldn't have used an "h" though. Also some other differences.

You know, Mrs. Washington's steak recipe is basically all you really need anyway. She knows steak so well she even trimmed the unnecessary fat from the recipe.

It must sizzle.

I square love this strip.

You mean you love it squarely.

Martha Washington was the 'Mommie Dearest' of Colonial-era cookbook authors.

Speaking of old timey cookbooks, check [url="https://web.archive.org/web/20060909044306/https://staff-www.uni-marburg.de/~gloning/bookecok.htm"]this one[/url] out! It's from the 16th century. I keep meaning to make things from it but it's actually pretty hard to find one recipe that has a fully comprehensible and purchasable list of ingredients.

No kidding. Old recipes are basically impossible.

That explains why there was so much gout then, and also why alot of species are extinct now.

Capons stewed, or in whyte broath.
A pestle of veneson upon a browes.
A chyne of beyfe and a breste of mutton

Oh man, long s's are where it's at. This just made all sorts of my day.

Monday Blogs

Philippe: Boston!

Today's Blogs

Pat: Fantasies are Ridiculous.
Teodor: Brew Company Update
Lyle: FTP
Onstad: Boston, this one's for you
Little Nephew: Where I been, y'all?

When your husband has wooden teeth, I don't suppose your recipes need to be very complex.

... we just yearn for an apple.

Bit O' Knowledge : George had to proofread all of Martha's letters, as she was a terrible speller. (She spelled 'cat' with two t s).

To be fair, most people back then couldn't read, let alone spell very well.

5 for having a Popeil cookbook.

I don't know about steak, but according to Uncle John's Bathroom Reader, Martha made a good whiskey cake.

And according to Uncle John's Bathroom Reader, she had a killer recipe for rum punch: 3 oz. white rum, 3 oz. dark rum, 3 oz. curacao, 4. oz. simple syrup, 4 oz. lemon juice, 4 oz. fresh orange juice, 3 lemons (quartered), 1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg, 3 cinnamon sticks (broken), 6 cloves, and 12 oz. boiling water. Yum.


Science has made a startling discovery:

Martha Washington was HOT.

why is shigeru miyamoto telling me this?

He really felt you ought to know.

i spent more time looking at the links that people posted than i did the comic, or even the comments themselves. you guys are the shit.